Conrad, Peter



last update: 20110731




1967年 ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校卒業(B.A. in sociology)
1971年 ノースウェスタン大学大学院修士課程修了(M.A. in sociology)
1976年 ボストン大学大学院博士課程修了(Ph.D in sociology)
1979年 ブレンディーズ大学(Brandeis University)に着任
1989年 アメリカ社会学会医療社会学部会委員長(-1990)
1995年 社会問題研究学会(The Society for the Study of Social Problems)会長(-1996)
2002年 ブレンディーズ大学「健康――科学・社会・政策」講座(Health: Science, Society & Policy; HSSP)教授




◆Conrad, P, [1976]2006, Identifying Hyperactive Children: The Medicalization of Deviant Behavior, expanded ed., Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN-10: 0754645185 ISBN-13: 978-0754645184 [amazon][kinokuniya] adhd m sm
◆Conrad, P, 2007, The Medicalization of Society: On the Transformation of Human Conditions into Treatable Disorders, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. ISBN-10: 080188585X ISBN-13: 978-0801885853 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm


◆Conrad, P & J W Schneider, [1980]1992, Deviance & Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness, expanded ed, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN-10: 0877229996 ISBN-13: 978-0877229995 [amazon][kinokuniya] c0104 sm
=20031110,進藤雄三監訳/杉田聡・近藤正英訳『逸脱と医療化――悪から病へ』ミネルヴァ書房.ISBN-10: 4623038106 ISBN-13: 978-4623038107 \7350 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ c0104 sm
◆Schneider, J W & P Conrad, 1983, Having Epilepsy: The Experience & Control of Illness, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN-10: 0877223181 ISBN-13: 978-0877223184 [amazon][kinokuniya] epi m sm


◆Conrad, P ed., [1981]2008, The Sociology of Health & Illness: Critical Perspectives, 8th ed., New York: Worth Publishers. ISBN-10: 142920558X ISBN-13: 978-1429205580 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm
◆Conrad, P & E B Gallagher eds., 1993 Health & Health Care in Developing Countries: Sociological Perspectives, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN-10: 1566390273 ISBN-13: 978-1566390279 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm
◆Conrad, P & J Gabe eds., 1999, Sociological Perspectives on the New Genetics, Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN-10: 0631215999 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm
◆Alper, J S, C Ard, A Asch, J Beckwith, Peter Conrad & L N Geller eds., 2002, The Double-Edged Helix: Social Implications of Genetics in a Diverse Society, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN-10: 0801879264 ISBN-13: 978-0801879265 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm
◆Conrad, P & V Leiter eds., 2003, Health & Health Care as Social Problems, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN-10: 074252857X ISBN-13: 978-0742528574 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm
◆Bird, C E, P Conrad, A M Fremont & S Timmermans eds., 2010, Handbook of Medical Sociology, 6th ed., Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. ISBN-10: 082651720X ISBN-13: 978-0826517203 [amazon][kinokuniya] sm


