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◇??(?? ?)
◆???? ????,2016/,「」,『??????? ????????』.
◆???? ????,2016/03/31,「「????? ????」??????? ??――?????? ????? ????」,『Core Ethics』12:.
◆???? ????,2016/02/26,「1987? ?????? ????――????? ???」『???????????』33:29-43.
◆???? ????,2015/09/30,「???? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??」,『??・??????』58(1):97-101
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◆???? ????,2015/03/29,「????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??――『???』? ??・???? ??? ??? ???」,『???????』28:27-48.
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◆???? ????,2010/04/30,「??????? ??? ??? ??? ??」,『??・??????』53(3):319-323

◇??・??(?? ?)
◆???? ????,2015/12/30,「????? ??――??? ????」『??「???」? ?? ??』(41)4:3-4.
◆???? ????,2015/03/25,「『Y??』? ???――PSW? ??? ??」『??・??????』57(2):139-141.
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◆???? ????,2014/06/25,「??????? ??? ??? ??? ???」『?? ????』147, ????:55-63
◆???? ????,???? ??,2014/05/31,「?????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??(1)」『??・??????』56(3):220-222
◆???? ????,2014/05/31,「???・????(仏祥院・心道学園)?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ??」『??・??????』56(3):217-220
◆???? ????,2014/05/01,「????? ??? ??? 〈??〉?? ?? ????――??? ???(鈴木國男)? ?? ????? ??? ??」『????』42(8):224-237
◆???? ????,2014/04/10,「〈?????〉??? ??〈?????〉??――?????????? ??」『????』74:72-77
◆???? ????,2013/09/25,「??????????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??――???????????? ?? ????? ??? ??」『??????』44(3):226-227
◆???? ????,2013/08/31,「???? ?????? ??? ?? ???」『??・??????』56(1):26-27
◆???? ????,2013/07/**,「??? ?? ??? ??????――???? 95%??? ????? ????」『???????? ??』5:6-7
◆??????????????・???? ????,2013/06/25,「????(心道学園)(???仏祥院)?? ??? ???? ?」『?? ????』139, ????:118-125
◆???? ????,2013/04/15,「??????? ??? 10?? ??――????? ?? CSO?????」『??? ?? ???』7(4):32-35
◆???? ????,???? ??,2013/03/22,「??? ????? ????――?? ???? ??? ??」『?????????』20:309-318
◆???? ????,2013/03/22,「?????? ????? ?? ??? ???」『?????????』20:300-308
◆???? ????,2012/04/15,「????????? ????? ??? ??」『??????? ??? ??』32(12):24-25
◆???? ????,2012/11/20,「1980??? 1987? ??? ???????? ???」『??・??????』55(2):54-55
◆???? ????,2012/09/30,「??????? ?? ??? 「???」? ??」『??・??????』55(1):97-99
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◆???? ????,2012/04/10,「?????? ?? ????? ?? 「??????」??」『????』66:138-144
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◆???? ????,2012,「??? ????? ???? ????」『??「???」? ?? ??』38(1):2-3
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◆???? ????,2012/01/02,「???? ???? ??? ?????」???? 2012?1?2??(?2557?)
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◆???? ????,2011/06/25,「?????? ??」『??????』131, ????:19-20
◆???? ????,2011,「???????」『??「???」??? ??』37(2):7-9
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◆Dohn Hoyle (2004) "Eliminating the Pervasivensee of Guardianship"(?=???? ????,2009,「??????? ??? ????」)
◆Diane Coleman,Tom Nerneyg (2006) "uardianship and the Disability Rights Movement"(?=???? ????,2009,「?????? ???????」)
◆Myra Kovary (2008) "DRAFT 2 - Pre-crisis planning for supported decision-making for persons with psychosocial disabilities"(?=???? ????,2009,「?????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????U」)
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◆???? ????,2015/11/08,??? ???????「???」?? ????――“???”?“??”,?????12???,?????(??:??・????????)
◆???? ????,2015/11/07,??????? ????,?58? ??・?????????,????(??:??・parthenon??)? ?? ?? ?? ??

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