[Japanese] / [Korean]

■Current Status:

◆Graduate Student, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

■Academic Achievements

KAWABATA Miki, YOSHIDA Sachie & LEE Wook (Eds.) March 22, 2013 Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum 2012: Discussion over Disabilities and Illness in Japan and Korea, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.20, 340p. ISSN 1882-6539※

◆March 31, 2012 "A Study of Policies Regarding Hansen’s Disease in Korea under Japanese Occupation: From the Foundation of the Sorokdo Charity Clinic to the Enactment of the Chosen-Rai-Yoborei," Core Ethics 8:433-443 [PDF]

◆November 9, 2011 "A Consideration concerning the Process of Forming Policies on Hansen's Disease under Korean Sovereignty," Second Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum, Ritsumeikan University

◆July 9, 2011 "The Actual Situation of Korean Policy against Hansen's Disease: Shorokuto from under Japan's Governance to its Liberty," The International Program of the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi, Seoul Campus of Kyonggi University

◆March 25, 2011 "Participation of the Japan-South Korea Cooperative Research Project: My First Overseas Research," Ars Vivendi Vol.3:262-263

◆November 27, 2010 "Transition of Hansen Disease Policies in Japan and South Korea since 1950s," Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum, Seoul, Korea

◆November 20, 2010 "【Round-table Talk】Ethics Imposed on Research and Questions in Practice: What Are "Researchers" who are Wandering among Participants / Involved Persons / People / Activists?", pp.222-293
Reporters / NAGATA Atsumasa & ARIZONO Masayo Specific Responders / HORIE Yuri & KITAMURA Kentaro MC / YAMAMOTO Takanori Participants / YANG Yangil, TAKAHASHI Shinichi, YOSHIDA Sachie, MORISHITA Naoki and MURAKAMI Kiyoshi

YAMAMOTO Takanori & TAKAHASHI Shinichi (Eds.) Dynamics of "Differences": Practical Challenges of Research and Methodology on Minority, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.14, ISSN 1882-6539 ※

◆November 20, 2010 "Segregation Marked in the Diseases and Endless Discriminations: In Case of the Relationship between the Case of Stay Rejection at Kurokawa Hot Spring Hotel and Surveyors", pp.88-113,  YAMAMOTO Takanori & TAKAHASHI Shinichi (Eds.) Dynamics of "Differences": Practical Challenges of Research and Methodology on Minority, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.14, ISSN 1882-6539 ※

◆May 29, 2010 "Traps of the Hansen's Disease in History: What Turned How into That," The International Program of the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi, The International Research Exchange Meeting, Kyonggi University

◆March 31, 2010 "A Study on Narrative and the Life of People with Mental Disorders: What Does the Word 'Support' Mean?," Core Ethics 6:485-496, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University [PDF]/ [Abstract in English]

◆December 2009 "People with 'Aging' to Live in the Society: Issues Found in the Life History of a Person with Mental Disability," Collection of Academic Papers 27: 115-129, The Korean Scholarship Foundation

◆October 4, 2009 "People with 'Aging' to Live in the Society: From the Life History of a Person with Mental Disability," Presentation at the Korean Scholarship Foundation, Osaka

◆September 26-27, 2009 "Strategies for People with 'Aging' to Live in the Society: Life History of People with Disabilities," The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University

◆July 31, 2009 "People with Mental Disabilities to Live in the Society: Strategies to Live Found in the Hearing of their Life History," Projects Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi Life of Minority in Local Community: Sociological Study on Movement of Practice and Dynamics of Political Intervention, Ritsumeikan University

◆June 7, 2009 "A Study on How to Support People with Mental Disabilities to Live in Local Community: From the Life History of a Person with Mental Disability (Japanese)
Topic Session at the 7th Convention of the Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Nihon Fukushi University, Nagoya Paper in Japanese (MS Word)

◆May 23, 2009 "People with Mental Disabilities in Local Community: The Way Support should Be Found in the Hearing of their Life History," Projects Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi Study Group on Care, Ritsumeikan University

◆January 2009 "A Study on How to Support People with Mental Disabilities to Live in Local Community: From the Life History of a Person with Mental Disability" Master's Thesis

◆March 2007 "Banging the Invisible Wall - When the Quarantine Can Be Abolished?: From the Field Work at the Hansen's Disease Ward" The 12th Convention of The Society for Ecological Anthropology, Fukuoka

◆January 2007 "Banging the Invisible Wall - When the Quarantine Can Be Abolished?: From the Field Work at the Hansen's Disease Ward" Bachelor's Thesis

■Society Membership

◆The Society for Ecological Anthropology
Japan Welfare Sociology Association
Japan Society for Disability Studies


Projects Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi:
Study Group on Anthropology and Sociology of "Ars Vivendi", Project Leader in AY2009 & 2010
Study Group on Care, Project Member in AY2009
Study Group on Mental Health and Society, Project Member in AY2009 & 2010


◆June 30, 2011 "Hansen's Disease Is Not Over Yet" http://www.ritsumei-arsvi.org/en/news/read/id/144

UP: August 28, 2009 REV:April 27, 2010/April 28, 2010/August 3, 2010/December 21, 2010/July 20, 2011/August 2, 2011/February 15, 2012/June 4, 2012/March 11, 2014/June 30, 2014
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