last update: 20241203
*** Sorry, the contents of this page are incomplete. Please confirm the details / the latest information by translating the
Japanese page. ***
■Current status (except for Translation)
◇[Journal Article]Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2024, "A Perspective to Capture the Setback of 'Tokyo Komunu': Viewed from the Junction of Autocriticism and Others' Evaluation",
Gendai-Shiso, 52(18): 148-161 (December 1, 2024 / Seidosha)
*December 2024 Edition: Feature Articles "The Age of Mitsu Tanaka and Women's Lib"
◇[Newspaper Article]Murakami, Kiyoshi (Interviewer: Satoko Tanaka), 2024, "Women's Liberation Movement in Japan Does Not Fit Within an 'Authorised History': The Presence of Women Who Have Resisted for Decades Across the Country",
Asahi Shimbun Digital, November 5, 2024, (
◇Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2024, "[Lecture Material] Zine Culture and Locality/Regionality: The Significance of Practices Derived from That Relationship",, June 12, 2024, (
*Invited Lecture: at the Graduate School of Global Studies of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (via Zoom)
◇[Journal Article]"What Was Shinya Tateiwa's Criticism of Feminism Stemming from?: A Brief Discussion Focused on the Earliest Phase"
Gendai-Shiso, 52(3): 261-267 (February 25, 2024 / Seidosha)
*March 2024 Extra Edition: Feature Articles "Shinya Tateiwa: 1960‐2023"
◇[Series of Articles]Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2023, "Zines, Archiving and Activism: The Horizons Opened Up by Their Interlocking Developments (4) Grounds and Structures That Librarians and Archivists Have Worked Together to Build",
AMeeT, November 11, 2023, ( *4 Episodes in Total
◇[Series of Articles]Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2023, "Zines, Archiving and Activism: The Horizons Opened Up by Their Interlocking Developments (3) DIY Archiving Practices by 56a Infoshop (The Latter Part)",
AMeeT, August 3, 2023, ( *4 Episodes in Total
◇[Series of Articles]Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2023, "Zines, Archiving and Activism: The Horizons Opened Up by Their Interlocking Developments (2) DIY Archiving Practices by 56a Infoshop (The First Part)",
AMeeT, July 1, 2023, ( *4 Episodes in Total
◇[Series of Articles]Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2023, "Zines, Archiving and Activism: The Horizons Opened Up by Their Interlocking Developments (1) Essential Issues in Collection, Preservation and Publication",
AMeeT, May 10, 2023, ( *4 Episodes in Total
"Community Garden and Radical Gardening: Learning from the UK Case Study on Its Practices and Movement Significance"
February 20, 2023 (Monday) 20:30-23:00 / *Presentation at a local study group in Osaka via Zoom
*In the February session of Kamagasaki Night School (Osaka, Japan)
◇[Journal Article]"Kazue Morisaki and Ecofeminism, Ecofeminism of Kazue Morisaki: Connecting Line with the Current Situation"
Gendai-Shiso, 50(13): 359-370 (October 31, 2022 / Seidosha)
*November 2022 Extra Edition: Feature Articles "Kazue Morisaki: 1927‐2022"
"The Significance of Community Activities and Learning Practices of a Zine Circle in the Gathering Place of Diverse Minority Movements: A Case Study of a Multiethnic/Multicultural Area in Kyoto"
September 9, 2022 (Friday) 10:00-11:30 BST via Zoom
《Zines ASSEMBLE》Free One-Day Online Symposium: Session 1
"Community Plan Development and Follow-up Support: Responses to Gentrification in the Cases of Two Latin Communities in London"
June 26, 2022 (Sunday) 13:00-15:00 / *Presentation at a local study group in Kyoto
*Study Session: "Deriving Lessons from Listening to the Voice of the Land: Reports on Several Redevelopment Areas" (Guest Speakers: Haraguchi, Takeshi & Murakami, Kiyoshi)
◇[Journal Article]
"The Current Development of Zine Culture and Its Significance: Viewed from the Perspective of Feminist Community Activism"
Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture, 33(3): 39-51. (February 28, 2022 / International Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Ritsumeikan University)
◇[Public Talk]
"Girls and Community: Kobe's Culture from the Perspective of Zine Culture"
November 13, 2021 (Saturday) 18:30-20:45 at 1003 (Sensan: A Bookshop in Kobe, Japan)
Guest Speakers: Tanaka, Tohko & Murakami, Kiyoshi
"Feminist Activism Against Gentrification: Consideration from Diverse Practices in London"
Fukuin-to-Sekai, 76(8): 30-35. (August 1, 2021 / Tokyo: Shinkyo Publishing)
*Feature Articles: "Feminism for Living (2): What to Resist"
◇[Journal Article]
"The Potential of Archiving Practices of the Local Women's Liberation Movement Materials: Practical Experience in Kyoto in the 2000s and the Horizons That Lie Ahead"
Ono, Mitsuaki; Kosugi, Ryoko; Matsui, Takashi eds., 20210715,
The Movement History Opened up by Media (Social Movement History Studies: 3), Tokyo: Shin-yo-sha, 72-94.
