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ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2017年


アフリカアフリカ Africa 2019



○2007年大統領選挙関連ニュース → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 大統領選挙と騒乱
○2006年以前のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 〜2006年
○2007年1月〜9月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2007年1月〜9月
○2007年10月〜12月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2007年10月〜12月
○2008年1月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2008年1月
○2008年2月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2008年2月
○2008年3月〜12月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2008年3月〜12月
○2009年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2009年
○2010年1月〜6月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2010年1月〜6月
○2010年7月〜12月のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2010年7月〜12月
○2011年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2011年
○2012年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2012年
○2013年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2013年
○2014年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2014年
○2015年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2015年
○2016年のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 2016年
○最新のニュース、企画案内 → ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya


○外務省 各国・地域情勢 ケニア共和国

* 新聞記事は、ウェブサイトへの掲載期間が限られています。ウェブで見あたらなくなったら縮刷版で内容を確認してください。

* 幅広く多種多様な情報を紹介しています。情報源、情報が発せられた状況などに留意しながら活用してください。

◆2017/01/03 The Standard press release: Application for form one KPC Disability Inuka scholarships for 2017
◆2017/01/12 メガソーラービジネス Looop、ケニアで40MWのメガソーラー建設、国内外で大規模プロジェクト実施へ
◆2017/01/22 lifehacker 革新的な決済サービス「BitPesa」がアフリカで急速に広がっている理由
◆2017/01/30 The Times Literary Supplement Overturning the hierarchy of languages
◆2017/01/30 The Daily Nation I have gone through great tragedy, but it did not kill me
◆2017/02/04 asahi.com 運動靴送る活動に協力を ケニアの感染症防ごう 日本リザルツ・長坂優子
◆2017/02/06 Reuters Kenya's disabled mothers neglected due to dearth of data
◆2017/02/08 asahi.com 父の命令、9歳で78歳と結婚 違法でも伝統 ケニア
◆2017/02/09 nikkei.com 「トイレおたく」女子、ただ今ケニアで奮闘中 LIXIL ソーシャルトイレット部 山上遊さん(上)
◆2017/02/10 国境なき医師団 ケニア:「ダダーブの閉鎖は違法」−−MSF、ケニア高裁の判決を支持
◆2017/02/15 BBC Kenya’s catchy pop hit that took the world by storm
◆2017/02/16 The Star 200 Murang’a disabled get flowers, food, cash from Ahadi Kenya for Valentine’s
◆2017/02/16 nikkei.com ケニアで3年、「無水トイレ」挑戦で広がった世界 LIXIL ソーシャルトイレット部 山上遊さん(下)
◆2017/02/18 CNN Kenya to appeal court block on closure of world's largest refugee camp
◆2017/02/23 CNN Missionary sentenced to 40 years for sexually assaulting children in Kenya
◆2017/02/24 CNN M-Pesa: Kenya's mobile money success story turns 10
◆2017/02/27 Positive News Kenya’s high priestess of graffiti
◆2017/02/28 アフリカレポート 石井 洋子「「過去」と「未来」を生きる人びと−−在米ケニア・ギクユ人移民の仕事をとおして−−」
◆2017/03/07 AFP BB News 巨大な牙持つ希少なゾウ、密猟者らに殺される ケニア
◆2017/03/08 asahi.com 「女子力?何だそれ?」ケニアで奮闘する日本人女性獣医
◆2017/03/12 cnn.co.jp 2千万人が飢餓の恐れ、2次大戦後最悪の人道危機か
◆2017/03/16 asahi.com パラ選手まさかのマラソン優勝 ペースメーカー役で参加
◆2017/03/19 AFP BB News タンザニア、ストで「医療危機」のケニアに医師500人派遣へ
◆2017/03/27 AFP BB News 字幕:象に水運ぶケニアの農家、孤軍奮闘で干ばつから動物守る
◆2017/03/27 The Star Kenyans protest Magufuli order to deport foreigners, block Namanga border
◆2017/03/30 cnn.co.jp アフリカ出身者への集団暴行多発、背景に人種差別か インド
◆2017/03/31 The Daily Nation Sh24bn needed for medicare, elderly
◆2017/04/10 This Is Africa Kenyan husband and wife Lonyangata and Rionoripo win Paris marathon races
◆2017/04/10 AFP BB News ケニア勢の夫婦がアベック優勝!パリ・マラソン
◆2017/04/14 nikkei.com 日通、アフリカ本格進出 ケニアに支店、切り花輸出
◆2017/04/18 AFP BB News 大迫傑が3位!優勝は男女ともケニア勢 ボストン・マラソン
◆2017/04/23 読売新聞 ロンドンマラソン、ケイタニーV…記録歴代2位
◆2017/04/24 AFP BB News ケニア勢がアベックV、ケイタニーは女子単独で歴代1位 ロンドン・マラソン
◆2017/04/25 NHK マラリアのワクチン推奨を判断 WHOが大規模接種へ
◆2017/04/25 nikkei.com マラリアワクチン試験投与へ WHO、アフリカ3カ国で
◆2017/04/29 asahi.com 認知症の現実、途上国でも 世界の当事者撮った写真紹介
◆2017/05/06 AFP BB News フルマラソン2時間切りに挑戦、キプチョゲ惜しくも達成ならず
◆2017/05/06 asahi.com マラソンで2時間突破逃す 世界記録には認定されず
◆2017/05/06 asahi.com マラソン2時間切り、F1サーキットで挑戦 結果は…
◆2017/05/06 asahi.com マラソンで2時間0分25秒!? ペースメーカーずらり、非公認記録
◆2017/05/08 東亜日報 非公認だが…ケニアのキプチョゲがナイキ・イベントで2時間25秒
◆2017/05/08 cnn.co.jp マラソン「2時間切り」、キプチョゲが目標に迫るも成功せず
◆2017/05/09 国立大学法人 長崎大学 長崎大学ケニア医療団派遣50周年記念「長崎大学アフリカでの50年、これからの貢献」(〜6月05日(月曜))@長崎大学中央図書館(文教キャンパス)
◆2017/05/14 asahi.com 男子、野口が4位 日本勢トップ 陸上・仙台国際ハーフマラソン 14日
◆2017/05/15 AFP BB News キプチョゲやワンジルら、世界陸上ロンドン大会のケニア代表に選出
◆2017/05/20 asahi.com (@ケニア)象牙の密猟と戦う人々
◆2017/05/22 The Star Lessons form Japan to Kenya on health systems: Wives and mothers led the way, focussed more on prevention
◆2017/05/24 AFP BB News ケニア代表マラソンスターが続々欠場、世界陸上ロンドン大会
◆2017/05/25 時事ドットコムニュース 米貿易開発庁と提携しケニアで太陽光発電技術を支援=アレヴォ〔BW〕
◆2017/05/30 株式会社阪急阪神エクスプレス ケニアにアフリカで二か所目の拠点を開設します
◆2017/05/31 AFP BB News 動画:半世紀ぶり、新しい中国製の鉄道を披露 ケニア
◆2017/05/31 BBC Kenya opens Nairobi-Mombasa Madaraka Express railway
◆2017/06/02 nikkei.com [FT]カネがすべてのケニア選挙
◆2017/06/02 cnn.co.jp ケニアで長距離鉄道が開通、地域経済活性化に期待
◆2017/06/09 nikkei.com 桐生は10秒18で6位 陸上ダイヤモンドリーグ
◆2017/06/12 The Star Mother-to-child HIV infection in Kenya reduces by 58.67%
◆2017/06/12 iZa! U18世界陸上への派遣中止 ケニアの治安に懸念 陸上
◆2017/06/13 AFP BB News ケニア首都で7階建てビルが倒壊、複数が行方不明に
◆2017/06/13 中國新聞 『ジュニアライター発』 ナイロビで孤児支援 早川さん講演 苦しみ分け合う 言葉胸に
◆2017/06/16 BBC Kenyan fashionista dares to stand out in Kibera slum
◆2017/06/22 ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版 ヌーの大量溺死が川を育んでいた、研究発表 アフリカ、危険な川渡りで毎年6000頭が溺死
◆2017/06/23 毎日新聞 はちおうじ子ども食堂 ケニア教育者と交流会 子ども食堂運営の学生ら、貧困と支援考える あす八王子で /東京
◆2017/06/23 毎日新聞 大学倶楽部・創価大 学生らが運営の子ども食堂 ケニア教育者と交流会 東京都八王子市で24日
◆2017/06/28 時事ドットコムニュース 爆弾で8人死亡=ケニア
◆2017/06/29 AFP BB News 最先端のHIV治療薬、ケニアで後発品が使用可能に アフリカ初
◆2017/07/04 cnn.co.jp 中国企業手掛けたケニアの橋、完成前に崩落 総工費14億円
◆2017/07/04 クリスチャントゥデイ 貧困に苦しむ子どもたちにキリストの愛を示そう ケニアのマゴソスクール校長が聖学院大で講演
◆2017/07/05 NHK ケニアで長距離鉄道が開業 中国が融資
◆2017/07/06 時事ドットコムニュース ケニア内相急死=入院直後の病院で
◆2017/07/07 CNN Meet the 10 African trailblazers on the TEDGlobal 2017 list
◆2017/07/20 Bunkamura 世界に広がるケニアのポップアート マイケル・ソイ展@Bunkamura
◆2017/07/30 時事ドットコムニュース 副大統領宅、武装集団が襲撃=ケニア
◆2017/07/31 メガソーラービジネス Looop、ケニアで「蓄電池併設メガソーラー」、二国間クレジット調査事業に
◆2017/08/01 nikkei.com アフリカに延びる「一帯一路」 中国、鉄道整備を加速
◆2017/08/01 nikkei.com ケニアで相次ぎ襲撃事件 大統領選直前で治安に懸念
◆2017/08/01 AFP BB News 800mの世界記録持つルディシャ、負傷で世界陸上を欠場
◆2017/08/01 CNN The Kenyan teenagers tackling female genital mutilation with an app
◆2017/08/02 Record China アフリカの遺跡で中国の血筋とみられる人骨発見−中国メディア
◆2017/08/03 日経テクノロジーオンライン ケニアでオフグリッド太陽光、無電化地域の130万人に供給 世界銀行が1億5000万ドル融資、地域向け独立型ソーラーも
◆2017/08/03 AFP BB News 過去に性別疑惑のセメンヤ、騒動の再燃を一蹴
◆2017/08/03 STANDARD Digital Uber to offer disabled persons free rides to poll centres
◆2017/08/04 nikkei.com アフリカ向け医療ファンド AAICが設立
◆2017/08/05 nikkei.com マラソン男子にワンジルら出場 世界陸上、ベケレ出ず
◆2017/08/05 AFP BB News ファラーが1万mを制して10個目の世界タイトル獲得、世界陸上
◆2017/08/07 The Star Myth on why the rich don’t treat disabled kids
◆2017/08/07 AFP BB News チェリモが女子マラソン制覇、キプラガトに競り勝つ 世界陸上
◆2017/08/07 AFP BB News キルイが男子マラソン優勝、川内は入賞に3秒及ばず 世界陸上
◆2017/08/08 nikkei.com 成長持続か 格差是正か ケニア大統領選、投開票へ
◆2017/08/08 AFP BB News キピエゴンが女子1500m金、前回女王ディババは最下位 世界陸上
◆2017/08/08 nikkei.com ケニアで大統領選、現職と元首相が接戦 治安悪化の恐れ
◆2017/08/08 時事ドットコムニュース 投票所で無事出産=ケニア
◆2017/08/08 時事ドットコムニュース ケニアで大統領選=接戦で混乱懸念
◆2017/08/08 asahi.com 国籍変えてマラソン女王 「母国」に金、「人生変わる」
◆2017/08/08 NHK ケニア大統領選挙 治安悪化の懸念
◆2017/08/08 AFP BB News ケニアで大統領選=接戦で混乱懸念
◆2017/08/08 cnn.co.jp 激戦のケニア大統領選が投票日、有権者の長蛇の列
◆2017/08/08 Foreign Policy Kenyan Women Just Fought One of the Most Violent Campaigns in History
◆2017/08/09 theguardian Kenya election: opposition leader claims hacking attack cheated him of victory
◆2017/08/09 AFP BB News ケニア大統領選、現職候補リードか 野党候補は不正主張
◆2017/08/09 nikkei.com ファンニーケルクが連覇 世界陸上男子400メートル
◆2017/08/09 SANSPO.COM 男子3000はケニア勢が牙城守る キプルト「とても幸せ」/世界陸上
◆2017/08/10 NHK ケニア大統領選 野党側が開票結果の受け入れ拒否
◆2017/08/10 AFP BB News ケニア大統領選、抗議活動などで4人死亡 暫定結果は現職リード
◆2017/08/10 nikkei.com ケニア大統領選挙、現職のケニヤッタ氏が優勢
◆2017/08/10 nikkei.com ケニア大統領選、現職優勢
◆2017/08/11 NHK 米政府 ケニア大統領選で冷静な対応求める
◆2017/08/11 asahi.com ケニア大統領選、混乱広がる 支持者間の衝突、死者も
◆2017/08/12 AFP BB News ケニア大統領選、現職ケニヤッタ氏が勝利 野党は集計で不正と主張
◆2017/08/12 NHK ケニア大統領選で現職再選 野党側は受け入れず暴動懸念
◆2017/08/12 nikkei.com ケニア大統領が再選 野党は受け入れ拒否、一部で暴動
◆2017/08/12 AFP BB News ケニア大統領選への抗議デモ、子ども含む3人撃たれ死亡
◆2017/08/12 cnn.co.jp ケニア大統領選、ケニヤッタ氏が再選 野党候補は受け入れ拒否
◆2017/08/12 asahi.com ケニア大統領選、現職が再選 対立候補「大規模な不正」
◆2017/08/13 NHK ケニア 大統領選結果めぐる抗議デモが暴動に 24人死亡
◆2017/08/13 nikkei.com ケニア警官が市民24人殺害 大統領選後、人権委発表
◆2017/08/13 AFP BB News ケニア大統領選、野党は抗議続行を明言 混乱の死者11人に
◆2017/08/13 nikkei.com ケニア大統領にケニヤッタ氏再選
◆2017/08/14 AFP BB News セメンヤが女子800mで3度目V、ケニア勢が2種目で金 世界陸上
◆2017/08/14 nikkei.com 女子800、セメンヤが3度目の優勝 世界陸上
◆2017/08/14 nikkei.com セメンヤ3度目優勝 世界陸上女子800
◆2017/08/14 cnn.co.jp 大統領選後に暴動、24人死亡と人権団体 ケニア
◆2017/08/14 nikkei.com ケニア警官が市民24人殺害
◆2017/08/14 asahi.com ケニアで暴動、16人死亡 大統領選結果めぐり混乱続く
◆2017/08/16 外務省 日・ケニア投資協定の効力発生のための通告
◆2017/08/16 AFP BB News 家宅捜索中に負傷した幼児が死亡、警察が殴打か ケニア
◆2017/08/17 nikkei.com ケニア投資協定、9月14日に発効
◆2017/08/19 AFP BB News ケニア大統領選、敗北した野党連合が最高裁に異議申し立て
◆2017/08/25 外務省 日・ケニア外相会談
◆2017/08/28 theguardian Kenya brings in world's toughest plastic bag ban: four years jail or $40,000 fine
◆2017/08/28 BBC Kenya plastic bag ban comes into force after years of delays
◆2017/08/29 NHK ケニア ビニール袋の製造・使用禁止する法律施行
◆2017/08/29 毎日新聞 世界の雑記帳 ケニアで世界一厳しいポリ袋禁止法が施行、最大4年の禁錮刑
◆2017/09/01 NHK ケニア大統領選 最高裁が不正認め現職の再選無効と判断
◆2017/09/01 asahi.com ケニア大統領選、60日以内に再選挙 最高裁が不正認定
◆2017/09/01 nikkei.com ケニア最高裁、大統領選で不正と判断 60日以内のやり直し要求
◆2017/09/01 毎日新聞 ケニア 大統領選「結果は無効」 最高裁 再選挙へ
◆2017/09/01 毎日新聞 ケニア 製造や販売、使用…「ポリ袋」一切ダメの法律施行
◆2017/09/01 This is Africa Kenyans return to polls in 60 days as Supreme Court nullifies Kenyatta’s re-election
◆2017/09/01 CNN Kenya's Supreme Court orders rerun of disputed presidential election
◆2017/09/01 DAILY NATION Supreme Court quashes Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election
◆2017/09/02 毎日新聞 ケニア大統領選 無効 最高裁決定 60日以内に再選挙 選管に不備
◆2017/09/02 cnn.co.jp ケニア最高裁、大統領選は「無効」 野党候補の訴え認める
◆2017/09/02 STANDARD Digital Kenya third country in the world and first in Africa to annul a presidential election
◆2017/09/02 The Nation (Nairobi) Kenya: LSK Cautions Uhuru On Anti-Supreme Court Remarks
◆2017/09/04 毎日新聞 特集ワイド:世界陸上、短距離スター続出だが… マラソン低迷なぜ続く? 駅伝で満足、スピード強化が不可欠
◆2017/09/05 nikkei.com ケニア大統領選、10月17日に再選挙 選挙の不正で
◆2017/09/05 cnn.co.jp ケニア大統領選、来月17日に再実施 最高裁の無効判断受け
◆2017/09/08 Business Daily (Nairobi) Kenya Airways Gets Permit For Direct U.S. Flights
◆2017/09/11 三軒茶屋経済新聞 三軒茶屋のフレンチがケニア産コーヒー 「ガツンとくる苦味」特長、スイーツとの相性を重視
◆2017/09/11 The Page 自主的な製造業、インフォーマル部門はアフリカ工業化の希望となるか?(上)
◆2017/09/14 asahi.com 高校寮に放火し9人死亡 14歳少女を訴追 ケニア
◆2017/09/14 AFP BB News アフリカゾウの生態が昼夜逆転、密猟回避で 研究
◆2017/09/17 nikkei.com じげん、アフリカ向け中古車販売サイト ケニアで自動車ローンも
◆2017/09/21 毎日新聞 ケニア 大統領選無効 選管集計に問題…最高裁が説明
◆2017/09/22 cnn.co.jp ケニア大統領、「最高裁がクーデター」 再選無効の判断を非難
◆2017/09/24 毎日新聞 がん・ステージ4からの眺め:緩和ケア情報、後に続く人へ
◆2017/09/29 週プレNews ケニアの自然保護区で発見! 色白すぎるキリンの親子が現れた!
◆2017/09/29 ヴァイサラ株式会社 ヴァイサラ ケニアに気象観測機器販売拠点を開設
◆2017/10/05 The Asahi Shimbun 「身近な隣人」が暴力の担い手になる時:アフリカ研究者 白戸圭一
◆2017/10/11 nikkei.com ケニア大統領の再選挙、野党候補が不出馬表明 「公正な選挙」望めず
◆2017/10/11 毎日新聞 ケニア大統領選 野党候補が不参加表明、収拾困難に
◆2017/10/20 The Financial Times African debt worries intensify as levels near tipping point
◆2017/10/25 cnn.co.jp 公害による死者、15年は全世界で推計900万人
◆2017/10/26 REUTERS Boycott, shooting and tear gas mar Kenya election re-run
◆2017/10/26 毎日新聞 ケニア大統領選 野党連合候補不参加で強行 やり直し投票
◆2017/10/27 cnn.co.jp ケニアやり直し大統領選、警察と野党支持者の衝突で1人死亡
◆2017/10/27 asahi.com ケニアやり直し大統領選、現職の再選確実
◆2017/10/31 asahi.com ケニア大統領選、現職再選を発表 治安の悪化懸念
◆2017/10/31 cnn.co.jp ケニアのやり直し大統領選、ケニヤッタ氏が再び勝利
◆2017/10/31 nikkei.com 現職ケニア大統領が勝利 再選挙、野党の反発必至
◆2017/10/31 BBC Kenya election: Kenyatta re-elected in disputed poll
◆2017/11/02 DAILY NATION Kenyan nurses end their 5-month strike after deal with State
◆2017/11/06 REUTERS Petition filed at Kenya's Supreme Court challenging election results
◆2017/11/18 一般社団法人共同通信社 象牙取引、日本名指しで批判 生息4国、国際委に議案提出
◆2017/11/29 nikkei.com ケニア大統領、2期目就任 野党認めず緊張高まる
◆2017/12/10 AFP BB News 在ケニア日本大使館で文化イベント、「ジョジョ立ち」も
◆2017/12/12 cinefil 新連載 澤崎 賢一「暮らしのモンタージュ」第1回 ”ケニア、マサイの集落へ”
◆2017/12/17 AFP BB News スラム街で美人コンテスト、斬新すぎる衣装の数々 ケニア
◆2017/12/21 毎日新聞 全国高校駅伝 ケニアの特急 大けが糧に

