chap.4 note 12
"The movement to introduce legislation governing euthanasia (later referred to as "death with dignity") in Japan was first actively pursued by Tenrei Ota (cf.Tateiwa [2009a:chap.2]), and he advocated it in conjunction with eugenic sterilization (Ota [1967]). He states
"It is fundamentally the suffering of the person in question. But there are cases in which they are not conscious or aware. In such cases whether or not to view the suffering observed by a third party as suffering is for doctors to determine (from a conversation recorded in Ota and Watanabe [1972→1974:170]).
"Should the life of a person in a vegetative state be viewed as a human life? ...can society be created out of the weak? This is an anti-social attitude on the part of the family. Human consciousness is lacking [in people in this state]" (Ota, speaking in "Dilemma", a TBS Saturday documentary broadcast in 1978 and cited in Shimizu [1994:213-214]. At the time Ota was the chairman of the Japan Euthanasia Association.)
In the same documentary, Toshiaki Wada, then a member of the board of directors of this association, said, "Is not the killing of those whose lives are unnecessary, the killing of those whose lives are of no use to society, in fact a good thing? We must be careful to distinguish between this and the sort of genocide perpetrated by the Nazis."
For an overview and criticism of statements made by the Japan Euthanasia Association and the Japanese Society for Dying with Dignity see Shimizu [1994:213-214](cf.Tateiwa and Arima [2012]).
Of course, most of those who advocate "death with dignity" today are not this barbarous. They claim it is a matter of self-determination.
"Almost all of the cases in which euthanasia or assisted suicide is carried out in the Netherlands involve end-stage cancer patients who are unable to do anything for themselves, are completely dependent on others, are expected to live only a few more days, and do not want to endure what would at most be 2 or 3 weeks of humiliation" (From answers to interviews with Dutch people cited in Goto [1996:133]. For more on euthanasia in the Netherlands, see NHK Jintai Project ed. [1996] (which includes the above-referenced text) and Chabot [1995]).
When "pain clinics" have been established and a sufficiently high standard of pain management has been attained (as is said to be the case in the Netherlands), death is no longer something individuals choose for themselves as a means of escaping physical pain. In such cases, the reason for choosing death becomes the more "human" desire to "escape from humiliation." This is what gives rise to the misgivings expressed in Ichinokawa [1993b] [1994a] [1996e] (cf. Komatsu and Ichionkawa [1996], Omata and Ichinokawa [1996]). For more on this issue, see Chapter 7 Note 22.