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■Current Position:

◆Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

■Areas of Interest:

◆Political Philosophy, Multiculturalism


■Recent and Major Academic Achievements

◆DUMOUCHEL Paul & GOTOH Reiko (Eds.) August 2015 Social Bonds as Freedom: Revisiting the Dichotomy of the Universal and the Particular,Berghahn Books, 296p. ISBN-10:1782386939 ISBN-13:978-1782386933 [amazon]

『Social Bonds As Freedom: Revisiting the Dichotomy of the Universal and the Particular』

◆October 2014 The Ambivalence of Scarcity and Other Essays,Michigan State Univ. Pr., 383p. ISBN-10: 1611861322 ISBN-13: 978-1611861327 [amazon][kinokuniya]

『The Ambivalence of Scarcity and Other Essays』

◆September 2013 "Synthetic Modeling of Life and Cognition: Open Questions"

◆March 27, 2013 "Preface", Ars Vivendi Journal 4: 1-2 [HTML]/[PDF]

GOTOH Reiko & DUMOUCHEL Paul (Eds.) Translation Supervisor: GOTOH Reiko September 10, 2011 Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen (Japanese Version), Koyo Shobo, 310p. ISBN-10: 4771022712 ISBN-13: 978-4771022713 3045 [amazon][kinokuniya]

『Against Injustice』

◆DUMOUCHEL Paul & DAMIANO Luisa August 2011 "Artificial Empathy, Imitation and Mimesis," Ars Vivendi Journal 1:18-31 [HTML]/[PDF]

◆July 2011 "Artificial Empathy and Imitation"

◆DUMOUCHEL Paul & DAMIANO Luisa September 18, 2010 "Artificial Empathy--Imitation and Mimesis," The 2nd Workshop The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, The University of Bergamo

GOTOH Reiko & DUMOUCHEL Paul (eds.) November 2009 Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen, Cambridge University Press. 328p. ISBN-10: 0521899591 ISBN-13: 978-0521899598 8,435 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

『Against Injustice』

◆March 22, 2009 "Borders and Boundaries: Justice and Exclusion in the Age of Globalization" [abstract in PDF]
5th Annual International Conference Multiculturalism and Social Justice, Ritsumeikan University

◆2008 "Le territoire comme figure de l'espace politique", Spazio sacrificiale, spazio politico: Saggi di Anthropologia Fondativa, a cure Maria-Stella Barberi, Milano: TransEuropa, 2008 [PDF]

◆2008 "Rhétorique et passions chez hobbes", Entre Théorie et Fiction: Penser les Passions à l'Age Classique sous la direction de J.-P. Cléro, Lucie Desjardins et Daniel Dumouchel, Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2008 [PDF]

◆2008 "Mimétisme et génocides", Cahier de l'Herne Girard, sous la direction de Mark Anspach, Paris: l'Herne 2008, pp.247-254 [PDF]

◆January 2008 Biological Modules and Emotions", Luc Faucher & Christine Tappolet (eds.) The Modularity of Emotions, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary volume 32, pp. 115-134. [PDF]

◆February 2007 "Nationalism and Culture", Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture 17(3):133-140

◆2005 "Trust as an action", European Journal of Sociology Vol.XLVI(3) [PDF]

◆2000 Violences, victimes et vengeance Quebec, Presses de l'universite Laval

◆1999 Emotions. Essai sur le corps et le social, 2nd edtion, Paris, Synthelabo

◆1995 Emotions. Essai sur le corps et le social, Paris, Synthelabo, 1995. Second edition 1999

◆DUMOUCHEL Paul & DUPUY Jean-Pierre 1979 L'enfer des choses: Rene Girard et la logique de l'economie (Seuil, 1979. Japanese translation 1990, German translation, 1999)
L'enfer des choses: Rene Girard et la logique de l'economie

■Other Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements in Fiscal Year 2007
Academic Achievements in Fiscal Year 2006
Academic Achievements in Fiscal Year 2005
Academic Achievements in Fiscal Year 2004
Academic Achievements in Fiscal Year 2003

■Research Project

◆Research Project on Multiculturalism and Social Justice

■E-mail Magazines

Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.45 (March 31, 2011)

Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.37 (November 30, 2011)

UP:July 3, 2008 REV:August 6, 2008/September 8, 2008/September 30, 2008/April 2, 2009/July 21, 2009/December 15, 2009/December 18, 2009/October 27, 2010/July 21, 2011/August 23, 2011/September 5, 2011/September 7, 2011/December 12, 2011/January 11, 2012/September 26, 2013/February 13, 2014/April 21, 2015/September 8, 2015
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