■Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2) February 1, 2008
Cover Stories "The Collapse of Medical Service: Economy over Life"
Seidosha, 246p. ISBN-10: 4791711769 ISBN-13: 978-4791711765 1,300 yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] ※
If you click the image below, you can purchase its copy (in Japanese) through Amazon.co.jp
Table of Contents:
■Themes Associated with Cover Stories
◆TATEIWA Shin'ya February 1, 2008 "Withdrawing because Resource Is Limited No.29" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):48-60
Obvious, Prompt and Obscure Changes//Simplism//Criticism against Hospitals for the Elderly//Country where the Bedridden Elderly Do not Exist //Another Discovery →Appendix in Japanese
*TATEIWA wrote Chapter 3 of Sole Life by adding some content to the series of "Withdrawing because Resource Is Limited" (No.29 to 35).
◆KOMATSU Yoshihiko & ARAKAWA Michio February 1, 2008 "Struggles over Death with Dignity: In the Era of Medical Crisis" (Conversation) Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):62-87
ARAKAWA Michio, M.D. / Japan Society for Dying with Dignity
◆ISHII Eiki February 1, 2008 "The Truth of the Collapse of the Medical Service: Systemic Fatigue of the Medical Service in the Postwar Period" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):88-100
cf.TATEIWA Shin'ya February 1, 2008 "On Work No.29" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):48-60
"Firstly, there is one simplism. That is, complicated matters that are mentioned above are left out and sometimes it is said as if providing "excessive treatment" represented the "nature of the medical service". However, that is not true. At least, it is only one aspect. As I mentioned in 2), the truth is that if the work stands on the side of medical services or enables its related persons to make a profit (if the word is not appropriate, we can state "payable"), all concerned try to keep the business. On the other hand, if it is loss-making, they do not run the business. If the situation changes into the latter one in which preserving medical services does not provide much profit, demands to protect them diminish. Actually I think that the situation has been changed dramatically and its gain has been minimized. I believe that the recent situation accounts for such a process. I should be able to prove that my guess is accurate".
◆MUKAI Shoko February 1, 2008 "Hyper-aged Society and Temptation of Death" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):101-109
◆MIMA Tatsuya February 1, 2008 "Risk Society and the 'Collapse' of the Medical Service" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):110-119
Introduction//Three Aspects of Desire for Safety//Lack of or Excessive Treatment//The "Collapse" of Medical Service as a Chance//Afterword
◆YAMADA Makoto &TATEIWA Shin'ya(Interviewer) February 1, 2008 "Ways of Accusation: Between the Medical Service and Patients"(Interview) Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):120-142
*Re-editing of the Interview on December 23, 2007 →Record of the Interview+α in Japanese
◆KITAMURA Kentaro February 1, 2008 "Merits and Demerits of the Act on Special Measures on HCV" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):143-147
◆ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka February 1, 2008 "Hippocrates and Modern Medical Care" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):204-218
◆DOI Kenji February 1, 2008 "Secularization of Theology and the Birth of Bioethics: Through the Track of Daniel Callahan" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):220-230
→Callahan, Daniel
◆TANAKA Akashi February 1, 2008 "Absence of Three Aspects of 'Bioethics': Historical Present of 'Bioethics) Policies in Japan" Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):231-245
Translated by TAMURA Noriko, Proofread by KATAOKA Minoru