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The Present of 'Mothering':
The Trend of Arguments and Practices about It

"Comparative Analysis of the Family (S)" [The Second Semester of the 2019 Academic Year]
at College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University.
授業期間[Class Term]:2019/09/27 - 2020/01/17(全15回[Total 15 lectures])
担当教員[Lecturer]:村上 潔MURAKAMI Kiyoshi

last update: 20200130

授業日程 ■授業の概要と方法 ■受講生の到達目標 ■講義内容 ●第1回 ●第2回 ●第3回 ●第4回 ●第5回 ●第6回 ●第7回 ●第8回 ●第9回 ●第10回 ●第11回 ●第12回 ●第13回 ●第14回 ●第15回 ■参考 ●シラバス ●参考文献(シラバス掲載) ●参考文献(その他) ●新着文献メモ ●関連する情報



@2019年9月27日 A10月4日 B10月11日 C10月18日 D10月25日 E11月1日 F11月8日 G11月15日 H11月22日 I11月29日 J12月6日 K12月13日 L12月20日 M2020年1月10日 N1月17日 ◎定期試験:1月24日








B性役割[Gender Role]
C労働/再生産労働[Reproductive Labor]
F「ワーク・ライフ・バランス[Work-life Balance]」
G福祉政策[Welfare Policy]
H生殖医療[Reproductive Medicine]
Iリベラル・フェミニズム[Liberal Feminism]







Revolutionary Mothering
 2016/05/04 The Laura Flanders Show
Family abolition | Sophie Lewis
 2019/06/04 Verso Books
A radical defence of abortion | Sophie Lewis
 2019/06/04 Verso Books
◇中村佑子 20190906 「私たちはここにいる――現代の母なる場所[第10回]」『すばる』41-10(2019-10): 304-323




◇Andrews, Kehinde, 2019, "Top 10 books about black radicalism", The Guardian, October 2, 2019, (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/oct/02/top-10-books-about-black-radicalism).
◇Tillet, Salamishah, 2015, "The Panthers' Revolutionary Feminism", The New York Times, October 2, 2015, (https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/04/movies/the-panthers-revolutionary-feminism.html).
◇Farmer, Ashley; Phillips, Mary; Spencer, Robyn C.; Yellesetty, Leela, 2019, "Women in the Black Panther Party: A roundtable", International Socialist Review 111, (https://isreview.org/issue/111/women-black-panther-party).
‐ 労働運動(炭鉱)
‐ 地域の公民館学習/サークル運動

・“the process of caring for children as their mother or of caring for people in the way that a mother does”(Cambridge English Dictionary)
・“the act of caring for and protecting children or other people”(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
cf. ペアレンティング[Parenting]とのズレ――「親子」という枠の外へ

・近代国民国家[Modern Nation State]

‐ 血・粘膜・痛みや(水・風・空と)共振する感覚=身体性ならびにそれらが引き起こす(言語化されない)感情を通して
‐ ヴァルネラビリティ[Vulnerability:脆弱性]によるつながり
‐ 「社会的」な基準(数値化・制度化されたもの〔保育所の数/給付の金額 etc.〕)から視点をずらして
‐ 排除と抑圧の複層性/重層性をふまえて




◆森まゆみ編 20190918 『伊藤野枝集』岩波書店(岩波文庫)
cf. ◆栗原康 20160323 『村に火をつけ、白痴になれ――伊藤野枝伝』岩波書店




=男性→女性(・病者・障害者・異端者・先住民 etc.)


‐ 権力/暴力のシステムから身体(・精神)を守る
‐ 「産ませる」・「産ませない」に抗する
 (・「産まない」という抵抗〔Birth Strike〕)

◆Mies, Maria; Benholdt-Thomsen, Veronika; Werlhof, Claudia von, 1988/1991, Women: The Last Colony, London: Zed Books.=1995 古田睦美・善本裕子訳『世界システムと女性』藤原書店
◆Mies, Maria; Shiva, Vandana (With a Foreword by Ariel Salleh), [1993] 2014, Ecofeminism, London: Zed Books.
◆村上潔 20130315 「女の領地戦――始原の資源を取り戻す」(特集2:都市),立命館大学生存学研究センター編『生存学 Vol.6』生活書院,379-393.



◆Gebreyesus, Ruth (photos by Sana Javeri Kadri), 2019, "'One of the biggest, baddest things we did': Black Panthers' free breakfasts, 50 years on", The Guardian, October 18, 2019, (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/17/black-panther-party-oakland-free-breakfast-50th-anniversary)
“In January 1969, the Black Panther party's Free for Children Breakfast Program held its first gathering at St Augustine Episcopal church, less than a mile from Saturday's festivities. On that first morning, BPP members fed 11 children. By the week's end, the number had grown to 135.”
“The program, originally coordinated by Ruth Beckford, an Afro-Haitian dance teacher, also caught on nationwide, becoming a core initiative of the party's Survival Programs. By the end of 1969, the program fed 20,000 children across 19 cities. Its unprecedented success was countered by destructive raids of pantries and party headquarters by police.”
“Now in its eighth year, the breakfast was one of the PKC's biggest, serving 650 plates of grits, greens, scrambled eggs and tofu. At the edge of the feast, an altar decorated with flowers and seeds held framed photographs of Black Panther members, activists and mothers to whom this breakfast owed its legacy.”
◆原口剛 20191018 「土地に刻まれた記憶から学ぶ 神戸大学文学部リレーエッセー・原口剛准教授」『神戸新聞NEXT』(https://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/sougou/201910/0012799484.shtml
◆Dolan, Mara, 2019, "4 Climate Activists Explain Why the Climate-Justice Movement Needs Feminism", Teen Vogue, September 19, 2019, (https://www.teenvogue.com/story/climate-activists-explain-why-climate-justice-movement-needs-feminism).
“Feminism helps me understand what underpins our climate crisis ― systems like extractivism, patriarchy, and capitalism. Feminism helps us see the gender-differentiated impacts of climate breakdown and how women disproportionately bear the brunt of the harm.”
“Climate change, like other disasters, maps onto existing inequalities in our society. A trans woman afraid to sleep in a hurricane evacuation center is living at the intersection of the climate crisis and patriarchy.”
“Feminism is an essential part of climate justice because it illuminates how our extractive, dominating relationship with nature stems from patriarchy. Real climate justice demands radically transforming how we, as humans, treat the nonhuman world. It means recognizing how our current system is shaped by patriarchy.”
cf. ◆Klein, Naomi, 2014, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, New York: Simon & Schuster.=20170830 幾島幸子・荒井雅子訳『これがすべてを変える――資本主義 vs. 気候変動()』岩波書店




‐ 海・風・土・植物・生物・石……への眼差し/との交感
‐ 時代を越えた再生産の営みを捉える/行なう
‐ いまある「現実」とその外側の「世界」との境界を跨ぐ
‐ 水俣病患者闘争支援
‐ 規律・規範の外にある身体・精神を前面化

Gothic Feminism: A Reading List
 29 October 2019 / Verso Books
“Gothic writing is about the return of the repressed, the emergence of the uncanny, the haunting of those who have been wronged. With today’s cresting wave of feminist rage and feminist desire, the gothic banshee is back, and she is writing. The madwomen are coming out of the attic and the witches are among us―we ignore them at our peril. Happy Halloween reading from Verso!”
‐ マザリングを捉える際に本質的に必要な領域

