Lombroso, Cesare


◆立岩 真也 1997/09/05 『私的所有論』,勁草書房,445+66p. ISBN-10: 4326601175 ISBN-13: 978-4326601172 6300 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
◆立岩 真也 2013/05/20 『私的所有論 第2版』,生活書院・文庫版,973p. ISBN-10: 4865000062 ISBN-13: 978-4865000061 1800+ [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
Tateiwa, Shinya(立岩 真也) 2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books

 chap. 6 note 19
 The field of phrenology flourished in the 19th century. Cranial capacity was measured by race and gender and the superiority of whites and males was "proved" (see Gould [1980] [1981]). This was connected to the birth of the criminal anthropology conducted by Cesare Lombroso (1836 - 1909) and others during this period (see Gould [1981][1996] and Darmon [1989]). The biology-based "Italian school of criminology" pursued by Rombroso, Ferry (E. Ferry, 1856-1928) and others in the latter half of the 19th century is generally accepted as the origin of the study of 犯罪学criminology as a positive science, but Fujioka [1984] also emphasizes the importance of the existence in the first half of that century of criminologists who devoted their energies to gathering and analyzing crime statistics. On the birth of social studies/surveys see Tominaga [1985]. In Chapter 7 I discuss how we must not be too quick to place theories of (social) environment/social reform in opposition to theories of genetics/eugenics.

 「◇19 一九世紀には頭蓋測定学が流行する。人種別、性別の頭蓋容量の測定が行われ、白人の優位や男性の優位が「証明」される。(Gould[1980=1986:上209-231][1981=1989:27-131])。これがロンブローゾ(C. Lombroso, 1836〜1909)らによる犯罪人類学の誕生につながる(Gould[1981=1989:132-174]【この増補改▽429 訂版としてGould[1996=1998]】、Darmon[1989=1992])。実証科学としての犯罪学については一般にロンブローゾ、フェリー(E. Ferry, 1856〜1928)らの一九世紀後半の生物学主義的な「イタリア犯罪学派」にその起源が求められるが、藤岡哲也[1984:9-20]は、一九世紀前半に犯罪統計の収集・分析に力を注いだ犯罪学者達の存在意義を強調している。社会調査の誕生については富永茂樹[1985]。遺伝説・優生学に(社会)環境説・社会改良を安易に対置すべきでないことは第7章でも述べる。」

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