○DAILY NATION http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgindex.asp
○THE STANDARD http://www.eastandard.net/
○BUSINESS DAILY http://www.bdafrica.com/

●(特活)アフリカ地域開発市民の会(CanDo) http://www.cando.or.jp/

橋場奈月 伝統社会と近代教育−ケニア・マサイコミュニティを例に−

原山浩輔 途上国における手話言語集団としての生計獲得−−ケニアのろう者の事例に基づいて−−

田坂歩 飢餓人口削減に向けた活動における組織の連携のあり方-ケニアの事例を横浜国際フェスタの事例から考える-

林達雄 25年目の検証『飢え』『援助』『エイズ』 エチオピア・ケニア調査

児玉由佳編 アジア経済研究所 3990円(税込み) A5判 307p 2009.12 [amazon]

序章 アフリカ農村社会と公共圏の概念/児玉由佳
第1章 エチオピア農村社会における公共圏の形成 -市民社会/共同体の二元論をこえて-/松村圭一郎
第2章 アフリカ農村の生産者組織と市民社会−ガーナの事例から−/高根務

第3章 東アフリカ農村における森林資源管理と生計安全保障-タンザニアとケニアの参加型制度の事例分析-/上田元
第4章 ザンビアの農村における土地の共同保有にみる公共圏と土地法の改正/大山修一
第5章 ルワンダの農村社会と民衆司法-アブンジを中心に−/武内進一
補章1 新しい公共圏の創生と消費の共同体-タンザニア・マテンゴ社会におけるセングの再創造をめぐって-/杉村和彦

石井洋子著 御茶の水書房 ¥5,040 A5版 310ページ  2007年2月 [amazon]


日高敏隆監修 日本ICIPE協会編 京都大学学術出版会 ¥3,150 A5版 285ページ 2007年4月 [amazon]


多摩アフリカセンター編 春風社 ¥1,680 A5版 191ページ 2007年5月 [amazon]


ワンボイ・ワイヤキ・オティエノ (著), コーラ・アン・プレスリー (編さん), 富永 智津子 (翻訳)  未来社 ¥2,730 四六判 266ページ 2007年5月 [amazon]



press release: Application for form one KPC Disability Inuka scholarships for 2017

The Standard
By Standard Reporter
Updated Tue, January 3rd 2017 at 17:33 GMT +3

ケニア 発の記事です。
ケニアのパイプライン会社が全国障害者評議会(NCPWD)と協力して2017年KPC障害 Inuka奨学金を受給する学生のため資格のある相応しいForm Oneの学生達は申請ができるが,この申請者たちは,2016年にKCPEを受けるためには,ケニア市民権を持っていないとならない。またNCPWDに障害者として登録を済ませていて,恵まれない状況にある貧しい学生でないとならない。

Kenya Pipeline Company in conjunction with the National Council for Persons With Disability (NCPWD) hereby invite applications from suitably qualified and eligible Form One students for the 2017 KPC Disability Inuka Scholarships. To qualify for the application, the applicant must be a Kenyan citizen who sat for KCPE in the year 2016. He/She must be registered with NCPWD as a person with disability and also be a needy student or from a disadvantaged background. The scholarship application forms are available on the KPC website (www.kpc.co.ke), the NCPWD website (www.ncpwd.go.ke) and at County Disability Services Offices countrywide. For those in Nairobi, can pick the forms from the National Council for Persons With Disability (NCPWD) offices along Waiyaki Way next to Kabete military barracks. Applicants to send their application form and supporting documents to their respective County Disability Services Office or NCPWD offices in Nairobi by Friday 13th January, 2016. Those who will not have received any communication by 31st January, 2017 should consider themselves unsuccessful.

For more information, call +254 (020) 2606500-4 and ask for Ext 140 or 188.
You may also send an email to ccm@kpc.co.ke

Read more at: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2000228674/application-for-form-one-kpc-disability-inuka-scholarships-for-2017

press release: Application for form one KPC Disability Inuka scholarships for 2017



2017/01/12 19:53

 太陽光発電関連事業を手掛けるLooop(東京都文京区)は1月12日、ケニアに出力約40MWのメガソーラー(大規模太陽光発電所)を建設すると発表した。同国キツイ郡(Kitui County)と共同プロジェクトの実施に関して合意し、覚書(MOU)に調印した。






 ケニアは2008年に、「Vision 2030」と呼ばれる長期開発戦略を策定し、2030年までの中所得国入りを目指している。20%程度に留まっている電化率の向上が課題の1つで、新規の電源開発が推進されている。







Overturning the hierarchy of languages

The Times Literary Supplement
JANUARY 30 2017

It was a bitingly cold night, with London gripped by its first freeze of 2017. The organizers had felt obliged to roll two mobile heaters onto the stage, and their Kenyan guest never removed his heavy tweed jacket or unwound his copious scarf. Nonetheless, the writer Ngugi wa Thiong’o was in ebullient form when he spoke at Goldsmith College’s George Wood Theatre recently, and his chutzpah warmed the audience.

The seventy-nine-year-old author had just flown in from a tense Gambia, where one of his plays was performed. “It was a magical moment”, he joked. “It’s the only time I’ve been in a country which had two presidents at the same time.” Passengers on his flight were informed during a stopover in the Canary Islands that President Yahya Jammeh had finally, reluctantly agreed to cede power to election winner Adama Barrow, thereby averting a new West African civil war: “Many immediately wanted to go back”. But Ngugi wanted to talk about something else: the importance of translation, “the oxygen of cross-cultural fertilization”, and a project launched by Jalada, a Pan-African writers’ collective based in Nairobi, to have one of his short stories translated into fifty-four languages.

Powered by little more than volunteer enthusiasm, Jalada has actually managed to have the fable Ituĩka Rĩa Mũrũngarũ: Kana Kĩrĩa Gĩtũmaga Andũ Mathiĩ Marũngiĩ, (“The Upright Revolution: Or why humans walk upright”), originally drafted in Ngugi’s native Gikuyu, translated into sixty-one languages, fifty-four of them online, the vast majority of them African. “The Jalada project negates the colonial inherited assumption that African languages are not capable of intellectual complexity”, said Ngugi, praising the team as “practical visionaries”.

When I contacted Jalada’s managing editor Moses Kilolo later, he said that the collective’s aim was to encourage translators to give voice to African languages and cultures traditionally looked down on as inferior. Jalada hoped that the story would one day be translated into every known language. “We have not done badly for the first year.”

Ngugi has been beating this particular drum for four decades now. He took a decision to write in Gikuyu rather than English when he was in detention in 1977, jailed by the government of the then President Jomo Kenyatta. The first modern novel in Gikuyu, Caitaani mũtharaba-Inĩ  (Devil on the Cross), was initially written on prison toilet paper, and Ngugi explained his decision in “Decolonising the Mind”, a series of essays published in the 1980s which argue for linguistic decolonization. To be truly intellectually free, he has always argued, African writers must express themselves in their own vernacular languages, which have a musicality and imagery all their own, not the languages of former colonial masters, whether French, Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Arguing that the imperial project was always built on the principle of a few benefiting at the expense of the many – a message with echoes in this post-Trump, post-Brexit era – at Goldsmith College he warned against “a hierarchy of languages, with the dominant ones built on the graveyards of the smaller”. Having once regarded this problem as specific to African cultures and European powers, he said that he had come to realize that the same phenomenon, in which language becomes the instrument of a new power dynamic, had taken place in Ireland under British rule and with the Native Americans in Canada and the United States.

It’s a message, Ngugi recognizes, that has largely fallen on deaf ears, including those of his own children, who produce a steady stream of thrillers, essays and poems but prefer to express themselves in English. “Since I wrote ‘Decolonising the Mind’, I’ve received everything from open hostility to polite expressions of interest, but no real change in practice”, he acknowledged. Hence his delight at the Jalada initiative.

Many of my Facebook friends are Kenyan, and quite a few among them Kikuyu, so I held a straw poll, asking whether they preferred reading Ngugi’s work in Gikuyu or English, a language learned at school and often associated in Kenyan minds with passing exams. While some said that Ngugi’s writing is definitely at its most punchy in Gikuyu (“There are some expressions no amount of translations can do justice to”), others admitted that they struggle to read in vernacular, and pick up the English version when given the choice. One respondent said that the debate resonated more with Western academics than young Africans “trying to find an identity that is marketable to the world in this century”; another argued that Ngugi’s position felt out of step with a very real concern at the rise of ethnic tension in the country. “We are trying to end tribalism in Kenya. How do you embrace your language if, any time you talk in your mother tongue in public places, people start giving you that bad look?” Another Facebook friend made a distinction between live performances of plays, poems and skits, which come across superbly in vernacular, he said, and written texts, where it felt like a chore. “Reading in Gikuyu is hard, even for those of us who can.” “While it is true”, remarked another, “that Ngugi has sounded the trumpet, it is equally true that almost no local writer has harkened [to] the call.”

The debate will continue, even as the language Ngugi still regards primarily as a tool of colonial oppression becomes ever more richly infused with the values, inflections and imaginations of writers in not only Africa but India, the Caribbean, North America, Australasia and Asia. Jalada has a whole series of special translation issues planned, though Moses Kilolo is keeping the names of his contributing authors secret for the moment. The collective hopes in future to secure funding for its translators, aware that the goodwill that made this first, possibly record-breaking venture with Ngugi possible will only last so long.

Michela Wrong is the author of four books on Africa. The paperback edition of her first novel, Borderlines, was published last year.

Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s new book Birth of a Dream Weaver: A writer’s awakening will be reviewed in a future issue of the TLS.

Overturning the hierarchy of languages


I have gone through great tragedy, but it did not kill me

The Daily Nation
By James Kahongeh

In Summary
Reuben and his siblings endured woe upon woe, upheavals that were mostly orchestrated by their father, a man that drunk too much, was violent, and who shirked his responsibility towards his family.
Nevertheless, Reuben has repeatedly bitten the nail and risen above the gale of doom. He has never let the misfortunes that coloured his childhood slacken his willpower to become a worthy person, a resolute young man with a cause and a powerful message of hope to those who may find themselves trampled under the feet of similar tragedies.
In 1997, Reuben’s mother was diagnosed with a heart condition that would see her in and out of hospital for five years. With their mother’s hospitalisation, and a father who drank too much, the already shrunken resources the family relied on shrunk even further, and Reuben and his siblings had to make do with the difficult option of fending for themselves.

A distinctly good-humoured manner, careful diction and a winsome smile constitute the first impression that you get of Reuben Favour, 28. He has recorded three songs, is a motivational speaker, and an author of three books.

He also runs a security firm located in Thika town, Kiambu County, and is the founder of a charity that provides street families in Thika with food and clothing.

Commendable achievements for a 28-year-old, right? Underneath these accomplishments however are jagged scars of a young man whose life has been knocked off kilter numerous times.

Reuben’s experiences are almost surreal, baffling, but inspirational all the same. His childhood is markedly bereft of any familial attachment; a despondent life characterised by disease and destitution. Reuben and his siblings endured woe upon woe, upheavals that were mostly orchestrated by their father, a man that drunk too much, was violent, and who shirked his responsibility towards his family. Nevertheless, Reuben has repeatedly bitten the nail and risen above the gale of doom. He has never let the misfortunes that coloured his childhood slacken his willpower to become a worthy person, a resolute young man with a cause and a powerful message of hope to those who may find themselves trampled under the feet of similar tragedies.

“I’m the fourth born in a family of six children. My siblings and I were raised in Kiandutu slum in Thika. My father worked with the then Thika Municipality as a security guard while my mother was a vegetable vendor,” he recounts.

In 1997, Reuben’s mother was diagnosed with a heart condition that would see her in and out of hospital for five years. With their mother’s hospitalisation, and a father who drank too much, the already shrunken resources the family relied on shrunk even further, and Reuben and his siblings had to make do with the difficult option of fending for themselves.

“Most of the times we were under the care of our elder sister, who was 17 then. She would look for food, cook for us and prepare us for school. We were basically on our own.”

It was out of this improper care, misery and despair, that Reuben left home and went to live with the street children in their neighbourhood. He was only eight then.


“I dropped out of school while I was in Class Two. This was more bearable than spend the day in school on an empty stomach and return to a hostile home,” he explains.

Street life would completely change the course of his life. At first, Reuben and his new friends would just roam the streets of Thika town engaging in mischief and begging. One day, his friends pounced on him and tossed him into a pool of water and fled. Reuben says that he almost drowned since he could not swim.

“Were it not for passers-by, I would have drowned in that water,” he says, adding that for the three years he lived in the streets, other life-threatening incidents followed in the name of playing.

“It was hell on earth,” is how he describes these three years.

Even as the young boy suffered in the streets, none of his kin, except his mother, was concerned about his welfare. “Whenever she was released from hospital, she would come looking for me. She would beg me to return home, but I would always refuse - what was there at home to motivate me to return? Beatings from my father and sleeping hungry? I was better off eating from dustbins and sleeping in bus terminals, at least I had some peace.”

As time went by and Reuben adjusted to the way of the streets, he started engaging in acts of crime. He and his friends would accost people in some sections of the town, beat them up and rob them.

The gang grew in number and notoriety. They were now a serious security concern for the town’s residents, but every time, they managed to escape the police dragnets. Their party did not last long though, they were arrested during a vicious crackdown that left many of them with bullet injuries. He and his friends were arrested in this crackdown and arraigned in court. They were committed to a correction centre, where they were to stay for five years. For two months, Reuben and 47 other children were held at Getathuru Rehabilitation School in Kabete, after which they were ferried to Othaya Approved School to officially begin their sentence. Now in the confines of a government facility, Reuben, then 12, found himself in class again.

“I was readmitted in Class Three and began my studies.”

But life in the facility was far from cosy. “From teachers who were overly hostile, inadequate food and crammed cubicles, the general living conditions were beyond pathetic. It was nothing quite like a correction centre should be like, much less a learning institution.”

According to him, this was more like condemnation for the boys, most of who would rather have taken their chances in the streets. The harshness of this new reality was insufferable for the boys. Out the batch of 47 who were admitted in 2000, only Reuben and another boy endured the living conditions here.

“The others fled, while three died there,” he narrates.


For five years in the borstal institution, and what took a huge amount of Reuben’s forbearance, he contended with the sufferings, chronic deficiencies and hard labour.

“In November 2005, I sat for my Kenya Certificate of Primary School, KCPE, exams. My term also expired. I was now a reformed teenager and at the brink of freedom once again. I felt new,” he says.

In December that year, Reuben was a free man. When the results were announced, he had scored 335 out of 500 marks. “I received an admission letter from Kenyatta High School, Mahiga, in Nyeri County.”

The invitation was both a milestone and mockery to him. Confronted with the reality of his mother’s ill health, his father’s unconcern and a family that was fast disintegrating, clearly, secondary education for Reuben was a long shot.

As luck would have it though, out of the blue, a Japanese organisation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA, offered Reuben a four-year sponsorship that would see him through secondary school.

“My patience had been on an acute wane, and I was staring at a likely return to the streets. It was a miracle.”

It was during his time in high school that the ghosts of his life at the approved school came back to haunt him. “During a lesson, one of our teachers asked us to introduce ourselves. One was to say their name and former primary school.”

Clearly, this was a catch-22 situation for him - Reuben had no option but to reveal details of his incarceration, a revelation which would consequently blow away the cover of a tainted past that he had been determined to conceal forever.

“When I mentioned that I had come from an approved school, the friends I had made shunned me.”

The distance between him and people he had known as his new friends in a new life for weeks effectively dashed what little hope he had been nursing of reforming completely and being accepted by the society.

“They began seeing in me not a classmate, but an outcast who had just been released from jail. I started keeping to myself, and my participation in class skidded off. I had no motivation at all.”

The steady flame of cordiality, of reform and of good conduct that had been building up in him rapidly turned into a fiery fireball of self-loath, resentment for his colleagues and a pounding desire for the worst: suicide.


“It was difficult for me because I believed and even felt I was a changed person. I thought: what’s the point of living anymore when my schoolmates discriminate against me? Can I withstand this for four years?”

Even worse, Reuben’s isolation made some students suspect him to be a mole for the school administration. Whenever he got wind about plans by fellow students to attack him at night, Reuben would slip out and spend the night in the cold. “Sometimes I would sleep in the washroom. Since I shared the same facilities with those who were plotting to harm me, I had nowhere to hide. I thought: the only option is to end my life.”

That first time, the school matron walked in on him just as he had put the noose around his neck.

“It took the initiative and motherly care of a teacher, we called her Mrs Thirimu, who comforted me, assuring me that she knew people who had been through worse. I was put through a counselling programme for weeks.”

Through this therapy, Reuben’s fears were quelled. But only for a short time. He would try to kill himself five more times. Meanwhile, his mother’s health continued to deteriorate.

“She was operated on and would occasionally go to the clinic. Dad on his part lost himself completely into alcohol. While the stay in school was intolerable, at home, the situation was more distressing.”

His mother would never recover. She passed away in December 27, 2006. The agony that this dramatic departure bore in Reuben’s heart, the wound that was incised deep into his spine, was unspeakable.

“It was a whack of utmost severity that I didn’t imagine I would ever recover from.”

While his initial thought of taking his life had been quietened by his teachers’ reassurances, the tragedy of his departed mother reawakened his temptation to take his own life. Again.

“This time, the urge was hot and heavy. I had no reason to live. I was determined to end the pain that was my life.”

During the vigil following his mother’s death, Reuben took a knife and slipped away. This time, it took the intervention of an uncle who happened to be passing nearby to stop the utterly devastated teenager from harming himself.

After the burial of their mother, it was decided that Reuben and his siblings were to be divided among their relatives. While he ended up living with his grandmother in Karatina town, Nyeri, their youngest sibling was taken in by a Catholic nun.

After four years of enduring unspeakable labels and insults from his schoolmates, Reuben completed his secondary school education.

“I scored a D+ of 30 points in my KCSE. I had failed. I was in a panic and devastated.”

With broken dreams and an even more broken heart, Reuben went to his late mother’s parents’ home in Kamwangi in Thika. “It wasn’t the best place to be, but what better option did I have? There was nothing worthwhile to do there though.”

With his teenage life in a topsy-turvy state, he needed to chart his next move in life.