◆Ehrenreich, Barbara & English, Deirdre, [1973] 2010/2011, Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women Healers [Second Edition] + Complaints & Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness [Second Edition], The Feminist Press.=バーバラ・エーレンライク/ディアドリー・イングリッシュ 20150918 長瀬久子訳『魔女・産婆・看護婦――女性医療家の歴史[増補改訂版]』法政大学出版局

‐ 女性(同士)による自律的ケアの否定
‐ 女性身体の管理・統制の貫徹(→再生産能力の搾取)
‐ 「産」のコントロール(→その機能の利用・動員)
‐ 生身の生を与える・育む・癒やす存在
‐ (女性の立場に立った)中絶措置の提供
‐ メンタルの処置:怖れ・パニックを取り除く
‐ 親密性[intimacy]に基づくトータルなケア
‐ 男性の目/力からの隔離/保護
‐ 女性の主体性・自律性を剥奪
‐ 医療提供者への迫害・弾圧(→差別の対象に)
‐ 「正規の」男性医療者への置き換え→独占
‐ 「近代」「科学的」医療(医学の体系)を打ち立てる
‐ 女性によるケア機能の限定化(周縁化)
‐ 魔女狩りと連動
‐ 身体そのもの with 生殖機能+労働力+再生産労働――を搾取
‐ コミュニティ・信仰(文化)・自然環境の破壊を伴う



cf. ◆青木千帆子・瀬山紀子・立岩真也・田中恵美子・土屋葉 20190910 『往き還り繋ぐ――障害者運動於&発福島の50年』生活書院

石牟礼道子 20191017 『石牟礼道子全歌集 海と空のあいだに』,弦書房,366p. ISBN-10: 4863291957 ISBN-13: 978-4863291959 2600+ [amazon][kinokuniya]
『苦海浄土』(1969)刊行以前に詠まれた初期短歌と『アニマの鳥』 (1999、のち『春の城』)刊行前後から詠まれた短歌を中心に集成。”
cf. ◆前山光則「石牟礼道子全歌集 悶える生、詠う日々」

◆中村佑子 20191106 「私たちはここにいる――現代の母なる場所[第11回]」『すばる』41-12(2019-12): 272-293

◆Federici, Silvia, 2004, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive, Autonomedia.=シルヴィア・フェデリーチ 20170201 小田原琳・後藤あゆみ訳『キャリバンと魔女――資本主義に抗する女性の身体』以文社

‐ 囲い込み(土地/社会的諸関係)
‐ 「労働者」の固定化:成人男性を主たる労働力とする
‐ 労働力としての男女の分断
‐ 女性の社会的自律の阻止:出産をコントロールする力を国家・資本が掌握
‐ 「性」に関わる能力をもつ女性の悪魔化→弾圧
 cf. セックスワーカーへの迫害・差別
‐ 女性の価値の引き下げ

‐ 女性身体の重層的疎外




 with 性的な存在/機能への迫害:障害者/先住民/セックスワーカーが対象
‐ 継承・適合・さらなる効率化
‐ 支配・搾取の複雑化・複層化
‐ 母たちのコミュニティの内部で口[クチ]コミで伝えられるお産婆さん情報:女性だけが近代医療制度の裏側で培養する地下茎的な身体「知」
‐ 病・障害・異端性をもつ(未知の)存在・身体とのコネクト/へのアプローチ
‐ アヴァン・ガーデニング[Avant Gardening]:治癒・ケアのための素材をコミュニティで(既存の共有地を活用して)育てる→無償のケアの提供
 =concomitant 土地・自然を(資本/開発から)守る闘い:都市の隙間でも実践可能
‐ 再生産(労働)の(自律的)再編
‐ (かけがえのない)「わたしのカラダ」の内と外を接続/横断する



◆杉田俊介 20191103 「世界の救いのなさを見つめて――『殺す親 殺させられる親』(児玉真美著)」『信濃毎日新聞』
→◆児玉真美 20190819 『殺す親 殺させられる親――重い障害のある人の親の立場で考える尊厳死・意思決定・地域移行』,生活書院,392p. ISBN-10: 4865000992 ISBN-13: 978-4865000993 2300+ [amazon][kinokuniya]

◆Jackson, Gabrielle, 2019, "The female problem: how male bias in medical trials ruined women's health", The Guardian, November 13, 2019, (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/nov/13/the-female-problem-male-bias-in-medical-trials?CMP=share_btn_tw).
“These policies and practices have often been framed as paternalistic, designed to protect women against the harmful effects of medical research. But history belies this notion. The practice of brutal experimentation of medical treatments on women throughout history makes medicine’s unwillingness to include women in scientific studies seem a lot less like magnanimous paternalism. Rather, we are left with the impression that women are not interesting enough for scientific endeavour but good enough for practice.”

◆Di Mauro, Ivana, 2019, "Violência obstétrica e o corpo das mulheres como território histórico de disputa", Octubre 25, 2019, Revista Amazonas, (https://www.revistaamazonas.com/2019/10/25/violencia-obstetrica-e-o-corpo-das-mulheres-como-territorio-historico-de-disputa/).
[ポルトガル語→英語]“I do not write this text to announce defeat. On the contrary, rather than hysterical, there inhabit the bodies of rebellious women who, in our diversity and plurality, come together against the fraud of democracy. Modern states call for the right to life, liberty, and even private property; but in countries where women cannot even decide on their own bodies ― an individual's first private property ― there is no real democracy.”

◆Islam, Asiya, 2019, "Book Review: Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women by Silvia Federici", The Sociological Review, November 14, 2019, (https://www.thesociologicalreview.com/book-review-witches-witch-hunting-and-women-by-silvia-federici/).
“For those new to Federici’s work, it is an excellent summary of key arguments of Caliban and the Witch, re-emphasised through current gender wars in different parts of the world. For all readers, the book follows in the footsteps of Federici’s earlier scholarship in its persuasive, wide-ranging, and very readable prose. Indeed, the book is not only academic scholarship but also a form of protest against the deliberate ignorance and trivialisation of violence against women in the name of witch-hunting.”
→◆Federici, Silvia, 2018, Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women, Common Notions/Autonomedia/PM Press.

◆Jaffe, Sarah, 2019. "All Organizing Is Magic", Verso Blog, October 25, 2019, (https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4465-all-organizing-is-magic).
[見出し]“In this contribution to Verso's Caliban and the Witch Roundtable, Sarah Jaffe finds echoes of witchcraft in contemporary anti-capitalism”
“The witch-hunts ended, not because we entered a more enlightened age, Federici argued, but because the world of the witches was ground under the heel of capitalist work discipline. But as that work discipline breaks down, it is the witches that can show us a way to a world that values our healing, our wisdom, our desires, and our play―a world re-enchanted on our terms.”
*→“Caliban and the Witch: A Verso Roundtable”(Verso Books/25 October 2019)


Silvia Federici: The Globalization of Women’s Work and New Forms of Violence Against Women
 (2018/07/25 ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry)
“From the spread of new forms of witch-hunting to the worldwide escalation of the number of women sexually abused, even murdered on a daily basis, evidence is mounting that a war is being waged against women. What are its motivations? What is the logic behind this phenomenon? Silvia Federici addresses these questions by relating the intensification of violence against women, the new forms of capital accumulation and women’s labor, and the different ways in which women are resisting victimization.”
Silvia Federici: The Struggle for the Commons - Kontext TV
 (2014/10/23 KontextTV)
“With Silvia Federici, professor emerita for Political Philosophy at Hofstra University, Long Island, NY; political activist and author of several books, including "Caliban and the Witch" Facing mass unemployment, precarisation, evictions and cuts in social services, more and more people in the US and other parts of the world are reconquering public spaces in order to create new forms of production and reproduction: the Commons. In cities like Detroit and New York urban gardening is flourishing. This is not only about food, according to Silvia Federici, but also about reconstructing the social fabric and reclaiming control of our lives. These "communities of resistance" could become - when they join into networks - a vital force of social and ecological transformation.”