◆Conrad, P, 1975, "The Discovery of Hyperkinesis: Notes on the Medicalization of Deviant Behavior," Social Problems, 23(1): 12-21. ISSN: 00377791
◆Conrad, P, 1977, "Medicalization, Etiology & Hyperactivity: A Reply to Whalen & Henker," Social Problems, 24(5): 596-8. ISSN: 00377791
◆Conrad, P, 1979, "Types of Medical Social Control," Sociology of Health & Illness: A Journal of Medical Sociology, 1(1): 1-11. ISSN: 01419889
◆Conrad, P, 1980, "Implications of Changing Social Policy for the Medicalization of Deviance," Contemporary Crises: Crime Law Social Policy, 4(2): 195-205. ISSN: 03781100
◆Conrad, P, 1980, "On the Medicalization of Deviance & Social Control," D Ingleby ed., Critical Psychiatry: The Politics of Mental Health, New York: Pantheon Books, 102-19. ISBN-10: 0394735609 ISBN-13: 978-0394735603
◆Conrad, P, 1985, "The Meaning of Medications: Another Look at Compliance," Social Science & Medicine, 20(1): 29-37. ISSN: 02779536
◆Conrad, P, 1985, "The Work of Medicine: Social Organization of Medical Work (Book Review)," Science, 4716: 851-2. ISSN: 00368075
◆Conrad, P, 1987, "The Experience of Illness: Recent & New Directions," Research in the Sociology of Health Care, 6: **-**. ISSN: 02754959
◆Conrad, P, 1987, "Wellness in the Work Place: Potentials & Pitfalls of Work-Site Health Promotion," Milbank Quarterly, 65(2): 255-75. ISSN: 0887378X
◆Conrad, P, 1988, "Learning to Doctor: Reflections on Recent Accounts of the Medical School Years," Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 29(4): 323-32. ISSN: 00221465
◆Conrad, P, 1989, "The Social Meaning of AIDS," R C Rist ed., Policy issues for the 1990s: Policy Studies Review Annual 9, New Brunswick: Transaction, 75-86. ISBN-10: 0887382657 ISBN-13: 978-0887382659 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Conrad, P, 1992, "Medicalization & Social Control,” Annual Review of Sociology, 18: 209-32. ISSN: 03600572
◆Conrad, P, 1992, "Wellness as Virtue: Morality & the Pursuit of Health," Culture Medicine & Psychiatry, 18(3): 385-401. ISSN: 0165005X
◆Conrad, P, 1992, "Troy Duster, Backdoor to Eugenics (Book Review)," Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 17(1): 184-6. ISSN: 03616878
◆Conrad, P, 1994, "How Ethnography Can Help Bioethics," Bulletin of Medical Ethics, 98:13-8. ISSN: 09629564
◆Conrad, P, 1997, "Public Eyes & Private Genes: Historical Frames, News Construction, & Social Problems," Social Problems, 44(2): 139-54. ISSN: 00377791
◆Conrad, P, 1997, "Parallel Play in Medical Anthropology & Medical Sociology," The American Sociologist, 28(4): 90-100. ISSN: 00031232
◆Conrad, P, 1999, "A Mirage of Genes" Sociology of Health and Illness: A Journal of Medical Sociology, 21(2): 228-241. ISSN: 01419889
◆Conrad, P, 1999, "Uses of Expertise: Sources, Quotes, & Voice in the Reporting of Genetics in the News," Public Understanding of Science, 8(4): 285-302. ISSN: 09636625
◆Conrad, P, 2001, "Media Images, Genetics, & Culture," B Hoffmaster ed., Bioethics in Social Context, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 90-111. ISBN-10: 1566398452 ISBN-13: 978-1566398459 [amazon][kinokuniya] be
◆Conrad, P, 2001, "Genetic Optimism: Framing Genes & Mental Illness in the News," Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 25(2): 225-47. ISSN: 0165005X
◆Conrad, P, 2004, "Prescribing More Psychotropic Medications for Children: What Does the Increase Mean?," Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 158(8): 829-30. ISSN: 10724710
◆Conrad, P, 2005, "The Shifting Engines of Medicalization", Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 46(1): 3-14. ISSN: 00221465
=20060930,進藤雄三・松本訓枝訳「医療化の推進力の変容」森田洋司・進藤雄三編『医療化のポリティクス――近代医療の地平を問う』学文社,3-27. ISBN-10: 4762016020 ISBN-13: 978-4762016028 \2730 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ sm
◆Conrad, P, 2007, "Eliot Freidson's Revolution in Medical Sociology," Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness & Medicine, 11(2): 141-4. ISSN: 13634593
◆Conrad, P, 2008, "Grass Roots Medicine: The Story of America's Free Health Clinics (Book Review)," Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 37(2): 168-9. ISSN: 00943061
◆Conrad, P, 2010, "The Changing Social Reality of ADHD (Book Review)," Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 39(5): 525-7. ISSN: 00943061


