障害学国際セミナー 2024
2024 East Asia Disability Studies Forum in Taiwan
25 and 26 October 2024
last update: 20241217
1. Forum Overview
◦ Theme: CRPD after and beyond
◦ Subtitle: Interpretation, Implementation, and Implication of the Convention
◦ Topics by session
Session 1: Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace
Session 2: Deinstitutionalization
Session 3: Supported Decision-Making
Session 4: Possibilities and Limitations of the CRPD
◦ Date : 2024, 25-26, October
◦ Location : Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Conference Center, Conference Room 601 (6th Floor, No. 11, Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)
◦ Organizers :
The league For Persons With Disabilities, R.O.C (TAIWAN)
National Human Rights Commission, Taiwan
Taiwan Society for Disability Studies
Department of Sociology, Soochow University
◦ Co-organizers :
Human Rights Program and Chang Fo-chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights, Soochow University
Eden Social Welfare Foundation
Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation
2. Schedule
Day 1 : 10/25 (Fri)
Opening Remarks
Keynote Speech A
Reasonable accommodation for new employees with disability – ways to elicit and
respond to personal needs and preferences
- Speaker: Karen Fisher (Professor, Social Policy research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia )
- Moderator: Prof. Yi-Chun Chou (President of Taiwan Society of Disability Studies)
□Tea Break & Poster Presentation
Session 1: Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace
- Moderator:Dongsuk Lee (Professor, Department of Social Welfare Daegu University)
- Presenters:
• Taiwan
Bo-Yen Chen (Master's student at Soochow University's Institute of Sociology)
The necessity and restrictions of reasonable accommodation and legalization in the workplace of the disability in Taiwan : the views of hearing-impaired employees and employers
• Japan
Osamu KURIKAWA (Ph.D Candidate, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
The movement of teachers with disabilities to guarantee the “right to work" and issues of reasonable accommodation in Japan
• Korea
HyungSik Jin (Korean Federation Centers for Independent Living of Persons with
Challenges in providing reasonable accommodations for disabled workers: Is it an issue of
facility availability or organizational awareness?
• China
Peng Dieng (School of Law, Hubei University of Economics)
Reasonable Accommodation at Workplace through a Perspective of Business and Human Rights,
- Discussant: Jia-He Lin (Associate Professor, College of Law, National Cheng chi University)
□Lunch & Poster Presentation
Session 2:Deinstitutionalization
- Moderator: Kasumi ITO (Eminent Associate Professor, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
- Presenters:
• Taiwan
I-Chun Geoff LI (Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling, NCUE)
Reflection on the Alternative Refuges in Taiwan:Historical Context, Controversies, and Governance Challenges
• Japan
Motoyuki GOTO (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Vice-director, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
The difficulty of psychiatric deinstitutionalization in Japan history, care responsibility, social welfare
• Korea
Yeon-ok Jeong (Gwangju Independent Living Center for the Disabled / Center Director)
Progress, Policies and Future Prospects of Deinstitutionalization in Korea
• China
Yan-Xing Han (Free lancer, initiator of the Disabled Volunteer Network)
How can social organizations promote the improvement of public policies?—A Case Study on the Advocacy of the "Zero Refusal" Policy for Autistic Children Attending Regular Classes in Z City
- Discussant: Yi-Hui Wang (Deputy Executive Director, Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation)
□Tea Break
Session 3: Supported Decision-Making
- Moderator: Heekyong Chong (Professor, Department of Social Welfare, GwangjuUniversity)
- Presenters:
• Taiwan
Yueh-Ching Chou (Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan), Sangeun Cho (Associate Professor, Hankyong National University, Republic of Korea) & Toshi Uwano (Research fellow, RCAST, University of Tokyo)
Personal assistance in three East Asian countries : Policy choices and the experiences of disabled people
• Japan
Izumi OTANI (Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Director, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
Supported decision-making and accessibility : on Euthanasia / Death with Dignity
• Korea
Kangwon Kim (Public Interest & Human Rights Center / DLG Law Corp.)
