ARIMA Hitoshi


Last update: 20160529

* Please see my researchmap page concerning my recent research archivements.

■Current Position:
  Associate Professor, Yokohama City University

■Areas of Interest:
  Meta-ethics, bioethics


◆ PhD. Philosophy, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA (2009)

◆ MA. Bioethics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA (2004)

◆ BA. Biology, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan (2002)

■Academic Positions:

◆ Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, 2009-

◆ Post-Doctoral Fellow, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, 2008-2009.

◆ Teaching Assistant (Lecturer), State University of New York at Buffalo, 2007-2008.

■Awards, Honors and Grants:

◆ Pfizer Health Research Foundation, Domestic Collaborative Research Grant for Young Scientists under 39 Years Old.

◆ Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists
  (Start-up), 2009-2010.

◆ Teaching Assistantship, the State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Philosophy, 2007-2008.

◆ Encouragement Award for Young Researcher's Article, awarded by the Japanese Association of Bioethics, 2006
  (to my article, "On the Boundary of 'Self-Interest'" listed below).

◆ Fellowship: Japanese Ministry of Education Scholarship Program for Long-Term Overseas Education, 2004-2007.



TATEIWA Shin'ya & ARIMA Hitoshi Narratives and Deeds on Life and Death I: Death with Dignity Bill, Resistance, and Bioethics, Seikatsu Shoin, 241p. ISBN-10:4865000003 ISBN-13: 978-4865000009 2000 + tax [amazon][kinokuniya]

Editied Books:

◆ ABE Akira & ARIMA Hitoshi (Eds.) Care and Emotional Labor, Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of
  Ritsumeikan University, Vol.8, 2009. 247p. ISSN 1882-6539

◆ ARIMA Hitoshi & AMADA Josuke (Eds.)Special Symposium: Narrative, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming
  Dr. Arthur W. Frank , Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.5, 2009. 243p.
  ISSN 1882-6539

Refereed Articles:

◆ "Neutral State and Individual's Right to Death," Ars Vivendi, Vol.2, Seikatsu-shoin, 2010, (in Japanese).

◆ "Disgust and Moral Censure," Journal of Philosophy and Ethics in Health Care and Medicine,
  Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine, No.4, 2009, forthcoming.

◆ "Children as Organ Donors: Is Japan's New Policy on Organ Procurement in Minors Justifiable?," Asian Bioethics
  Review, Vol.1, No.4. 2009. pp.354-366.

◆ "Freedom to Choose Euthanasia and Discrimination," Ars Vivendi, Vol.1, Seikatsu-shoin, 2009. pp.23-41.
  (in Japanese)

◆ "Lessons of Leslie Burke Case in the UK: Second-Thoughts on the Principles of Biomedical Ethics," Ars Vivendi, Vol.1
  Seikatsu-shoin, 2009. pp.131-64. (in Japanese)

◆ "How Do You Spell 'Disgust'?" Annals of the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in
  Medicine, Vol. 25 (2007) 71-80. (in Japanese)

◆ "On the Boundary of 'Self-Interest'-Irreversible Loss of Cerebral Functioning and Proxy Decision-Making," Journal of
  Japan Association of Bioethics, Vol.16. no.1 (2006) (in Japanese)

Non-Refereed Articles and Book Chapters:

◆ "Ethics of Care and Moral Relativism: Does Empathy Justify Moral Censure?," in ABE and HOTTA (Eds.) Ethics and/of
  Care , Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.11, 2010. 258p. ISSN 1882-6539.

◆ "Two Metaphysical Presuppositions For the Scientific Objectivity of Human Life and Death," Journal of Medicine, Life
  and Ethics, Society, Vol.8, no.1/2, (Mar. 2009) 126-137. (in Japanese)

◆ "Nursing as Emotional Labor, and Nursing as A Practice of Care Ethics," in ABE and ARIMA (Eds.) Care and
  Emotional Labor, 2009. pp.193-214. (in Japanese)

Reviews and Commentaries:

◆ "Second GABEX International Conference: A Large-Scale International Conference on Biomedical Ethics in Japan,"
  ARIMA Hitoshi and IBUKI Tomohide, Biophilia, Vol.6, No.1, 2010. Maruzen. pp.56-61.(in Japanese)