“I was once again at the centre of the crucible of a misery-laden life, without hope, and, even more forbidding, the prospect of ending up in the hostilities of street life again.”

He was hapless, scared and confused.

“Soon enough, I left home and started looking for menial jobs in construction sites around Thika town. I had my future staring right into my eyes, I had to do something, however mindless, to secure a livelihood,” he recounts.

With frustrations that characterised the young man’s life after high school, Reuben could not resist becoming a chip off the old block: he soon glided into alcoholism and drugs. It was an easy escape from his troubles, he says.

“I spent all my wages on liquor and yellow yellow,” he says, referring to crystal methamphetamine, a highly addictive drug that alters the central nervous system.

With this indulgence, Reuben’s life had come to a watershed. Until a stranger intervened and he was saved from his self-destructive behaviour.

“This time, it was a church leader. I was vigorously counselled by Pastor Sammy Thuo of End of Times Mission Church in Thika and became a member in this church.”

Pastor Sammy, as he calls him, also financially supported Reuben to enrol for a certificate in Theology at the Presbyterian University.


“It wasn’t easy. Challenges got the better of me, but I had to keep going until the end.”

Upon completion of the course, he registered for a diploma. With these developments, Reuben’s life was right on the path of a recovery process.

He says that attending seminars and conferences aimed at youth spiritual empowerment and his stay within the precincts of a church altered his outlook of life, upon which he took a long and confident stride in the right direction.

The young man’s carefully coordinated life between church activities, philanthropy and writing is dramatically different from his earlier life that lacked poetry and order, a young life that had almost irredeemably gone off tangent.

Reuben’s current life is anchored upon a fervent desire to caution people against pitfalls such as domestic violence and alcohol abuse. The principal themes explored in his books are hope and inspiration.

“Since I’m a beneficiary of motivation and psychological support, I’m fired up by the need to inspire other young people who may be just as desperate as I was. It’s an obligation I feel to change lives and give hope to those who might have lost theirs.”

For someone under whose watch and guidance are tens of children and adults, he lives by discipline and punctuality.

“With about 30 children under my wing, occasional motivation talks to deliver in high schools, colleges and universities, my life has become very busy. It requires commitment, industry and alertness.”

When you factor in Reuben’s literary endeavours, his life has had a spectacular switch from a course laden with misery to one that is incredibly eventful.

“It humbles me to see that children and even adults can draw inspiration from my earlier life,” he says, warning parents and guardians against giving up on their errant children.

“I believe that everyone has a chance at change. I had mine, and I made the most of it. I can comfortably say I have won back my bearing in life.”

Reuben and his siblings have since reconciled with their father, who is now retired. His siblings now have their own families and are independent. As for him, his ultimate goal is to set up a children’s facility and help as many street children as possible get a better life.

From the absolute squalor of street life, the burden of incarceration at 12, the death of his mother, stigmatisation by schoolmates, the dragon of drug abuse and shackles of a broken family, Reuben refused to surrender. Instead, he picked up the fragments, rebuilt his life, and is now a source of inspiration, of livelihood and hope, not just to children in similar doleful circumstances of his previous life, but to adults as well.

I have gone through great tragedy, but it did not kill me


運動靴送る活動に協力を ケニアの感染症防ごう 日本リザルツ・長坂優子










Kenya's disabled mothers neglected due to dearth of data

Mon Feb 6, 2017 | 8:46am EST
By Moraa Obiria

Everline Achiengさんの障害は立った時にだけ分かる。彼女は8歳の時に原因不明の病気で学校教育を諦めざるをえなくもなった時に右足を失っているため,クラッチの支えなしでは歩けない。2010年に,政府が無料の産科サービスを開始する3年前のこと,彼女はRift Valley General病院で帝王切開で双子を産んだが,二人は呼吸器の発達の問題のために死亡した。赤ん坊を失ったことに加えて,Achiengさんは与えられたベッドの位置が高くて固定されていたために病院で困難も抱えた。「ベッドの上に上がるのは苦痛なくらい大変なことでした。」と彼女はその時のことを今も覚えている。


NAKURU, Kenya (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Everline Achieng has a disability you only notice when she stands. She walks with the support of a crutch since losing the use of her right leg at the age of eight due to an unknown illness that also put an end to her education.

In 2010, three years before the government introduced a free maternity services program, she delivered twins by caesarean section at the Rift Valley General Hospital, but they died after developing breathing problems.

On top of suffering the loss of her babies, Achieng had difficulties in hospital as the bed she was given was high and fixed. “It was a painful struggle climbing onto it,” she recalled.

At the hospital where she delivered, since renamed as Nakuru Level 5 Hospital, the wards are now equipped with adjustable beds - a sign that health services are becoming more inclusive.

But one thing has not changed: the lack of data on disabled expectant mothers.

In 2013, health functions were devolved to Kenya’s 47 counties, which are bound by the 2010 constitution to implement health policies developed at the national level, including free maternity services.

But rights activists say those services have not been adapted for disabled women, partly because the government is not gathering information on them.

Achieng is counted as one of the nearly 5 percent of the Kenyan population suffering some form of disability, as captured in a 2007 national survey.

But that data is now around a decade old - and more recent censuses, such as the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, do not include information on disabled men, women or children.


In hospitals, the patient sheet filled in by pregnant women has no question asking if they have a disability.

Information gathered by county hospitals is fed into the Ministry of Health’s database, which can be used by other ministries and development agencies. But the oversight in the data collection makes it impossible to tell how many disabled mothers are delivering at hospitals.

Dr. John Murima, medical superintendent at Nakuru Level 5 Hospital, could not provide figures on disabled women giving birth at the public facility.

“We use certain tools to capture data for patients - for example, their general health. But we do not have a tool that captures people with disability as a patient,” he said.

Given that governments and donors rely on data to identify development concerns, Kenya’s lack of statistics on disabled people accessing health services means their needs are at risk of being ignored, experts warn.

President Uhuru Kenyatta introduced the Free Maternity Services Programme in mid-2013, aimed at relieving all women of having to pay user fees for delivery at public hospitals.

Annually, 1.6 million women in Kenya deliver babies, according to the health ministry. Of these, around 1 million give birth in public hospitals, while 200,000 do so in private hospitals and 400,000 deliver at home or in unhealthy conditions.

Even women who do not pay into the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), a state health insurance scheme, are eligible for free delivery.

Last October, the health ministry extended free maternity services under a program called “Linda Mama, Boresha Jamii” ("take care of a mother, improve the family").

Under this initiative, expectant mothers who cannot afford insurance cover can now access ante-natal, delivery, post-natal and health services for their child for a year.

Dr. Peter Kimuu, head of the health ministry’s policy, planning and healthcare financing department, said those eligible must register first for a free NHIF card.

“Every woman has a right to access equal and quality health services in any hospital,” he said.

But for Achieng, the unique needs of disabled mothers extend beyond free maternity services.

“We really need help to start income-generating activities to be able to afford a healthy lifestyle,” she said.


The global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched last year, state that countries should promote gender equality by eliminating all forms of discrimination against women.

But without data to demonstrate the scale and urgency of the problem, securing funding for programs to support disabled women is likely to take longer than the 15-year life span of the SDGs, argued George Gongera, a professor of strategic management and international relations at the Co-operative University College of Kenya.

Dr. David Ole Sankok, chairperson of Kenya’s National Council of Persons with Disabilities, which is charged with collecting data on disabled people, said no audit had been done on women with disabilities seeking maternity care.

But trying to gather such information could draw strong reactions from the target group, he warned.

“This is a private affair and you can't start asking if she has a disability. She will begin to think that she is not supposed to be pregnant because of her disability,” said Sankok.

Despite the sensitivity of the issue, medical staff are being trained to handle disabled patients better, and the council is pushing for prescriptions to be offered in braille for the blind, he added.

Stephen Obama, Nakuru County coordinator for persons with disabilities and development, said programs targeting disabled women must be implemented urgently if they are to enjoy good maternal health.

“Poverty is a major problem facing persons with disabilities - and for a pregnant woman it becomes even more complicated because they have special needs to meet, like healthy food - and that means money which they don’t have. We want government to note this as a troubling issue,” he said.

Last year, the Ministry of Health recognized the poor state of data collection in a key investment framework, noting that it is problematic for planning and monitoring.

Faith Njahira, a disability rights advocate, said the government should utilize information collected by community health workers from households - which includes disabilities among family members - to compile disaggregated data.

That would be a key step towards recognizing the problem, said Gongera. “It is very difficult to consider an issue, even when it is an emergency... when you have no data to show,” he said.

(Reporting by Moraa Obiria; editing by Megan Rowling. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, climate change, resilience, women's rights, trafficking and property rights. Visit news.trust.org/)

Kenya's disabled mothers neglected due to dearth of data


父の命令、9歳で78歳と結婚 違法でも伝統 ケニア
























 《児童婚》 国連は、18歳未満での結婚や、それに相当する状態を「児童婚」と定義する。女子が圧倒的に多い。家に子どもが多く「口減らし」をするといった経済的な理由や、古くからの慣習、未婚状態での妊娠を避けるといった社会的な要因などが背景にあるとされる。

父の命令、9歳で78歳と結婚 違法でも伝統 ケニア


LIXIL ソーシャルトイレット部 山上遊さん(上)



◇   ◇   ◇





 自称「トイレおたく」。社内外でそう公言していましたから、私のおたくぶりは有名でした。外出先ではまず、トイレを探す。子供のころに頻尿で苦しんだ経験があり、トイレが見つからないと手が震えちゃうくらい不安になるんです。私もそうなんですが、泣きたくなったらトイレに行くっていう女の人、多いのではないんでしょうか? トイレは本来、それくらい安全で安心な場所であるべきなのに、その安全な避難場所がないってことは、ものすごくつらいことなんです。















(ライター 曲沼美恵)

「トイレおたく」女子、ただ今ケニアで奮闘中 LIXIL ソーシャルトイレット部 山上遊さん(上)


Kenya’s catchy pop hit that took the world by storm

15 February 2017 Last updated at 00:24 GMT

One evening in 1979 Teddy Kalanda Harrison, a young Kenyan musician, overheard a group of tourists trying to learn a few words in Swahili.

Their enthusiastic attempts sparked an idea for a song and a global hit was born.

Jambo Bwana, also known as Hakuna Matata, went platinum in Kenya and was covered by bands around the world, including Boney M.

Teddy and his brother Billy Sarro Harrison spoke to Witness about their hit record.

Kenya’s catchy pop hit that took the world by storm


200 Murang’a disabled get flowers, food, cash from Ahadi Kenya for Valentine’s

The Star
Feb. 16, 2017, 3:00 am

火曜にMurang郡の障害者たちが,Ahadi KenyaのCEOのStanley Kamau氏が彼らのためにパーティを催したあと,ヴァレンタイン・デーを祝った。


Ahadi Kenya Trustについては以下のサイトを

People living with disability in Murang’a county on Tuesday celebrated the Valentine’s Day after Ahadi Kenya CEO Stanley Kamau organised a party for them.

The 200 people convened in Murang’a town to received rose flowers, food and Sh500 each.

They said they have been neglected by both the government and society.

Murang’a Disabled Persons’ Organisation chairman Muiruri Gichuhi said the majority of Kenyans view people living with disability as a nuisance and segregate them.

“We see people avoiding us all the time, because even when you greet them along the streets they think you just want them to help you,” Muiruri said.

He said the group also craves socialising and integrating with other people in society, saying they feel left out.

“We did not chose to be this way, but we are happy that Kamau remembered us today and chose to celebrate this day with us.”

Kamau said he chose to celebrate Valentine’s Day and his birthday with the disabled as a way of showing them love.

He said he was impressed that all the 200 people who attended the party had registered as voters and will be able to participate in the elections.

200 Murang’a disabled get flowers, food, cash from Ahadi Kenya for Valentine’s


ケニアで3年、「無水トイレ」挑戦で広がった世界 LIXIL ソーシャルトイレット部 山上遊さん(下)



◇   ◇   ◇
























(ライター 曲沼美恵)

ケニアで3年、「無水トイレ」挑戦で広がった世界 LIXIL ソーシャルトイレット部 山上遊さん(下)


Kenya to appeal court block on closure of world's largest refugee camp

By Deborah Bloom, Hilary Clarke and Farai Sevenzo
Updated 0330 GMT (1130 HKT) February 18, 2017

(CNN)The Kenyan government says it will appeal a court ruling Thursday thwarting its plan to close the Dadaab refugee camp, the largest in the world.

In a statement posted on Twitter, it said that it has "the cardinal responsibility of providing security for all Kenyans" and claimed the complex in eastern Kenya, which is the size of a large town, has become "a launchpad for various terrorist attacks by Al-Shabaab."

Earlier in the day, Judge John Mativo said in a ruling that closure of Dadaab violates the country's constitution.

The government's closure and repatriation plans are "arbitrary, discriminatory and undignifying and hence a violation of Articles 27 and 28 of the constitution and consequently the same is null and void," Judge Mativo declared.

The government has long held the view that Dadaab has been used as a base by the al-Shabaab terror group.

The camp began to grow with the outbreak of instability and violence in Somalia in the early 1990s and is currently home to approximately 260,000 people.

Relief at court decision

Ahmed, 24, a refugee who was born in Dadaab, told CNN over the phone that the court's ruling this morning came as a relief.

"Ever since the government of Kenya said that the camp should close in six months we were just fearing that the government would say the six months is ended and each and every one should go. That was all we have been worrying about."

Human rights groups also applauded the court's decision.

"After months of anxiety because of the camp closure deadline hanging over their heads, increasingly restricted asylum options and the recent US administration suspension of refugee resettlement, the court's judgement offers Somali refugees a hope that they may still have a choice other than returning to insecure and drought-ridden Somalia," said Laetitia Bader, Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch, in a statement.

Somali refugees in Kenya affected by Trump's travel ban

Somalia was one of the country's included in US President Donald Trump's executive order to bar citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from entering the US for 90 days. The ban also prevents entry for all refugees for 120 days.

Twenty-six thousand refugees in Kenya, most of them from Somalia, were affected by that ban, Yvonne Ndege, the spokeswoman in Kenya for the United Nations refugee agency, told CNN.

Somalia elects an "American" president

Yesterday, Somalia's Parliament elected former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, a dual US-Somali citizen, as the country's new president.

Farmajo was declared victorious after incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud dropped out of the contest following the second round of voting.

The 328 members of Parliament met at an air force hangar in Mogadishu to cast their votes because of fears of a terrorist attack.

With the doors to the US appearing to close, many Dadaab residents now wanted to go back to Somalia, according to Abdi Maalim, a freelance Kenyan-Somali journalist.

"Even the longest-staying refugees in the camp now have some hope in their country because of the new president who is very much seen as the people's president," he said.

Famine looms for 3 million Somalis

Maalim said those keen to return were largely from the cities, which have so far not been affected by a terrible drought that has gripped large swathes of Somalia.

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization says up to three million people face hunger and even starvation because of poor rains that have wiped out crops and livestock.

"We are no longer talking about a drought crisis in Somalia, or even a severe drought crisis," FAO's Somalia Representative Dick Trenchard told CNN.

"We are talking about preventing famine in several areas of the country in the second half of the year, particularly in Bay in the south and Puntland in the north. Every Somali knows how bad the situation is and the potential catastrophe that lies ahead unless there is a massive and immediate increase in support and humanitarian assistance."

Kenyan human rights groups take lead

The high court ruling came in response to a petition not to shut Dadaab by two Kenyan human rights organizations, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights and Kituo Cha Sheria.

The camp was initially due to be closed on 30 November 2016, but the government announced a six-month delay on "humanitarian grounds."

Occupying about 50 square kilometers in Kenya's Garissa County, Dadaab has four sub-camps of Hagadera, Ifo, Dagahaley and Kambios, making it the largest refugee camp in the world by population.

The camps were initially designed to host just 160,000 people, yet the population rose dramatically between 2010 and 2013, mostly due to famine.

A spokesman for Kenya's Interior Ministry said the court's judgment did not impact an ongoing "voluntary" repatriation program that has already seen 46,000 Somali refugees return home over the past six weeks.

Kenya to appeal court block on closure of world's largest refugee camp


Missionary sentenced to 40 years for sexually assaulting children in Kenya

By Lorenzo Ferrigno, CNN
Updated 2159 GMT (0559 HKT) February 23, 2017

(CNN)An Oklahoma missionary who volunteered at a children's home in Kenya was sentenced to 40 years in prison Monday for sexually assaulting three girls and a boy while working at the facility, according to court documents.

Matthew Lane Durham, 21, was sentenced to four decades in prison by Judge David L. Russell on four counts of "engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places," according to court documents.

"In a span of just 33 days," prosecutors wrote to the court, Durham "raped three girls -- ages 5, 9 and 15 -- at least eight times. During that same time period, he sexually molested a 12-year-old boy twice."

The prosecutors said that Durham "not only forcefully sexually abused these children," but "he psychologically damaged them by taking advantage of their trust he received from the children."

A jury found Durham guilty on seven counts of the charge in June, court records show. Russell acquitted Durham on three of the counts in January, writing that the prosecutors "failed to establish that he engaged in a 'sexual act' " with the children identified in those charges.

Durham's attorney, Stephen Jones, told CNN on Monday that he plans to appeal the court's decision.

Fallout in Kenya

The region of the eastern African nation that Durham volunteered in has also been shaken, prosecutors say.

In a sentencing memorandum to the court in February, they wrote that Durham's actions "have had a chilling effect on the lives of dozens of foreign volunteers in Kenya and elsewhere who must now live under the cloud of suspicion ... there is a real perception among Upendo's local Kenyan community that more pedophiles lurk among the volunteers, especially the male volunteers."

In 2014, Durham arrived at Upendo Children's Home in Nairobi to volunteer with neglected children, according to the criminal complaint. Durham had previously volunteered at the school three times before.

The organization, funded by an American citizen, recruits volunteers from the Oklahoma church community and provides food, housing and clothes to neglected children in Nairobi, according to the complaint.

Upon arriving in 2014, Durham requested to stay at an "overflow bunk" in the school rather than an off-site facilities with sponsor families to be in a "better position to assist the children," the complaint says.

A school caretaker began to notice odd behavior between Durham and the children, including "lingering embraces" and "lying beside some of the children on their beds" at night, the complaint says.

Durham was confronted by leaders at the school who then held his passport, the complaint says. They returned the passport to him days later, and he flew back to Oklahoma.

At the time of his arrest, Durham's attorney told CNN that Durham was coerced into a confession to get his passport back.

Missionary sentenced to 40 years for sexually assaulting children in Kenya




M-Pesa: Kenya's mobile money success story turns 10

By Kieron Monks, CNN
Updated 1426 GMT (2226 HKT) February 24, 2017

(CNN)Smartphone payments are gaining ground in the US, but mobile money is old news in Kenya.

The majority of the East African country's population is subscribed to a mobile payment service, and the most popular choice is M-Pesa, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in March 2017.

M-Pesa -- "pesa" means "money" in Swahili -- has made a dramatic impact over this time.

The system was launched by Vodafone's Safaricom mobile operator in 2007 as a simple method of texting small payments between users. Today there are 30 million users in 10 countries and a range of services including international transfers, loans, and health provision. The system processed around 6 billion transactions in 2016 at a peak rate of 529 per second.

M-Pesa is also lauded for its social value; offering opportunities for small businesses, and playing a significant role in reducing poverty.