"Zines as Media and Activism, and Feminist Practices: Its Diverse Possibilities Beyond Just Making"
Tanaka, Tohko ed., 20210620,
Girls' Media Studies, Tokyo: Hokuju Suppan, 130-148.
◇[Music Charts]"[Charts] 15 Musical Pieces Which Make Me Aware of Life, Body, Memory, Environment and Space",
Wire, 449 (July 2021): 52.
◇[Invited Lecture]
"Things That Don't Fit Within the Idealization of Work-Family Balance: The Struggles of Single Mothers and Their Backgrounds"
June 2, 2021 (Wednesday) 20:00-21:00 via Zoom
*Guest Speaker at the Online Talk Organized by Motomachi-Eigakan (A Movie Theater in Kobe, Japan)
◇[Invited Lecture]
"Autonomous Media Functioning in the Field of Movements for Survival, Labour and Reproduction: The Role of Zine Culture in Direct Action and Support for It"
April 26, 2021 (Monday) 13:30-15:00 via Zoom
*Guest Speaker at Applied Practice (the First Semester of the 2021 Academic Year) of Faculty of Popular Culture, Kyoto Seika University
"Zines and the Practices Around Them as Feminist Community Activism"
in the lecture event "Writing, Distributing and Changing the World: Zine, 'Minicomi' and Feminism" as a part of relay lecture of International Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Ritsumeikan University of the 2020 Academic Year
Panellists: Nonaka, Momo; Murakami, Kiyoshi; Yanagiwara Megumi
February 18, 2021 (Thursday) 13:30-15:30 via Zoom
"Is It Possible to Link 'Learning' with 'Activism' in a Happy Way?: In the Practices of Local Women's History"
in the talk event "'Feminist' Action by Women Who Have Lived in Local Communities" (Section 2: "Rediscovering 'Local Women's History'" / Section 3: Discussion) as a part of "Learning from 'Minicomi'": series events on Japanese 'Minicomi' culture.
Panellists: Comastri, Chiara; Murakami, Kiyoshi; Yanagiwara Megumi
January 23, 2021 (Saturday) 13:30-16:30 via Zoom
Host Organization: Women's Action Network (WAN) [Japan]
◇[Panelist at the International Panel Discussion]
"Zine Libraries and Zine Librarianship"
Panellists: Rhonda Kauffman (Chair); Kiyoshi Murakami; Marya Errin Jones; Ziba Perez Zehdar
July 22, 2020 (UTC 02:00-03:00) via Zoom
― This panel was held as part of the one-day event "International Zine Library Day 2020" (July 21 UTC 20:00~July 22 UTC 04:00) as a project of the Zine Librarians unConference (a.k.a. ZLuC) run by the Zine Libraries Interest Group.
◇[Media Coverage]Erdogan, Elif, 2020, "Against the Mainstream: Feminist Zines in Japan",
Voice Up Japan, June 29, 2020, ( →
― This is the article about feminist zines in Japan which includes my comments on
Morning Zine Circle and the feminist zine scene in Japan.
◇[Column]"Recomposing Women's/Mothers' 'Work'"
April 25, 2020 /
Chiisai Ookii Yowai Tsuyoi, 127: 159-163
Chiisai Ookii Yowai Tsuyoi
"DIY Culture Scene and Accessibility: Ethos, Practices and Significance in That Relationship"
March 24, 2020 /
AMeeT (Web Magazine based in Kyoto)
◇[Journal Article]
"Zines in Anarcha-Feminism: Zines Being as Education/Space"
Gendai-Shiso, 48(4): 160-168 (February 27, 2020 / Seidosha)
*March 2020 Extra Edition: Feature Articles "Feminism Today"
The Association for the Socio-Culture ed., 20200130,
Socio-Cultural Research Handbook for Students and Citizens, Koyo Shobo, 69;116-117.
