22:30 明日からのプログラムの打ち合わせ会議に出席していたメンバーが帰って来る。 明後日には、アメリカ教育省や労働省、厚生省の人間が参加する予定なので、世界各国のメンバーが残って、統合教育の重要性や介護保障の重要性等について教育してほしいとのこと。やはり、連日、朝から夜までみっちりプログラムが組まれている様子。レストランから出様としていたところ、ジュディがやってくる。先日の石原発言の概要の英訳のコピーをジュディに渡して、ぜひ、今回の会議でも取上げたい旨伝える。ジュディは英文を読んで、Oh My God!と憤慨。
Dear Mr. Ishihara, Tokyo Metropolitan Governor, 9/24/99
I strongly protest against the comments you made on 9/17/99. According
to a Japanese newspaper, when you visited Fuchu Ryouiku Center in Tok
yo, you denied the humanity of persons with severe disabilities and st
ated that Westerners may discard such persons. Some Western nations ar
e advacing opportunities for such indivisuals to live independently in
commuities with their non-disabled counterparts and are recognizing t
heir right to do so. I, as a member of a Global Disability Rights Move
ment, request an apology from you as Tokyo Metropolitan Governor to al
l persons with disabilities in the world, and request that you recogn
ize the importance of human rights and dignity for all persons with di
September 24, 1999
Dear Mr. Ishihara,
I would be more than happy to help provide you with information about
how people with severe disabilties can live a quality life in their c
ommunities. As the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Educa
tion and Rehabilitation Services in the U.S. Department of Education.
I am responsible for administration programs which provides disabled p
eople the opportunities to live degnified lives.
Anyway that my office could be of assistance please feel free to cont
act me personally.