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O'Hagan, Mary 200211-12 "Living Well," Openmind 118, 4p.

last update:20150803

p.1. 3段落

People in New Zealand had been talking about recovery for some years and there was a lot of support for the concept. But we knew some service users didn’t like the word. ‘Recovery takes you back to where you were, but my experience transformed me.’ ‘I’ll always have mental health problems so I’ll never recover.’ ‘I don’t believe I had an illness but recovery implies I did have one.’ ‘I don’t see my madness as undesirable, so what is it I need to recover from?.’ ‘To recover means to cover up again, but I don’t want to cover up my distress.’

p.2. 最終段

Some service users in New Zealand still don’t like the word ‘recovery’ but I have not heard one of them object to the way we have defined and interpreted it.

p.2. 4段落

Much of the American recovery literature accepted, at least implicitly, the biomedical model of ‘mental illness’. It did not place a great deal of emphasis on challenging the veracity or the dominance of the biomedical model in mental health services. We wanted the recovery approach in New Zealand to signal that there are many ways of understanding and responding to mental health problems and that no one way should dominate at the expense of others.

翻訳:伊東 香純(20150726)

*作成:伊東 香純
UP: 20150803 REV:
O'Hagan, Mary  ◇精神障害/精神医療
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