"Homeless Mothers Taking Action in Oakland: The Struggle of 'Moms 4 Housing'"
January 5, 2020 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
"Feminist Actions Against Gentrification: With a Focus on the Examples of London"
December 14, 2019 (Saturday) 15:00-17:00 at Sansaro Salon (Nagoya, Japan)
*Guest Speaker at Nagoya Urban Research Society #05
◇[Media Coverage]Gyoji, Chie (Reporter),
"Ordinary People Writing on Politics, Sexism and Mothering... Do You Know 'Zine'?: Sharing Feelings and Creating a Loose Connection",
Kyoto Shimbun, November 7, 2019 (Morning Edition), p.8
― This is the article about the activities and significance of
Morning Zine Circle and
NIJO Zine Fest #03 based on an interview with 3 members of the circle, including an organizer: Kiyoshi Murakami.
"A Brief Exposition of Zines (Seventh Draft)"
November 7, 2019
"Working Daughters-in-law and Patriarchy: The Dual Role as a Provider of Care and Family Business"
September 7, 2019 (Saturday) 14:50-15:20 at Kobe Planet Film Archive (Kobe, Japan)
as Part of
"Special Screening of Daisuke Goto's Films"
*Guest Speaker
"Zines and Me: Q&A with Alex @fanzines"
July 9, 2019
◇[Article]Sato, Yumiko & Murakami, Kiyoshi (Moderator: Katada, Kaori)
"[Public Talk] Olympics and Gentrification: From the Perspectives of Gender, Culture and Activism"
Shien, 9: 151-181 (May 31, 2019 / Seikatsushoin)
"Supplementary Explanation on the Article '[Public Talk] Olympics and Gentrification: From the Perspectives of Gender, Culture and Activism' (Shien, Vol.9)"
May 29, 2019 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇[Lecture & Workshop]
"Creating a Zine Community as a Safer Space"
May 26, 2019 (Sunday) 14:00-17:00 at Sansaro Salon (Nagoya, Japan)
*Guest Lecturer/Facilitator
Gendai-Shiso, 47(6): 170-173 (April 25, 2019 / Seidosha)
*May 2019 Extra Edition: Feature Articles "43 Keywords of Contemporary Philosophy"
◇[Lecture & Workshop]
"Let's Learn the World of Zine Culture!"
December 6, 2018 (Thursday) 13:45-15:45 at Ritsumeikan Uji Junior and Senior High School (Kyoto, Japan)
Held as a Extracurricular Activity Directed at Like-minded 7th Grade Students (12 Schoolgirls)
*Guest Lecturer/Facilitator
"Positioning the Magazine 'Olive' as/in Girls' Culture: From the Perspectives of Consumption, Creation and Feminism"
November 11, 2018 (Sunday) 15:00-15:30 at Cross Rhythm (Kyoto, Japan)
as Part of
"'Olive' Reading Room: Looking Back on the Girlie Culture"
*Guest Speaker
◇[Public Talk]
"Olympics and Gentrification: From the Perspectives of Gender, Culture and Activism"
September 12, 2018 (Wednesday) 16:00-19:00 at Café★Lavandería (Tokyo, Japan)
Guest Speakers: Sato, Yumiko & Murakami, Kiyoshi
Moderator: Katada, Kaori
"On Completion of the Public Talk 'Olympics and Gentrification: From the Perspectives of Gender, Culture and Activism'"
September 27, 2018 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
"Deptford's Occupation Campaigners Are Appealing, 'Gentrification Is Organized Crime'"
September 3, 2018 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
"Intention in Appearing on the Public Talk 'Olympics and Gentrification: From the Perspectives of Gender, Culture and Activism'"
September 1, 2018 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇[Invited Lecture]
"Zine Culture and Me: My Encounter and Engagement with That, and What Is Around That"
June 26, 2018 (Tuesday) 10:40-12:10
as Part of the Class "Social Movement Theory" (Lecturer in Charge: ONO Mitsuaki) in The University of Shiga Prefecture: School of Human Cultures
*Guest Speaker (Lecturer)
"An Approach to Urban Space and Autonomous Culture: Reports on Manchester's Zine Scene (4) Potential of Zines and Space That Is Viewed Through the Social Space 'Partisan'"
April 19, 2018 /
AMeeT (Web Magazine based in Kyoto)
"An Approach to Urban Space and Autonomous Culture: Reports on Manchester's Zine Scene (3) 'Zine Club' As a 'Space' of Creativity"
March 31, 2018 /
AMeeT (Web Magazine based in Kyoto)
"An Approach to Urban Space and Autonomous Culture: Reports on Manchester's Zine Scene (2) Potential That the Workshop 'Make Stuff' Shows"
March 7, 2018 /
AMeeT (Web Magazine based in Kyoto)
"An Approach to Urban Space and Autonomous Culture: Reports on Manchester's Zine Scene (1) Salford Zine Library"
January 26, 2018 /
AMeeT (Web Magazine based in Kyoto)
cf. ◇
Related Information on the Serial Column "An Approach to Urban Space and Autonomous Culture: Reports on Manchester's Zine Scene" (January 29 -, 2018)
◇[Field Survey]
"Current Situation Survey on Zine Libraries and Zine Scene in Manchester"
December 13-19, 2017 *Solo Work
"One Night in London, Princess Nokia Shouted 'Save Latin Village!'"
