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World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry(WNUSP)

last update:20160809


Mary O'Hagan, New Zealand(1991-1993 chair, 93-95 co-chair, 97-04 board member)
◇Paolo del Vecchio, USA (1991-1993 vice-chair 93- co-chair)
◇Judi Chamberlain, USA (2001-2004 co-chair)
◇Iris Holling, Germany (2001-2004 co-chair)
Tina Minkowitz, USA (2004- co-chair, -15 international representative)
◇Moosa Salie, South Afirica (2004- co-chair)
山本眞理, Japan(2004- board member)
Jolijn Santegoeds, Netherlands(2009- co-chair)
◇Salam Gomez, Colombia
◇Gabor Gombos, Hungary

◇Hilda Haynes Robbins (1924?-20090427)
Mongomery News (obituaries) 20090501 "Hilda Haynes Robbins" Dallas Morning News (obituary, condolences) 20050417 "Dr W. David Robbins,"
'ROBBINS, DR. W. DAVID Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, E.C. Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, passed away April 16, 2005 at the age of 82. [……] He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Ruth Minnerly Robbins of Richmond; his brother, Jack Winton Robbins and his wife Hilda Haynes Robbins, of Philadelphia.'


◆2012/12/13-14 Minkowitz, Tina, "Submission to Expert Meeting of the Special Rapporteur on Torture: Torture in Health Care Settings"

◆2012/12/11 WNUSP, PANUSP and CHRUSP, "Statement to the Second Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on the Review of the Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners"

◆2012/02/22-23 WNUSP and IDA, "Submission to the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture for Thematic Discussion on Mental Health and Places of Deprivation of Liberty"

◆2012/01/31-02/02 Minkowitz, Tina, "Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities and the Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners"

◆2011/10/31 WNUSP and CHRUSP, "WNUSP and CHRUSP Joint Submission* to OHCHR Study on Violence Against Women With Disabilities"

◆2011/10/15 "Submission for OHCHR Thematic Study on Political Participation"
"The right to political participation encompasses two main features: the right to vote and stand for election, and the right to have an effective means of influencing political decisions pertaining to oneself and one’s own community."

◆2011/08/11 Minkowitz, Tina, "Recognizing Forced and Coerced Psychiatric Interventions Against Women, Men and Children as a Harmful Cultural Practice"

◆2011/06/11 "Legal Capacity as Right, Principle and Paradigm: Submission to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in response to its Call for Papers on theoretical and practical implementation of Article 12"

◆2011/03/14 Minkowitz, Tina, "WNUSP Submission on Revision of the Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners"

◆2011/03 WNUSP Newsletter, March 2011
内容は、「WNUSP releases statement on the Implications of the CRPD on Forced Treatment」と同じ

◆2011/03/14 WNUSP releases statement on the Implications of the CRPD on Forced Treatment

◆2011/02/26 WNUSP Newsletter, February 2011

◆2010/10 WNUSP Newsletter, October 2010

◆2010/02 WNUSP Newsletter, February 2010

◆2009/10/21 Minkowitz, Tina, "Norms and Implementation of CRPD Article 12"
"On October 21, 2009, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held a Day of General Discussion on Article 12, focusing both on clarifying the norms and on exploring challenges to implementation. This article is based on my presentation there, with some later additions."

◆2009/03/16-20 第3(8)会総会 (カンパラ:ウガンダ)

◇ラミパス タロウ 2009 「WNUSP(世界精神医療ユーザー・サバイバーネットワーク)大会2009.3.16-20 ――参加報告および感想」、『おりふれ通信 No.278 2009年 6月号』、おりふれの会
◇ラミパス タロウ 2009 「続・WNUSP(世界精神医療ユーザー・サバイバーネットワーク)大会 2009.3.16-20――参加報告および感想」、『おりふれ通信 No.279 2009年 7月号』、おりふれの会

◆2009/01 WNUSP Newsletter, January 2009

◆2008/09/15 "International Disability Alliance's Forum for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities"
"Contribution to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' thematic study to enhance awareness and understanding of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, focusing on legal measures key for the ratification and effective implementation of the Convention"

◆2008/08 WNUSP Newsletter, October 2008

◆2008/08/15 "Psychosocial Disabilities"

◆2008/04/25 "Position Paper on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Other Instruments"

◆2008/02 WNUSP Implementation Manual for the United Nations CRPD
[外部サイト(Cover Letter:PDF)]

◆2007/06 WNUSP Newsletter, June 2007

◆2007/06/07 Dresden Declaration
Declaration of Dresden against Coerced Psychiatric Treatment
The European Network of (ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (including its German member-organisation Bundesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener) together with their sister organisation the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, and working closely with MinfFreedom International, are issuing this statement to make clear our coordinated position on force and psychiatry at the time of The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Conference, "Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Review," being held on Dresden, Germany, June 6 to 8, 2007. Our organizations are in a unique position to speak on this issue because we have experienced forced psychiatry and know the damage it has done to our lives and those of our members, colleagues, and friends.