◆Federici, Silvia (Interview: Andrea Martinelli), 2019, "Witch Hunts Are Back: And This Time They're Targeting Female Activists", The Huffington Post, November 1, 2019, (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/witch-hunts-targeting-female-activists_n_5dbc776fe4b0fffdb0f681c8).
“The witch hunts responsible for the deaths of thousands of women in past centuries are just as cruel today, Federici says. But this time, they are aimed at female activists whom society and governments deem to be the “new witches.””/“If we have children, even if the man helps out, there is no question that, especially when the children are very young, the overwhelming amount of work is still being done by women. The work is done by women, and yet we have an entire government, an entire social structure, that offers no assistance whatsoever. None whatsoever. That system exploits women. It takes advantage of their labor, but it does not provide the support system that is needed. So that, just for an example, it would be possible to experience motherhood in a way that does not destroy our lives.”/“The question of reproduction, in one way or another, will influence a woman’s life for a long time. Unless you’re a capitalist woman, a bourgeois woman, and then you can hire another woman to do this work. But, obviously, that is not the solution.”

‐ ケアの「現場」を担う女性たちの存在とその力/主体性
◆mudlark121, [2015] 2018, "Today in London Healthcare History, 1979: St Benedict's Hospital, Tooting, Occupied by Its Workers" (Rebel History Calendar), past tense, November 15, 2018, (https://pasttenseblog.wordpress.com/2018/11/15/today-in-london-healthcare-history-1979-st-benedicts-hospital-tooting-occupied-by-its-workers/).
“The staff at St Benedict’s Hospital, Tooting, South London, began an official work-in to prevent closure of their hospital on November 15th 1979. A strong support committee was organised in the local community with backing from Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council, local pensioners and others who wanted to maintain the high level of geriatric care at St Ben’s. Local London Ambulance Service ambulance drivers pledged their support and refused to cross the picket line except for normal transport.”

◇ 存立要件:消費と「成長」――市場の要請←対応(適合[adjust])
‐ 絶えざる際限のないアップデート:商品・サービス・コンテンツ
‐ 労働力+イメージ・潜在力・性格・感情 cf.「女子力」
‐ ビジネス/マーケティング/マネジメント
‐ 家父長制・差別・抑圧構造の温存(不可視化)

‐ 「少子化問題」
‐ 「子育て支援」
‐ 家父長制(家制度)
‐ 身体(へ)の管理・統制
‐ 規律・規範の再編・維持・強化

‐ 身体・精神の自己規範(規律)化
‐ 中絶・代理出産・セックスワーク……に対する規定/価値観


◆Patel, Raj (Interview: Robert R. Raymond), 2019, "Humans Aren’t Inherently Destroying the Planet: Capitalism Is", Truthout, November 18, 2019, (https://truthout.org/articles/humans-arent-inherently-destroying-the-planet-capitalism-is/).
“One of the biggest ironies of the right-wing trope accusing socialists of wanting “free stuff” is that in reality, the entire capitalist economy would immediately collapse if it couldn’t continue to rely on free stuff. Without free or artificially cheap access to things like natural resources, care work, labor and a whole array of other elements, capitalism could not stay afloat. In fact, the only way that capitalism was ever able to even emerge was through a process of “primitive accumulation” ― where things like slavery and colonialism were utilized to extract free labor and resources.”/“So the way to reclaim power is by recognizing ― as, for example, the international peasant movement Via Campesina does ― that a struggle for food sovereignty and against cheap food is also a struggle against patriarchy, against racism and against colonialism. That, I think, is a great source of hope, because not only do you grow your numbers by recognizing that there are many more people involved in the struggle than you initially thought, but you become much more theoretically and practically sophisticated in appreciating how it is that capitalism works, how it seeks to divide, and how victory may yet be won in this long, long struggle for a better planet.”



◆Climate change: where to start
 (Verso Books / 27 November 2019)
“8 books that combine climate activism with anti-capitalist, radical politics.”
◆After Geoengineering | Holly Jean Buck
 (Verso Books / 27 November 2019)
“Is it possible to repair our climate? In these videos, Holly Jean Buck discusses the social and political transformations needed to repair our relationship to the earth. She is the author of After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and Restoration.”

◆《大谷大学総合研究室助教Presents ガクモン講座:第12回》

◆第53回北海道新聞文学賞:詩部門受賞者インタビュー「女性、死者 声なき声紡ぐ――「月の背骨/向う見ず女のバラッド」ヤリタミサコさん」
→◆ヤリタミサコ 20190730 『月の背骨/向う見ず女のバラッド』,らんか社,80p. ISBN-10: 4883305090 ISBN-13: 978-4883305094 1400+ [amazon][kinokuniya]

◆Colombia Informa(2019/11/21_21:52)
[スペイン語→英語]“Feminist groups, they take the city of Bucaramanga disguised as witches, demanding that the genocide stop, cease impunity and not continue giving birth to more sons and daughters for war.”【映像】

◆Colombia Informa(@Col_Informa)
[スペイン語→英語]“Women from feminist collectives take office in the city of #Bucaramanga, demanding an early warning to stop femicide and genocide”【映像】
[2019年11月21日22:06 https://twitter.com/Col_Informa/status/1197501478258270209/

◆Drewett, Zoe, 2019, "99.7% of midwives have treated homeless mums in the last 6 months", Metro UK, November 18, 2019, (https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/18/99-7-midwives-treated-homeless-mums-last-6-months-11176043/)

◆Thomson, Lizzie, 2019, "A third of men think it’s unprofessional to talk about periods at work", Metro UK, November 15, 2019, (https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/15/a-third-of-men-think-its-unprofessional-to-talk-about-periods-at-work-11149780/)


‐ 属性(人種/階級/世代/セクシュアリティ……)による(複合的)差異を前提として
‐ 能力主義/「生産性」/「労働(力)」の相対化というプロセス――ヴァルネラブルな身体と再生産労働(アンペイドワーク)への帰着
‐ 家父長制+資本主義+「(植民地/身体への)暴力」の結びつきをトータルで問う――「開発」・「成長」批判と生存条件の防衛
‐ 空間(Space)・関係性(Relationship)・自律性(Autonomy)

◆María Camila(@macamilaulloa)
・“World Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women in BsAs-Arg. Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia resist neoliberalism, so today we are marching together for the struggles of our peoples. Feminism is revolution.”[スペイン語→英語](
・“Chilean, Bolivian, Ecuadorian and Colombian twinned x the processes of resistance of women in our countries. Against the neo-liberal, anti-popular and patriarchal policies that want to continue condemning the great majority to misery”[スペイン語→英語](https://twitter.com/macamilaulloa/status/1199415428872916994


第11回:「“Revolutionary Mothering”に向けて(1)」[2019/12/06]


