・Blind in Tibet
Before the opening of the Project blind children in the Tibet Autonomous Region did not have access to education. They led a life on the margin of society with few chances of integration. According to official statistics more than 10.000 of the 2.5 million inhabitants of the T.A.R. are blind.Compared to most areas in the world this is well above the average ratio. The causes of visual impairment or blindness are both climatic and hygienic: dust, wind, high ultra-violet light radiation, soot in houses caused by heating with coal and/or yak dung, and lack of vitamin A at an early age. Inadequate medical care also plays a role. Cataracts are widespread. Indeed governmental and private organizations have set up eye-camps where medical surgery is being performed and local doctors are taught to do the procedure. However, there is a large group of blind people that can't be helped this way. For this group of people the Project for the Blind, Tibet was founded.
・Project for the Blind, Tibet:内容
0. ラサの盲学校(1998→)
1. 視覚障害児向けの教材づくり
2. re-integration project 地方の学校の備品の整備,教材,紙など
3. 職業訓練
・Project for the Blind, Japan:
2001夏 ホームページの日本語訳
2001秋 募金の開始(0,3+諸経費)
2002 職業訓練の開始(日本人鍼灸師の派遣)
2003 職業訓練(チベット人教師の研修留学)
協力メンバー 鍼灸師(障害学研究会にも出席された戸塚辰永さん含),チベット滞在日本人,チベット研究家など.
協力団体 ICB(財団法人 全国視覚障害者)