◆ "The Revised Law on Organ Transplantation: Key Changes and Remaining Problems," ARIMA Hitoshi, KODAMA
  Satoshi, and INOUE Yusuke, Jikkyo Chireki & Komin Shiryo, 67, 2009. pp.5-8. (in Japanese)


◆ Japanese Translation of SMITH Pam, "Emotional Labour and Art of Caring: What's the Evidence?" (ABE and ARIMA
  (eds.)Care and Emotional Labor, 2009. pp28-33. *Co-translated with MATOBA Kazuko)

◆ Japanese Translation of COWIE Helen, "Bullying in the Workplace," (ABE and ARIMA (Eds.) Care and Emotional
  Labor, 2009. pp28-33. *Co-translated with MATOBA Kazuko)

◆ Japanese Translation of FRANK Arthur, "A Reply from Professor Arthur FRANK," (ARIMA and AMADA (Eds.) Story,
  Trauma, and Ethics: Conversations with Professor Arthur FRANK, 2009. pp.57-64. *Co-translated with MITACHI

◆ Japanese Translation of FRANK Arthur, "Comments by Professor Arthur FRANK," (ARIMA and AMADA (Eds.) Story,
  Trauma, and Ethics: Conversations with Professor Arthur FRANK, 2009. pp.82-87. *Co-translated with MITACHI

◆ Japanese Translation of "Maternal-Fetal Relationship," in Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd Edition, Edited by S. Post,
  MacMillan, 2004 (Maruzen, Tokyo, 2007)


◆ "Posthumous Interest and Proxy Decision-Making," 10th World Congress of Bioethics, International Bioethics
  Association, Singapore, July, 28-31. 2010.

HOTTA Yoshitaro, ABE Akira, MATOBA Kazuko & ARIMA Hitoshi May 9, 2009, "The Importance of Social Support
  in Decision Making regarding Terminal Care: What ALS Patients in Japan Can Teach Us" , Poster Presentation
  at 11th Congress of the EAPC, Vienna, Austria.

◆ "On the Evolutionary Origins of Disgust," at the 27th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Philosophical Ethical
  Researches in Medicine, Hokkaido, Oct 26, 2008. (in Japanese)

◆ "Intuition and Explanation," at the Society for Student Philosophers Annual Conference, Texas, Austin, USA,
  Mar 1, 2008.

◆ "Does Disgust Justify Moral Censure?" at the 18th Annual Conference of Japan Association of Bioethics, Okayama,
  Nov. 20, 2006. (in Japanese)

◆ "Disgust and Moral Realism," at the 25th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Philosophical Ethical Researches
  in Medicine, Osaka, Oct 28, 2006. (in Japanese)

◆ "Intuition and Discovery of Facts," at the 39th Annual Conference of Japan Association of Philosophy of Science,
  Sapporo, Oct 21, 2006. (in Japanese)

◆ "Can Proxy-Decision be in the Interest of a Brain-Dead Patient?" at the 17th Annual Conference of Japan Association
  of Bioethics, Tokyo, Nov 19, 2005. (in Japanese)

■Other Activities:

◆ Dec. 4, 2008. Interpreter, Workshop, "From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases in Hong Kong
  and Guangdong," Ritsumeikan University

◆ Jul. 31, 2008. Comment, "Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University

■Teaching Experience

◆ PHI 337. "Social and Ethical Values in Medicine," at the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, Fall 2007 &
  Spring 2008. (Lecturer)

◆ "Life and Philosophy," at Yokohama Rosai Nursing School, Yokohama, Japan. Spring 2010.

◆ "Philosophy," at Ageo Central Nursing School, Saitama, Japan. Spring 2010.

UP:May 18, 2008 REV:June 25, 2008/September 3, 2008/December 12, 2008/April 6, 2009/May 13, 2009/July 31, 2009/August 25, 2009/October 14, 2009/March 17, 2010/April 21, 2010/June 3, 2010/November 27, 2012/June 11, 2015/May 29, 2016
WHO(English) WHO(Japanese)