◆BBC Learning English(@bbcle)
“This is a #Chilean #feminist #protest by the group '#Lastesis'.
Answer these #questions:
1: How many women were killed in 2018 across Latin America and the Caribbean?
2: What does the #suffix '-cide' mean?
3: What does 'impunity' mean?
[2019年11月29日21:05 https://twitter.com/bbcle/status/1200385302411522048
◆In pictures: Global protests denounce violence against women
 (26 November 2019/BBC News)
◆Editora Santander 20191130 "'Un violador en tu camino': la performance feminista que está dando la vuelta al mundo ['A rapist in your path': the feminist performance that is going around the world]", Colombia Informa, (http://www.colombiainforma.info/un-violador-en-tu-camino-la-performance-feminista-que-esta-dando-la-vuela-al-mundo/).
[スペイン語→英語]“According to the creators of the song, 'A rapist on your way' was inspired by the feminist texts of Argentina's Rita Segato, who proposes the demystification of the rape and the social denunciation of this crime: ≪We didn't just want to talk about the demystification of rape as a personal problem, or the attribution of disease only to the man who rapes, but we also wanted to say that this is a social issue≫, the women explained to the Chilean independent media Interference.”
@catalinapordios, Colombian feminist, writer, activist, speaks to us about the perpetual violence, damage+inequality that colonialism has left on our territories - the violence against our lands+our bodies that carries on today+hurts BME women the most.
[2019年12月1日19:00 https://twitter.com/LAWALondon/status/1201078486133141505
◆"El patriarcado es un juez, que nos juzga por nacer" ― Colectivos feministas de Zamora interpretan el nuevo himno contra la violencia hacia las mujeres[〔スペイン語→英語〕"Patriarchy is a judge, who judges us to be born" ― Zamora feminist groups interpret the new anthem against violence against women]
 (4 diciembre, 2019/Zamora3punto0)
◆Ramón, María del Mar, 2019, "La revolución será coreografiada[The revolution will be choreographed]", Vice En Español, Diciembre 5, 2019, (https://www.vice.com/es_latam/article/bjw9w8/la-revolucion-sera-coreografiada/).
[スペイン語→英語]“Since November 25 the phrase "the rapist is you" floods the streets and social networks. What has the performance "A rapist in your path" meant for thousands of women from different countries? How to read the reaction of some men?”
◆Un violador en tu camino', el himno global feminista que nació en Chile['A rapist in your path', the feminist global anthem that was born in Chile]
 (2019/12/05 El Mundo)
◆Un violador en tu camino, de Las Tesis: cómo se convirtió en un himno feminista mundial[A rapist in your path, from The Thesis: how it became a world feminist anthem]
 (2019/12/06 BBC News Mundo)

◆Knoll, Andalusia, 2019, "The Zapatistas Have Been Revolutionary Force in Mexico for Decades", Teen Vogue, January 30, 2019, (https://www.teenvogue.com/story/zapatistas-have-been-revolutionary-force).
“In 1994 an indigenous revolution was a dream for the guerrillas who launched the attack; for Zapatista teenagers today, this revolution is the only reality that they know. Because of the Zapatistas, they have grown up in fully autonomous communities with their bilingual schools, workers and growers cooperatives, and independent health clinics and hold rotating volunteer roles in their government. They tell their own stories through media production, and women and men participate in the government as dictated by the women’s revolutionary law. This law was implemented shortly before the uprising in 1994 and guarantees that “Women have the right to participate in the revolutionary struggle in the place and at the level that their capacity and will dictates.” It also has clauses against forced marriage and in defense of women’s rights to work and be compensated, to choose how many children they want, and to have access to health care and education.”
‐ グローバル経済+国家的暴力+家父長制への抵抗
‐ 「革命女性法」
‐ 自らの能力と意志に基づいて闘争に参加する権利
‐ 労働・結婚・出産における自己決定/保障
‐ 医療・教育へのアクセス
(cf. 志賀直輝 20090428 「サパティスタ自治区で遊ぼう!」IRREGULAR RHYTHM ASYLUM blog)

‐ 国家+警察+司法
‐ 「開発(援助)」/経済進出 = 資源収奪/労働力確保
‐ アジアの女性労働者(母親/若年女性)
‐ 暴力による被害+底辺労働力+育児責任(再生産労働)
‐ 移民のシングルマザー/セックスワーカー/生活保護を受給する母親
‐ ピンクウォッシュ[Pinkwash]/レインボー・キャピタリズム[Rainbow Capitalism]
 =ジェントリフィケーション[Gentrification]/社会的浄化[Social Cleansing]
‐ サヴァイヴ(生存:生き延びる)
‐ 生活・労働のための資源への接続
‐ 「援助」?:共に闘う立ち位置
☆→〈Moms 4 Housing[マムズ・フォー・ハウジング]〉


@公的/公共空間[Public Space]
‐ 公園
‐ 広場/路上・街角(ストリート)
‐ (空間としての)商店街
‐ 公民館/図書館
‐ 大学
‐ 世間話/愚痴[ぐち]
‐ 悩みの共有・相談
‐ 共同保育(青空保育)
- 無償性
- 無条件=排除しない:年齢・性別・学歴・職業(の有無)・世帯構成
 ‐ シングルマザー/DVサバイバー/セックスワーカー/クィア……
 ‐ 移民/低所得者/失業者/生活保護受給者/ホームレス……
‐ 相互扶助(困ったときはお互いさま)
‐ 贈与(動ける人が動く/得意な人がやる/必要な人が受け取る)

A私的/私有/私営化された空間[Privatized Spaces]
‐ ショッピングモール
‐ テナントビル
‐ エンタメ/アミューズメント施設
‐ それらのなかのキッズルーム
‐ 消費
‐ サービス享受
‐ 自分磨き/子どもへの投資
- 商業的/消費促進
- 支払い金額→該当するサービス:対価/「買う」
‐ 絶えざる排除と選別(序列化)
 - 利用要件:夫の職業/夫の勤務先企業/夫の年収……



第12回:「“Revolutionary Mothering”に向けて(2)」[2019/12/13]

◆Lobb, Adrian (The Big Issue UK)・編集部 20191201 「ギグ・エコノミーに搾取される“自営業者”たち 資本主義が生み出した「働く貧困層[ワーキングプア]」。――「これを変えるべきだと言いたい」:『家族を想うとき』ケン・ローチ監督」『The Big Issue Japan(ビッグイシュー日本版)』372(2019-12-01): 16-17
“彼らのように単発または短期的な労働によって成り立つ労働市場は、近年「ギグ・エコノミー(*2)」と呼ばれ、「柔軟で自由な働き方」「収入アップの副業」としてポジティブに語られることも多い。しかし、労災保険の対象にならず事故や不具合が生じたリスクを背負い、不当な解雇にもつながりやすく、労働組合が結成しにくいため団体交渉が難しいなど、さまざまな問題を孕んでいる。[…]スマホのアプリを介して個人が仕事を請け負う「プラットフォーム型労働(*3)などもこれにあたる。ローチが「技術は新しいものですが、その搾取は太古の昔からあるものです」と言うように、資本家である雇い主が、アプリなどを開発するIT企業に変わっただけなのだ。〔p.16〕”/“ローチはこの映画を通じて観客に何を感じてもらいたいのだろうか? 「絶え間ない不安。人々は一本の糸で吊られている」と彼は言う。「みなさんに知ってもらいたいことは、登場人物たちが不運でこうなったのではないということ。これは資本主義の機能不全ではない。むしろ正常に機能している状態、資本主義の成功です。雇用主が責任を問われることなく柔軟に調整できる労働力こそ、資本主義が望むものだからです。私はこれを変えるべきだと言いたいのです」”

◆LAT Entertainment(@latimesent)
It begins with a group of women, usually blindfolded, and a beat. There is a shuffle, chanting and the unforgettable chorus:
“Y la culpa no era mía / ni dónde estaba / ni cómo vestía.” (And the fault was not mine / nor where I was / nor how I was dressed) https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2019-12-10/the-viral-protest-a-rapist-in-your-path-is-catchy-defiant-an-the-anthem-for-2019【映像】
[2019年12月11日6:27 https://twitter.com/latimesent/status/1204512884098600960
◆LAT Entertainment(@latimesent)
The political action has become a worldwide phenomenon as a performance whose defiance resonates profoundly in an era in which a cursory scan of news headlines can feel like an assault on women and their bodies, writes @cmonstah.
[2019年12月11日6:28 https://twitter.com/latimesent/status/1204513232955658240
◆LAT Entertainment(@latimesent)
“This intervention, it has really turned into a hymn across women,” said Francisca Valenzuela, a Chilean American singer who participated in the action at LACMA. “It’s a slogan for dignity.”
[2019年12月11日6:28 https://twitter.com/latimesent/status/1204513233693859840

◆Gumbs, Alexis Pauline; Martens, China; Williams, Mai'a eds., 2016, Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines, Oakland, CA: PM Press.

