ITO Kayoko

Japanese Page

■Current Status:

Graduate Student, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

■Areas of Interest:

◆System and General Living of Severe Muscular Disorders
◆Medical Policy and Living of Patients with Muscular Disorders
◆Transferring the Patients with Long-Term Severe Muscular Disorders to Local Community
◆Muscular Dystrophy

■The Title of Master's Thesis:

◆"Long-Term Recuperation of Patients with Severe Disabilities and Achieving Independence: A Case Study of Patients with Muscular Dystrophy

■Academic Achievements

◆ITO Kayoko & SATO Hiroko July 20, 2011 "Volunteer Report concerning a Survey of Temporary Housing at JDF Support Center for Disabled People in Fukushima"

◆March 31, 2010 "Muscular Dystrophy Wards: Issues Related to Long-term Care Facilities in Japan" Core Ethics6: 25-36 [PDF]/[Abstract in English]

◆October 2009 "Issues on Juvenile-onset ALS Patients," Panelist at the 5th ALS Independent Living Support Chiba Network

◆ITO Kayoko, KAWAGUCHI Yumiko, KAWASHIMA Koichiro & NOZAKI Yasunobu September 27, 2009 "ALS: Affirmation of Ars Vivendi that Precedes People's Acceptance" (Abstract in Japanese) The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University

◆OYAMA Ryoko, ITO Kayoko, KAWAHARA Hitoshi, TAKASAKA Shizuko, HAYASHI Noriko & TANAKA Tamaki September 26, 2009 "Examination of the Way of Support of Relocation of Severely Disabled People under Long-term Care: Focusing on Patients with Muscular Dystrophy" (Abstract in Japanese) The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University

◆September 25, 2009 "Policy Treatment and Unprofitable Treatment: What we can See from the Muscular Dystrophy Wards" Welfare Labor Quarterly 124: 153-162

◆August 28, 2009 "Cooperation of Medical Treatment and Welfare for Severely Disabled Patients with Medical Care: A Case Study of Patients with Muscular Dystrophy Transferring from Hospital to the Local Community," The 14th Annual Convention of Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society, Presentation with Peer Review.

◆July 2009 Textbook of Care Service Proficiency Test Part 3, Chapter 7, Section 2 - 4 (184-233). Wonderful Aging Club

◆June 25, 2009 "Facing Many 'First-time Experience': Discharge of Patients with Muscular Dystrophy with the Long-Term Recuperation and Start of their Living in a Community" Welfare Labor Quarterly: 123
http://www.gendaishokan.co.jp/goods/ISBN978-4-7684-2323-3.htm (Japanese)

◆June 21, 2009 Committee Member of Citizen's Seminar "Progressing Care in Chiba"

◆June 6, 2009 "Supporting Discharge of the Patients with Severe Disabilities with Long-term Recuperation: A Case Study of Patient with Muscular Dystrophy," The 7th Annual Convention of Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Nihon Fukushi University (With Peer Review)

◆April 2009 "On the Plan of Care-Home and the Leaving-Hospital Support for the Patients with Severe Disabilities who Need 24-hour Care" Empirical Study on Sustainable ALS Home Care Support Model Using the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Severe Disabilities: 12-28, Research Project for Independent Living of People with Disabilities, as a part of the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry Project in Fiscal 2009.

◆March 2009 Presentation "Independent Living of Long-term Recuperation Patients: A Case Study of Muscular Dystrophy Patient" The Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology Kansai District Meeting

◆October 2008 Poster Presentation "Transferring People with Disabilities to Local Community: Approach from the Viewpoint of Housing Support"

◆September 2008 Article "Economic Situation of Patients with Intractable Diseases in Hospital, at Home, and in Independent Living" Intractable Diseases and Home Care September 2008, 8-11 Japan Planning Co.

◆August 2008 Topic Provider at the 43rd Annual Convention of Japanese Association for the Study of Developmental Disabilities

◆August 2008 Presentation "Securing Care and Living for Singles with Disabilities: A Case of Muscular Dystrophy Patient Leaving Hospital to Local Community after Long-term Recuperation" The 13rd Annual Convention of Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society

◆May 2008 Presentation "Factors Preventing People with Severe Disabilities Leaving Hospitals: Issues They Face When They Live in Local Community" The 34th Annual Convention of The Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology

◆March 2008 Article "Medical World of Muscular Dystrophy Patient" Gendai Shiso 36-03(2008-03) 156-170

◆February 2008 "Capter 4 Independence of Patients: A Case of Muscular Dystrophy Patient" Medical World 2007 49-62 The 190th Reports of Graduate School of Humanity, Chiba University

◆September 16, 2007 Poster Presentation "Toward the 'Escaping Terminalization' of Muscular Dystrophy: Comparing Life of Muscular Dystrophy Patients in the National Hospital Wards and Independent Living" (Abstract in Japanese) The 4th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies

■Overseas Fieldwork

Conducted with the Fund for Assisting Young Researchers' Global Research Activities, 2009
"Independent Living for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients: Mental care for patients leaving long-term hospitalization", at Germany


Study Group on Care, Research Member in 2009
◆Study Group on Ars Vivendi of Nanbyo, Research Member in 2008

UP:August 28, 2009 REV:April 23, 2010/April 28, 2010/July 2, 2010/January 24, 2012
WHO(English) WHO(Japanese)