Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen (Japanese Version)

GOTOH Reiko & DUMOUCHEL Paul (Eds.) Translation Supervisor: GOTOH Reiko
September 10, 2011 Koyo Shobo, 310p.
[Japanese] / [Korean]
Original Version Page

『正義への挑戦 セン経済学の新地平』

GOTOH Reiko & DUMOUCHEL Paul (Eds.) Translation Supervisor: GOTOH Reiko September 10, 2011 Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen (Japanese Version), Koyo Shobo, 310p. ISBN-10: 4771022712 ISBN-13: 978-4771022713 3045 [amazon][kinokuniya]


Has justice forgotten economics? Has economics forgotten justice? The Sen seminar started with his questions. Gift and reciprocity, preferences and reasoning, rights and freedom, neorepublicanism, and gender...how should we be against injustice?

■Table of Contents

Economics that has forgotten justice
Ecnomics, law, and ethics
Neorepublicanism and Sen's economic, legal, and ethical desiderata
The Prajâpati test: response to Amartya Sen
The power of a democratic public
The challenge of gender justice
Gift, market, and social justice
Justice and public reciprocity
Reasoning with preferences?
Conceptions of individual rights and freedom in welfare economics: a re-examination
On applying synthetic indices of multidimentional well-being: health and income inequalities in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom
Sen's response
Viewpoints of poverty research
Levinas and Sen, and Rawls: Justice and ecnomics based on "fundamental differences of human beings"

UP:December 12, 2011 REV:
Translation by KATAOKA Minoru
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