‐ マザリングに関する主流の覇権的な見方に適合しない人々:基幹資源へのアクセス/コミュニティ形成を可能にするアクセスが(マジョリティに比べ)大幅に減少する
‐ 社会の周縁(margin)にあるマザリングを見る
‐ @援助的(supportive)で・Aよりケアを重視する・B(社会的)周縁にある母たちの存在を中心に据えたコミュニティ形成に関する対話を始める
‐ 想定は「標準家族(世帯)」ではない
‐ ラディカルなケア
‐ 資本主義・性差別・人種差別といった世界に存在する暴力を生き延びるために必要なシステムをつくりあげる
‐ 生活保護受給者の母親/貧困状態の母親/移民の母親と子ども:いわれなき(誤った)攻撃の対象となる存在
‐ 彼女らは最前線(front line)にいる――もっとも(容易に)傷つく(傷つけられる)立場+もっとも住む家を失う可能性が高い
☆→〈Moms 4 Housing[マムズ・フォー・ハウジング]〉


第13回:「“Revolutionary Mothering”の意義」[2019/12/20]

◆上東麻子 20191218 「[相模原事件を考える〜公判を前に]ともに生きることと優生思想 社会学者・立岩さんの視点」『毎日新聞』

◆野田努 20191015 「Film Reviews:『家族を想うとき』」『ele-king』


◆Black Rose/Rosa Negra Social Media Team, 2019, "Viral Chilean Feminist Anthem Hits the U.S.: "Un Violador En Tu Camino"", Black Rose Anarchist Federation, December 20, 2019, (https://blackrosefed.org/chilean-feminist-anthem-violador-en-tu-camino/).
“The defiant song has inspired women world-wide because it not only brings attention to rape, femicide and violence against women but also calls out the state infrastructures that are complicit in this violence and larger patriarchical oppression. One memorable line calls it out directly: “It’s the cops, the judges, the state, the president.””/“I was having major activist and feminist FOMO after not only seeing the intial video in Chile but worldwide and at how amazing it was that women came together to take a stance against gendered violence. It’s unfortunate that gendered violence is a worldwide problem but this dance has awoken something, a universal thread of shared experiences and understanding that femicide and patriarchal violence are to be destroyed.”/“The police, the courts, the state and the president have all contributed to the humiliation and proliferation of patriarchy and femicide. It breaks my heart that femicide isn’t even recognized in the US but it makes me proud that we sang and danced to not only condem gendered violence internationally but in the US too. “El estado opresor es un macho violador!”

◆Gelardi, Chris, 2019, "New York City Joins the Global Insurrection Against Neoliberalism and Repression", The Nation, November 27, 2019, (https://www.thenation.com/article/subway-cops-protest/).
“Throughout the demonstration, Harlem residents of all ages came out of their homes and businesses to cheer the protesters on. In return, organizers shared their ideas and motivations―including their international inspirations―via flyers. “In Haiti, in Chile, in Ecuador poor black, brown & indigenous people are rising up and popping off,” their handout said. “Cuz capitalism and white supremacy come together to form the fist, the taser, and the gun of the cop that enforces this fuck[ed] up existence forced upon us, our families, and our neighbors.””

◆Gumbs; Martens; Williams eds. (2016) ――をもとにして

◇変革的実践[Transformative Practice]としてのマザリング――そのための知を構築する
‐ 中心/周縁(マージン)のBorder(境界線)を可視化する・破る
‐ 特定の人々を(時に無自覚に)周縁化[marginalize]している側(=中心の側)の立場をあぶり出す
‐ マザリング(のための取り組み)そのものが変革の実践となるポテンシャル
‐ マザリングが秘める多様な(認識されにくい)「政治性」

‐ 連関性・複合性・交差性
‐ 労働×ケア?(“>”or/and“=”)
cf. ◆Dow, Dawn Marie, 2019, Mothering While Black: Boundaries and Burdens of Middle-Class Parenthood, Oakland: University of California Press.
‐ そうした状況への対抗(言説・実践)=ラディカル・マザリング
◇有色人種のシングルマザー[Single Mothers of Color]の運動から学べること
◇70〜80年代の保育運動[Radical Childcare]
‐ 第2波フェミニズム
‐ 日本でも:ウーマンリブ/共同保育運動/生活者運動
◇現在にいたる「マザリング運動」[Revolutionary Mothering Activism]という捉え方
‐ cf. ブラックパンサー[Black Panther Party]
‐ LGBTQの母たち――セクシュアリティの問題
‐ 分断線を無効化する


第14回:「“Revolutionary Mothering”の本質」[2020/01/10]

◆しろー 20200102 「トリノの路上から(3)フードデリバリー労働者ライダース闘争日記」,反ジェントリフィケーション情報センター
cf. ケン・ローチ監督『家族を想うとき』(2019年/イギリス・フランス・ベルギー合作)

◆村上潔 20200105 「立ち上がったオークランドのホームレス・マザーたち――〈マムズ・フォー・ハウジング〉の闘い」,反ジェントリフィケーション情報センター
→cf. “ Moms 4 Housing[マムズ・フォー・ハウジング]”

◆Silvia Federici on Witches, The Commons, Reclaiming the Body and Discovering Our Power【映像】
 (A Radical Guide 2019/12/12)
◆Silvia Federici in conversation with Jenny Brown at Moe's Books【映像】
 (A Radical Guide 2019/12/14)

◆Rubenstein, Steve, 2019, "Black Panther volunteer still serving hungry kids breakfast, 50 years later", San Francisco Chronicle, December 11, 2019, (https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Black-Panther-volunteer-still-serving-hungry-kids-14900129.php).