There have been bumps in the road -- the service was withdrawn from South Africa after poor performance -- but M-Pesa's first decade has been a success story.

New challenges

The next decade will bring new challenges for the mobile payment system.

Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore says it a priority to refine the user experience and offer new services.

"One of the big problems has been the relative clumsiness of using M-Pesa," he told CNN.

New streamlined solutions include a debit card that will allow users to tap and pay, and a new mobile app.

The service will face stronger competition in the coming years. The Kenya Bankers Association -- representing 46 banks -- is introducing its own mobile payment platform that will allow convenient transfers between accounts at different banks, and the group hopes this will eat into M-Pesa's market share.

"Given the economics of the product, I think you'll find customers moving over and preferring to use our product," says Habil Olaka, CEO of the Kenya Banker's Association.

Look after the pennies

The Safaricom CEO says he welcomes the banks' intervention as he believes it will drive innovation and benefit the consumer.

"We always used to say that cash is the enemy," says Collymore. "Holding cash doesn't make sense. As soon as you put it in the mattress, it loses value."

"We are not attacking the banks; we're working with the banks...If other people are finding solutions for problems, then that's also cool."

But financial analyst Aly-Khan Satchu of Rich Management believes that competitors will struggle to displace a service that has put down deep roots.

"Are the (banks) going to be able to dislodge M-Pesa? I'm not so sure. It's ubiquitous, it's everywhere," he says. "I think they're going to struggle."

Perhaps in recognition of this challenge, Olaka says the Bankers' Association will be targeting payments that exceed M-Pesa's maximum transaction of 70,000 Kenyan Shillings ($675).

Collymore is happy to maintain focus on the other end of the market. Micro-payments drove M-Pesa to a position of dominance and the CEO has faith that the same model can sustain success into a second decade.

"We target the one shilling," he says. "The banking sector across the world has always ignored the so-called base of the pyramid. We haven't because we understand that the base of the pyramid needs to be served and there's also commercial viability in doing that."

CNN's Anastasia Beltyukova contributed to this report.

M-Pesa: Kenya's mobile money success story turns 10


巨大な牙持つ希少なゾウ、密猟者らに殺される ケニア

2017年3月7日 12:18 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【3月7日 AFP】ケニア南東部ツァボ(Tsavo)の国立公園で6日、アフリカで最大級かつ最高齢のゾウの1頭が、密猟者により殺された。減少し続ける巨大な牙を持つゾウの保護活動を行っている野生動物保護団体が明らかにした。

 ツァボの自然と野生動物の保護に携わっている「ツァボ・トラスト(Tsavo Trust)」のリチャード・モラー(Richard Moller)氏はAFPに対し、ゾウが死んでいるのを6日に発見したと述べた。毒矢が使われた可能性があるが、道具については確認が取れていない。死んだゾウは、2014年に殺された別の巨大ゾウに因んで名付けられた「サタオ2世(Satao II)」だった。


 推定50歳のこのゾウは、ツァボ国立公園(Tsavo National Park)を訪れる観光客らには人気があった。



巨大な牙持つ希少なゾウ、密猟者らに殺される ケニア




 Dear Girlsを企画した記者たちが連載した「女子力」シリーズ。初回の記事が朝日新聞デジタルに載った1月22日、あるフェイスブックに記事についての感想が投稿され、約30万人に見られました。投稿したのは、ケニアの国立保護区で働く獣医師、滝田明日香さん(41)。女子力への見方のほか、現地でどんな生活を送っているのか、話を聞きました。






 滝田さんはケニア南西部のマサイマラに広がる国立保護区の管理施設で、2008年から獣医師として働き、仕事の様子などを「獣の女医 in アフリカ」(https://www.facebook.com/asukafrica別ウインドウで開きます)というフェイスブックのページで紹介しています。「女子力」の記事もここで紹介されました。首都ナイロビに戻っていた滝田さんに電話で取材しました。




−− 現地の生活は?












パラ選手まさかのマラソン優勝 ペースメーカー役で参加






パラ選手まさかのマラソン優勝 ペースメーカー役で参加



2017年03月27日 12:36 発信地:ツァボ/ケニア

【3月27日 AFP】ケニア南部の野生動物保護区で、容赦のない太陽が草原を枯らし、川を干上がらせ、水飲み場は砂の穴となりつつある。そんな中、豆農家のパトリック・マルア(Patrick Mwalua)さんが青いトラックで6か月間水を運び続けている窪地の周りには、象や水牛、シマウマの群れが集まっている。(c)AFP



Kenyans protest Magufuli order to deport foreigners, block Namanga border

The Star
Mar. 27, 2017, 3:00 pm
By KURGAT MARINDANY, @kmarindany

Kenyans in Namanga demonstrated against Tanzanian leader John Magufuli on Monday saying he had deported their counterparts.

They paralysed transport by blocking the Kenya-Tanzania border road at Namanga and stormed businesses owned by Tanzanians.

They rounded the foreigners up and frog-marched them across the border to their country. Many from Magufuli's country claimed they lost their stock and money.

Tanzanian barmaids working in Kenyan clubs were roughed up and their mobile phones taken away.

Businesses on the Kenyan side remained closed until after midday.

The Star reported in January that Tanzanian authorities were targeting Kenyans living in their country illegally.

Several Kenyans, including those who were born in Tanzania before independence, have been told to leave if they cannot provide documents validating their stay.

Others were born by Kenyan parents living in Tanzania in the early 1960s and have no other links.

Samuel Ngeselai was forced to flee Longido district in Tanzania and move to Kenya, leaving his children and wife of 30 years across the border. He is now stateless.

Ngeselai said his grandfather, a Mau Mau activist who escaped to Tanzania early in the 1950, died there.

His mother is bedridden and still living in Tanzania.

Kajiado county commissioner Harsama Kello said the demonstrations began at the border after Tanzanian authorities arrested three Kenyans last Friday and arraigned for being in the country illegally.

“Countries carry out routine checks. Our people should respect the law and ensure they have valid immigration documents while in foreign countries,” Kello said.

The commissioner said a contingent of security personnel was sent to the border to end the protests. He said two weeks ago that the situation was under control.

As Kello addressed journalists, a group of Kenyans was seen destroying Kenya Power transformers to cut off the link with Tanzania. Police watched as they vandalised the transformers.

He added that top officials from the immigration department and local police officers were in a closed-door meeting in Namanga on restoring normalcy.

The Tanzanian High Commission in Nairobi denied that Operation Timua Wageni is a move to free up jobs for locals.

The High Commission told the Star that the exercise that began in January is routine enforcement of the Tanzanian Immigration Act of 1995 and does not target any nationality.

“What I can tell you is that this is not something new. It has always been there,” said an official who did not want to be identified because of lacking authority to speak to the press.

The Tanzanian government launched a crackdown on foreign nationals who do not have both work and residence permits.

Only 680 foreigners have work permits, according to the country's immigration department, while only 66 have applied for residence permits.

More on this: Magufuli wants illegal foreigners deported

Kenyans protest Magufuli order to deport foreigners, block Namanga border


アフリカ出身者への集団暴行多発、背景に人種差別か インド

2017.03.30 Thu posted at 17:04 JST

ニューデリー(CNN) インドの首都ニューデリー近くにあるグレーター・ノイダ地区の警察当局などは30日までに、アフリカのケニア、ナイジェリア両国出身者に対する地元住民らによる集団暴行が複数回発生し、負傷した数人が病院へ搬送されたと報告した。









アフリカ出身者への集団暴行多発、背景に人種差別か インド


Sh24bn needed for medicare, elderly

The Daily Nation

Close to Sh24 billion per year will be needed to finance a plan to give stipends and pay medical insurance for people above the age of 70 years.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich said those covered under the existing programme, where vulnerable people aged 65 years and above receive cash transfers, would continue.

Mr Rotich said the idea to enhance the programme was thought prudent because of the government’s experience handling the cash transfer programme.

“I therefore propose that beginning January 2018, all persons above the age of 70 years will receive a cash transfer in the form of a monthly stipend and NHIF cover that will be paid by the government,” he said on Thursday to much applause in the National Assembly.

The plan would however be an expensive affair, almost equal to allocations to the counties of Nairobi (Sh14 billion) and Turkana (Sh11.3 billion) combined in the current financial year.

That amount is Sh6 billion less than the cost of constructing Thika Road, which ended up at Sh30 billion.

The Sh24 billion is based on estimates informed by data from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the government’s Social Protection Policy.

According to UNDP, Kenya had 747,000 people aged 70 and above in 2015.

This tallies with figures in the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and PopulationPyramid.net. The latter put the numbers at 774,768 broken down into age groups between 70 and those more than a century old.

According to social protection.or.ke, the amount paid to every household in which there is one person aged 65 and above is Sh2,000 per month.

The money is delivered every two months through Equity Bank and KCB.

To fund that, the government would need to set aside Sh1.55 billion per month.

The monthly charges for the National Health Insurance Fund for the self-employed is Sh500, which means that there would need to be Sh387.4 million per month.

To qualify for the cash transfer, one must be 65 and above, poor and vulnerable, not enrolled in any other cash transfer programme plus a member of the household must not be receiving any pension or regular income or in any gainful employment.

Speaking after the Budget Statement on Thursday, Central Bank Governor Patrick Njoroge described the plan as one of the bold proposals from Treasury.

“You don’t put in place a policy like that without thinking about how you will sustain it,” he said.

Sh24bn needed for medicare, elderly


Kenyan husband and wife Lonyangata and Rionoripo win Paris marathon races

This Is Africa
By Fred Obera on April 10, 2017

In a rare and remarkable achievement worth celebrating, a Kenyan husband and wife duo won the Paris marathon men and women titles. Paul Lonyangata and Purity Rionoripo won the respective men and women crowns at the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris, an IAAF Gold Label Road Race, on Sunday. Congratulations to the Kenyan duo for the amazing wins.

Paul Longyangata and Purity Rionoripo made the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris races a memorable family day with remarkable achievements in both the men and women’s races. Longyangata won the men’s 42.195km marathon race clocking 2:06:10 while his wife Rionoripo broke the women’s course record, clocking 2:20:55.

As expected in the men’s race Lonyangata recorded his biggest career win pulling clear ahead of his compatriot and pre-race favourite Stephen Chebogut. In the women’s race, Rionoripo made it a family affair beating her colleague Agnes Barsosio who came second.

“I’m so happy, it’s a great day for me to win and to beat my personal best,” Rionoripo told IAAF.

Lonyangata, previously won the Lisbon and Shanghai marathons. He was running alongside fellow Kenyans, Chebogut, who came in second after clocking 2:6:56, and Solomon Yego who claimed third position. The Kenyan runners dominated the course, shrugging off the Ethiopian competition, making it an all Kenyan affair.

The 24-year-old Lonyangata, who collected his first marathon victory since winning in Shanghai two years ago was delighted at his achievement, and couldn’t hide his happiness.

“I feel very good, my goal was to win. The conditions were perfect.” Lonyangata told the IAAF press.

Doping still affects most athletes

Kenyan athletics has been blighted by doping cases. Recently, one of the best known marathon pace setter and Olympic marathon champion Jemima Sumgong failed a doping test. She tested positive for the banned blood booster EPO in a test by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

Sumgong, the 32 year old was the first Kenyan woman to win an Olympic gold in the marathon when she triumphed in Rio last year.

Leading results in the Paris marathon

1 Paul Lonyangata (KEN) 2:06:10
2 Stephen Chebogut (KEN) 2:06:58
3 Solomon Yego (KEN) 2:07:13
4 Yitayal Atnafu (ETH) 2:07:19
5 Abayneh Ayele (ETH) 2:07:40

1 Purity Rionoripo (KEN) 2:20:55
2 Agnes Barsosio (KEN) 2:20:57
3 Fiomena Cheyech (KEN) 2:21:22
4 Visiline Jepkesho (KEN) 2:21:36
5 Yebrqual Melese (ETH) 2:22:51

Kenyan husband and wife Lonyangata and Rionoripo win Paris marathon races



2017年04月10日 09:31 発信地:パリ/フランス

【4月10日 AFP】パリ・マラソン2017(Paris Marathon 2017)が9日、仏パリ(Paris)で行われ、夫のポール・ロンヤンガタ(Paul Lonyangata)が男子の部、妻のプリティ・リオノリポ(Purity Rionoripo)が女子の部を制し、ケニア出身夫婦でアベック優勝を果たした。


 男子のケニア勢は、大会前に優勝候補に挙げられていたステファン・チェボグト(Stephen Chebogut)が2時間6分56秒で2位、ソロモン・イェゴ(Solomon Yego)が2時間7分11秒で3位に入り、表彰台を独占した。





日通、アフリカ本格進出 ケニアに支店、切り花輸出

2017/4/14 23:40
日本経済新聞 電子版






日通、アフリカ本格進出 ケニアに支店、切り花輸出


大迫傑が3位!優勝は男女ともケニア勢 ボストン・マラソン

2017年04月18日 08:55 発信地:ボストン/米国

【4月18日 AFP】第121回ボストン・マラソン(2017 Boston Marathon)が17日、米ボストン(Boston)で行われ、大迫傑(Suguru Osako)が2時間10分28秒で3位に入った。

 優勝を飾ったのは残り4マイル(約6キロメートル)から爆発的なスプリント力を発揮したケニアのジェフリー・キルイ(Geoffrey Kirui)で、2016年リオデジャネイロ五輪銅メダリストのゲーレン・ラップ(Galen Rupp、米国)を振り切った。


 しかし、キルイのタイムは2014年の第41回ベルリン・マラソン(41st Berlin Marathon)で同じくケニアのデニス・キメット(Dennis Kimetto)が樹立した2時間2分57秒には遠く及ばなかった。

 一方の女子の部では、レース終盤に決定的な加速を見せたケニアのエドナ・キプラガト(Edna Kiplagat)が初優勝を飾った。

 2011年と2013年の世界陸上(IAAF World Championships in Athletics)女王は、残り約8マイル(約12キロメートル)で後続を引き離し、2時間21分52秒でフィニッシュした。

 ケニア出身で現在はバーレン代表のローズ・チェリモ(Rose Chelimo)が2時間22分51秒で2位、米国のジョーダン・ハセイ(Jordan Hasay)が2時間23分00秒で3位に入っている。(c)AFP

大迫傑が3位!優勝は男女ともケニア勢 ボストン・マラソン








ケニア勢がアベックV、ケイタニーは女子単独で歴代1位 ロンドン・マラソン

2017年04月24日 15:55 発信地:ロンドン/英国

【4月24日 AFP】ロンドン・マラソン(London Marathon 2017)が23日、英ロンドン(London)で行われ、女子はメアリー・ケイタニー(Mary Jepkosgei Keitany)、男子はダニエル・ワンジル(Daniel Wanjiru)のケニア勢が優勝を果たした。

 ニューヨークシティマラソン(New York City Marathon)での3連覇に続き、ロンドン・マラソンで3度目の優勝を飾ったケイタニーは、ポーラ・ラドクリフ(Paula Radcliffe、英国)が14年前に樹立した記録を抑え、女子単独のレースでは歴代1位となる2時間17分1秒をマークした。


 エチオピアのティルネシュ・ディババ(Tirunesh Dibaba)を2位に抑えたケイタニーはまた、「序盤は天気が良かったし、自分のペースにとっても走りやすかった。ベストの走りができたと思う」と続けた。

 一方、男子の部ではケイタニーの同胞で24歳のダニエル・ワンジル(Daniel Wanjiru)が、エチオピアの伝説的存在で優勝候補筆頭と目されたケネニサ・ベケレ(Kenenisa Bekele)による終盤の追い上げをかわし切った。


 ワンジルはまた「(世界記録ペースで走るのは)とても楽だった」と述べ、将来に世界記録を更新する可能性をほのめかしている。(c)AFP/Pirate IRWIN

ケニア勢がアベックV、ケイタニーは女子単独で歴代1位 ロンドン・マラソン


マラリアのワクチン推奨を判断 WHOが大規模接種へ

4月25日 7時55分







マラリアのワクチン推奨を判断 WHOが大規模接種へ


認知症の現実、途上国でも 世界の当事者撮った写真紹介









認知症の現実、途上国でも 世界の当事者撮った写真紹介



2017年05月06日 16:55 発信地:モンツァ/イタリア

【5月6日 AFP】リオデジャネイロ五輪の男子マラソンを制したエリウド・キプチョゲ(Eliud Kipchoge、ケニア)が5日、フルマラソンの2時間切りに挑戦したものの、2時間0分25秒で惜しくも記録達成はならなかった。

 米スポーツ用品大手のナイキ(Nike)と多数の科学者たちの支援、そして入れ替わりながら走ったペースメーカーに引っ張られながら、キプチョゲはレリサ・デシサ(Lelisa Desisa、エチオピア)とゼルセナイ・タデッセ(Zersenay Tadese、エリトリア)とともに、42.195キロの2時間切りを目指してレースに臨んだ。

 イタリアのモンツァ・サーキット(Monza Circuit)で達成されたタイムは、デニス・キメット(Dennis Kimetto、ケニア)が持つ世界記録の2時間2分57秒を大きく更新したものの、ペースメーカーの起用法が規則を順守していないことなどにより非公認となっている。



 女子マラソンの世界記録保持者であるポーラ・ラドクリフ(Paula Radcliffe、英国)氏のインタビューを受けたキプチョゲは「次回に期待する。自分としては人類が2時間切りに近付いているということは言える」とコメントしている。(c)AFP



マラソンで2時間突破逃す 世界記録には認定されず




マラソンで2時間突破逃す 世界記録には認定されず


マラソン2時間切り、F1サーキットで挑戦 結果は…






マラソン2時間切り、F1サーキットで挑戦 結果は…


マラソンで2時間0分25秒!? ペースメーカーずらり、非公認記録


 男子マラソンで2時間切りを目指すスポーツ用品大手ナイキのプロジェクト「ブレーキング2」が6日、イタリアのモンツァで行われ、リオデジャネイロ五輪男子マラソンの金メダリスト、エリウド・キプチョゲ(ケニア)ら3選手が参加した。キプチョゲは2時間0分25秒(主催者発表)で惜しくも2時間は切れなかったが、世…(有料記事 残り:245文字/全文:395文字)

マラソンで2時間0分25秒!? ペースメーカーずらり、非公認記録



Posted May. 08, 2017 09:03, Updated May. 08, 2017 09:03







李承鍵 why@donga.com




2017.05.08 Mon posted at 17:22 JST

(CNN) 男子マラソンで2時間の壁を突破しようとするチャレンジ企画「ブレーキング2」がこのほど開催され、リオデジャネイロ五輪の金メダリスト、エリウド・キプチョゲ(ケニア)が2時間0分25秒でレースを完走した。目標だった2時間切りは逃した。








男子、野口が4位 日本勢トップ 陸上・仙台国際ハーフマラソン 14日


 弘進ゴムアスリートパーク仙台発着の21・0975キロのコースで行われ、男子は野口拓也(コニカミノルタ)が1時間2分21秒で日本勢トップの4位に入った。連覇を狙った今井正人(トヨタ自動車九州)は5位。ケニア出身のチャールズ・ディランゴ(JFEスチール)が1時間1分44秒で優勝した。世界選手権(8月…(有料記事 残り:504文字/全文:653文字)

男子、野口が4位 日本勢トップ 陸上・仙台国際ハーフマラソン 14日



2017年05月15日 16:39 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【5月15日 AFP】今夏に開催される第16回世界陸上ロンドン大会(16th IAAF World Championships in Athletics London)に出場するマラソンのケニア代表として、リオデジャネイロ五輪の男子マラソン金メダリストのエリウド・キプチョゲ(Eliud Kipchoge)を筆頭に、今年のロンドン・マラソン(London Marathon 2017)でアベック優勝を果たしたダニエル・ワンジル(Daniel Wanjiru)とメアリー・ケイタニー(Mary Jepkosgei Keitany)らが選出された。


 24歳のワンジルは、先月23日に行われたロンドン・マラソンでエチオピアの伝説的存在で優勝候補筆頭と目されていたケネニサ・ベケレ(Kenenisa Bekele)を破り、自身最高の勝利を手にした思い出の地に凱旋(がいせん)することになる。

 元世界記録保持者で2012年ロンドン五輪では銅メダルを獲得したウィルソン・キプサング(Wilson Kipsang)も男子の代表3人に入る一方で、第121回ボストン・マラソン(2017 Boston Marathon)を制したジェフリー・キルイ(Geoffrey Kirui)とギデオン・キプテケル(Gideon Kipketer)が補欠となっている。

 女子ではロンドン・マラソンで通算3勝を誇るものの、昨年8月のリオ五輪では選考から漏れていたケイタニーは、世界陸上で2度の優勝を誇るエドナ・キプラガト(Edna Kiplagat)と、ハーフマラソンの元世界記録保持者であるフローレンス・キプラガト(Florence Kiplagat)ともに代表入りを果たした。しかし、パリ・マラソン2017(Paris Marathon 2017)で優勝したプリティ・リオノリポ(Purity Rionoripo)、アグネス・バルソシオ(Agnes Barsosio)は補欠となった。(c)AFP





■特派員リポート 三浦英之(ヨハネスブルク支局長)





















 三浦英之(みうら・ひでゆき) ヨハネスブルク支局長。東京社会部、南三陸駐在などを経て、14年9月から現職。近著「五色の虹〜満州建国大学卒業生たちの戦後」で第13回開高健ノンフィクション賞を受賞。



Lessons form Japan to Kenya on health systems: Wives and mothers led the way, focussed more on prevention

The Star
May. 22, 2017, 12:30 am
Diana Wangari

Professor Tomohiko Sugishita, who has previously worked in Kenya as chief adviser in strengthening management for health in Nyanza from 2009 to 2013, made his most recent visit to Kenya on March 24, 2017, to give a public lecture on health following the TICAD VI Conference.

