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Study Group on Communication and Interpretation

Projects Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi in Academic Year 2011

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◆Research Topic◆
Experimental Research on Communication through a Third-party Intermediary

◆Participating Researchers: Six Individuals in Total
【Project Leader】
IIDA Namiko Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

【Project Members】
TENBATA Daisuke Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
KAI Sarasa Postdoctoral Fellow, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University(Global COE Program Ars Vivendi)
WATANABE Katsunori Postdoctoral Fellow, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University(Global COE Program Ars Vivendi)
NIIYAMA Tomoki Postdoctoral Fellow, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University(Global COE Program Ars Vivendi)
AOKI Chihoko Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University

【Project Supervisor】
TATEIWA Shin'ya (Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

◇Research Plan◇
I. Topics and Contribution to the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi

1. Topics, Objectives and Impacts
In this project experimental research concerningobserved phenomena and theories regarding diverse forms of communication will be conducted. Particular attention will be paid to communication through a third party intermediary. This “communication via a third party intermediary” to be examined is not limited to “interpretation” in the narrow sense of only interpretation between two spoken languages or between a spoken language and sign language; other forms of communication in which a third party plays a connective role will also be investigated. Little research focusing on this topic has yet been conducted, and the aim of this project is to bring to light various forms of communicationand pursue a better understanding of the meaning of interpretation.Participants in the project will conduct studies based on their respective individual research interests, report to the research group, deepen their individual inquiries with a focus on reports and discussions,work towards making the issues examined shared, and extend their interdisciplinary research.

2. Contribution to the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi
People with a communication disability sometimes communicate with others through a third party. In the past this has mostly been viewed from the perspective of support or assistance, but by reassessing it from the point of view of “interpretation” it is possible to engage in a fresh examination of the sorts of problems that arise concerning communication. By studying and analyzing intermediation as it occurs in the communication of people with communication disabilities it is also possible to re-examine the definition of “interpretation”, a term that in its narrow sense does not include these sorts of activities. Through this research it should additionally be possible to critically examine the ideal state of everyday communication that is normally taken to be self-evident. The promotion of this project is intended to create an important center of research focusing on communication and interpretation involving people with communication disabilities in Japan.

II. Research plan/methodology/methods of presenting results

【Fieldwork Carried out by Participating Researchers】
(1) Study of time lag during interpretation using the“A Ka Sa Ta Na” method of communication carried out by Mr. Daisuke Tenbata and Ms. Namiko Iida (Tokyo)

Communication utilizing the“A Ka Sa Ta Na” method involves the intermediary saying certain sounds in the Japanese syllabary in a fixed order. When Mr. Tenbata moves his hand the intermediary stops and then begins saying a subset of syllables to arrive at the sound Mr. Tenbata wants to make. For example, if Mr. Tenbata stops the intermediary at “A”, the intermediary then says “A, I, U, E, O”. If Mr. Tenbata indicates he should stop at “U” then this because the first sound of the utterance. The actual circumstances of this “interpretation” will be examined in order to make clear the intermediary time lag during this process. This study will involve having an intermediary who participates in actual “A Ka Sa Ta Na” communication implement this method of interpretation and participate in follow up interviews.

(2) Firsthand study of expanded substitute communication by Ms. Namiko Iida and Mr. Daisuke Tenbata (Tokyo)

Interviews with Mr. Daisuke Tenbata’s caregiver (interpreter) concerning issues and problems that arise when interpretation is being carried out will be conducted and recorded (audio only oraudio and video). The recordings of these interviews will be analyzed by Ms. Namiko Iida and Mr. Daisuke Tenbata separately.

(3) Ms.Namiko Iida's firsthand study of ALS patient communication

Translated by Robert Chapeskie
Proofread by KATAOKA Minoru
UP:January 30, 2012 REV :February 1, 2012
Disability Studies  ◇Organizations
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