November 12, 2017 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇[Talk]"Food, Zine and Feminism: What We Are Trying to Convey"
October 28, 2017 (Saturday) 17:00-17:30 at Cafe Phalam (Kyoto, Japan)
Speaker: YOZA Hiromi (the Owner of Cafe Phalam) and MURAKAMI Kiyoshi
as Part of
NIJO Zine Fest #01
【Handout(PDF)】(author: Murakami Kiyoshi)
"Young Latin-American Feminists in London Shout 'Resist Gentrification!'"
July 1, 2017 / Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇[Academic Conference Presentation: Panel Session]MURASAWA Mahoro, MURAKAMI Kiyoshi and HARAGUCHI Takeshi "Transformation of Gentrification: An Inter-disciplinary Study on Global Urbanization"
June 24, 2017 (Saturday) 13:30-15:15 at Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)
Cultural Typhoon 2017 (Association for Cultural Typhoon)
"Morning Zine Circle" at Cafe Phalam (Kyoto, Japan)
Every 2nd Friday AM10:00-11:00 [There's a possibility that schedule may be modified.] (Start Date: October 14, 2016)
■Present Post (2016.04 - )
◇Visiting Researcher
Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University
◇Part-time lecturer
at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (Subject: Introduction to Gender Studies)
& School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture (Subject: Theories of Family)
& College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University (Subject: Comparative Analysis of the Family)
& Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University (Subject: Preliminary Project Seminar I (CA))
■Academic Degree
Ph.D. (2009.03)
■Year of Birth
■Research subject
◇A Role of Zines in Grassroots Women's Movements
◇History and Current Status of Feminist Archives, and Its Significance and lssues
◇History of Women's Thoughts and Movements in Postwar Japan
◇Gentrification and Women's Community: Occupy, Resist and Culture
◇Possibility of the Spread of Anarcha-feminism / Ecofeminism in Japan
■Research Interests
◇Women's History
◇Women's Movement
◇Women's Work
◇Arcane Living of Housewives
◇Feminist Archiving
◇Feminist Zine Scene
◇Riot grrrl
◇Third-wave Feminism
◇DIY Culture
◇Food Activism
◇Workers' Collective
◇Women's Housing Action
◇Anti-gentrification Movements
◇Temporary Autonomous Zone
◇Japanese Old Films
◇SHINGEKI (=The Western-style drama newly developed in modern Japan)
◇KAYŌKYOKU (=Japanese popular songs which were popular in the Showa era)
◇Female AOR
◇BUTOH (=A form of Japanese contemporary dance)
◇Contemporary Dance
◇Women's Writing
◇Women Poets
◇Circle Activities in Postwar Japan
◇Dance Criticism
◇Zine Review
■Introduction of My Research
◇July 13, 2015
"How Can We Represent Oppression, Conflict and Independence of Housewives?"
◇September 1, 2013
"Of the Living as Housewives" (Research Highlights)
■Media Coverage (2016.10 - )
◇GYOJI Chie / October 21, 2017 /
"Exchanging Thoughts in a Face-to-face Relationship: 'Zine' as a Booklet Written by Everyday People; An Exhibition on October 28 in Nakagyo",
Kyoto Shimbun, 2017-10-21: 17
* An article about
NIJO Zine Fest #01 (October 28, 2017) and the activity of
Morning Zine Circle (since October 2016) based on an interview with Kiyoshi Murakami and Hiromi Yoza (the owner of Cafe Phalam)
◇GYOJI Chie / October 12, 2016 /
" 'ZINE' as a Media to Write One's Thought/Mind: Seeking for the Historical Background and the Meaning",
Kyoto Shimbun, 2016-10-12: 23
* An article about ZINE culture based on an interview with Kiyoshi Murakami
■Recent Lectures(~2022*See the Japanese page for contents from 2023 onwards)
◆Comparative Analysis of the Family (S) (at College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
"Reconsidering the 'Family' from the Viewpoint of the Existence of 'Housewives'"
"The Forms of 'Family' Observed from the 'Housing' Problems"
"Alternative Thoughts and Practices on Childbearing and Parenting in Contemporary Japan: Especially Concerning Something 'Mother'"