On the sidelines of that lecture, he met with Dr Diana Wangari, and talked about his core belief―that only community-based public health systems are sustainable and capable of having a profound impact on the lives of ordinary people. And effective communication is a central part of this.

Below is an extract of his views:

“My example comes from the post-war period in Japan. We went to war from 1941 to 1945 (WW II). Indeed we lost more than three million people in the battlefield. At that moment and also before that, Japanese health status was really worse than that of Africa. We were struggling through disease after disease and all we wanted was system improvements. Although there were some efforts in the hospitals and communities, especially inspired by Western medicine such as medical hospitals and care systems. We also had traditional medical systems.

But after WW II, after 1945, Japan became an American territorial government. At that moment indeed, people, especially wives and children, had been left behind because husbands died in the battlefield. So mothers organised self-help groups to nurture their children and they paid attention to health and education. That’s how health was really championed by communities, especially by the wives and mothers.

Professional societies, nursing schools, and medical schools were set up through community efforts because there was no Japanese government support at that time, so soon after the war. We were battling with infectious disease control, mainly tuberculosis, which believe it or not was the number one killer in Japan at that time. Many people were affected because of poor nutrition and poor sanitation. many people died from TB and other infectious diseases. Maternal mortality also was very high, in fact much higher than Africa today.

People, especially self-help groups, started preventive and health promotion activities in the communities because there were no reliable hospitals and the few available ones were really expensive. Prevention and promotion activities became the backbone of Japanese development. Thereafter, the Japanese government started professional training of the community health volunteers and then gradually there was a medical and hospital system in the kind and manner of Western medicine.

But I consider that the health systems in Japan started from the bottom. In the same way we need to pay more attention to prevention and promotion. There are still very strong prevention and promotion activities in Japan, despite developments, especially in school health, and with social movements for physical exercise.

On the other hand, hi-tech hospitals were supported by the economic growth of the Japanese society after the war. But in order to have economic growth, we needed a healthy population that could be productive ― and that was promulgated by the prevention and promotion activities started by the wives and mothers.

Productivity led to more money and taxes for the government. As such, we need to look at government as an income distribution channel for health through tax allocation for social protection. Social protection promotes longevity. It means a healthier workforce. In Japan, there is really a good cycle because the surplus of the money goes to the hospital systems.

That’s the real investment in health that the government has made. But it all started with health promotion and prevention activities. Those two things really guide Japanese social and economic growth. The essence of it started in the communities, with wives and mothers ... left alone during the war. That really is the story.”

Lessons form Japan to Kenya on health systems: Wives and mothers led the way, focussed more on prevention



2017年05月24日 15:44 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【5月24日 AFP】リオデジャネイロ五輪男子マラソン金メダリストのエリウド・キプチョゲ(Eliud Kipchoge)ら4人が、8月4日から13日にわたって開催される第16回世界陸上ロンドン大会(16th IAAF World Championships in Athletics London)のケニア代表を辞退した。すでに内定していた4選手の欠場により、ケニア陸上界はマラソンチームの全面的な変更を余儀なくされることになった。

 先月イタリア・モンツァ(Monza)でフルマラソンの2時間切りに挑戦するも、惜しくも記録達成を逃していたキプチョゲは、休養が必要との理由で欠場を発表。また、元世界記録保持者のウィルソン・キプサング(Wilson Kipsang)も辞退を表明しており、9月に行われる第44回ベルリン・マラソン(44th Berlin Marathon)への出場を目指すとみられている。

 女子では、ロンドン・マラソン(London Marathon)で3度の優勝経験を誇るメアリー・ケイタニー(Mary Jepkosgei Keitany)と、ハーフマラソンの元世界記録保持者であるフローレンス・キプラガト(Florence Kiplagat)が代表を外れた。



 ジェフリー・キルイ(Geoffrey Kirui)、ダニエル・ワンジル(Daniel Wanjiru)、ギデオン・キプテケル(Gideon Kipketer)、ポール・ロンヤンガタ(Paul Lonyangata、補欠)


 エドナ・キプラガト(Edna Kiplagat)、ヘラー・キプロプ(Helah Kiprop)、フロメナ・チェイエチ(Flomena Cheyech)、バレンタイン・キプテケル(Valentine Kipketer、補欠)、プリティ・リオノリポ(Purity Rionoripo、補欠)







【注】この記事はビジネスワイヤ提供。英語原文はwww.businesswire.comへ。 (2017/05/25-11:10)



動画:半世紀ぶり、新しい中国製の鉄道を披露 ケニア

2017年05月31日 16:26 発信地:モンバサ/ケニア

【5月31日 AFP】植民地時代に鉄道が誕生して半世紀以上が経つケニアで30日、新しい中国製の鉄道が披露された。映像は、港湾都市モンバサ(Mombasa)。(c)AFP

動画:半世紀ぶり、新しい中国製の鉄道を披露 ケニア


Kenya opens Nairobi-Mombasa Madaraka Express railway

31 May 2017

Kenya has opened a major new railway between the port city of Mombasa and the capital, Nairobi, 18 months early.

President Uhuru Kenyatta said during the launch that the $3.2bn (£2.5bn) Chinese-funded line signalled a new chapter in the country.

He warned that he would authorise the execution of vandals after four people were arrested damaging sections of a guardrail.

It is Kenya's biggest infrastructure project since independence.

The 470km (290 miles) line is part of China's Belt and Road initiative of massive global infrastructure projects.

The railway is supposed to eventually connect land-locked South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia to the Indian Ocean.

Last week, Mr Kenyatta secured an additional $3.6bn from China to extend the railway line 250km (155 miles) west from the central town of Naivasha to Kisumu.

Mr Kenyatta, who is touting his development record as he seeks a second term in August's election, said the railway line heralded a new chapter in Kenya's history:

"A history that was first started 122 years ago when the British, who had colonised this nation, kicked off the train to nowhere... it was then dubbed the 'Lunatic Express'."

"Today... despite again a lot of criticism we now celebrate not the 'Lunatic Express' but the Madaraka [named after the day Kenya's attained internal self-rule) Express that would begin to reshape the story of Kenya for the next 100 years."

The railway may be Kenya's biggest infrastructure project since independence but it is also a part of a strategic plan for China to deepen its economic links in Africa.

A concessionary loan from China will pay for 80% of the cost.

The loan has a 10-year grace period, within which the railway line is expected to have started to generate income. The repayments will then be spread over 30-40 years.

The Mombasa-Nairobi line is the first phase of a 840km (525 mile) line linking the port city of Mombasa to the western border town of Malaba.

The Chinese will be in charge of the new railway line for some time, while Kenyans are being trained to take over.

During the Belt and Road Forum for International Corporation meeting on 15 May, Mr Kenyatta asked China to ensure a win-win situation in its economic relationship with Kenya, as the country formally joined the infrastructure initiative.

The cost of the project has been criticised by opposition parties, who say it is too expensive and the economic returns exaggerated.

The government says that it needs to invest in infrastructure to attract foreign investment.

Kenya's new railway at a glance:
Cost $3.2bn (£2.5bn)
Funding for the 470km (290 miles) project was provided by China
It took three-and-a-half years to build, using Chinese track-laying technology
The line is supposed to eventually connect land-locked South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia to the Indian Ocean
Cuts the journey-time from Mombasa to Nairobi to four-and-a-half hours, compared to nine hours by bus or 12 hours on the previous railway
An economy class ticket will cost 900 Kenyan shillings ($9; £7), slightly cheaper than a bus ticket. A business class ticket will be $30.

'Vandals to be hanged'

On Monday, police arrested three men for vandalising sections of the railway and are pursuing charges of economic sabotage.

Mr Kenyatta said such vandalism would not be tolerated:

"I acknowledge that the presidency gives me the right to pass laws... those found vandalising the infrastructure... I will pass a law for them to be hanged."

Kenya opens Nairobi-Mombasa Madaraka Express railway



2017/6/2 6:30
日本経済新聞 電子版















By David Pilling

(2017年6月1日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙 https://www.ft.com/)




2017.06.02 Fri posted at 14:33 JST

ケニア・ナイロビ(CNN) アフリカ東部のケニアでこのほど、首都ナイロビと港湾都市モンバサを結ぶ鉄道「マダラカ・エクスプレス」が開通した。1963年の独立以来最大規模のインフラ開発プロジェクトとなる鉄道は2都市間約480キロを結ぶ。建設は約2年にわたって行われ、38億ドル規模(約4200億円)の建設費用のおよそ9割は中国が出資した。










桐生は10秒18で6位 陸上ダイヤモンドリーグ

2017/6/9 7:42




桐生は10秒18で6位 陸上ダイヤモンドリーグ


Mother-to-child HIV infection in Kenya reduces by 58.67%

The Star
Jun. 12, 2017, 6:00 pm

Only about 6,200 children were born with HIV in Kenya last year, down from a high of 15,000 in 2012. This is a reduction of 58.67 per cent.

The new data means the country is on course to eliminate mother-to child transmission of HIV, which now stands at 6.2 per cent.

Mother-to-child transmission accounts for more than 90 per cent of new HIV infections among children, but is entirely preventable if the HIV-positive mothers adhere to antiretroviral treatment.

“If we sustain the momentum then we can completely eliminate transmission to babies by 2021,” said Dr Caroline Olwande, a pharmacist with the National Aids and STI Control Programme.

Nascop said currently only 85 per cent of mothers with HIV have been placed on ARVs to prevent the virus passing on to their babies.

Olwande said Kenya can achieve zero transmission if all positive mothers are placed on ARVs during and after pregnancy.

However, only eight in every 10 mothers attend the antenatal clinics, which means the country would need a complete coverage of all hospitals to eliminate HIV in babies.

Nascop has now developed a new strategy, which places emphasis on adolescents.

“We are concerned about the increase of new infections among girls and young women, many of whom unknowingly pass on the virus to their children during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding,” director of medical services Dr Jackson Kioko said.

The data also showed a spike in infections during the nurses’ strike last year and in 2015.

Leading pediatrician Prof Ruth Nduati said this year will also see a spike because of the ongoing nurses’ strike.

“The entire mother and child healthcare in hospitals is run by nurses, but now women go to hospitals and they cannot access HIV drugs,” she said.

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta will launch Nascop’s new strategy today in Nairobi.

She will be hosting a summit, where leaders will commit to prioritise resources for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission within the 2012-2016 framework.

The participants will be questioning why Kenya continues to experience high maternal mortality from preventable causes and increasing HIV-Aids prevalence among adolescents, despite previous high-level commitments to tame the challenges.

Mother-to-child HIV infection in Kenya reduces by 58.67%


U18世界陸上への派遣中止 ケニアの治安に懸念 陸上

2017.6.12 19:32




U18世界陸上への派遣中止 ケニアの治安に懸念 陸上



2017年06月13日 18:33 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【6月13日 AFP】ケニアの首都ナイロビ(Nairobi)で12日夜、7階建ての建物が倒壊する事故が発生し、13日時点で複数の行方不明者が出ていることが分かった。救急当局者が明らかにした。警察当局によると、建物にひび割れが生じたため住民らが避難した後、倒壊したという。

 事故が発生したのは、ナイロビ南東部に広がるムクル・クワ・ルーベン(Mukuru Kwa Reuben)と呼ばれるスラム街。ケニアの災害管理当局の報道官は、計121人の無事が確認されたものの、「何人かが閉じ込められている可能性がある。現在も救出活動が続いている」と述べた。




『ジュニアライター発』 ナイロビで孤児支援 早川さん講演 苦しみ分け合う 言葉胸に







『ジュニアライター発』 ナイロビで孤児支援 早川さん講演 苦しみ分け合う 言葉胸に


ケニア教育者と交流会 子ども食堂運営の学生ら、貧困と支援考える あす八王子で /東京

毎日新聞2017年6月23日 地方版








はちおうじ子ども食堂 ケニア教育者と交流会 子ども食堂運営の学生ら、貧困と支援考える あす八王子で /東京








最先端のHIV治療薬、ケニアで後発品が使用可能に アフリカ初

2017年06月29日 13:49 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【6月29日 AFP】最先端の抗HIV(ヒト免疫不全ウイルス)薬「ドルテグラビル(Dolutegravir、DTG)」の後発薬(ジェネリック)がケニアで使用できるようになった。HIV患者が2500万人を超えるアフリカでこのジェネリックが導入されるのは初めてで、今後ナイジェリアやウガンダでも使えるようになる見通し。価格は先発薬より1桁安く、患者側の負担が軽減する。NGOのユニットエイド(Unitaid)が28日発表した。


 途上国での医薬品の普及に取り組むユニットエイドのロバート・マチル(Robert Matiru)氏は、ドルテグラビルを「市販されている中では最も効果のあるHIV治療薬」と説明している。






最先端のHIV治療薬、ケニアで後発品が使用可能に アフリカ初


中国企業手掛けたケニアの橋、完成前に崩落 総工費14億円

2017.07.04 Tue posted at 12:26 JST

(CNN) ケニア西部で総工費1200万ドル(約14億円)をかけて中国企業が建設していた橋が、完成を目前にして崩落したことが4日までに分かった。現場は同国のケニヤッタ大統領が2週間前に視察したばかりだった。





中国企業手掛けたケニアの橋、完成前に崩落 総工費14億円


貧困に苦しむ子どもたちにキリストの愛を示そう ケニアのマゴソスクール校長が聖学院大で講演

2017年7月4日06時51分 記者 : 坂本直子

















貧困に苦しむ子どもたちにキリストの愛を示そう ケニアのマゴソスクール校長が聖学院大で講演


ケニアで長距離鉄道が開業 中国が融資

7月5日 9時57分








アフリカ進出 加速する中国

















ケニアで長距離鉄道が開業 中国が融資
















2017/07/31 21:23
金子憲治=日経BP総研 クリーンテック研究所



 Looopは、2016年12月、ケニアのキツイ郡(Kitui County)と、メガソーラー建設に関する共同プロジェクトに関して合意し、覚書(MOU)に調印していた。同社が事業計画を策定・実施を担い、キツイ郡は所有する土地の提供など事業実施に必要な援助を行う。


 ケニアは2008年に、「Vision 2030」と呼ばれる長期開発戦略を策定し、2030年までの中所得国入りを目指している。20%程度に留まっている電化率の向上が課題の1つで、新規の電源開発が推進されている。

 キツイ郡は、ケニアの首都ナイロビから約170km南東に位置する。面積は約3万km2で中心都市はキツイ(Kitui)。基幹産業は農業で、特にマンゴーはケニア国内でも主要な生産地となっている。国内外からの投資誘致を積極的に試みている(関連記事) 。



アフリカに延びる「一帯一路」 中国、鉄道整備を加速

2017/8/1 23:43








アフリカに延びる「一帯一路」 中国、鉄道整備を加速


ケニアで相次ぎ襲撃事件 大統領選直前で治安に懸念

2017/8/1 9:37




ケニアで相次ぎ襲撃事件 大統領選直前で治安に懸念



2017年08月01日 12:43 発信地:ロンドン/英国

【8月1日 AFP】陸上、男子800メートルの世界記録保持者であるデビッド・ルディシャ(David Lekuta Rudisha、ケニア)が、負傷のため第16回世界陸上ロンドン大会(16th IAAF World Championships in Athletics London)を欠場すると明かした。

 2012年のロンドン五輪で世界新記録の1分40秒91を記録して金メダルを獲得したルディシャは、同じロンドン・スタジアム(London Stadium)のトラックで行われる世界陸上でも金メダルを手にすることを目指していたが、その望みは絶たれた。

 前回の第15回世界陸上北京大会(15th IAAF World Championships in Athletics Beijing)も制しているルディシャはツイッター(Twitter)で「大腿四頭筋の損傷で、間近に迫った世界陸上ロンドン大会を欠場することを発表するのは悲しく、残念だ」と投稿した。

 五輪2連覇を果たしているルディシャの欠場により、同国出身のエマニュエル・コリル(Emmanuel Korir)、あるいはロンドン五輪でルディシャに次ぐ2位に入ったナイジェル・アモス(Nijel Amos、ボツワナ)に注目が集まる。(c)AFP




Record China
配信日時:2017年8月2日(水) 6時30分






大場 淳一=日経BP総研 クリーンテック研究所
2017/08/03 18:00





 同国のCharles Keterエネルギー・石油相は、「政府は2020年までに無電化地域を解消するという目標を掲げており、今回のようなオフグリッド太陽光発電システムのプロジェクトが、その達成に寄与するだろう」と述べている。

 世界銀行でケニア担当ディレクターを務めるDiarietou Gaye氏は、「世界銀行は、責任を持ってケニアの成長を支援する。130万人にオフグリッドの太陽光エネルギーを提供することで、これらの地域ではより多くの事業や雇用機会が創出される道が拓けるだろう」と今後の展開への期待を表明した。


ケニアでオフグリッド太陽光、無電化地域の130万人に供給 世界銀行が1億5000万ドル融資、地域向け独立型ソーラーも


Uber to offer disabled persons free rides to poll centres

By Mercy Odhiambo
Published Thu, August 3rd 2017 at 00:00, Updated August 2nd 2017 at 23:08 GMT +3

ケニア 発の記事です。



Uber has teamed up with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to provide free rides for people with disabilities who are registered voters to and from the polling stations.