◆Conrad, P & J W Schneider, 1980, "Looking at the Levels of Medicalization: A Comment of Strong’s Critique of The Thesis of Medical Imperialism," Social Science & Medicine: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, 14A(1): 75-9. ISSN: 01607979
◆Schneider, J W & P Conrad, 1980, "In the Closet with Illness: Epilepsy, Stigma Potential & Information Control," Social Problems, 28(1): 32-44. ISSN: 00377791
◆Conrad, P & D C Walsh, 1992, "The New Corporate Health Ethic: Lifestyle & the Social Control of Work," International Journal of Health Services, 22(1): 89-111. ISSN: 00207314
◆Conrad, P & P Brown, 1993, "Rationing Medical Care: A Sociological Reflection," Research in the Sociology of Health Care, 10(1): 3?22. ISSN: 02754959
◆Conrad, P & J W Schneider, 1995, "Medicine as Institution of Social Control: Consequences for Society," N J Herman ed., Deviance: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach, Lanham: General Hall, 212-30. ISBN-10: 1882289390 ISBN-13: 978-1882289394 [kinokuniya] s
◆Conrad, P, Y S Bradshaw, R Lamsudin, N Kasniyah & C Costello, 1996, "Helmets, Injuries & Cultural Definitions: Motorcycle Injury in Urban Indonesia," Accident Analysis & Prevention, 28(2): 193-200. ISSN: 00014575
◆Conrad, P & J Gabe, 1999, "Introduction: Sociological Perspectives on the New Genetics: An Overview," Sociology of Health & Illness: A Journal of Medical Sociology, 21(5): 505-516. ISSN: 01419889
◆Conrad, P & D Potter, 2000, "From Hyperactive Children to ADHD Adults: Observations of the Expansion of Medical Categories," Social Problems, 47(4): 559-82. ISSN: 00377791
◆Conrad, P & S Markens, 2001, "Constructing the 'Gay Gene' in the News: Optimism and Skepticism in the US and British Press," Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness & Medicine, 5(3): 373-400. ISSN: 13634593
◆Conrad, P & Heather Jacobson, 2003, "Enhancing Biology?: Cosmetic Surgery & Breast Augmentation." S J. Williams, G A Bendelow & L Birke eds., Debating Biology: Sociological Reflections on Health, Medicine & Society, London: Routledge, 223-34. ISBN-10: 0415279038 ISBN-13: 978-0415279031 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Conrad, P & V Leiter, 2004, "Medicalization, Markets & Consumers," Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 45(Suppl): 158-76. ISSN: 00221465
◆Conrad, P & A Angell, 2004, "Homosexuality & Remedicalization," Society, 41(5): 31-39.
◆Conrad, P & D Potter, 2004, "Human Growth Hormone & the Temptations of Biomedical Enhancement," Sociology of Health & Illness: A Journal of Medical Sociology, 26(2): 184-215. ISSN: 01419889
◆Parks, C T, P Conrad, R Casler & E Goodman, 2006, "Trends in the Use of Psychotropic Medications in Adolescents, 1994-2001," Psychiatric Services: A Journal of the American Psychiatric Association, 57(1): 63-69. ISSN: 10752730
◆Conrad, P & V Leiter, 2008, "From Lydia Pinkham to Queen Levitra: Direct-to-Consumer Advertising & Medicalization," Sociology of Health & Illness: A Journal of Medical Sociology, 30(6): 825-38. ISSN: 01419889
◆Shostak, S, P Conrad & A V Horwitz, 2008, "Sequencing & Its Consequences: Path Dependence & the Relationships between Genetics & Medicalization," American Journal of Sociology, 114(supple 1): S287-S316. ISSN: 00029602
◆Piloli, L, P Conrad, P L Carr & S Knight, 2009, "A Study of the Relational Aspects of the Culture of Academic Medicine," Academic Medicine, 84(1): 106-114. ISSN: 10402446
◆Carr, P L, Piloli, L, S Knight & P Conrad, 2009, "Collaboration in Academic Medicine: Reflections on Gender & Advancement," Academic Medicine, 84(10): 1147-53. ISSN: 10402446
◆Pololi L, D E Kern, P L Carr, P Conrad & S Knight, 2009, "The Culture of Academic Medicine: Faculty Perceptions of the Lack of Alignment between Individual & Institutional Values," Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24(12): 1289-95. ISSN: 08848734
[外部リンク]PubMed Centralで全文閲覧可.HTMLファイル)
◆Conrad P, T Mackie & A Mehrotra, 2010, "Estimating the Costs of Medicalization," Social Science & Medicine, 70(12): 1943-7. ISSN: 02779536
◆Conrad P, P Carr, S Knight, M R Renfrew, M B Dunn & L Pololi, 2010, "Hierarchy as a Barrier to Advancement for Women in Academic Medicine," Journal of Women's Health, 19(4): 799-805. ISSN: 15409996
◆Conrad P & K K Barker, 2010, "The Social Construction of Illness: Key Insights & Policy Implications," Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 51(Suppl): S67-S79. ISSN: 00221465
◆Stults, C & P Conrad, 2010, "Medicalization, Pharmaceuticals & Public Risk Scares: The Case of Menopause and HRT," D Light ed., The Risks of Prescription Drugs, New York: Columbia University Press, 116-39. ISBN-10: 0231146930 ISBN-13: 978-0231146937 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ sm


◇1981年 チャールズ・ホートン・クーリー賞(The Charles Horton Cooley Award; シンボリック相互作用論学会)
→ジョセフ・シュナイダー(Shneider, Joseph W)との共著 Deviance & Medicalization (邦訳:『逸脱と医療化』
◇2004年 レオ・G・リーダー賞(The Leo G. Reeder Award; アメリカ社会学会医療社会学部門)
◇2007年 リー・ファウンダーズ賞(The Lee Founders Award; 社会問題研究学会)

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