"The Present Situation of 'Mothering': Trends of Discussions and Practices Surrounding It"
◆Introduction to Gender Studies (at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
"Girls and the City: Women's Culture in Kobe"
"Females and the Sea"
"Grrrl/Queer/Feminist Zines"
"Women's Autonomous Cultural Scenes: Media, Space, and Activism"
"Females and the Sea / Queer Sea"
"Females and the Sea / Queer Sea (Vol.2)"
"Females and Nights / Nights of Females"
"Women's History/Gender History/Feminist History: Learning, Documenting, Sharing and Utilizing"
"Perceiving Gender from 'Darkness': Reading Kazue Morisaki's "Makkura [Pitch-Darkness]""
◆Qualitative Research Methods (SB) (at College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
"Ishimure Michiko and Social Research"
◆Qualitative Research Methods (SA) (at College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
◆Theories of Family (at School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture)
"Re-grasping the Birthing and 'Mothering': Capitalism and Sex/Love/Family, and the Horizon Beyond Them"
"The "Family" from the Point of View of Homeless Mothers' Housing Problems: Based on the Practices of Feminist Activists"
■Lecture Notes
◇April 2017 - July 2017
"[Serial Publication] Notes on Women's Autonomous Cultural Scenes" (1)-(14)
◇April 2016 - August 2016
"[Serial Publication] Notes on Grrrl/Queer/Feminist Zines" (1)-(15)
■Recent Notes (Written in English)
◇April 20, 2020
"Pandemic and Underground Fluctuation: Reflection from a Small Corner of Japan"
◇September 23, 2016
"Report: ASIAN ZINESTER ASYLUM (September 13, 2016 / Shinjuku, Tokyo)"
◇January 4, 2021
"[Translation] Our Lives and Our Future: Resistance Has Not Gone Away" (Focus E15 Campaign / December 31, 2020) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇December 12, 2019
"[Translation] Why We Plastered Our Demands on the Fence of Holloway Prison" (Sisters Uncut / October 11, 2019) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇December 2, 2019
"[Translation] DIY" (Neil Campau / July 2012 /
Building: A DIY Guide to Creating Spaces, Hosting Events and Fostering Radical Communities [1st Edition] /
◇November 15, 2019
"[Translation] Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre: The Battle at London's Gentrification 'Ground Zero'" (CorporateWatch2 / July 14, 2019) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇September 13, 2019
"[Translation] Newham Residents' Complaint to Mayor at Full Council Meeting" (Focus E15 Campaign / July 16, 2019) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇August 29, 2019,
"[Translation] How Zine Libraries Are Highlighting Marginalized Voices" (Rosie Knight / December 30, 2018)
◇March 7, 2019,
"[Translation] We Stand Opposed to the Use of Art to Artwash Social Cleansing!" (Artists Against Social Cleansing / January 27, 2019) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇October 1, 2018,
"[Translation] Open Forum, Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk. Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden, May 2018" (Art&Critique / September 20, 2018) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇September 20, 2018
"[Translation] Newham Resident Bullied and Threatened with 'Intentional Homelessness'" (Focus E15 Campaign / September 18, 2018) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇September 18, 2018
"[Translation] Housing Activists Stand up to Dodgy Landlords and Council Bullies" (Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi and Izzy Koksal / November 22, 2017 /
openDemocracy) Anti-gentrification Information Center
◇June 20, 2018
"[Translation] The Economy of Zines" (Holly Casio / March 9, 2017)
◇March 14, 2018
"[Translation] Zine Club Manchester" (Pen Fight Distro)
◇March 12, 2018
"[Translation] POC Zine Reading and Panel (cafe con libros)"
◇March 7, 2018
"[Translation] Partisan Collective" (Salford Zine Library / February 28, 2016)
