[Japanese] / [Korean]


■Current Status:

Project Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Ethics and Public Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University

■Academic Achievements

◆KOKADO Minori April 30, 2015 French Bioethics Law: How Reproductive Medicine Is Conducted,Nakanishiya Shuppan, 228p. ISBN-10: 4779509610 ISBN-13: 9784779509612 3800+tax [amazon][kinokuniya]

French Bioethics Law: How Reproductive Medicine Is Conducted

Other Writings
◆KOKADO Minori, YOSHIDA Kashimi & MATSUBARA Yoko (Eds.) March 31, 2014 Technologies and Ethics concerning Reproduction: From Japanese/European Viewpoints, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.22, 240p. ISSN 1882-6539※

◆September, 2013 Minori KOKADO:" and the assisted reproduction in the revision of French Bioethics Law", Journal of the Japan Association for Bioethics, Vol. 24:134-141. [Abstract in English]
◆October, 2013 Minori KOKADO, Ryuichi IDA: "Le corps de femmes et la biomédecine---L'état des lieux au Japon", in Le coprs de la femme et la biomédecine, sous le dir. de B. FEUILLET, éd. Bruylant, 293-302. [in French]
◆May 7, 2013_"Self-introduction"

◆November, 2010_Yukari Semba, Chiungfang Chang, Hynnsoo Hong, Ayako Kamisato Minori Kokado and Kaori Muto:"Surrogacy: Donor conception regulation in Japan" , Bioethics, 24(7): 348-357.
◆October, 2004 KOKADO Minori:"The anonymous birth system in France", Proceedings of Workshop for Junior Scholars: Rethinking Science and Medicine from the Perspective of Gender in the Post-Human Genome Project Era, F-Gens Publication Series No.2, pp.20-32.

Overseas Fieldwork
◆Conducted with the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2013-2013
"Survey of the current laws and regulations on bioethics", Study Region: France
◆Conducted with the Tokyo Foundation, 2009
"Developing a Principle Basis of the Bioethical Policy", Study Region: France
◆Conducted with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare research project, 2007
"Survey of the donor conception and surrogacy", Study Region: France

UP:July 2, 2013 REV:April 18, 2014/June 26, 2014/May 12, 2015
WHO(English) WHO(Japanese)