Promoting Healthy Behavior: How Much Freedom? Whose Responsibility?

Callahan, Daniel 200003 Georgetown University Press,186p.

last update:20110921


■Callahan, Daniel 200003 Promoting Healthy Behavior: How Much Freedom? Whose Responsibility?,Georgetown University Press,186p. ISBN-10:0878407626 ISBN-13:978-0878407620 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ l03 g01


The government, the media, HMOs and individual Americans have all embraced programmes to promote disease prevention. Yet obesity is up, exercise is down, teenagers continue to smoke, and sexually transmitted disease is rampant. Why? These essays examine the ethical and social problems that create subtle obstacles to changing Americans' unhealthy behaviour. The contributors raise profound questions about the role of the state or employers in trying to change health-related behaviour, about the actual health and economic benefits of even trying, and about the freedom and responsibility of those of us who, as citizens, are the target of such efforts.



Personal Responsibility for Health: Contexts and Controversies
Health Promotion and Civil Liberties: The Price of Freedoms and the Price of Health
The Credibility of Claims for the Economic Benefits of Health Promotion
Sticks and Carrots and Baseball Bats: Economic and Other Incentives to Modify Health Behavior
Health Promotion and the Common Good: Reflections on the Politics of Need
Health Promotion and the Common Good: Toward a Politics of Practice
The Promise of Molecular Medicine in Preventing Disease: Examining the Burden of Genetic Risk
Freedom, Healthism, and Health Promotion: Finding the Right Balance
Promoting Health and Preventing Disease: Ethical Demands and Social Challenges





*作成:樋口 也寸志
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