◇March 5, 2018
"[Translation] What is Partisan?" (Partisan)
◇February 25, 2018
"[Translation] Supporting DIY community: Declaration by Tender Hands Press (@10derhandspress)"
◇February 19, 2018
"[Translation] Declaration by POC Zine Project (@POCZineProject) on the Mission of the Activity"
◇February 17, 2018
"[Translation] Suggestions from Kirsty Fife (@DIYarchivist) on a Pay for Work with Zines"
◇February 2, 2018
"[Translation] Offer of 'Pay It Forward' from Northwest Zinefest (@nwzinefest) in advance of the fest of 2018"
◇October 4, 2017
"[Translation] Tweets from Gina Murrell (@GinaMurrell1) on Zine Workshop (October 4, 2017)"
◇August 16, 2017
"[Translation] A statement by female:pressure (August 15, 2017)"
◇July 11, 2017
"[Translation] London Latinxs: Building Affinity Groups, Fighting Oppression" (Usayd Younis & Cassie Quarless / 2016 /
STRIKE!, Issue 15)
◇June 22, 2017
"[Translation] [Event] Salsa&Samba Shutdown PART II" (The London Latinxs / June 19, 2017)
◇June 21, 2017
"[Translation] Resist Gentrification!" (The London Latinxs / April 9, 2017)
◇June 5, 2017
"[Translation] Press release: Feminists occupy Holloway Prison to demand more domestic violence services" (Sisters Uncut / May 27, 2017)
◇April 18, 2017
"[Translation] Zine Workshop Guide + Resources: Tips and tricks on how you can start a zine workshop group yourself" (Grrrl Zines A-Go-Go)
◇April 12, 2017
"[Translation] Tweets from POC Zine Project (@POCZineProject) on the History of Zines and Education about That (April 10, 2017)"
◇April 11, 2017
"[Translation] Tweets from POC Zine Project (@POCZineProject) on Zine-making and Education (April 9, 2017)"
◇March 13, 2017
"[Translation] Tweets from Synchronise Witches (@s_w_press) on the Importance of the History of Zine (March 13, 2017)"
◇March 9, 2017
"[Translation] Suggestions about Zines and Money (Business): Tweets from Northwest Zinefest, Holly Casio, and Lincoln Zine Fest (March 7, 2017)"
◇February 20, 2017
"[Translation] Sisters Uncut: 'Feministo'"
◇February 15, 2017
"[Translation] Tweets from POC Zine Project (@POCZineProject) on the Connection Between Zine Culture and Academia (December 20, 2016)"
◇January 21, 2017
"[Translation] 4 Tweets from Northwest Zinefest (@nwzinefest) on Zine Fest and Feminism (January 6, 2017)"
◇January 4, 2017
"[Translation] 4 Tweets from ZINES (@fanzines) on Zine Scene (December 25/29, 2016)"
◇December 28, 2016
"[Translation] Tweets from Gina Murrell (@GinaMurrell1) on utilizing Twitter (December 28, 2016)"
◇December 20, 2016
"[Translation] Focus E15: E15 Open House Occupation"
◇December 19, 2016
"[Translation] Focus E15: About Us"
◇November 25, 2016
"[Translation] Tweets from uh listen (@poetrygirl420) on Zines (November 19, 2016)"
◇November 14, 2016
"[Translation] 3 Tweets from ZINES (@fanzines) (November 14, 2016)"
◇November 7, 2016
"[Translation] The parts of the argument in the seminar "In Defense of Housing" (Oct 25, 2016 / London)"
◇September 3, 2016
"[Translation] 3 Tweets from ZINES (@FANZINES) (September 3, 2016)"
◇August 2, 2016
"[Translation] Minutes of the Zine Librarians unConference 2016: Fragments"
◇June 12, 2016
"[Translation] The Riot Grrrl Manifesto" (Kathleen Hanna / 1991 /
Bikini Kill, 2) *Revision: June 9, 2018
◇April 21, 2016
"[Translation] Tweets from POC Zine Project (April 21, 2016): Fragments"
■Social Activities (2016.11 - ) *Except items included in "Current status"
[Workshop]"East Nine Zine Circle #02"
September 22, 2018 (Saturday) 14:00-16:00 at Books×Coffee Sol. (Kyoto, Japan)
*Guest Facilitator
cf. ◇September 22, 2018
"[Lecture Material] Connecting with Asian Zine Scene: What I Referred to in East Nine Zine Circle #02"
[Workshop]"East Nine Zine Circle #01"
July 28, 2018 (Saturday) 13:00-15:00 at Books×Coffee Sol. (Kyoto, Japan)
*Guest Facilitator
[Zine Talk]"The Briefing on Zine Fests / Zine Libraries / Zine-related Projects in the U.K."