This means next Tuesday, disabled people will be able to get to and from their respective polling stations easily to vote.

Residents who fall under the United Disabled Persons of Kenya organisation will receive a special code to enable them to redeem the two rides.

There is also a plan to give a Sh200 discount to all other Uber riders to and from the poll stations.

The offer is valid from 6am to 6pm on Tuesday in Nairobi, Mombasa and Thika.

Uber East Africa General Manager Loic Amado said riders would also be able to receive a linked message reminding them to vote and a site to help them get to their respective polling stations.

"We hope to bring the ballot closer to the people of Nairobi, Mombasa and Thika with eased Uber services," said Mr Amado.

"Our aim is to support Kenyan voters in the cities where we are present. We remain committed to providing safe, reliable and affordable transportation for all riders."

New and existing Uber riders will be required to request rides using the promotion code VOTEKE2017 in the apps promotion tab.

Uber to offer disabled persons free rides to poll centres


アフリカ向け医療ファンド AAICが設立

2017/8/4 12:30





アフリカ向け医療ファンド AAICが設立


マラソン男子にワンジルら出場 世界陸上、ベケレ出ず

2017/8/5 23:51





マラソン男子にワンジルら出場 世界陸上、ベケレ出ず


Myth on why the rich don’t treat disabled kids

The Star
Aug. 07, 2017, 12:30 am
By JOHN MUCHANGI, @jomunji



Myth on why the rich don’t treat disabled kids

The Star
Aug. 07, 2017, 12:30 am
By JOHN MUCHANGI, @jomunji

Erickson Kibet has cerebral palsy and is fed porridge by a classmate at the Little Rock Inclusive Early Childhood Development Centre in Kenya's capital Nairobi, March 15, 2012. Little Rock is one of the few schools providing education to children with special needs in the sprawlling Kibera slums. While hosting regular classes, the centre also has programs for children with cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, deaf and blind children. Picture taken March 15, 2012. REUTERS/Samantha Sais (KENYA - Tags: HEALTH EDUCATION SOCIETY)

Many disabled children from well-off families at the Coast do not get treatment or special care because of a myth that their condition protects wealth, researchers from the Kenya Medical Research Institute say.

Yet, most of these children suffer from neurological disorders that cause drooling.

“Drooling by a person with a disability is sometimes related to the perceived wealth of a parent, often the father,” they say in a study, which was published in the peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (Plos One) last week.

Drooling (dripping of saliva) can be caused by neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy, down syndrome and autism among others, which can be managed.

In the past, myths on disability were associated with poor, uneducated people. But researchers said both rich and poor families tend to view many of those disabled children as “sources of wealth”.

Kemri’s Joseph Gona said they are described as having been “placed under or on a seat” for demons or ghosts.

“The child just sits with saliva dripping; he-she is in a terrible condition while the father has a lot of money,” said one of the respondents in the research conducted in Kilifi County early this year.

The study was part of a project to promote disability awareness in small communities, and is titled “Preparation of Communities: Using personal narratives to affect attitudes to disability in Kilifi, Kenya.”.

Researchers collected information through 21 focus group discussions involving 263 participants.

On a positive note, they said medical explanations for disability are beginning to emerge, with increasing numbers of families seeking medical advice for children.

Lead researcher Dr Karen Bunning, from University of East Anglia’s School of Health Sciences, which collaborated in the research, said, “The different explanations represent a real mixture of traditional, religious and biomedical beliefs.”

Myth on why the rich don’t treat disabled kids


チェリモが女子マラソン制覇、キプラガトに競り勝つ 世界陸上

2017年08月07日 11:04 発信地:ロンドン/英国

【8月7日 AFP】第16回世界陸上ロンドン大会(16th IAAF World Championships in Athletics London)は6日、女子マラソンが行われ、ローズ・チェリモ(Rose Chelimo、バーレーン)が優勝を飾った。

 ケニア生まれで現在バーレーン国籍のチェリモは、40キロで先頭に立ったエドナ・キプラガト(Edna Kiplagat、ケニア)を残り2キロを切ったところで抜き、2時間27分11秒でバーレーンに同種目初のメダルをもたらした。

 2011年と2013年に金メダルを獲得したキプラガトは7秒差で2位に入り、わずかの差でエイミー・クラッグ(Amy Cragg、米国)が3位に続いた。


チェリモが女子マラソン制覇、キプラガトに競り勝つ 世界陸上


キルイが男子マラソン優勝、川内は入賞に3秒及ばず 世界陸上

2017年08月07日 08:46 発信地:ロンドン/英国

【8月7日 AFP】第16回世界陸上ロンドン大会(16th IAAF World Championships in Athletics London)は6日、男子マラソンが行われ、ケニアのジェフリー・キルイ(Geoffrey Kirui)が優勝を飾り、母国に3大会ぶりの表彰台をもたらした。

 今年行われた第121回ボストン・マラソン(2017 Boston Marathon)覇者のキルイは2時間8分27秒で走り、エチオピアのタミアト・トラ(Tamirat Tola)を1分22秒差の2位に抑えた。3位には2秒差でタンザニアのアルフォンス・シンブ(Alphonce Simbu)が入った。

 ロンドン(London)中心部を流れるテムズ川(River Thames)沿いの10キロに及ぶコースを4周するレースを制したキルイは「キャリア最高の瞬間だ。世界陸上のタイトルが取れて本当にうれしい。この舞台では初めてだからね。今までのマラソンで見てきた中でも、最高のコース、そして最高の観衆だった」と語った。



 日本勢では川内優輝(Yuki Kawauchi)が2時間12分19秒で8位入賞にわずか3秒届かなかった一方、中本健太郎(Kentaro Nakamoto)が川内と3秒差の10位に続いた。井上大仁(Hirohito Inoue)は2時間16分54秒で26位だった。(c)AFP

キルイが男子マラソン優勝、川内は入賞に3秒及ばず 世界陸上


成長持続か 格差是正か ケニア大統領選、投開票へ

2017/8/8 0:03
日本経済新聞 電子版







成長持続か 格差是正か ケニア大統領選、投開票へ


キピエゴンが女子1500m金、前回女王ディババは最下位 世界陸上

2017年08月08日 09:51 発信地:ロンドン/英国

【8月8日 AFP】第16回世界陸上ロンドン大会(16th IAAF World Championships in Athletics London)は7日、各種目の決勝が行われ、女子1500メートルではケニアのフェイス・キピエゴン(Faith Kipyegon)がスプリント勝負を制し、優勝を飾った。


 銀メダルには0秒17差で米国のジェニファー・シンプソン(Jennifer Simpson)、銅メダルには0秒31差で800メートルのスペシャリスト、南アフリカのキャスター・セメンヤ(Caster Semenya)が輝いた。一方、前回女王のゲンゼベ・ディババ(Genzebe Dibaba、エチオピア)はトップから4秒以上遅れ、最下位に沈んでいる。

 男子110メートルハードルでは、ジャマイカのオマー・マクリオド(Omar McLeod)がこちらもリオ五輪に続くタイトルを獲得。レース後には、今回の勝利を自身の母と同胞のスーパースターであるウサイン・ボルト(Usain Bolt)にささげると話した。

 一方、2012年ロンドン五輪金メダリストで世界記録保持者のアリエス・メリット(Aries Merritt、米国)は5位に終わり、2年前の腎臓手術を経て今大会でメダルを手にするという夢はかなわなかった。

 スタートからフィニッシュまでトップで駆け抜けた23歳のマクリオドは13秒04をマークし、今回は中立選手として出場している前回王者セルゲイ・シュベンコフ(Sergey Shubenkov)を13秒14の2位、ハンガリーのバラージュ・バーイ(Balazs Baji)を13秒28の3位に抑えた。


 また、ボルトだけでなく、リオ五輪で2冠を達成したエレーン・トンプソン(Elaine Thompson)も女子100メートルで金メダルを逃すなど、今大会では同胞が苦戦を強いられている状況を受けてマクリオドは、「とにかくジャマイカの国旗を高々と掲げたかった」とした上で、「ウサイン・ボルトは伝説さ。この勝利をあなたにもささげます!」と母国の英雄をたたえた。

 女子三段跳びは、ベネズエラのジュリマール・ロハス(Yulimar Rojas)、女子ハンマー投げ決勝は、ポーランドのアニタ・ウロダルチュク(Anita Wlodarczyk)が表彰台の頂点に立っている。(c)AFP/Luke PHILLIPS/Pirate IRWIN

キピエゴンが女子1500m金、前回女王ディババは最下位 世界陸上


ケニアで大統領選、現職と元首相が接戦 治安悪化の恐れ

2017/8/8 19:24







ケニアで大統領選、現職と元首相が接戦 治安悪化の恐れ

















国籍変えてマラソン女王 「母国」に金、「人生変わる」






国籍変えてマラソン女王 「母国」に金、「人生変わる」


ケニア大統領選挙 治安悪化の懸念

8月8日 9時21分





ケニア大統領選挙 治安悪化の懸念



2017年08月08日 14:44 発信地:ケニア

【8月8日 時事通信社】アフリカ東部のケニアで8日、大統領選の投票が実施された。8人が立候補したが、初代大統領の息子で再選を目指すウフル・ケニヤッタ大統領(55)と、野党勢力が結集した「国民スーパー連合」(NASA)候補のライラ・オディンガ前首相(72)の事実上の一騎打ち。世論調査によれば、接戦となっており、選挙後の混乱が懸念されている。








2017.08.08 Tue posted at 19:26 JST

(CNN) 激戦が予想されるケニア大統領選は8日に投票日を迎え、早朝から各地の投票所に長い列ができた。













Kenyan Women Just Fought One of the Most Violent Campaigns in History

Foreign Policy
AUGUST 7, 2017
More women are running for office than ever before in the East African country, but the backlash has been fierce and bloody.

During the political primaries in April, Ann Kanyi, who was vying for her party’s nomination for the Tetu parliamentary seat in Kenya’s Aug. 8 general election, was dragged from her car and brutally beaten by four unidentified masked men wielding metal bars and a gun. During the assault, one of them demanded she quit politics. She was not the only woman physically attacked during the primaries after wading into the testosterone-fueled arena of Kenyan politics: Other female candidates were robbed by men armed with machetes and batons, had their motorcades attacked and supporters killed, and were beaten and threatened with public stripping.

None of this was coincidental. It’s all part of an alarming trend in Kenya toward ever-increasing levels of violence against female politicians. To be sure, violence is part of the political landscape in Kenya, regardless of gender. Just last week, a top election official was tortured to death by unknown assailants. But our research suggests that women in politics ― as well as female supporters, campaign staff, and family members ― are being uniquely targeted, and in gender-specific ways. The goal: to turn back progress ushered in by a new gender quota, implemented as part of a 2010 constitutional overhaul, that has vaulted more women into positions of power in Kenya than ever before.

Around the world, we have seen a slow, steady rise in the number of women in politics. In countries such as Rwanda, Nepal, and East Timor, gender quotas ― often implemented pursuant to rewritten constitutions ― have sparked more rapid increases. These gains have generally been heralded as successes for women’s equality, although the limitations of quotas are widely acknowledged. Less acknowledged, however, is the possibility that better representation for women can lead to new forms of harm, especially where pockets of conservative resistance remain.

The level of violence against female politicians worldwide is staggering. According to a 2016 survey of 55 female parliamentarians from 39 countries by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, 82 percent of respondents reported being subjected to psychological violence; 44 percent reported threats of death, rape, kidnapping, or beatings to themselves or their children; 26 percent had directly experienced physical violence; and 22 percent had been subjected to sexual violence. While initial resistance might be expected in the wake of rapid gains in women’s representation, numbers like these suggest a genuine backlash against women’s progress ― what the British sociologist Sylvia Walby referred to two decades ago as the “renewed determination by patriarchal forces to maintain and increase the subordination of women” after they begin to encroach on spaces previously controlled by men.

This is part of the story in Kenya, where the 2010 constitution established a gender quota mandating that neither gender hold more than two-thirds of the positions in any government entity (thereby ensuring that a minimum of one-third plus one of parliamentarians and members of local county assemblies are women). The subsequent 2013 general election resulted in Kenya’s highest number of women in government in its history. But since then, female politicians have faced unprecedented levels of violence, apparently designed to discourage them from vying for office or, once there, from defying the agendas of powerful male political elites.

The shadow of violence under which female politicians are forced to operate has less obvious consequences as well. In the course of our research, some female politicians told us they often feel the need to ally with powerful male elites for protection. This is particularly prevalent at the county level, where some women have thrown their support behind male gubernatorial candidates in order to reduce resistance to their own candidacies. Once in office, these women become beholden to those governors and their political agendas. Moreover, women face significant financial burdens because of their need to take additional safety precautions, such as staying in hotels during election season and hiring additional security guards. Some female Kenyan politicians, such as Winnie Kaburu, the only female gubernatorial candidate in Meru County, have simply chosen not to take official meetings after dusk, which sets them at a clear political disadvantage from their male counterparts.

While the threat of violence is especially acute on the campaign trail, it increasingly follows successful female candidates into office. Last year, Elizabeth Manyala, a member of the county assembly (MCA) in Nairobi County, claimed that her colleague, Elias Otieno, slapped her and smashed her into a wall, sending her to the hospital with extensive head and neck injuries. Her crime? Refusing Otieno’s demand that she reallocate funding from the county women’s caucus to one of his pet projects. Manyala, who holds a doctorate in government and is one of the most educated MCAs in the country, told us that even though the police arrested her attacker, he was never prosecuted and she was ultimately blamed for the altercation. “My political party was saying now I am the bad one. Everybody, even the women I was representing, were saying it was my fault,” she said. Many of the female politicians we interviewed said they had been blamed for attacks or harassment against them.

Our ongoing research in Kenya reveals that women like Manyala are targeted in unique, gender-specific ways. They are frequently attacked, verbally and physically, by male colleagues in government offices or legislative chambers while performing their duties, often after voicing unpopular opinions or refusing to capitulate to male colleagues’ demands. (Male politicians, by contrast, are typically targeted by “goons” outside of their offices.) These differences suggest that violence directed against women in politics is, in part, a reflection of a deeper effort to deny women access to political spaces that have traditionally been dominated by men.

Optimists have expressed hope that the recent uptick in violence is just short-term cost of women’s increased leadership that will subside as women’s leadership becomes normalized. Instead, our research suggests that it is the violence against women in politics that is becoming increasingly normalized. A significant part of the blame for this falls on Kenyan authorities, who have failed to enforce laws designed to protect women and punish perpetrators. Some of it also falls on political parties and the media, neither of which has made any serious effort to hold perpetrators accountable.

But we must also consider the possibility that efforts to promote women’s inclusion in government can backfire if they are not accompanied by concurrent efforts to dismantle patriarchal structures that enable gender-based violence. This possibility calls into question international development agencies’ efforts to promote women’s leadership without providing the resources and support needed to ensure that women can safely participate in political spaces. For gender quotas to succeed, in other words, they must be accompanied by corresponding efforts to strengthen the rule of law in order to enable women’s unimpeded political participation.

As Kenyans prepare to go to the polls on Tuesday, it is imperative that the authorities guarantee the security of the women running for office ― as well as the security of their supporters and the general public. While gains in political representation for women may one day translate into gains in political power, for now they are fueling a vicious backlash that is complicating and undermining women’s broader progress.

Kenyan Women Just Fought One of the Most Violent Campaigns in History


Kenya election: opposition leader claims hacking attack cheated him of victory

Jason Burke in Nairobi
Wednesday 9 August 2017 12.05 BST

Protests held as Raila Odinga says figures showing 54% of vote has gone to current president Uhuru Kenyatta are ‘fictitious’

The leader of Kenya’s opposition has claimed he was cheated of victory by an overnight hacking attack that he said manipulated the results in the country’s presidential election.

“You can only cheat the people for so long,” Raila Odinga said. “The 2017 general election was a fraud.”

With ballots from 94% of polling stations counted, results released by Kenya’s electoral commission showed the incumbent, Uhuru Kenyatta, leading with 54.4% of the vote, against Odinga’s 44.8%, a difference of 1.3 million votes.

Millions of people queued late into the evening on Tuesday to cast their votes in an election seen as a key test of the stability of one of Africa’s most important countries.

Though the polls passed peacefully, there are fears that Odinga’s angry supporters could take their struggle for power to the streets in the coming days.

Speaking at a news conference in Nairobi, Odinga claimed hackers had broken into election commission computer systems and databases overnight to “create errors”. He urged his supporters to remain calm, but added: “I don’t control the people.”

Odinga’s deputy in the National Super Alliance (NASA), Kalonzo Musyoka, also appealed for calm but said the opposition might call for unspecified “action” at a later date.

Shortly afterwards, Kenyan police in the western city of Kisumu fired teargas at a group of 100 opposition supporters who had been chanting “No Raila, no peace”. Protests were also held in the poor Nairobi neighbourhood of Mathare, an Odinga stronghold.

In 2007, Odinga’s angry rejection of the result in an election marred by irregularities prompted rioting and retaliation by security forces that tipped the country into its worst crisis for decades. About 1,200 people were killed in the ethnic violence that followed.

Odinga, a polarising figure who was making his fourth bid for power, said on Tuesday night that the early results were “fictitious” and “fake”, telling a late-night news conference that his party’s own tally put him ahead.

“We have our projections from our agents which show we are ahead by far,” Odinga said.

The former political prisoner and businessman also claimed that the murder of a senior election official last week was linked to an attempt to rig the polls. Chris Msando, the election commission’s head of IT, was found strangled and tortured in a forest on the outskirts of Nairobi.

The EU observer mission declined to comment on Odinga’s claims, which election officials have said they will investigate. “We will come up with a methodology to verify the allegations made on hacking,” said Waguma Chebukati, the chairman of the electoral commission. “For now, I cannot say whether or not the system has been hacked.”

The Kenya human rights commission - a well-known non-governmental organisation - said it had discovered some discrepancies in an initial comparison between provisional results announced by the election commission and paper forms signed at polling stations by party agents.

Many Kenyans say a repeat of the violence of 2007 is unlikely as the country has learned from the traumatic experience. One voter told the Guardian during polling that younger citizens wanted “peace, peace, peace”.

In 2013, Odinga also rejected defeat. He took his fight to the courts and lost.

Odinga supporters interviewed in recent days said they would not take to the streets if they believed they had been fairly defeated, though they insisted their leader had been robbed of victory during the last two polls.

“There won’t be any problems if the process is fair and transparent, but if it is being rigged there’ll be chaos,” said Paul Ouma, a bus company manager, before the poll.

Young men in Mathare predicted that “life would never be the same again” if the opposition lost. “People will fight … it will have been stolen,” said Brian Aswani.

In Kibera, another poor neighbourhood where Odinga is popular, young men said they would wait for their leader’s decision. “If we lose, then we will wait for our leader Raila [Odinga] to speak. If he says it is OK, then it is OK. If he says fight, we will fight,” said Abraham Ashidiva, 24.

Odinga, 72, is the son of Kenya’s first vice-president. He is an ethnic Luo from the west, an area that has long felt neglected by the central government and resentful of its perceived exclusion from power.

Kenyatta, the 55-year-old son of the first president, Jomo Kenyatta, is a Kikuyu, the ethnic group that has supplied three of the four presidents since independence from Britain in 1963.


On Tuesday, Kenyatta called on whoever lost to concede. “In the event that they lose, let us accept the will of the people. I am willing myself to accept the will of the people, so let them too,” Kenyatta said as he voted at the Mutomo primary school in Gatundu, about 20 miles north of the capital.

