◆Francis, D. & S. Hester eds., 2004, An Invitation to Ethnomethodology: Language, Society, & Interaction, London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage, 226p. ISBN-10: 0761966420 ISBN-13: 978-0761966425 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] s s01 sm
=20140430,中河伸俊・岡田光弘・是永論・小宮友根訳『エスノメソドロジーへの招待――言語・社会・相互行為』ナカニシヤ出版,382+vp. ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-4779508295 \3000+税 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] s s01 sm
(担当部分は「個々の分担の明記には意味がないので示さない」〔訳書p.378〕とのこと/「訳者解説」pp. 363-76 も担当)
◆Bleich, E., 2011, The Freedom to Be Racist?: How the United States & Europe Struggle to Preserve Freedom & Combat Racism, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 205+xiip. ISBN-10: 0199739692 ISBN-13: 978-0199739691 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] d04
=20140201,明戸隆浩・池田和弘・河村賢・小宮友根・鶴見太郎・山本武秀訳『ヘイトスピーチ――表現の自由はどこまで認められるか』明石書店,349p. ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-4750339504 \2800+税 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] d04
(4 American Exceptionalism & Its Limits, pp. 62-81=第4章「アメリカは例外なのか?」pp. 112-47 担当)
◆Bryson, V., 1999, Feminist Debates: Issues of Theory and Political Practice, London: Macmillan, 267+xp. ISBN-10: 0333613406 ISBN-13: 978-0333613405 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] s00
=20041210,江原由美子監訳『争点・フェミニズム』勁草書房,308+ix+xxxxvip. ISBN-10: 4326601760 ISBN-13: 978-4326601769 \4400+税 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] ※ s00
(5 Politics and the State, pp. 90-122=第5章「政治と国家」pp. 118-63 担当)