Religious Issues in Western Civilization

Spivey, Robert A.; Gaustad, Edwin S.; Allen, Rodney F. 1973 Addison Wesley Higher Education,258p.

last update:20191230


■Spivey, Robert A.; Gaustad, Edwin S.; Allen, Rodney F. 1973 Religious Issues in Western Civilization,Addison Wesley Higher Education,258p. ISBN-10:0201071002 ISBN-13:978-0201071009 欠品 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ mc



Study1 Badylonian Religious: Order and the Threat of Chaos John F. Priest
The Gods and Creation
Badylonian Religious and Badylonian Man

Study2 Graeco-Roman Religious: Festival or Philosophy John F. Priest, with Introduction by Rodney F. Allen
Religious in Ancient Greece and Rome
Homeric Greek Religion
From Mythos to Logos
The Failure of Nerve

Study3 Judaism: Religious Community and National State Robert A. Spivey and John F. Priest
Biblical Judaism
Medieval and Traditional Judaism
Modern Judaism

Study4 The Christian in the Roman Empire: Loyal Citizen or Traitor Lawrence S. Cunningham
Christians in the Roman Empire
Imperial Pressure upon Chiristians
The Christian Dilemma
The Final Thrust, Then Accommodation

Study5 The Crusades: War and Peace in Religious Perspective Charles W. Swain and Rodney F. Allen
Announcing the Crusades: The Motives
Recruiting Soldiers of the Cross: The Appeal
Pursuing Victory: Men's Behavior
The Christian and a Just War

Study6 Christianity in Medieval Life: The Pursuit of Unity and Meaning Lawrence S. Cunningham and Rodney F. Allen
The Role of the Medieval Church
The Gothic Cathedral
Problems Inherent in Order: The Misfits
Meaning and Order in the Modern World

Study7 The Reformation: The Christian as Martyr or Rebel Walter L. Moore, Jr, and Rodney F. Allen
The Reformation and Civil Authority
The Confession of Magdeburg, 1550
Institues of the Christian Religion, 1559
A Defense of Liberty against Tyrants, 1577
The Interview of John Knox with Mary, Queen of Scots, 1561
Martin Luther to Rebellious Peasants, 1525
The Schleitheim Confession, 1527

Study8 The Enlightenment: Reason or Religion Charles W. Swain and Rodney F. Allen
Criticism of Religion
A New Religion
Faith and Reason

Study9 The Ecumenical Movement: Unity or Cooperation John J. Carey
The Church Divided
The Search for Unity: The Nineteen Century
Toward Closer Cooperation and Unity in Twentieth Century America
Ecumenical Breakthroughs

Study10 South Africa: Christian Responses to Multiracial Conditions Rodney F. Allen
Historical Perspective
Two Christian Views of Apartheid
The Dilemma and Moral Choice
Alternatives and Right Action
American Business and Apartheid





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