Current situations and challenges of Supported Decision Making in Korea
• China
Lian Yu (Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong University)
Suspension, Integration to Mutually Promoting : Exploring the Future of Accessibility Enhancement by Taking Healthcare Accessibility as an Example
- Discussant:Sieh-Chuen Huang (Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University)
□Tea Break & Poster Presentation
Keynote Speech B
Reconstructing an inclusive imagined community: reflections on UNCRPD implementation in Taiwan
- Speaker: Heng-Hao Chang(Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Taipei University)
- Moderator: Hsin-Ping Hung(Secretary-General of League for persons with Disability, RTaiwan)
Day2 : 10/26 (Sat)
Keynote Speech C
- Speaker: Rosemary Kayess (Australian National Human Rights Commission)
- Moderator: Rong-Zhang Wang/ (Taiwan National Human Rights Commission)
□Tea Break & Poster Presentation
Session 4: Possibilities and Limitations of the CRPD
- Moderator:Prof. Osamu NAGASE (senior researcher, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
- Presenters:
• Taiwan
Yang-Yi Zheng (Assistant Professor, General Education Center, National Central University)
How to Implement CRPD in Lifelong Education : An Example of the Evaluation System of Community Colleges in Taiwan
• Japan
Satoshi KAWASHIMA (Professor, The Open University of Japan)
An analysis of the CRPD in terms of models of disability
• Korea
Han-jin Jo (Department of Disability Studies, Graduate School, Daegu University)
The possibilities and limitations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
• China
Shu-Kun Zhao (Professor, Human Rights Institute, Southwest University of Political
Science and Law)
Understanding Disability Rights via the Intersectionality of Human Identities
- Discussant:Nai-Yi, Sun (Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University)
Discussion and Closing
- Moderator:
Hsin-Ping Hung (Secretary-General of League for persons with Disability, Taiwan)
Prof. Yi-Chun Chou (President of Taiwan Society of Disability Studies)
□Private Session for Organization of EADSF 2025
3. 張万洪先生追悼文 Tributes to Prof. Zhang Wanhong
3. Theme sessions(※日本からの参加者のみ掲載)
- GOTO Motoyuki (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Vice-director, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
“The difficulty of psychiatric deinstitutionalization in Japan history, care responsibility, social welfare” [PPT]
- KAWASHIMA Satoshi (Professor, The Open University of Japan)
“An analysis of the CRPD in terms of models of disability” [PPT]
- KURIKAWA Osamu (Ph.D Candidate, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
“The movement of teachers with disabilities to guarantee the “right to work" and issues of reasonable accommodation in Japan” [PPT]
- OTANI Izumi (Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Director, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
“Supported decision-making and accessibility : on Euthanasia / Death with Dignity” [PPT]
4. Poster session(※日本からの参加者のみ掲載)
- 馬場 靖人 2024/10/25-26 「言語的コミュニケーションの問題としての『色盲』」
BABA Yasuhito 2024/10/25-26 “Reconsidering “Color Blindness” as a Linguistic Communication Issue”
- 千葉 優子 2024/10/25-26 「地域的文脈における障害者の人権保護の枠組み:北アイルランドの事例」
CHIBA Yuko 2024/10/25-26 “Disability Rights Legislation Shaped in a Regional Context: The Case of Northern Ireland”
- 長谷川 唯・桐原 尚之 2024/10/25-26 「自己決定による安楽死と障害者権利条約」
HASEGAWA Yui and KIRIHARA Naoyuki 2024/10/25-26 “Euthanasia by Self-Determination and the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” [PDF]
- 長谷川 唯・ユ ジンギョン・増田 英明 2024/10/25-26 「裁判所における合理的配慮の実態」
HASEGAWA Yui, YOO Jin-kyung, and MASUDA Hideaki 2024/10/25-26 “The Reality of Reasonable
Accommodation in the Courts” [PDF]
