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European Network of (Ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry(ENUSP)

last update:20180705


Jolijn Santegoeds, Netherlands(2009-: co-chair)
Peter Lehmann, Germany(1997-1999?: co-chair)
Mary Nettle, UK (2004-2010: co-chair)


◆2020/07/11 European Empowerment Webinar [外部サイト]

◆2020/04/09 COVID-19 Joint Statement [外部サイト]

◆2020/01/05 Updated List of Good Practices Recommended by ENUSP [外部サイト]

◆2019/12/14 ENUSP member wins the third place in the photo competition "Reclaiming Your Rights" [外部サイト]

◆2019/11/15 ENUSP and EDF condemn the appalling human rights violations in the Pliskiv Psychoneurological Institution in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, November 15, 2019 [外部サイト]

◆2019/10/23 Honoring Dorothea Buck’s memory [外部サイト]

◆2019/09/03 Responding to the catastrophic reduction of life expectancy among psychiatric patients: article published [外部サイト]

◆2019/07/10 European Court of Human Rights Fails Students with Disabilities [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/26 We need to remind MEPs to reestablish the Disability Intergroup [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/21 Jolijn Santegoeds speaking about the need to end forced treatment in Europe [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/15 Mental health and housing: the outcomes of a three-year ERASMUS+ project in Italy [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/15 The meeting of DH-BIO held on 6 June [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/15 EMA admitted that negative effects of antidepressants on the sexual function can be long lasting [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/15 Podcast of MHE on compulsory measures in psychiatry [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/15 Serious violation of patients’ rights in Romania [外部サイト]

◆2019/06/15 Research says that trainings can change the staff attitudes towards coercion [外部サイト]

◆2019/03/19 Open Letter to WPA: response to the attack on the UN CRPD [外部サイト]

◆2018/10/08 ENUSP expresses gratitude for the financial support received by the French Confcap-Capdroits research programme [外部サイト]

◆2018/09/30 ENUSP together with other 19 organizations demands a stronger Accessibility Act [外部サイト]

◆2018/05/29 Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention: related materials [外部サイト]

◆2018/05/27 Draft Additional Protocol approved by the CoE Committee on Bioethics [外部サイト]

◆2018/04/18 ENUSP started campaign against the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention [外部サイト]

◆2017/12/06 ENUSP Submission regarding Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention

◆2017/07/10 ENUSP letter to CSA regarding the show "Fort Boyard" (フランス) [外部サイト(PDF)]

◆2017/07/02 ENUSP letter to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania regarding the "training course" in the psychiatric institution (リトアニア共和国)

◆2017/06/06 Joint Statement of ENUSP and MHE on Additional Protocol to Oviedo Convention, 6th June, 2017

◆2016/03/29 ENUSP statement as part of the Absolute Prohibition campaign "Forced psychiatric interventions constitute a violation of human rights and disable care", March 29, 2016

◆2016//03/27-28 ENUSP letter to speakers and participants of the Conference in Cyprus "Human rights: a reality for all." (キプロス)

◆2016/04/19 ENUSP submission for the Day of General Discussion (DGD) on the right of persons with Disabilities to live independently and be included in the community, April 16, 2016

◆List of the best practices, recommended by ENUSP

◆2015/11/15 ENUSP submission regarding the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 15 November 2015

◆2015/07/15 ENUSP Shadow report 2015 Submission on CRPD implementation in the European Union, CRPD-Committee, 14th session
[外部サイト(Call for Information)]
[外部サイト(list of issues)]

■2014/12 第7回総会 (ヒレレズ:デンマーク)

◆2013/12/08-10 Strategy for Empowerment (ブカレスト:ルーマニア)

◆2012/02/22 Czech Republic must stop caging human beings (プラハ:チェコ共和国)
[外部サイト(joint alart)]

◆2012/02/13 Together for human rights (欧州裁判所)

◆2012 ENUSP: French mental health law breaches human rights and must be repealed (フランス)

■2010/09/28-30 第6回総会 (テッサロニキ:ギリシャ)

◆2010/05/22 Invitation to the Ordinary General ENUSP Membership Assembly

◆2010/01 Advocacy Update Vol.1 Issue 1

◆Anne-Laure Donskoy 2009/12/07 Anne-Laure Donskoy's paper for the Prevention of depression and suicide conference (2009)

◆2009/03/13-14 Empowerment Seminar (ブリュッセル:ベルギー)

◆Peter Lehmann 2009 "Users and Survivors of Psychiatry on the International Stage: a snapshot"
In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 9 (2009), No. 1, pp. 32-42

