
Oliver, Michael(Mike)

last update:20120602


- Chair of the Research Advisory Group of the British Council of Disabled People
- Executive Editor of Disability and Society
- Member of the Editorial Board of Australian Disability Review
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Inclusive Education
- Non-Executive Director of North Kent Healthcare Trust




Oliver, Michael and Barnes, Colin, 2012, The New Politics of Disablement, Palgrave Macmillan, 240p. ISBN-10:0333945670 ISBN-13:978-0333945674 [amazon] ds

◆Oliver, Michael 2009 Understanding Disability: From Theory to Practice (Second Edition), Palgrave Macmillan, 232p. ISBN-10: 0230220282 ISBN-13: 978-0230220287 [amazon]

◆Oliver, Michael; Sapey, Bob 2006 Social Work with Disabled People (Third Edition), Palgrave Macmillan, 231p. ISBN-10: 1403918384 ISBN-13: 9781403918383 [amazon]= 20100530 野中 猛監訳・河口 直子訳,『障害学にもとづくソーシャルワーク――障害の社会モデル』,金剛出版,256p. ISBN-10: 4772411127 ISBN-13: 9784772411127 3800+税 [amazon][kinokuniya]  ※ ds

◆Campbell, Jane ; Oliver, Mike eds. 1996 Disability Politics : Understanding Our Past, Changing Our Future, Routledge, 237p. ISBN-10: 0415079985 ISBN-13: 9780415079983 [amazon]

◆Barton, Len; Oliver, Mike eds. 1997 Disability Studies: Past, Present and Future,The Disability Press, 294p. ISBN-10:0952845016 ISBN-13:9780952845010 (絶版)
*PDF版は以下: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/books/book2.htm ※ ds

◆Oliver, Michael 1996 Understanding Disability: From Theory to Practice, Palgrave Macmillan 192p. ISBN-10: 0333599160 ISBN-13: 9780333599167 [amazon]

◆Swain, John ; Finkelstein, Vic ; French, Sally ; Oliver, Michael eds. 1993 Disabling Barriers - Enabling Environments, Sage, 307p. ISBN-10: 0333599160 ISBN-13: 9780333599167 (絶版) → Swain, John; French, Sally; Barnes, Colin; Thomas, Carol eds. 2004 Disabling Barriers - Enabling Environments (2nd Edition), Sage, 318p. ISBN-10: 0761942653 ISBN-13: 9780761942658 [amazon]

◆Oliver, Michael 1990 The Politics of Disablement, Macmillan, 152p. ASIN: 0312046588 [amazon]= 20060605 三島亜紀子・山岸倫子・山森亮・横須賀俊司訳,『障害の政治――イギリス障害学の原点』,明石書店,276p. ISBN-10: 4750323381 ISBN-13: 978-4750323381 2940 [amazon][kinokuniya]  ※ ds


Oliver, Mike, 1986, "Social Policy and Disability: some theoretical issues," Disability, Handicap & Society, 1(1):5-17.


◆立岩 真也 2018 『不如意の身体――病障害とある社会』,青土社

*作成:箱田 徹 更新:渡辺 克典
UP:20100719 REV:20100913, 20120602, 20180816
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