- 堀 智久 2024/10/25-26 「『分けること』のもつ意味――英日のインクルーシブ教育の比較」
HORI Tomohisa 2024/10/25-26 “Why Do the Japanese Hate to Separate?: A Comparative Study of
Inclusive Education in Japan and the UK” [PDF]
- 伊東香純 2024/10/25-26 「障害者運動における精神障害者の運動」
ITO Kasumi 2024/10/25-26 “Movements of People with Psychosocial Disabilities in the Disability Rights
Movements” [PDF]
- 岩田 京子・川端 美季 2024/10/25-26 「『障害者の足を奪い返す会』の活動から移動アクセシビリティ保障の歴史を振り返る」
IWATA Kyoko and KAWABATA Miki 2024/10/25-26 “The Establishment and Activities of ‘Society To Take Back the Mobility of Persons with Disabilities’”
- 勝又 栄政
2024/10/25-26 「性別越境者を取り巻く概念の変遷とその影響ーー日本の「性同一性障害」概念を中心に」
KATSUMASA Terumasa 2024/10/25-26 “Transition of Concepts Surrounding Transgender and Its
Influence: Focusing on the Japanese Concept of ‘Gender Identity Disorder’ ” [PDF]
- 桐原 尚之 2024/10/25-26 「障害者権利条約の実施に係る実効性のある政策――日本における成年後見制度及び精神障害者の非自発的入院制度の見直し議論から」
KIRIHARA Naoyuki 2024/10/25-26 “Effective Policies for the Implementation of the Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities: From Discussions on Reviewing the Adult Guardianship
System and the Involuntary Hospitalization System in Japan” [PDF]
- 窪崎 泰紀 2024/10/25-26 「地域の要約筆記者と高等教育でのノートテイカーの文字通訳リソース相互活用の可能性についての検討」
KUBOSAKI Yasuki 2024/10/25-26 “Issues of Sharing Live Captioning Resources Between the Public
Welfare System and Higher Education” [PDF]
- 水島 俊彦・名川 勝 2024/10/25-26 「障害者権利条約第12条に基づく支援付き意思決定の確保と濫用防止の仕組みを備えた『権利擁護支援モデル(フォロワーシステム)』とは?」
MISUSHIMA Toshihiko and Nagawa Masaru 2024/10/25-26 “SDM Followers System: Enabling Self-directed Living with Supported Decision-making and Safeguarding Mechanism based on article 12 of UN CRPD” [PDF]
- 森地 徹・奈良﨑 真弓・篠原 力・角田 辰雄・望月隆之 2024/10/25-26 「参加型アクションリサーチによる知的障害のある人の親亡き後の支援の検討に関する研究」
MORICHI Toru, NARASAKI Mayumi, SHINOHARA Tsutomu, KAKUTA Tatsuo, and MOCHIZUKI Takayuki 2024/10/25-26 “ A study of participatory action research to examine support for persons with intellectual disabilities after the death of parents.” [PDF]
- 名川 勝・延原 稚枝 2024/10/25-26 「障害者支援施設職員に対する選好の記録化と共有による研修プログラムの効果」
NAGAWA Masaru, and NOBUHARA Wakae 2024/10/25-26 “The Effect of Training Programs for Disability Support Workers through the Recording and Sharing of Preferences of Persons with Disabilities” [PDF]
- 中井 良平 2024/10/25-26 「国家と身体――日中戦争、第二次大戦期における障害者言説から」
NAKAI Ryohei 2024/10/25-26 “Nation and Body: Discourse for Disability in Sino-Japanese War and WWII Japan” [PDF]
- 中村 雅也 2024/10/25-26 「教員採用試験における合理的配慮: 視覚障害者の場合」
NAKAMURA Masaya 2024/10/25-26 “Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Visual Disabilities in
Teacher Employment Examinations” [PDF]
- Ramdas SHIVHARE 2024/10/25-26 “A Study of the Issues or Challenges Encountered by Visually
Impaired People during the Pandemic of Covid-19 in India” [PDF]
- 奈良 里紗 2024/10/25-26 「日本の特別支援教育における教育人事に関する研究」
NARA Risa 2024/10/25-26 “A Study on the Personnel Management of Teachers in Japan’s Special Needs
- 髙木 美歩・渡辺 翔平 2024/10/25-26 「職場での合理的配慮に見る自閉症スペクトラム障害者の当事者性の揺らぎやすさ」
TAKAGI Miho and WATANABE Shohei 2024/10/25-26 “The Fragility of Self-awareness in Entitlement:
Reasonable Accommodations for Autistic People in the Workplace” [PDF]
- 種村 光太郎 2024/10/25-26 「『ろう者アイデンティティ』に馴染めないろう者への合理的配慮」
TANEMURA Kotaro 2024/10/25-26 “Reasonable Accommodations for Deaf People Who Are Not
Comfortable with ‘Deaf Identity’”
- 吉田 幸恵 2024/10/25-26 「ハンセン病患者の生活戦略ーー日本と韓国におけるハンセン病患者の脱施設化」
YOSHIDA Sachie 2024/10/25-26 “Livelihood Strategies for People Affected by Hansen’s Disease:
Deinstitutionalization of People Affected by Hansen’s Disease in Japan and South Korea”
*作成/更新:中井 良平
UP: 20240814 REV: 20240817, 0904, 0929, 0930, 1002, 1115, 1128, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1212, 1217
立岩 真也
長瀬 修
障害学(Disability Studies)
感染症(Infectious Disease)