Freedom to be Weak
TATEIWA Shin'ya 2000 Tokyo, Seidosha, 357+25p.
TATEIWA Shin'ya(立岩真也)
2000 Freedom to be Weak(『弱くある自由へ』)
Tokyo, Seidosha(青土社), 357+25p. ISBN:4791758528
2800yen [amazon]
◇[Japanese] / [Korean]
◆TATEIWA Shin'ya 2000 Freedom to be Weak, Tokyo, Seidosha, 357+25p. ISBN:4791758528 2800yen [amazon]
This book deals with such things as "self-determination", "genetic testing (and insurance)", "(possession and distribution of) genetic information", "assistance/care", "movements by people with disabilities", "euthanasia", "eugenics" and "what can be done and what cannot be done".
*Book Review, Introduction and so on
**Table of Contents**
Chapter 1: Empty, Firm and Lax Self-determination
0. Recent Self-Determination
1. Emptiness No.1: on Disturbance
2. Emptiness No.2: on Terms
3. Lax Self-Determination
4. Firm Self-Determination
5. Functional Disturbance and its Repair
6. Issues of Responsibility and its Resolution
7. Fraud
8. Oppression
9. Being Furled
10. Being Weak
Chapter 2: Convenient Death and Death by Humiliation: on Euthanasia
1. Inconvenient Self-Determination
2. Convenient Self-Determination
3. Death by Humiliation
4. On how to Question cf.Euthanasia and Death with Dignity
Chapter 3: Saying "Don't Decide by Such Things": On Self-Determination / Substitutional Determination of Death
1. Things that Activate Euthanasia
2. Not for All and by Everyone's Favor
3. At least Doctors Are Not (Substitutional) Determiners
Chapter 4: Year 1970: Beginning of Fight versus Trace
1. Understanding of the Society that Prevent People
2. "Equality Faction" and "Differential Faction"
3. Year 1970
4. The Merit System
5. Self-Determination
6. Then
Intermission: Things that Were Gambled on Movements by People with Disabilities: Dialogue with Yasutaka Ichinokawa
1. Eugenics as Peacetime Thoughts
2. Year 1970
3. Are Movements by People with Disabilities Special?
4. Acceptance of only Expressing Concerns
5. Theory of the State of Movements by People with Disabilities
6. Darkness of Sterilization Operation
Chapter 5: Life Science and Techonology and Society: Memorandum
1. Questions
1) Ouestions Raised by Move of Boundary
2) Production, Consumption and Distribution
2. Problems over already Existing with Persons
1) Only Understanding
2) Employment and Insurance
3) "Cure"
3. Problems that Occurs When Something Is Away from the Person and Becomes Available
1) Things that Move and Are Transferred/Things that Do not Move and Are not Transferred
2) Regulation of Possession
4. Keeping Ambiguous Anxiety until It Becomes Unambiguous
Chapter 6: Limitation of Solidarity by the Unknown: Genetic Tests and Insurance
1. Pros and Cons of Insurance Companies' Asking for Genetic Information
1) Pros
2) Cons
2. However, Adverse Selection Could Be Made.
1) Knowing that Persons can Gain Insurance Money
2) Having Persons Buy Insurance before Inspection
3) Limitation of Solidarity Due to the Unknown
Chapter 7: Leaving and Encounter: On Assistance
1. Preface
1) Care Insurance
2) What I have Said so Far
3) Two Always Exist
2. On Fundamental Halfway
1) Both Ways Exist
2) So Imposition Is Requested
3) Combination and Diminishing
3. On "Goodness"
1) It Should not Be Told
2) Appropriation of Meaning toward Things that We Hope to Be Colorless
3) Treat over Donation
4) Preservation and Expansion of Job Categories and Attribution
5) Limitation without Erasing
4. Organization
1) A Person Decides by Oneself
2) Allocation of Three Things
3) Closeness but Differences over Obligation
4) Wrongness that Selection Leads to Responsibility
5) What Kinds of Jobs One Should Do
6) Not Be Ground of "Expertise"
7) Position of Family's Acts and Unpaid Acts
8) Trying to Escape from Determination
9) Necessity of Organizaiton of Supplementing, Taking Someone's Duty and Avoiding its Risk
5. Breaking into Conversation, Receiving and so on
1) Paternalism
2) Acceptance
3) Contact
6. So, Do not Short-circuit
1) Assembling after Unraveling
2) Important Things in Spite of Their Troubles