◆Shalini Umachandran 2008/11/30 He helps transform those with mental disabilities

◆2008/05/03 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Enters into Force Today as Twenty Cuntries have Ratified the Convention

◆Elizabeth Winder 2008 "The Value + Toolkit: For Patient Organisations on Meaningful Patient Involvement - Patients Adding Value to Policy, Projects and Services"

◆2008/05 European Democratic Movement for Mental Health founded in Rome in May 2008

◆Peter Lehmann 2007/10/16 Keynote presentation at "Whose Recovery is it Anyway", congress run by the Social Perspectives Network, London, October 16, 2007

◆2007/10 UilenSpiegel, Patients' Representatives Mental Health Care (Belgium), celebrates its 10th Anniversary. Seminar "Patient Rights en Patient Representation mental health care" on the 4th of October in the European Parliament in Brussels, 2007

◆2007/09/21 STOP THE PSYCHIATRIC VIOLENCE. Action against the 1st Eastern European Psychiatric Congress in Thessaloniki, Greece, from September 21, 2007 (テッサロニキ:ギリシャ)
] [外部サイト]

◆Heike Oldenburg 2007/08 THE YEAR OF MAD PRIDE!! Macht 2007 das Jahr des Stolz des Wahnsinns! Bericht uber die Betroffenenaktivitaten beim WPA-Kongress "Zwangsbehandlung in der Psychiatrie" im Eppendorfer, August 2007

◆2007/06/06-08 Peter Lehmann/ Reinhard Wojke: Video- Photo and text documentation of "Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry", congress run by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in Dresden, Germany, June 2007

◆2007/06/07 ENUSP / World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry/ MindFreedom International / Federal Organisation of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Germany (BPE) on June 7, 2007: Declaration of Dresden Against Coerced Psychiatric Treatment

◆Wilma Boevink 2006/06/08 From alien to actor. Lecture held during The Public Hearing on The Green Paper on Mental Health, European Parliament, Brussels, June 8, 2006

◆Adam Duncan 2006/01/16-17 Mental Health is going mainstream ? but will anyone be left out in the cold? Report on the first consultation meeting on the EU Green Paper on Mental Health, 16-17 January, 2006

◆Adam Duncan 2006/01/16-18 Additional points submitted on behalf of ENUSP to the EU Commission regarding the first EU Green Paper Consultation Meeting on Promoting Mental Health

◇WHO Europe: Mental Health Declaration 2005-2010, translated into Danish (2007)

◆1945/10/09-2005/06/11 Heleen van der Leest - In memoriam: Paul Jan Francois Fijn

◆Mary Nettle and Wilma Boevink 2005/07/19 Response ENUSP to Draft EU Green Paper on Mental Health, May 26th 2005

◆Annette Plooy 2005/06/02-04 Trimbos-Institute: Report of the European Conference on Recovery and Reform, Prague 2-4 June 2005

◆Wilma Boevink 2005/05/30-31 Third Meeting of the EU Mental Health Working Party, Luxembourg, 30-31 May 2005

◆European Union 2005/05/26 Draft EU Green Paper on Mental Health, version May 26th 2005

◆2005/05/14 Protestnote des ENUSP-Vorstands vom 14.5.2005 gegen den geplanten Verstos gegen des Antidiskrimierungsverbot durch Senat und die Burgerschaft des Landes Bremen

◆2005/04/22 Macedonian Newsletter 2005/2 from Dejan Stevanovic, 22. April 2005

◆2005/04 The Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC): a legal advocacy NGO based in Budapest (ブダペスト:ハンガリー)

■2004/07/17-21 第5回総会 (バイル:デンマーク)

■1999/02/19-21 第4回総会 (ルクセンブルグ)

■1997/01/03-06 第3回総会 (レディング:英国)

◆1996/11/22-24 運営委員会議 (ベルリン:ドイツ)

◆1996/08/23-25 運営委員会議 (レディング:英国)

◆1996/02/09-11 運営委員会議 (パリ:フランス)

◆1995/09/29-10/01 運営委員会議 (リュブリャナ:スロベニア)

◆1995/05/12-14 運営委員会議 (ユトレヒト:オランダ)

◆1994/12/15-19 運営委員会議 (コルディング:デンマーク)

◆1994/12/16-18 Owr Own Understanding of Ourselves (コリング:デンマーク)

■1997/05/26-29 第2回総会 (エルシノア:デンマーク)

■1991/10/24-27 第1回総会 (ザンドヴォールト:オランダ)

*作成:伊東 香純
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