◆Gumbs; Martens; Williams eds. (2016) ――をもとにして

‐ 他者の身体の生存や成長に関与することを(それ自体として)価値づけること
‐ 私たちを分断する資本主義のロジックを根源的に否定するもの
‐ 従来の秩序におけるマザリングは決して「平等」ではなかった
 ‐ 有色人種女性はマザリングにおいて暴力的に罰せられ、スティグマを付与されてきた。
 ‐ 自らの子ではなく白人女性の家庭の子をケアすることを強要された過去/自らの子を里子に出さざるをえない/自分の子を残し海外へ出稼ぎ……
 ‐ 白人の子が人類の資源を増大させる存在として祝福される一方で黒人/先住民族/第三世界の子どもたちは――国家資源を枯渇させる存在として/将来の犯罪者として/近年では人口過剰の文脈で環境悪化の加害者として――嘆かれる
‐ そうした(差別的)不均衡を問題としないマザリングの取り組みはありえない
‐ 白人至上主義/異性愛主義の家父長制的資本主義に対抗し、抑圧された女性たちの生(・性)を回復させるコミュニティが必要。
‐ 新自由主義のもとでは、フォーマルかつインフォーマル(パートタイム/派遣/フレキシブル労働)な賃金を獲得することに対する貧困女性の個人的責務は――家族と共同体のメンバーへのケア〔労働〕に対する国家的支援が削減される一方で――増大し・深まり続けている。
‐ そのなかでの疲弊・絶望・孤立状況を当事者として問題化する
‐ 社会関係の再構築――マザリングをその革命的手段として
‐ 抵抗する自律的コミュニティと同様に回復力のある個人を育成する能力を含む共通のニーズに対応するため私たち自身を再構築する――その方法を探る

‐ 白人至上主義/異性愛主義の家父長制的資本主義で構成される人間生活を維持するシステムの最前部
‐ 孤立(隔離)・欠乏(剥奪)のない妊娠・出産を――身体と精神の安全を守る
 ‐ 産婆(助産婦)のコレクティブの必要性
‐ 異性愛主義的家父長制イデオロギーからは「逸脱者(性的倒錯者)」とラベリングされている存在のために
‐ 安全で尊厳ある、自己決定に基づく性的な充足のためのアクセスにおける物質的条件の平等化。
 ‐ セックスワークの非犯罪化に向けた取り組み
‐ 他者の利益(利潤)のために女性が自身〔の身体と精神〕を壊す(犠牲にする)のを当然と見なすことをやめる――その時間と労力を政治的資源と見なす
‐ 育児/共同保育/ケア提供者のコレクティブをつくる――貧しい母/ケア提供者の日々の生存戦略を支援するため
‐ 家事労働者としての第三世界女性への搾取と対決する――その身体の保護(:当事者へのケア+構造的な暴力に対峙する)
‐ 権力は私たちの欲求を特定の身体に親密に関係するものへと方向づける
‐ 相互関与・依存・同盟としての協力関係の実践
‐ 資源をシェアすることで「家族の愛」からコミュニティへと拡張していく
‐ 性的暴力は人々の居住・家族・コミュニティ・経済的支援、そして身体的・感情的・精神的全体性へのアクセスを断ち切る。
‐ あらゆる抵抗のコミュニティは、サバイバーの安全を確保し加害者の責任を問う構造を発展させる必要がある。
‐ 自分たち自身を防衛するために、私たちは(自律的)統治権と身体的能力を取り戻さねばならない。
‐ 国家による暴力と闘う抵抗のなかで/国家が提供するヘルスケアに容易にアクセスできない人々の生活において必要とされる
‐ 抑圧に対する反応の制度的病理化に抗う
‐ あらゆる抵抗のコミュニティにはヒーラー[healer(s)]のコレクティブが必要
‐ 公的教育システムは、子ども・若者たちから、国家と資本が要請する要素に反する言語・思考・主観性を奪う。
‐ 教育を脱植民地化[decolonize]しなければならない――知を生み出す法則と形式を再定義することによって
‐ 衣類の交換/コミュニティ・ガーデン/食料・食事をシェアするネットワーク(cf. コミュニティ・キッチン)
‐ 各人の能力にみあった寄付/貢献による
‐ 安全と尊厳を保てる空間へのアクセス:家のシェア
‐ 家をシェアするネットワークを危険な状況にある人々にまで拡張しなければならない
‐ 革命的な接続(人々の接合)として機能しうる(場としての)「家」を創造する
‐ 社会的過程[social process]としてのアート
‐ 多世代のアーティストのコレクティブを発展させる
‐ 地域の生態系を破壊から守る闘いの意義
‐ 地球環境・他の生物との互恵関係を維持するための社会構造を修復し・守る



◆社会文化学会編 20200130 『学生と市民のための社会文化研究ハンドブック』,晃洋書房,140p. ISBN-10: 4771032793 ISBN-13: 978-4771032798 1500+ [amazon][kinokuniya]

◆奥田直美 20200110 「[現代のことば]『苦海浄土』を再読して」『京都新聞』夕刊1面
 cf. 石牟礼道子

◆中村佑子 20200106 「私たちはここにいる――現代の母なる場所[第12回(最終回)]」『すばる』42-02(2020-02): 156-177
◇「まだ語られていない身体性、まだ語られていない女性性、あるいは現代社会がとりこぼし、忘却することで成り立ってきたものを思い出すこと、呼び戻すこと。現代が疎外しているものは、何かを感じとること。|弱い身体を抱えて、打ちつけてくる波に身体がたえず揺られている人たち。生きにくさを感じているのなら、死のうとするのなら、声をかけ続け、呼び戻し、こちら側に、世界がもう一つあることをしらせたい。|もうそれは「母性」という言葉ではないかもしれないが、それでも私は、「母」であることは、生きていて欲しいと願うことだと信じたい、というよりも、そうでありたいと思っている。生命のあらゆる姿形を受け容れるものだと。」(pp.176-177)――人間社会/中心の生命観に対するオルタナティブ:生命の多様性・可変性・共同性 cf.「アース・デモクラシー」

◆Watts, Jonathan, 2019, "'The forest is shedding tears': the women defending their Amazon homeland", The Guardian, December 21, 2019, (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/21/mother-with-a-price-on-her-head-defending-amazon-forest).
““Our women’s group is very strong. We are now in the front because the men put too much trust in the authorities.[私たち女のグループはとても強力だ。私たちはいま〔戦いの〕最前線にいる。なぜなら男たちはあまりに権力を信用してしまうから。] We think differently. We think it is up to us to protect ourselves. We don’t expect the government and police to do that.[私たちを守るのは私たち自身だ。政府や警察が守ってくれることは期待していない。]””/““We are trying to show the men there is another way to make a living[私たちは〔鉱業以外に〕生計を立てる別の方法があることを男性に気づかせようとしている。],” she says. “It’s true that mining makes more money, but we argue it destroys the future for our children. It is true that mining brings death, not a future, to our children.[鉱業が金になることはたしかだが、それが子どもたちの未来を破壊することを、私たちは訴える。鉱業は子どもたちに未来ではなく、死をもたらす。] Some of our people can be persuaded, but others won’t listen.[…]””/“She has also taken the fight ― along with her baby ― to the capital, Brasília, where she compared the forest to a mother: “Because of the government, our forest is shedding tears. Tears that fall like milk from our breast.[彼女はまた自分の赤ちゃんを抱えて、首都ブラジリア〔の政府〕にも戦いを仕掛けてきた。そこで彼女は森林を母親になぞらえてこう言った。「政府のせいで、私たちの森は涙を流している。その涙は、私たちの胸から出る母乳のようにこぼれ落ちる」。]””

