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Shin'ya, Tateiwa立岩 真也) Jan 25, 2010
Japanese Version

The Second Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs

Thank you very much, Professor Van Parijs, for coming to our Ritsumeikan University again.

I am Tateiwa, the project leader of the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi, who is co-organizing today's workshop. I've been looking forward to seeing you, but I need to make my own speech in Tokyo on the same day. I'm so sorry to miss you this time.

When you came to our campus in July 2006, I asked you three questions. And I've been thinking on these points still today. First question is if we should consider distribution only relate to income distribution. I believe distribution of production goods and labour are also essential although they may raise some additional problems we need to attend. Second question is about work obligation. I must say people have obligation to work but we should not connect work and income security under the current political situation. Third question is about how to adjust the difference among different people. I find some problems in argument of "Undominated Diversity" in Chapter 3 of your book. I was hoping to discuss these three points with you, but I cannot be present at the workshop.

In fact, I and SAITO Taku, the longtime researcher in this field and translator of "Real Freedom for All" (Van Parijs [1995, Japanese trans. 2009]), are to publish a book in March. The book will include my papers discussing the above points, Saito's papers introducing the various discussions on Basic Income, and others. I wrote some points on Undominated Diversity prior to the publication. I hope you could give me some comments on it, which is translated into English on this page, On "Undominated Diversity".

The idea of Basic Income has been gathering much more attention in Japan. Professor Yamamori, who should be present in your workshop, is working to establish a new network in Japan this March. I'd like to contribute to their discussion, too. We are also interested in your new development on Linguistic Justice discussion.

With this address, I apologize my absence at today's workshop. Thank you.

◆Van Parijs, Philippe 1995 Real Freedom for All-What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism?, Oxford University Press=20090610 trans. GOTOH Reiko SAITO Taku, 『ベーシック・インカムの哲学――すべての人にリアルな自由を』,勁草書房,494p. ISBN-10: 4326101830 ISBN-13: 978-4326101832 \6000 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※

◆TATEIWA Shin'ya 2010/01/25 "On "Undominated Diversity"", The Second Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs

◆TATEIWA Shin'ya 2006/07/07 Questions to Professor Philippe Van Parijs, Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs at Ritsumeikan University
◆TATEIWA Shin'ya & SAITO Taku齊藤 拓) 2010/03/** 『To be announced』,青土社 文献表

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立岩 真也  ◇Shin'ya Tateiwa
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