◆2007/02 WNUSP Newsletter, February 2007 (2)

◆2007/02 WNUSP Newsletter, February 2007 (1)

◇Minkowitz, Tina, 2007, "The United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Right to Be Free from Nonconsensual Psychiatric Interventions," Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 34(2): 405-428.

◇20061213 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

◆全国「精神病」者集団 20050511 『絆 No.12』、絆社ニュース発行所

■20040717-21 第2(7)回総会 (バイル:デンマーク)
Networking for our Human Rights and Dignity

◆WNUSP が日本政府に廃案要請
 山本さんより Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2003 22:40:09 +0900


以下翻訳 転送公開大歓迎







◆2002/09/14-17 Mary O'Hagan "Global Workshop on Universal Electoral Rights of People with Disabilities" (シグトゥーナ:スウェーデン)

◆2001/08/31-09/02 Mary O'Hagan "International Disability Alliance Meeting Report" (ニューヨーク:米国)

◆2001/07 Position paper on Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness

◆2001/07/20-21 Human Rights Position Paper of the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry

■2001/07/20-21 第1(6)回総会 (バンクーバー:カナダ)
◇"Vancouver Report, July 2001"[外部サイト]

1. action plan
2. budget
3. interim gobernance and structure

◆2000/06 "Proposal for Establishment Costs"

◇1999 International Disability Alliance (ケープタウン:南アフリカ)

■1999 第5回総会 (サンチアゴ:チリ)

◆1999/07/19 Fax Message from Mary O'Hagan to Iris Holling

◆1999/07/13 Fax Message from Mary O'Hagan to Peter Lehmann

◆1998/12 Key Psychiatric User Organizations

■1997 第4回総会

■1995 第3回総会

■1993/08 第2回総会(千葉:日本)

◇1993/08 World Federation for Mental Health, 1993, "Proceedings; WFMH '93," [外部サイト(PDF)]

◆1993/07=1993/09/10 WFPUニュースレターNo.2
◇日本会議(1.WFPUの名称変更 2.規約の採択 3.1993-95年の計画 4.委員の選出)
◇お知らせ(精神精神保健大会・日本、大会関係者へのお礼、日本の精神障害者が処刑された 抗議文を!!、全国精神病者集団ニュース、性的虐待の出版物、サヴァイヴァーの詩集、サヴァイヴァーズ・ハイ・テク)

◇1991/12/14 Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Health Care(精神病者の保護と精神保健ケアの改善のための原則)
日本語: http://www.kansatuhou.net/10_shiryoshu/04_02UNmental_gensoku.html

■1991/08/23 第1回総会(メキシコシティ:メキシコ)


◆European Network of (Ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, International Disability Alliance, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, and the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, no date, "Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on his upcoming thematic paper on torture in the context of healthcare"

■ENUSP, IDA, MDAC, and WNUSP, no date, "Executive summary of the submission by ENUSP, IDA, MDAC, and WNUSP to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on his upcoming thematic paper on torture in the context of healthcare"

■Minkowitz, Tina, no date, "Submission to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Day of General Discussion on CRPD Article 12"

■IDA, no date, "International Disability Alliance Written Submission to the Day of General Discussion of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities"

■WNUSP and CHRUNP, no date, "Joint Submission to Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Accessibility"

■The Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP), Ubuntu Centre South Africa, the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), Inclusion International and the International Disability Alliance (IDA), no date, "OPCAT monitoring of psychiatric institutions and related issues in other forms of detention: CRPD Framework"

■WNUSP and CHRUSP, no date, "Submission to Second Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on the Review of the Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners"

■Hazen, Daiel and Tina Minkowitz, no date, "A Discussion Paper on Policy Issues at the Intersection of the Mental Health System and the Prison System"

■IDA, no date, "Submission on the application of Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to disability-based detention and institutionalisation, as informed by related provisions in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities"

■WNUSP, no date, "WNUSP Statement on Review of the Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners"

■Minkowitz, Tina, no date, "Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for General Comment on the Right to Health"

*作成:伊東 香純
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