Later, Odinga told the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle that he would accept defeat “in the unlikely event that I lost fairly”.

To win the election, a candidate needs one vote more than 50%, and at least a quarter of the vote in 24 of Kenya’s 47 counties.

In addition to a new president, Kenyans are electing regional politicians after a 2010 constitution devolved power and money to the counties.

Observers see the election as the last confrontation of the dynastic rivalry between the families of Kenyatta and Odinga, which has lasted more than half a century. The presidential candidates’ fathers, Jomo Kenyatta and Jaramogi Odinga, went from allies in the struggle for independence from Britain to bitter rivals.

Kenya election: opposition leader claims hacking attack cheated him of victory


ケニア大統領選、現職候補リードか 野党候補は不正主張

2017年08月09日 15:00 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月9日 AFP】8日に投票が行われたケニアの大統領選で開票が始まり、独立選挙管理・選挙区画定委員会(IEBC)は9日、再選を目指す現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領がリードしているとの中間結果を発表した。しかし、野党連合が推すライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏陣営はこれを「偽造」と主張しており、混乱の長期化と暴動への発展が懸念されている。



 IEBC が発表した中間結果によると、ケニヤッタ氏の得票率は55%で、オディンガ氏の得票率は44%。両氏の得票差は140万票近い。


 また、IEBC側が選挙の不正を防止するとしていた電子式の有権者識別・開票システムの責任者だったクリス・ムサンド(Chris Msando)氏が殺害された件に触れ、同氏が不正が行われていると主張していたことに言及して「ムサンド氏が暗殺された真の理由はこれではないのかと危惧している」と語った。

 今月、首都ナイロビ(Nairobi)郊外でムサンド氏の遺体が発見され、同氏は拷問を受け絞殺されたとみられている。(c)AFP/François Ausseil and Chris Stein

ケニア大統領選、現職候補リードか 野党候補は不正主張


男子3000はケニア勢が牙城守る キプルト「とても幸せ」/世界陸上

2017.8.9 10:24




男子3000はケニア勢が牙城守る キプルト「とても幸せ」/世界陸上


ケニア大統領選 野党側が開票結果の受け入れ拒否

8月10日 9時47分







ケニア大統領選 野党側が開票結果の受け入れ拒否


ケニア大統領選、抗議活動などで4人死亡 暫定結果は現職リード

2017年08月10日 11:10 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月10日 AFP】ケニアの首都ナイロビ(Nairobi)などで9日、大統領選に関連した暴力事件が相次ぎ、計4人が死亡した。暫定開票結果によると現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領が勝利する方向だが、野党側は大規模な不正が行われたと主張。野党の支持者が多い地域で抗議が起きるなど緊張が続いている。

 ケニアの独立選挙管理・選挙区画定委員会(IEBC)は、96%超の投票所の集計が終わった時点でケニヤッタ氏の得票率が54%と、野党連合が推すライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏の44.7%をリードしていると発表した。しかし、オディンガ氏は大規模な不正が行われていると反発している。


 南東部のタナ川(Tana River)流域では、刃物を持った男5人が票の集計所を襲撃し、1人を刺した。地元警察幹部は「警官が2人を殺害し、逃亡した残りの男らを捜索中だ」と明らかにした。

 ケニアでは10年前の選挙後に結果をめぐって大規模な暴動が起き、1100人が死亡している。(c)AFP/Fran Blandy with Tristan McConnell in Kisumu

ケニア大統領選、抗議活動などで4人死亡 暫定結果は現職リード



2017/8/10 9:29







日本経済新聞 夕刊




米政府 ケニア大統領選で冷静な対応求める

8月11日 10時11分









米政府 ケニア大統領選で冷静な対応求める


ケニア大統領選、混乱広がる 支持者間の衝突、死者も




ケニア大統領選、混乱広がる 支持者間の衝突、死者も


ケニア大統領選、現職ケニヤッタ氏が勝利 野党は集計で不正と主張

2017年08月12日 09:11 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月12日 AFP】ケニアで8日行われた大統領選で、現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領の勝利が11日に確定した。これに対して野党連合の大統領候補ライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏は集計作業で大規模な不正が行われたと主張。オディンガ氏支持者の多い地区では怒った住民による抗議行動も起きている。





 野党連合「国民スーパー連合」(National Super Alliance、NASA)は、投票結果はハッキングされた上、オディンガ氏勝利という結果がIEBCのサーバーに隠匿されていると主張している。


 NASAは、IEBCが不正に操作された結果を発表したと考えているとして、IEBCのサーバーへのアクセスを要求。サーバーに残されている選挙結果には従うとしている。(c)AFP/Fran BLANDY

ケニア大統領選、現職ケニヤッタ氏が勝利 野党は集計で不正と主張


ケニア大統領選で現職再選 野党側は受け入れず暴動懸念

8月12日 8時51分







ケニア大統領選で現職再選 野党側は受け入れず暴動懸念


ケニア大統領が再選 野党は受け入れ拒否、一部で暴動

2017/8/12 18:35






ケニア大統領が再選 野党は受け入れ拒否、一部で暴動



2017年08月12日 20:50 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月12日 AFP】ケニアで、先に行われた大統領選の集計作業で大規模な不正が行われたと主張する抗議のデモの最中に子ども1人を含む3人が撃たれ、死亡した。

 現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領の勝利が11日に確定したことに対し、野党連合の大統領候補ライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏は集計作業で大規模な不正が行われたと主張。これを受け始まったオディンガ氏の支持者による抗議のデモは12日になっても続いた。





ケニア大統領選、ケニヤッタ氏が再選 野党候補は受け入れ拒否

2017.08.12 Sat posted at 12:51 JST

(CNN) 8日に投票が行われたケニア大統領選で、同国の選挙管理委員会は11日、現職のケニヤッタ大統領の再選を発表した。得票率はケニヤッタ氏が54.27%、敗れた野党連合候補のオディンガ元首相が44.74%だった。対立候補のオディンガ氏は結果を受け入れていない。







ケニア大統領選、ケニヤッタ氏が再選 野党候補は受け入れ拒否


ケニア大統領選、現職が再選 対立候補「大規模な不正」





ケニア大統領選、現職が再選 対立候補「大規模な不正」


ケニア 大統領選結果めぐる抗議デモが暴動に 24人死亡

8月13日 13時03分






ケニア 大統領選結果めぐる抗議デモが暴動に 24人死亡


ケニア警官が市民24人殺害 大統領選後、人権委発表

2017/8/13 18:44





ケニア警官が市民24人殺害 大統領選後、人権委発表


ケニア大統領選、野党は抗議続行を明言 混乱の死者11人に

2017年08月13日 12:18 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月13日 AFP】ケニアで現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領が勝利した大統領選をめぐり、敗北した野党連合「国民スーパー連合(National Super Alliance、NASA)」は12日、選挙結果は「いかさま」だと主張し、選挙結果が覆るまで抗議を継続すると明言した。大統領選結果への抗議行動は一部で暴動に発展し、これまでに11人が死亡した。

 8日に行われた大統領選はケニヤッタ大統領が11日夜に勝利宣言を行ったが、対立候補だった野党連合のライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏は選挙で大規模な不正が行われたと主張。オディンガ氏の拠点で即座に支持者らによる抗議行動が発生した。


 一方、フレッド・マティアンギ(Fred Matiangi)内相は12日、抗議行動の参加者らを「犯罪分子」と非難した。







 一方、「国民スーパー連合」のジョンソン・ムサマ(Johnson Muthama)氏は、抗議行動絡みで約100人が死亡したと主張しているが、証拠は示していない。

 AFP独自の集計では、9日以降の大統領選関連の死者は17人。(c)AFP/Fran Blandy with Tristan McConnell

ケニア大統領選、野党は抗議続行を明言 混乱の死者11人に



日本経済新聞 朝刊





大統領選後に暴動、24人死亡と人権団体 ケニア

2017.08.14 Mon posted at 12:29 JST

(CNN) ケニヤの人権団体は14日までに、大統領選後に発生した暴動により全国で少なくとも24人が死亡したと発表した。犠牲者には9歳の女の子も含まれているという。







大統領選後に暴動、24人死亡と人権団体 ケニア



2017/8/14付 日本経済新聞 朝刊




ケニアで暴動、16人死亡 大統領選結果めぐり混乱続く






ケニアで暴動、16人死亡 大統領選結果めぐり混乱続く


家宅捜索中に負傷した幼児が死亡、警察が殴打か ケニア

2017年08月16日 17:50 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月16日 AFP】ケニアで8日行われた大統領選の結果に対し、住民による抗議行動が起こった西部キスム(Kisumu)で、警察当局による家宅捜索の最中に殴られたとみられる生後6か月の女児が死亡した。女児の父親が15日、明らかにした。

 死亡したサマンサ・ペンド(Samantha Pendo)ちゃんの父親によると、警察が先週11日に自宅周辺のスラムで抗議する住民に対する取り締まりを行った際、この家にも家宅捜査が入った。



 ケニアでは現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領が勝利した大統領選の結果をめぐり、破れた野党連合のライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏は大規模な不正が行われたと主張。野党支持者らが起こした抗議行動に対して取り締まりが行われるなど、混乱が続いている。

 AFPの集計によると、選挙後の混乱による死者は17人に上り、また赤十字(Red Cross)はこれまでに負傷者177人を治療したとしている。(c)AFP

家宅捜索中に負傷した幼児が死亡、警察が殴打か ケニア



2017/8/17 0:42





2017年08月19日 12:39 発信地:ナイロビ/ケニア

【8月19日 AFP】ケニアで8日に行われた大統領選で敗北した野党連合「国民スーパー連合(National Super Alliance、NASA)」は18日深夜、不正があったとして最高裁に異議を申し立て、再投票を求めた。

 現職のウフル・ケニヤッタ(Uhuru Kenyatta)大統領が得票率54%で勝利したが、NASAは「票の集計の記録から、送信、照合、結果の確認に至るまですべてのプロセスが不正だらけで、まったく意味のない結果だ」とする声明を発表した。

 野党連合の候補者だったライラ・オディンガ(Raila Odinga)氏は選挙結果を否定し、3回連続で不正によって敗北したと主張していた。最高裁の7人の判事は今後2週間、NASAの他ケニヤッタ氏の与党や独立選挙委員会の主張を検討する。(c)AFP



Kenya brings in world's toughest plastic bag ban: four years jail or $40,000 fine

Monday 28 August 2017 15.27 BST

Producing, selling and using plastic bags becomes illegal as officials say they want to target manufacturers and sellers first

Kenyans producing, selling or even using plastic bags will risk imprisonment of up to four years or fines of $40,000 (£31,000) from Monday, as the world’s toughest law aimed at reducing plastic pollution came into effect.

The east African nation joins more than 40 other countries that have banned, partly banned or taxed single use plastic bags, including China, France, Rwanda, and Italy.

Many bags drift into the ocean, strangling turtles, suffocating seabirds and filling the stomachs of dolphins and whales with waste until they die of starvation.

“If we continue like this, by 2050, we will have more plastic in the ocean than fish,” said Habib El-Habr, an expert on marine litter working with the UN environment programme in Kenya.

Plastic bags, which El-Habr says take between 500 to 1,000 years to break down, also enter the human food chain through fish and other animals. In Nairobi’s slaughterhouses, some cows destined for human consumption had 20 bags removed from their stomachs.

“This is something we didn’t get 10 years ago but now it’s almost on a daily basis,” said county vet Mbuthi Kinyanjui as he watched men in bloodied white uniforms scoop sodden plastic bags from the stomachs of cow carcasses.

Kenya’s law allows police to go after anyone even carrying a plastic bag. But Judy Wakhungu, Kenya’s environment minister, said enforcement would initially be directed at manufacturers and suppliers.

It took Kenya three attempts over 10 years to finally pass the ban, and not everyone is a fan.

Samuel Matonda, spokesman for the Kenya Association of Manufacturers, said it would cost 60,000 jobs and force 176 manufacturers to close. Kenya is a major exporter of plastic bags to the region.

“The knock-on effects will be very severe,” Matonda said. “It will even affect the women who sell vegetables in the market - how will their customers carry their shopping home?”

Big Kenyan supermarket chains like France’s Carrefour and Nakumatt have already started offering customers cloth bags as alternatives.

Kenya brings in world's toughest plastic bag ban: four years jail or $40,000 fine


Kenya plastic bag ban comes into force after years of delays

28 August 2017

A ban on plastic carrier bags has come into force in Kenya, which means that anyone found selling, manufacturing or carrying them could face fines of up to $38,000 or prison sentences of up to four years.

The government says the ban will help protect the environment.

But manufacturers of the bags have argued that 80,000 jobs could be lost.

A court on Friday rejected a challenge to the ban. Kenyans are estimated to use 24 million bags a month.

Several other African countries have outlawed plastic carrier bags, including Rwanda, Mauritania and Eritrea.

Kenya's ban is seen as one of the toughest in the world, although officials say that for now, ordinary shoppers will be warned and have their bags confiscated.

Piles of waste plastic bags are a common site across Kenya, as in many African countries.

Animals often graze on the rubbish and the United Nations' Environment Programme says huge amounts of polythene bags are pulled out of livestock in Nairobi's abattoirs - as many as 20 bags per cow - raising fears of plastic contamination in beef.

Kenya's Environment Minister Judy Wakhungu says the plastic bags take between 20 and 1,000 years to biodegrade.

"Plastic bags now constitute the biggest challenge to solid waste management in Kenya. This has become our environmental nightmare that we must defeat by all means," she told the BBC.

No arrests for offenders yet - Anne Soy, BBC Africa, Nairobi

Kenyans are slowly getting used to carrying their shopping using bags made from materials other than plastic.

At a local supermarket, I saw a man stuff a bunch of unwrapped spinach into his backpack. Other customers bought bags made from fabric for 10 Kenyan shillings (10 US cents; 7 British pence).

The $38,000 fine with the alternative of a four-year jail term has many people preferring to comply with the ban.

The National Environment Management Authority (Nema) says that enforcement officers can, for now, only confiscate plastic bags but not arrest offenders.

Reports say traders in the city's main meat market are still using plastic bags.

Others say people are using old sacks, newspapers and envelopes.

When these are not available, consumers are said to be carrying their goods with their bare hands.

Travellers coming into Kenya with duty-free plastic shop bags will be required to leave them at the airport under the new rules, Nema has said.

This is the third attempt in the past 10 years to ban plastic bags in Kenya.

The government had given a six-month window for adjustment which expired on Sunday night.

Manufacturers who use polythene to wrap products are exempted from the ban.

In its ruling last week, the High Court dismissed a case filed by two plastic bags importers urging it to drop the ban. The court ruled that environmental concerns were more important than commercial interests.

Research in Europe has shown that a paper bag must be used three times to compensate for the larger amount of carbon used in manufacturing and transporting it.

Likewise a plastic "bag for life" must be used four times, and a cotton bag must be used 131 times.

Kenya plastic bag ban comes into force after years of delays


ケニア ビニール袋の製造・使用禁止する法律施行

8月29日 5時52分





ケニア ビニール袋の製造・使用禁止する法律施行



2017年8月29日 13時54分(最終更新 8月29日 13時54分)

 [ナイロビ 28日 ロイター] - アフリカのケニアで28日、環境保護対策として、ポリ袋の製造・販売・使用を禁止する世界で最も厳しい法律の施行が開始された。




世界の雑記帳 ケニアで世界一厳しいポリ袋禁止法が施行、最大4年の禁錮刑


ケニア大統領選 最高裁が不正認め現職の再選無効と判断

9月1日 20時52分







ケニア大統領選 最高裁が不正認め現職の再選無効と判断


ケニア大統領選、60日以内に再選挙 最高裁が不正認定






ケニア大統領選、60日以内に再選挙 最高裁が不正認定


ケニア最高裁、大統領選で不正と判断 60日以内のやり直し要求

2017/9/1 19:59


ケニア最高裁、大統領選で不正と判断 60日以内のやり直し要求


大統領選「結果は無効」 最高裁 再選挙へ

2017年9月1日 19時46分(最終更新 9月1日 19時46分)






ケニア 大統領選「結果は無効」 最高裁 再選挙へ



2017年9月1日 18時23分(最終更新 9月1日 18時23分)






ケニア 製造や販売、使用…「ポリ袋」一切ダメの法律施行


Kenyans return to polls in 60 days as Supreme Court nullifies Kenyatta’s re-election

This is Africa
By Socrates Mbamalu on September 1, 2017 ― Kenya has set the path for other African countries grappling with holding free, fair and credible elections after its Supreme Court annulled the elections that re-elected President Uhuru Kenyatta. There has been a wave of hope throughout the continent with many cautiously optimistic that the courts in their various countries would replicate the actions of the Kenyan Supreme Court. Tell us your thoughts on the annulment of the Kenyan elections.

The greatness of a nation lies in its fidelity to its constitution and a strict adherence to the rule of law, and above all, the fear of God. These were the words of Kenya’s Chief Justice David Maraga the president of the Supreme Court who was part of the judges that ruled on the election petition brought before the Supreme Court.

The hearing of the petition was concluded on the 29th of August after 9pm when the judges deliberated on the election contestation. The issues raised were: whether the 2017 presidential election was conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the constitution and the law relating to elections, whether there were irregularities and illegalities. The Supreme Court bench also considered if there were irregularities and illegalities what was their impact, if any on the integrity of the election, and what consequential orders, declarations and relieves should the court grant if any. Kenya’s opposition party National Super Alliance (NASA) challenged the re-election of Uhuru Kenyatta. The hearing, which kept the country glued for two weeks was eagerly followed. The ruling on the case nullified the elections, with four of the judges voting in the majority against the remaining two judges. CJ Maraga declared, “the third respondent (Kenyatta) was not validly elected and declared as the president elect and that the declaration is declared null and void.”

Towards the elections, anxiety clouded the country and tension was heightened with the death of Christopher Chege Musando, a senior manager in information technology at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

During the reading of the ruling, CJ Maraga said “an election is not an event but it is a process from the beginning to the end.” For those that saw the nullification of the elections as a win for the main opposition leader Raila Odinga, the court rulings were more of a victory for the process of democracy. CJ Maraga further said while reading the ruling, “we were satisfied that the election was not conducted with the dictates of the constitution.”

He then ordered the IEBC to conduct a fresh presidential election in strict conformity with the constitution and the election laws within 60 days.

The decision by the court comes after international observers declared Kenya’s elections free and fair despite the outcry of opposition leader Raila Odinga. The reception of the decision by the court has rang a loud bell all over the continent where political groups in countries such as Zimbabwe, Uganda and others have contested election results in the courts.

Kenyatta said he disagreed with the ruling but will respect it. He said “I disagree with it because millions of Kenyans… made their choice and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people.” The annulment of the presidential elections is the first in Kenya and in Africa where an opposition took the ruling party to court and came out successful. The Supreme Court will publish its full ruling within 21 days.

Kenyans return to polls in 60 days as Supreme Court nullifies Kenyatta’s re-election


Kenya's Supreme Court orders rerun of disputed presidential election

By Laura Smith-Spark and Farai Sevenzo, CNN Updated 1857 GMT (0257 HKT) September 1, 2017

Nairobi (CNN) - Kenya's Supreme Court has invalidated the result of last month's contentious presidential election and ordered a new vote, the first time in Africa that a court has nullified the vote of a sitting leader.

The court upheld a petition filed by opposition candidate Raila Odinga, who claimed the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta on August 8 was fraudulent.