May 20, 2017 (Saturday) 16:00-16:30 at Mishima City Lifelong Learning Center (Shizuoka, Japan)
as Part of
Quiet Hills Zine Festival
*Guest Speaker (Lecturer)
[Talk]"The Classic yet New Relationship between Zine and Feminism"
April 23, 2017 (Sunday) 17:00-19:00 at art space tetra (Fukuoka, Japan)
as Part of
Garden #07 For Zine
*Guest Speaker
[Lecture]"Things to Be Careful of When Organizing a Zine-Making Workshop"
April 13, 2017 (Thursday) 13:10-14:40 at Doshisha University Imadegawa Campus (Kyoto, Japan)
*Guest Speaker (Lecturer)
[Talk]"ZINE, Radio, and Urban Space: The 'Place' of DIY Culture"
February 4, 2017 (Saturday) 20:15-20:45 at LOSER (Osaka, Japan)
*Guest Speaker (Lecturer)
[Lecture & Workshop]"Activism and Zines: Publishing from Marginal/Marginalized Standpoints and Sharing That"
January 29, 2017 (Sunday) 14:00-16:00 at Kyoto YWCA (Kyoto, Japan)
*Lecturer & Facilitator
[Lecture & Workshop]"Learning through ZINE, Things capable of doing through ZINE: Sharing Thoughts / Knowing Movements / Creating Culture"
November 20, 2016 (Sunday) 14:00-17:00 at Sansaro Salon (Nagoya, Japan)
*Lecturer & Facilitator
■Academic Achievements (Incomplete List)
◇March 31, 2016 "Thinking about Feminist Zines Now",
Ars Vivendi, Vol.9: 188-194. (Special Feature 3: The Present of Feminist Zines)
◇NISHIYAMA Atsuko (DIRTY) & MURAKAMI Kiyoshi / March 31, 2016 "To Make Use of Zine as 'Our' Property: An Approach to Feminist Zines and That Potential Possibilities" (Dialogue Article),
Ars Vivendi, Vol.9: 196-226. (Special Feature 3: The Present of Feminist Zines)
◇March 31, 2015 "Special Feature Commentary: The Reason We Focus on 'Creative Mothers' Now",
Ars Vivendi, Vol.8: 208-212. (Special Feature 2: Creative Mothers)
◇HORIKOSHI Hidemi, NONAKA Momo & MURAKAMI Kiyoshi / March 31, 2015 "Oppression to Mothers / Mothers' Creation: The Condition of Being Creative Mothers" (Round-table Talk),
Ars Vivendi, Vol.8: 214-243. (Special Feature 2: Creative Mothers)
◇November 20, 2014 "Possibilities in the Movement Theory of Anarcha-Feminist Approaches to Disability/Impairment" (Poster Presentation),
Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum 2014, E_room Center, Seoul, Korea
[PDF (Japanese)]/
[PDF (Korean)]
◇March 15, 2013 "Women's Fight for Territory: Reclaiming Primitive Resources",
Ars Vivendi, Vol.6: 379-393. (Special Feature 2: Urban Theory)
◇March 31, 2012
Entanglement between Housewives and Labor: Its Issues and Movements, Rakuhoku Shuppan, 334p. ISBN-10: 490312715X ISBN-13: 978-4903127156 3200+tax
[kinokuniya] ※
AMADA Josuke, MURAKAMI Kiyoshi &
YAMAMOTO Takanori (Eds.) / March 10, 2012
Disputed Point of Differences: Understanding the Modern Discrimination, Harvestsha, x+299p. ISBN-10: 4863390343 ISBN-13: 9784863390348 2700+tax
[kinokuniya] ※
TATEIWA Shin'ya & MURAKAMI Kiyoshi / December 5, 2011
Prelude to the Theory of Family and Division of Labor by Gender Role, Seikatsu Shoin, 360p. ISBN-10: 4903690865 ISBN-13: 978-4903690865 2200+tax
[kinokuniya] ※
◇November 20, 2010 "Turning Point of "Alternative Labor Practice by Housewives": How will the Workers Collective Change?", pp.166-190,
YAMAMOTO Takanori & TAKAHASHI Shinichi (Eds.)
Dynamics of "Differences": Practical Challenges of Research and Methodology on Minority, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.14 ISSN 1882-6539 ※
◇November 20, 2010 "【Round-table Talk】Ethics Imposed on Research and Questions in Practice: What Are "Researchers" who are Wandering among Participants / Involved Persons / People / Activists?", pp.222-293,
YAMAMOTO Takanori & TAKAHASHI Shinichi (Eds.)
Dynamics of "Differences": Practical Challenges of Research and Methodology on Minority, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.14 ISSN 1882-6539 ※
◇MURAKAMI Kiyoshi, KURITA Ryuko & IKUTA Takeshi / April 20, 2010 "What Do 'Women' Mean for Labor?", pp.63-102
Freeter's Free, a Limited Liability Partnership (Eds.)
