chap.8 note 1
"This quotation is from the same text also quoted in Chapter 7 Note 21 and at the start of Chapter 9, and originally published in "Shogai no Chihei (Horizon of Disability)", the magazine of the "Shikaku Shougaisha Roudou Mondai Kyogikai (Conference on labor issues related to the visually impaired)" (See also Miya [1994] [1995]). I do not have the same point of view as the author. I have intentionally quoted only these passages and omitted what follows them. I included these passages because I like them, because they confirm for me the existence of the efforts of someone, actually several people, I do not know who have thought about these issues for almost thirty years while vacillating between different points of view and allow me to think I am not the only one pondering these strange issues and ideas, and because freedom has been fostered by this vacillation (or rather these writings contain something like the freedom of vacillation) and I think this freedom illustrates the quality of the social activism which has been pursued by people with disabilities over the past three decades."
「うまいってほめるだけで、特にひいきにしなければいいのか?」」(宮[1996:2]) English
多分たいがいの人はそんなことを考えはしない。こんな話を聞くと、これはほとんど馬鹿げていると思うかもしれない。しかし、考えていけばそういうことになる。この国の障害者運動が当たったのは……」 English