◆Gelós, Natalia, 2019, "(Entrevista) Silvia Federici: "Hay empresas que se han formado solo para explotar a las mujeres" [(Interview) Silvia Federici: "There are companies that have been formed only to exploit women"]", Clarín, November 22, 2019, (https://www.clarin.com/revista-enie/ideas/silvia-federici-empresas-formado-solo-explotar-mujeres-_0_oIaYWqGJ.html).
[スペイン語→英語]“There is a situation of anxiety for the future, of unhappiness, and what the medical institution calls health is something very limited, a service so that we can continue working, not so that we enjoy real well-being.[〔国家的な機関が提供する〕限定された医療的なサービスは、私たちが健康な生活を楽しむためではなく、私たちが働き続けることを可能にするために設定されている。]”/“In the US, domestic workers have been coming together for ethnicities for years, but that movement grew, they began to understand the language and now they have created a multinational organization[家事労働者の運動が成長し、多国籍的な組織化が進んできた]. It is a one-to-one job, but when you are part of a strong organization, with a law that gives you some protection, that recognizes you as a worker, it is important, so when you have the solidarity of other women, that gives you more strength[他の女性たちと連帯することはあなたを強くする]. And that has made today the organizations of working women are present in the movements, in the manifestations by the climate, by the migrants[気候や移民の問題に関する運動において働く女性たちの組織化がなされている]. They have put the issue of reproduction on the table[再生産の問題を協議の対象としてきた] in these years, saying "Without us nothing moves[私たち抜きには何も動かない]." They continue to put the issue of reproduction work as a pillar[再生産労働の問題を中心に置く]. For me, the solution is a strong, broad movement that brings together those who work with pay, to change the form of social reproduction and start a broad front that can face the State.[私からすれば、解決策は、社会的再生産の形態を変化させ、国家に対峙しうる広範な戦線を立ち上げるための、賃労働者を結合した強靭で広範囲の運動だ。]”

‐ 性的暴力・抑圧・搾取
‐ メンタルヘルスの問題
‐ 労働の現場/妊娠・出産・育児の場における身体性
‐ オルタナティヴな創作のコレクティヴ――書くこと・読むこと・作ること:手芸=クラフティヴィズム[Craftivism]
‐ 互酬性/エンパワーメント
‐ 自律空間を自主管理する力
‐ (国家・資本・家父長制の)支配の道具としての「母性」を解体する
‐ ヴァルネラブル[Vulnerable]な存在の結節点/拠りどころとしてのオルタナティヴな「母性」を(自力で/共同で)立ち上げ・構築する
‐ オルタナティヴな「母性」秩序の適用範囲を拡張しまだ見ぬ「母」たちと連携していく
‐ 近代国家という機構ならびに資本主義経済による支配・暴力の過程・形態・被害を把握し共有する
‐ 人種・民族に関する本質主義を(差異は担保しつつ)相対化する
‐ ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ(規範)をクィア[Queer]化する







◇Elkin, Lauren, 2018, "Why All the Books About Motherhood?", The Paris Review, July 17, 2018.
◇Boland, Stephanie, 2018, "The Millennial Motherhood Trap: Why Are So Many Young, Successful Women Conflicted about Having Children?", Prospect Magazine, June 2018 Issue.
◇Westervelt, Amy, 2018, "Is Motherhood the Unfinished Work of Feminism?", The Guardian, May 26, 2018.
◇Doyle, Sady, 2019, "How Capitalism Turned Women Into Witches", In These Times, January 31, 2019.
◇Shure, Natalie, 2018, "Second-Wave Feminism's Unfinished Business", Jacobin, December 20, 2018.
◇Uetricht, Micah, 2019, "Completing the Feminist Revolution: An Interview with Kirsten Swinth", Jacobin, January 1, 2019.
◇Swinth, Kirsten, 2018, Feminism's Forgotten Fight: The Unfinished Struggle for Work and Family, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
◇Thompson, Mary, 2016, "Third Wave Feminism and the Politics of Motherhood", Genders: University of Colorado Boulder, 1(2), Fall 2016.
“At the time when I wrote "Third Wave Feminism and the Politics of Motherhood," I lacked a critical frame for understanding neoliberalism. Instead, my concerns over the ideological reshaping of twenty-first century reproductive lives gravitated towards my dissatisfaction with so-called third wave feminism and its practitioners’ uncritical celebration of "choice."”
◇Leite, Marianna, 2013, "(M)Othering: Feminist Motherhood, Neoliberal Discourses and the Other'", Studies in the Maternal, 5(2): 1-23.
◇Leesin, Eakachai, 2018, "Neoliberalism Has Led to a Crisis in Care: and We Urgently Need to Solve It", The Conversation, December 11, 2018.
◇Brenner, Johanna, 2017, "Democratizing Care", Verso Blog, December 15, 2017.
◇Brown, Adrienne Maree, 2017, "Love as Political Resistance: Lessons from Audre Lorde and Octavia Butler", Bitch Media, February 14, 2017.



◆Lewis, Sophie, 201905, Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family[いまこそ完全なる代理出産を――家族に抗するフェミニズム], London: Verso.
◇Lewis, Sophie A., 20171101, "Open Space: Less 'Population' Talk, more Kin-Making: On Manchester's Birth Festival", Feminist Review 117 (1): 193-199. (https://doi.org/10.1057/s41305-017-0084-5)

◆Brown, Jenny, 20190301, Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women's Work[バース・ストライキ――女の働きをめぐる隠れた闘い], Oakland, CA: PM Press.

◆20190424 『思想』1141(2019-05),岩波書店,160p.
◇中真生 20190424 「「母であること」(motherhood)を再考する――産むことからの分離と「母」の拡大」『思想』1141(2019-05): 141-159


◆Federici, Silvia (Foreword: Peter Linebaugh), 2018, Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons, PM Press/Kairos.
“Drawing on rich historical research, she maps the connections between the previous forms of enclosure that occurred with the birth of capitalism and the destruction of the commons and the “new enclosures” at the heart of the present phase of global capitalist accumulation. Considering the commons from a feminist perspective, this collection centers on women and reproductive work as crucial to both our economic survival and the construction of a world free from the hierarchies and divisions capital has planted in the body of the world proletariat. Federici is clear that the commons should not be understood as happy islands in a sea of exploitative relations but rather autonomous spaces from which to challenge the existing capitalist organization of life and labor.”

◆Wood, Ellen Meiksins, 2017, The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View, Verso.
“In The Origin of Capitalism, a now-classic work of history, Ellen Meiksins Wood offers readers a clear and accessible introduction to the theories and debates concerning the birth of capitalism, imperialism, and the modern nation state. Capitalism is not a natural and inevitable consequence of human nature, nor simply an extension of age-old practices of trade and commerce. Rather, it is a late and localized product of very specific historical conditions, which required great transformations in social relations and in the relationship between humans and nature.”

◆Linebaugh, Peter, 2014, Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance, PM Press/Spectre.
“In this majestic tour de force, celebrated historian Peter Linebaugh takes aim at the thieves of land, the polluters of the seas, the ravagers of the forests, the despoilers of rivers, and the removers of mountaintops. Scarcely a society has existed on the face of the earth that has not had commoning at its heart. "Neither the state nor the market," say the planetary commoners. These essays kindle the embers of memory to ignite our future commons.”



◇Turner, Jenny, 2020, "Nothing Natural", London Review of Books, 42(2), January 23, 2020, (https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v42/n02/jenny-turner/nothing-natural).
“As Lewis writes, it does seem mad that the countries with ‘plummeting’ birthrates are also the ones ‘prone to complaining about the very “migrant crisis” that is saving them from demographic decline’. ‘Somehow ... the “objectively” crowded earth ... is always imagined “out there”. And it is this anxious fantasy that is literalised in Atwood’s sterility apocalypse.’ Surely lower than replacement birthrates in rich countries only make it easier and more necessary for such countries to open their borders to everybody who might want to come in? ‘Reproductive justice and water justice are inseparable ... Surrogates to the front!’”

◇Janakiram, Emily, 2020, "Women on the Verge: Two recent books on the fight for reproductive rights", The Baffler, January 6, 2020, (https://thebaffler.com/latest/women-on-the-verge-janakiram).
“For Brown and Federici both, reproductive rights must be only one aspect of a broader set of demands. If the capitalist system requires the reproductive labor of those it assigns as women, then there is no capitalist-friendly way for us to reclaim bodily autonomy. Brown cites the model of “reproductive justice” as an alternative to the outdated notion of “pro-choice.””/“Liberal feminism will not win this fight for women because it is not fighting for the liberation of all women, but for maintaining individual rights granted by the status quo. Brown urges us instead to remember that feminism and anti-capitalism are inextricably linked. No more “safe, legal, and rare,” but, as the popular Redstockings slogan goes, “Free abortion, on demand.””