Whose Feminism Is It?: Collection of Dialogues by Freeter's Free, Jjimbun Shoin ISBN-10: 4409240862 ISBN-13: 9784409240861 1890+tax
◇March 31, 2010 "Reexamination of the "Housewife Debates": Problems and Prospects Derived from Reclassifying Debates' Arguments and Objects",
The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory, 4: 160-172
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇March 20, 2010 "Impossibility of Cut of "the Nature of Housewives": Facing Fetters of Female Labor and Life",
Ars Vivendi, 2: 83-95
AMADA Josuke,
YAMAMOTO Takanori / March 20, 2010 "Production/Labor/Distribution/Discrimination"(Round-table Discussion)
Ars Vivendi, 2: 14-70
◇December 13, 2009
"Problems and Prospects on Making an Issue of "Women's Poverty"" (Japanese)
The 12th National Convention of the Association for the Socio-culture, Minoh Campus, Osaka University
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇August 31, 2009 "Raising the Question of "the Situation as Housewives" by Women Concerned in the 1970s: From a Record of a Seminar at Tokyo Kunitachi City Public Hall",
Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences, 19: 43-57
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇March 31, 2009 "A Contemporary History of Ideas and Activities concerning Labor of Housewives in Postwar Japan" (A Doctoral Dissertation)
[abstract] (
◇March 31, 2009 "The Historical Significance of the Existence of a Women's Liberation Group Opposing Gender Equalitarianism: Practices and Assertions of the Women's Movement in Kyoto against the Employment Equality Act",
Core Ethics, 5: 327-338
[abstract] (
◇March 20, 2009 "Ideas and Movements Pursuing Liberation of Women from the Standpoint of "Housewife": A Case Study on "the Housewives Front"",
The Journal of Studies in Socio-Culture, 11: 183-201
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇December 7, 2008
"Reconsideration of Women's "Labor" and Income/Security" (Japanese)
The 11th National Convention of the Association for the Socio-culture, Fuchu Campus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇March 31, 2008 "Housewives as Wage-earners and the Part-time Job Problem: An Analysis of the Activities of the Association for Thinking about Women's Liberation from the Standpoint of Housewives and the Liaison Meeting of Part-time Workers and Unorganized Labor",
Core Ethics, 4: 345-358
◇December 9, 2007
"Logic against Law for Equal Employment Opportunity of Men and Women as Lib: Through Cases of Movements in Kyoto" (Japanese)
The 10th National Convention of the Association for the Socio-Culture, Mie University
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇TAKIGAWA Mari, FUYUKI Kai & Bunta (Interviewer: MURAKAMI Kiyoshi) / July 31, 2007 "(Interview) Seeking of the Women's Liberation Movement in Kyoto during 80s",
PACE, 3: 36-49
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇June 10, 2007 ""Equality of the Sexes" or "Division of Women"?: Points that Carve the Women's Liberation Movement since International Women's Year (1975)"
Annual Convention of the Women's Studies Association of Japan in Fiscal 2007, Hosei University
For Details ( (Japanese)
◇May 1, 2007 "Movements of "Passport for Children with no Family Registration"",
Vol 02, Ibunsha. ISBN-10: 4753102548
◇March 31, 2007 "On Evaluation of Initial Part-time Work"
"Kodo Seichoki" Kenkyukai ed., 2007,
Re-Discussion of "High Growth" (Japanese)
Report on "Future of Distribution and Assistance" (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research under Category B) (Representative: TATEIWA Shinya), Fiscal 2006
◇March 31, 2007 "Movements against Revision of Labor Standards Law"
SAKAI Kayoko, TAKEMURA Masato and MURAKAMI Kiyoshi,
Report on Collection and Investigation of Reference Materials (regarding the Women's Liberation Movement) for Students Who Take Courses on Gender Equality in Kyoto City in Fiscal 2006, pp.12-20, (NPO) Kyoto Human Rights Promotion Center, Net Karasuma
◇March 31, 2006 "Ayako Ishigaki on Problems for Women in Marriage and Work in 1950's",
Core Ethics, 2: 285-293
UP: July 1, 2008 | REV: July 31, 2008/[…]/September 7, 2018/September 9, 2018/September 19, 2018/September 23, 2018/September 27, 2018/October 1, 2018/November 20, 2018/December 8, 2018/March 17, 2019/April 1, 2019/April 15, 2019/May 20, 2019/May 30, 2019/June 3, 2019/June 5, 2019/July 10, 2019/September 17, 2019/October 7, 2019/November 12, 2019/November 25, 2019/December 2, 2019/December 12, 2019/January 7, 2020/February 18, 2020/March 25, 2020/April 25, 2020/July 2, 2020/July 16, 2020/August 5, 2020/August 31, 2020/January 15, 2021/January 27, 2021/March 7, 2021/May 4, 2021/June 10, 2021/July 25, 2021/October 17, 2021/March 21, 2022/April 12, 2022/July 1, 2022/September 1, 2022/September 10, 2022/November 1, 2022/March 27, 2023/May 10, 2023/July 5, 2023/August 5, 2023/November 13, 2023/February 4, 2024/July 6, 2024/December 3, 2024
MURAKAMI Kiyoshi [Japanese]
WHO (English)
WHO (Japanese)