◆Disability and technology
◆Disability and feminism
◆Global perspectives on disability
■Academic Achievements
Chapters in Books
◆BARNES C. & SHELDON A. 2007 "'Emancipatory' Disability Research and Special Educational Needs," L. FLORIAN (ed.) Handbook of Special Educational Needs, Sage.
◆SHELDON A. 2006 "Disability," HARRINGTON A., MARSHALL B. & MULLER H.P. (eds.) The Routledge Dictionary of Social Theory, Routledge.
◆SHELDON A. 2005 "One world, one people, one struggle? Toward the global implementation of the social model of disability," BARNES C and MERCER G (eds.) Implementing the Social Model of Disability: Europe and the Majority World, The Disability Press, University of Leeds. [amazon]/[kinokuniya]