◆Federici, Silvia, 2020, Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism, PM Press/Kairos.
“Building on three groundbreaking lectures that she delivered in San Francisco in 2015, Federici surveys the new paradigms that today govern how the body is conceived in the collective radical imagination, as well as the new disciplinary regimes state and capital are deploying in response to mounting revolt against the daily attacks on our everyday reproduction. In this process she confronts some of the most important questions for contemporary radical political projects. What does “the body” mean, today, as a category of social/political action? What are the processes by which it is constituted? How do we dismantle the tools by which our bodies have been “enclosed” and collectively reclaim our capacity to govern them?”

◇Lewis, Sophie (interviewed by Morgane Merteuil), 2019, "Gestational Decrim", Salvage, November 8, 2019, (https://salvage.zone/articles/gestational-decrim/).
“In a just society, in other words, there could be no ‘surrogacy,’ because children would not be exclusive goods. We are the makers of one another, and we could learn to act like it. So, surrogates to the front! It is the holders ― not the delusional ‘authors’, self-replicators, and ‘patenters’ ― who truly people the world. By surrogates I mean all those comradely gestators, midwives, and other sundry interveners in the more slippery moments of social reproduction: bridging or creating gaps; refusing to be temporary; insisting on being temporary; swimming across borders; standing in; carrying; miscarrying. I call ‘amniotechnics’ the art of holding and caring even while being ripped into, at the same time as being held. Amniotechnics is protecting water and protecting people from water in the spirit of ‘full surrogacy’ ― an impossible, necessary lodestar.”

◆Brown, Jenny, 201910, Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now, London: Verso.
“An indispensable guide to building a fighting feminist movement for reproductive freedom”
◇Winter, Meaghan, 2019, "Review: Abortion Without Apology", Jewish Currents, December 2, 2019, (https://jewishcurrents.org/abortion-without-apology/).
◇Janakiram, Emily, 2020, "Women on the Verge: Two recent books on the fight for reproductive rights", The Baffler, January 6, 2020, (https://thebaffler.com/latest/women-on-the-verge-janakiram).

◇Urbanski, Adrienne, 2019, "The Hashtag & 'Zine "Shout Your Abortion" Is Just As Angry And Powerful In Book Form", Bust Magazine, September/October 2019, (https://bust.com/books/196449-the-hashtag-zine-shout-your-abortion-is-just-as-angry-and-powerful-in-book-form.html).




家族 family
代理母 surrogate mother/代理出産
フェミニズム (feminism)/家族/性…

◆立岩真也・村上潔 20111205 『家族性分業論前哨』,生活書院,360p. ISBN-10: 4903690865 ISBN-13: 978-4903690865 2200+ [amazon][kinokuniya]

◆村上潔 20120331 『主婦と労働のもつれ――その争点と運動』,洛北出版,334p. ISBN-10: 490312715X ISBN-13: 978-4903127156 3200+ [amazon][kinokuniya]

◇村上潔 20100320 「「主婦性」は切り捨てられない――女性の労働と生活の桎梏にあえて向き合う」(特集1:労働、その思想地図と行動地図),立命館大学生存学研究センター編[2010:83-95]*
*立命館大学生存学研究センター編 20100320 『生存学 Vol.2』,生活書院,416p. ISBN-10: 4903690512 ISBN-13: 978-4903690513 2200+ [amazon][kinokuniya]
◇村上潔 20130225 「主婦は防衛する――暮らし・子ども・自然」,現代理論研究会編[2013:150-175]*
*現代理論研究会編 20130225 『被曝社会年報 #01――2012-2013』,新評論,230p. ISBN-10: 4794809344 ISBN-13: 978-4794809346 2000+ [amazon][kinokuniya]
◇村上潔 20130315 「女の領地戦――始原の資源を取り戻す」(特集2:都市),立命館大学生存学研究センター編[2013:379-393]*
*立命館大学生存学研究センター編 20130315 『生存学 Vol.6』,生活書院,397p. ISBN-10: 4865000100 ISBN-13: 978-4865000108 2200+ [amazon][kinokuniya]

◇村上潔 20181001− 「中村佑子「[連載]私たちはここにいる――現代の母なる場所」を読んで【集約】」

◇村上潔 20190425 「アナーカ・フェミニズム」,『現代思想』47(6): 170-173

◇佐藤由美子×村上潔(司会:堅田香緒里) 20190531 「[トークセッション]オリンピックとジェントリフィケーション――ジェンダー・文化・アクティヴィズムの観点から」,『支援』9: 151-181
◇村上潔 20190529 「佐藤由美子×村上潔「[トークセッション]オリンピックとジェントリフィケーション――ジェンダー・文化・アクティヴィズムの観点から」(『支援』Vol.9)に関する補足説明」,反ジェントリフィケーション情報センター

◇Focus E15 Campaign, 20190716, "Newham Residents' Complaint to Mayor at Full Council Meeting".=20190913 村上潔訳「満員の区議会で区長にぶつけられたニューアム住民の訴え」,反ジェントリフィケーション情報センター
◇Sisters Uncut, 20191011, "Why We Plastered Our Demands on the Fence of Holloway Prison".=20191205 村上潔訳「なぜ私たちはホロウェイ刑務所の塀に要求を掲げたのか」,反ジェントリフィケーション情報センター

◇Book Launch: Without Apology by Jenny Brown
 2019/11/07 (Thursday) 19:00-22:00 at Verso Books (US)
“ Jenny Brown discusses her new book Without Apology with Lillian Cicerchia, Nona Willis Aronowitz, Fahmida Azad and Allison Guttu.
With an anti-abortion majority in the Supreme Court and several states with only one abortion clinic, many reproductive rights activists are on the defensive. Organizer and author Jenny Brown highlights the history of legal abortion in the US up until 1873―and the century of illegal abortion that followed. Without Apology offers a spirited exploration of how the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s won abortion rights. Drawing inspiration and lessons from that radical movement, Brown illuminates the struggle for abortion rights the world over―including the successful fight to make the morning-after pill available over the counter and the recent mass movement to repeal Ireland’s abortion ban.”

◇行司千絵(記者) 20191107 「市井の人がつづる、政治・性差別・子育て… 小冊子Zine[ジン]ご存知ですか――思い共有 ゆるやかなつながりへ」,『京都新聞』朝刊8〔暮らし〕面
 *村上潔を含む〈Morning Zine Circle〉のメンバー3名への取材記事。ジン・カルチャーの特質、〈Morning Zine Circle〉の活動とその意義、ならびに《NIJO Zine Fest #03》に関する紹介。

Silvia Federici on Witches, Commons, & Discovering Our Power
 2019年12月8日(日)at City College of San Francisco Mission Campus
“Silvia Federici on Witches, The Commons, Reclaiming the Body and Discovering Our Power in conversation with Jenny Worly at the Howard Zinn Book Fair from 2:15pm to 3:45pm in Room 106.”

◇村上潔 2019/12/14 「[報告]ジェントリフィケーションに抗するフェミニスト・アクション――ロンドンの事例を中心に」 [ゲスト報告者]
 15:00〜17:00 於:ナゴヤ駅西 サンサロ*サロン

*作成:村上 潔MURAKAMI Kiyoshi
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