AOKI Shintaro

Japanese Page
Personal Website (http://challenged.sakura.ne.jp/)

Last update: 20160529

■Current Status:

◆Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Human and Life, Hagoromo University of International Studies
◆Part-time Lecturer, Training Course of Guide Helpers for People with Visual Impairment, Eyebell Inc.
◆Part-time Lecturer, Osaka International College of Social Welfare
◆Part-time Lecturer, Training Course of Guide Helpers for People with Visual Impairment, NPO Social Inclusion Association
◆Part-time Lecturer, Training Course of Homehelpers at Seramu Care School, Seramu Corporation
Graduate Student,Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

■Research Theme

People with Disabilities and Higher Education

■Academic Achievements

◆February 25, 2009 "Visiting Beijing around March 6, the Day on which Hibernating Bugs Are Said to Come out of the Ground", Ars Vivendi 1:396-398

◆AOKI Shintaro (ed.) February 5, 2009 Techniques of Support for Students with Visual Disabilities,Report Issued by Research Center of Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University, Vol.6, 2009. 182p. ISSN 1882-6539

◆June 21, 2008 Report, Round-table Discussion "Current Conditions and Challenges of Assistance of the Visually Disabled in Universities: What is Asked for in Sudan Now" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

◆March 14, 2008 "Supporting Students of Disabilities in Participating in Research Activities: How to Access Necessary Information", Peking University/Ritsumeikan University Research Exchange Joint Symposium PPT 5573k (Japanese)

◆February 17, 2008 ""Differences" in Higher Education: Prologue for Participation of Persons with "Differences""
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

HAN Sung-Min & AOKI Shintaro February 16, 2008 "Assistive Technology for Blind Persons: Present State of Assistive Technology Development and Issues to Be Addressed"
Research Meeting of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Base (B) Task Number 18300035 (Representative: Masakazu Suzuki) and Task Number 17300189 (Representative: Katsuhito Yamaguchi) Called "Electronic Treating of Scientific Documents and Accessibility"

◆January 22, 2008 "Please Undestand Video Barrier-free: Lecture with the Professional, Ms. Fukada at Hagoromo International University"
The Yomiuri Shinbun January 22, 2008 Morning Edition:Osaka 2

◆November 2, 2007 "Mechanism That Supports Families and Teachers That Support Students (Persons) with Disability: Questions from Ars Vivendi"
The 5th Training Session for Dormitory Staff Members, Dormitory at Osaka Prefectual School for the Blind

◆September 23, 2007 "Support of Students with Disabilities and Research Support of Graduate Students: A Case of Support of Graduate Students with Visual Disability in Ritsumeikan University"
The 55th Annual Convention of Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare, Osaka City University

◆September 22, 2007 "Considering the Safety of Stations and Barriers of the Platform from Viewpoints of People with Visual Disabilities"
Sysposium for Considering the Safety of Stations and Barriers of the Platform, Humind http://challenged.sakura.ne.jp/aoki/070922.ppt (Japanese)

◆September 20, 2007 "Considering the Environment Everyone who Needs Assitance Is Easy to Learn" (Interview)
RS Web http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/mng/gl/koho/rs/070920/005.htm (Japanese)

HAN Sung-Min, AOKI Shintaro & KIKKO Koichi September 16 & 17, 2007 "The Current Condition of Techonology for Supporting Text-to-speech Reading for Information Surety and its Challenges" (Japanese)
The 4th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University

UEMURA Kaname, AOKI Shintaro, ITO Michiko & YAMAGUCHI Maki September 16 & 17, 2007 "Techniques of Support of Students with Visual Disability No.2: A Case of Support to a Graduate Student with Visual Disabilities in Ritsumeikan University" (Japanese)
The 4th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University

◆AOKI Shintaro, UEMURA Kaname, GOTO Yoshihiko, SANEMATSU Ichiro & HAN Sung-Min September 16 & 17, 2007 "Techniques of Support od Students with Visual Disabilities No.1: Ways of Information Surety and Challenges" (Japanese)
The 4th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University

◆August 9, 2007 Report
Round Table Discussion: Visually Diabled Persons Talk about their Study at Higher Education in Sudan & Japan
http://challenged.sakura.ne.jp/aoki/070809.html (Japanese)

◆June 25, 2007 "Persons with Visual Disabilities and Traveling: Circumstances of Barrier-free Transportation in Japan"
Hagoromo University http://www.hagoromo.ac.jp/news_cl.php?n=1506 (Japanese)

◆June 23, 2007 "Various Issues over Assistance of Students with Disabilities: Institutionalization of Assistance and its Future"
The 5th Annual Convention of Japan Welfare Sociology Association (Japanese), Tokyo Gakugei University

◆June 16, 2007 "Difficulties over "Having Difficulty Seeing": Ars Vivendi Salon of KVS, Osaka NPO Plaza

◆April 24, 2007 "Students with Visual Disability at Universities and its Assistance" (Report in Japanese)
#303/304, Soshikan Building, Ritsumeikan University

◆March 31, 2007 "Advances in Study Group on BAS: In Relation to Long Distance Support in Graduate Schools"
Birth 1:172-175

◆March 31, 2007 "The Constitution of Supports for Students with Disabilities in University"
Core Ethics 3:1-12 [abstract]

◆March 27, 2007 "Support of Students with Visual Disabilities and Copyright: Focusing on Information Surety to Students with Visual Disabilities"
NIME Kenkyu Hokoku 33:37-51

◆March 27, 2007 "The Present Condition of Support of Students with Disabilities in Universities: Organization and Memo of Research and Practice of Support of Students with Disabilities"
NIME Kenkyu Hokoku 33:13-25


◆Project Member, Project Conducted by Graduate Students, "Study Group on Ars Vivendi of Intractable Diseases" in FY 2008

UP:May 17, 2008 REV:August 20, 2008/September 17, 2008/September 26, 2008/December 15, 2008/December 22, 2008/April 1, 2009/July 22, 2009/August 11, 2009/October 2, 2009/October 5, 2009/October 7, 2009/May 29, 2016
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