◆Emiko Tanaka 20170501 The Prevalence and Characteristics of Married Lives of Japanese People with Intellectual Disabilities (MJPwID): According to the Survey for Employment and Livelihood Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities (ELSCPD "Syogaisya syugyou/seikatsushien center"),Japanese Journal of Social Welfare 57(5):1-10. [PDF]
◆Emiko Tanaka 2019 The Effects of the Workshop about Parenting with Intellectual Disabilities in Japan,International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
田中 恵美子・望月 隆之 2019 「知的障害者の結婚・子育てに関するプロセスと支援」,障害学会
◆Emiko Tanaka 20160816 A study about the circumstances of the married lives of people with intellectual disabilities in Japan,International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Congress 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
◆田中 恵美子 20150521 「ALS患者遺族の調査」日本神経学会学術大会,新潟市
◆Emiko Tanaka 20150507 Personal Assistant System in Japan,Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR), Bergen, Norway.
◆Emiko Tanaka 20140717 A study about the experiences and support for couples with intellectual disabilities in Japan,International Association for the Scientific Study of International and Developmental Disabilites Europe Congress 2014, Vienna, Austria.
◆Emiko Tanaka 20130531 A study about the life style of couples and parents with intellectual disabilities,Nordic Network on Disability Research.