"The presidential election was not conducted in accordance with the constitution, rendering the declared results invalid, null and void," Chief Justice David Maraga said, ordering fresh elections within 60 days.

In a decision that surprised many observers, including Odinga and his supporters, four out of six justices agreed with opposition arguments that the electoral commission had committed irregularities that invalidated the poll. It also raised questions for international monitors, who had declared the election fair.

Odinga was jubilant as he welcomed what he called a "precedent-setting ruling" by the court.

"For the first time in the history of African democratization, a ruling has been made by a court nullifying the election of a president," he said. "This indeed is a very historic day for the people of Kenya and by extension the people of the continent of Africa."

In a televised address to the nation, Kenyatta said he disagreed with the court's ruling but would respect it.

"I disagree with it because as I've said, millions of Kenyans queued, made their choice, and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people," he said.

Kenyatta said his primary message was for all Kenyans to keep the peace. "Your neighbor will still be your neighbor regardless of whatever has happened," he said. "Regardless of their political affiliation, regardless of their religion, regardless of their color, regardless of their tribe."

Street celebrations

As news of the court's decision spread, cheers and celebrations could be heard in parts of the capital, Nairobi. In its Kibera slum, an opposition stronghold where some post-election violence erupted last month, hundreds of supporters danced and sang in the streets, some chanting "Uhuru must go!"

"It does mean a lot to me. I am sure Kenya will be at a better place, I am really happy about the decision," Roseyln Aoko told CNN.

"I am really happy about today. I have not even had lunch since I heard the results," said 36-year-old Margaret Akinyi.

But it's not yet clear if the ruling will spark public protests.

Although Kenya's 2013 election was mainly peaceful, the country plunged into widespread violence in the aftermath of the 2007 vote. More than 1,000 people were killed in months of bloodshed after Odinga -- defeated by then-President Mwai Kibaki -- claimed the vote was rigged.

After Kenyatta was declared the winner last month by 54% to 45% for Odinga, sporadic violence erupted in some areas, claiming the lives of at least 24 people nationwide.

Odinga is a longtime challenger for the presidency who has yet to claim the country's top office. Kenyatta, the 55-year-old son of the country's founding President, has already served one five-year term.

Kenyatta lawyer: 'Very political decision'

Kenyatta's lead counsel, Ahmednassir Abdulahi said in court that his client wanted to see the full judgment to understand how the alleged irregularities would "obliterate" his 1.4 million vote winning margin.

"My lord it's obvious, and I'm not afraid to say, that this is a very political decision you have made this morning but we will live with the consequences," Abdulahi said. He added that the will of the people would prevail.

Four out of six justices agreed with the opposition petition. The Supreme Court has seven members but can conduct proceedings as long as five judges are present.

The court has not yet published its full written ruling explaining why the election was invalid but has 60 days to do so.

One of the most contested aspects of the election was the apparent discrepancy between the electronic results as transmitted and the manual count.

The head of Kenya's electoral body, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, suggested that discrepancy was the basis for the court's ruling.

"The focus of the decision is in the transmission of presidential results. Therefore there were no aspersions cast on the voting and the counting of the votes," chairman Wafula Chebukati said.

Chebukati said the commission was committed to ensuring that the new election "is done in accordance with the constitution, the relevant laws" and urged the prosecution of any staffer found to have broken the law. He also said he had no plans to step down.

"The commission urges all Kenyans to remain calm and restrain themselves from any political rhetoric that may undermine the stability and cohesion of our country," he added.

In his address after the ruling, Odinga said he had "no faith" in the electoral commission. "They have committed criminal acts. Most of them actually belong in jail and therefore we are going to ask prosecution for all the electoral commission officials who have committed this monstrous crime against the people of Kenya."

Speaking later at a rally, he also condemned the international election monitors who said there had been no major issues.

"With this courageous verdict we put on trial the international observers who moved so fast to sanitize fraud. Their role must be examined as it is highly politicized and currently puts status quo and stability ahead of a credible election," he said.

Rights group Amnesty International's country director Justus Nyang'aya said the "ruling demonstrates the independence of Kenya's judiciary and sets an example for the rest of the world." He urged all parties to comply with the judgment and called on police to exercise restraint in their handling of celebrations or protests.

Election monitors

Most of the demonstrators in last month's post-election were supporters of Odinga, who had called the vote rigged. National election officials dismissed the accusations, however, saying the vote was free and credible.

More than 400 international election monitors were also deployed across the country to monitor voting, the tallying process and the post-election period.

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry, who served as an election observer for the Carter Center, said then that while there were "little aberrations here and there," the election was not rigged.

In one unexplained incident, the head of information technology for Kenya's Integrated Electoral Management System, Chris Msando, was found murdered days before the vote. His department is responsible for voter-identification and result-transmission technology.

Any unrest in Kenya could have ripple effects far beyond the nation of 47 million people.

As the largest economy in East Africa, Kenya is a crucial trade route to the continent and provides an important buffer of stability in a region that includes the fledgling Somali government and the politically tense Sudan and South Sudan.

Trading on Kenya's stock exchange, the Nairobi Securities Exchange, was briefly suspended following the ruling but has since resumed.

CNN's Farai Sevenzo reported from Nairobi and Laura Smith-Spark wrote from London. CNN's Briana Duggan and Katie Polglase contributed to this report.

Kenya's Supreme Court orders rerun of disputed presidential election


Supreme Court quashes Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election


The Supreme Court has nullified the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

A six-judge bench, by majority decision, on Friday indicted the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), saying it conducted the elections contrary to the dictates of the Constitution and poll laws.


Chief Justice David Maraga agreed together with Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu, Smokin Wanjala and Isaac Lenaola that the electoral body messed up transmission of poll results.

“A decision is hereby issued that the elections held on August 8, were not conducted in accordance with the Constitution and the applicable law. The results are therefore invalid, null and void,” Chief justice David Maraga said.

"Elections is not an event but an process. After considering the totality of the entire evidence, we are satisfied that the elections were not conducted in accordance to the dictates of the Constitution and the applicable principles."

Judges Jackton Ojwang and Njoki Ndung'u dissented while judge Mohammed Ibrahim, who fell ill on the second day of the case hearing, did not take part in the decision because he is still in hospital.


Justices Ojwang’ and Ndung'u said the petitioner, National Super Alliance (Nasa) leader Raila Odinga, had failed to prove claims that the polls were rigged in favour of Mr Kenyatta.

The two said the polls were free, fair and credible as described by international observers.

Justice Ndung’u said challenges face every election and if they occurred, they were not deliberate or in bad faith.

The top court in Kenya, in a bold move, ordered the IEBC to conduct a fresh presidential election within strict confines of the law within 60 days.

Lawyers who represented President Kenyatta and the IEBC protested the judgment and sought explanations and clarifications from the judges.

Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi, for Mr Kenyatta, faulted the court, saying it had made a political decision because no one is disputing that the voter made his decision.


According to him, Lady Justice Ndung'u upheld the wishes of Kenyans.

But Justice Maraga said, in due time, they would be able to demonstrate why they reached their decision.

Nasa lawyers, led by James Orengo, were happy with the decision and thanked the court for agreeing with them that IEBC flouted electoral laws.

“The decision is history. The first judgement in Africa that has upset a presidential election. Supreme Court has done Kenya proud and lived up to the principle and law regarding election,” he said.

“The decision by the court means well have new presidential election within 60 days. We hope this time around, they will not make the mistake of generating elections through computers.”


“What IEBC did was treasonable because they wanted to declare the presidency against the Constitution. I don't think IEBC will preside over the election.

The decision has is a big win for Mr Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka, who accused the IEBC of rigging the election in favour of Mr Kenyatta.

The two rejected the results even before they were announced on August 10, accusing the commission of imposing "computer-generated leaders" on Kenyans.

The quashing of Mr Kenyatta's victory is particularly important to Mr Odinga because it has granted his political career a lifeline.

Aged 72, Mr Odinga had promised his opposition co-principals that it was the last time he was running for State House after previous three barren attempts.


After the vederct, Mr Odinga told his supporters that their march to what he has branded "Canaan" , the famed promised land, was unstoppable.

“This is a historic day for Kenyans and Africa. For the first time in history of democratisation in Africa, ruling made to nullify a presidential eletion,” he said

‘’Our journey is unstoppable. IEBC committed criminal act and belong to jail.”

Mr Musyoka, on his part, said Friday was a historic day not just for Kenya but Africa.

“The dignity of Supreme Court has been established. I am happy to be a Kenyan today. We will have to look deeply into the conduct of IEBC. We do not have faith that they can conduct a credible election,” he said.

After issuing the verdict, Mr Maraga, who is also the president of the court, urged Kenyans to maintain peace, saying an election is a process and not an event.

He pleaded with lawyers to help the country in maintaining the peace.

Reported by John Ngirachu, Sam Kiplagat, Harry Misiko, Silas Apollo and David Mwere.

Supreme Court quashes Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election


無効 最高裁決定 60日以内に再選挙 選管に不備

会員限定有料記事 毎日新聞2017年9月2日 東京朝刊





ケニア大統領選 無効 最高裁決定 60日以内に再選挙 選管に不備


ケニア最高裁、大統領選は「無効」 野党候補の訴え認める

2017.09.02 Sat posted at 11:03 JST

(CNN) ケニア最高裁は1日、先月8日に行われた大統領選の結果を無効とする判断を示し、60日以内の再選挙実施を命じた。現職ケニヤッタ大統領の再選に不正があったとする野党候補オディンガ元首相の異議申し立てを認めた。アフリカで裁判所が現職指導者の再選を無効とする判断を示したのは初めて。











ケニア最高裁、大統領選は「無効」 野党候補の訴え認める


Kenya third country in the world and first in Africa to annul a presidential election

By Joe Ombuor
Published Sat, September 2nd 2017 at 00:15, Updated September 2nd 2017 at 10:40 GMT +3

Kenya on Friday made history in the electoral sphere as the only fourth country to have a presidential election nullified by the courts.

Other countries that have had presidential elections nullified are Austria and the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Austria is part of the European Union.

Ukraine’s Supreme Court also annulled presidential elections held in November 2004. The judges ruled that the Central Election Commission acted improperly by declaring the Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich the winner, and ordered a run-off.

In Africa, the Supreme Court ruling declaring President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election null and void was the first of its kind.

Poll tainted

The Maldives, a South Asian island nation in the Indian Ocean of less than 500,000 inhabitants had its presidential election nullified when four judges of a seven-member Supreme Court ruled that the election of September 7, 2013, was too tainted to determine the winner.

Like in the Kenyan case, international observers had given the election in the Maldives a clean bill of health. Fresh elections were held two months later where incumbent Mohamed Waheed Hassan came fourth. The winner Abdulla Yameen’s share of the vote rose from 30 per cent in the first round to 51 per cent.

In July 2016, Austria’s highest court annulled the election of President Alexander Van der Bellen of the Greens Party who had beaten his challenger, Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party by 30,863 votes, a mere one per cent. Announcing the decision, head of the constitutional court Gerhard Holzinger said: “The challenge brought by Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache against the 22 May election has been upheld.”

He added: “The decision I am announcing today has no winner and no loser, it has only one aim: to strengthen trust in the rule of law and democracy.”

President Bellen eventually won the fresh election that was also held within 60 days after beating the petitioner with a clear margin. Likewise, the decision in Kenya has neither winner nor loser, according to pundits.

Yesterday’s ruling by Chief Justice David Maraga was ice breaking in a country where elections have always been turbulent political affairs, save for that of December 2002 that saw Narc dislodge independence party Kanu from power. Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner with a landslide victory against Uhuru Kenyatta, the Kanu candidate who had been handpicked by former President Daniel arap Moi who had just retired.

The subsequent election in 2007 pushed Kenya to its nadir when President Kibaki’s disputed re-election ignited post-election violence resulting in over 1,300 deaths, most of them killed by police bullets.

Yesterday’s pace-setting ruling by the Supreme Court seemed to midwife the advent of a new Kenya as both President Kenyatta and NASA leader Raila Odinga exhorted their supporters to remain calm and observe peace ahead of a re-run in 60 days.

“It is a ruling with which I do not agree with. But I accept the court’s verdict. Let us all uphold peace and tranquillity for the sake of our great nation,” said President Kenyatta in a speech to the nation hours after the ruling.

Raila condemned the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and called for the prosecution of its commissioners.

“We have no faith at all in the electoral commission, they have committed criminal acts. Most of them actually ‘belong to jail’ and therefore we are going to ask for their prosecution,” he said.

Kenya third country in the world and first in Africa to annul a presidential election


Kenya: LSK Cautions Uhuru On Anti-Supreme Court Remarks

The Nation (Nairobi)
By Justus Ochieng’

The Law Society of Kenya has censured President Uhuru Kenyatta against attacks on the Supreme Court judges after his win was nullified.

LSK President Isaac Okero in a statement on Saturday faulted President Kenyatta for describing Chief Justice David Maraga and other judges of the court as 'wakora' (crooks or scoundrels).

President Kenyatta made the remarks during a meet the people tour at Burma market, Nairobi, on Friday moments after the Bench, headed by Mr Maraga, cancelled his victory.

Other Jubilee leaders including Garissa Township MP Aden Duale and Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen also accused the judges of delivering the wrong judgment.


Mr Okero said: "Ominously declaring that they (judges) should wait for him (President Kenyatta) after he is successful in the coming fresh election is unfortunate and wholly inappropriate remark from the Head of State who under the constitution is a symbol of national unity, enjoys immunity from criminal and civil proceedings and must promote and enhance the unity of the nation."

He said Mr Kenyatta ought to safeguard the rights of judges and the Judiciary's autonomy.


Mr Okero also said that the President has a right to express his opinion, but he should do so appropriately.

"This obligation extends to respecting, upholding and safeguarding the rights of the Chief Justice and each of the judges of the Supreme Court of Kenya under Article 28 to have their inherent dignity respected and protected and to the fundamental freedom under Article 25 from degrading treatment.

"Those remarks violate this obligation and are condemned unreservedly by the Law Society of Kenya," he added.


The LSK boss said the court performed its constitutional duty and warned other leaders against threatening judges.

The Supreme Court, which is head by Mr Maraga, revoked President Kenyatta's re-election due to irregularities committed by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

Kenya: LSK Cautions Uhuru On Anti-Supreme Court Remarks


世界陸上、短距離スター続出だが… マラソン低迷なぜ続く? 駅伝で満足、スピード強化が不可欠

2017年9月4日 東京夕刊





 1984年のロサンゼルス五輪女子マラソン代表で、スポーツジャーナリストの増田明美さんは「『考えるマラソン』が欠けている」と話す。どういうこと? 「今回の世界選手権もそうですが、外国の有力選手についていくレース展開ばかりです。突然スピードアップされると変化についていけない。自分主導でコントロールできないとトップは目指せません」。五輪で金メダルを獲得した高橋尚子さん(00年シドニー)や野口さんは、豊富な練習量に裏付けられた、自ら仕掛ける「考えるレース」ができたというのだ。










特集ワイド:世界陸上、短距離スター続出だが… マラソン低迷なぜ続く? 駅伝で満足、スピード強化が不可欠


ケニア大統領選、10月17日に再選挙 選挙の不正で

2017/9/5 9:40


ケニア大統領選、10月17日に再選挙 選挙の不正で


ケニア大統領選、来月17日に再実施 最高裁の無効判断受け

2017.09.05 Tue posted at 15:51 JST

(CNN) ケニアで先月実施された大統領選の結果が無効とされたことを受け、選挙管理委員会は5日までに、再選挙が来月17日に実施されることになったと明らかにした。





ケニア大統領選、来月17日に再実施 最高裁の無効判断受け


Kenya Airways Gets Permit For Direct U.S. Flights

Business Daily (Nairobi)

The United States government has granted Kenya Airways a permit to operate direct flights to America.

According to an order issued by the Department of Transportation, the permit became effective on September 5.

The Department of Transportation had in June recommended that KQ, as the airline is commonly known, be granted the permit if there were no public objections.

The President of the United States was also given a 61-day window to disapprove the permit, if he so wished. No objection had been given by the time the window expired on September 05.

The Department of Transportation now says that it has given KQ a foreign air carrier permit "to engage in: Scheduled and charter foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail from any point or points behind Kenya, via any point or points in Kenya and any intermediate points, to any point or points in the United States and beyond".

Category One status

Kenya was in February granted Category One status as officials from America's Federal Aviation Administration gave approval for non-stop direct flights between the two countries.

This set the stage for Kenya Airways and the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to begin going through the final regulatory hurdles before the take-off of the first flight from Nairobi to the United States.

In June, Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia said that officials from the United States would come to Kenya in October to carry out the final audit of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Kenya Airways Gets Permit For Direct U.S. Flights



The Page
2017.09.11 17:40


 しかし、その状況下、ある分野においては一筋の明るい光も垣間見ることができます。アフリカがアフリカらしく経済発展を遂げるために、他国が注目べきアフリカの底力とはどのようなものなのでしょうか? 京都大学大学院および神戸大学大学院教授 高橋基樹さんが解説します。


























(京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 兼 神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科 教授 高橋基樹)専門は、アフリカ地域研究、開発経済学。主な著書に『開発と国家−アフリカ政治経済論序説−』(勁草書房)、『現代アフリカ経済論』(共編著、ミネルヴァ書房)など



高校寮に放火し9人死亡 14歳少女を訴追 ケニア






高校寮に放火し9人死亡 14歳少女を訴追 ケニア


アフリカゾウの生態が昼夜逆転、密猟回避で 研究

AFP BB News 2017年9月14日 10:50 発信地:パリ/フランス

【9月14日 AFP】アフリカ東部に生息するゾウは密猟者から逃れるために、まるで脱獄囚のように夜間に移動し、日中は身を潜めていることを学習しているとの研究結果が13日、発表された。象牙を目的とする密猟により、アフリカゾウは絶滅の危機に追いやられているという。



 オランダ・トゥウェンテ大学(University of Twente)の研究者、フェスタス・イホワギ(Festus Ihwagi)氏は「密猟の大半は昼間に行われるため、ゾウの夜行性行動への移行は、現行の密猟レベルの直接的な結果だと思われる」と説明する。

 生態学誌「Journal of Ecological Indicators」1月号に発表予定のイホワギ氏の研究は、ケニア北部に生息するゾウ60頭から収集したデータに基づくものだ。ゾウはGPS(全地球測位システム)機器を用いて、最大3年間にわたり追跡調査した。

 調査は、ゾウ100頭以上にGPS首輪を取り付けている保護団体セーブ・ジ・エレファンツ(Save the Elephants)と協力して2002〜2012年の間に行われ、ケニア北部のライキピア(Laikipia)やサンブル(Samburu)およびその周辺地域における雌28頭、雄32頭の行動を観察した。



 1つは、日中と夜間の移動距離を測定・比較したデータで、もう1つは、セーブ・ジ・エレファンツによるゾウ密猟に関するデータベース「Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants、MIKE」から抽出した、密猟がおおよそ活発に行われている区域と時間帯を特定したデータだ。








 象牙製品は伝統薬やステータスシンボルとして用いられ、主にアジア市場での需要が高い。この需要を満たすために毎年3万頭前後のゾウが違法に殺され続けている。(c)AFP/Marlowe HOOD

アフリカゾウの生態が昼夜逆転、密猟回避で 研究



2017/9/17 23:16
日本経済新聞 電子版






じげん、アフリカ向け中古車販売サイト ケニアで自動車ローンも


ケニア 大統領選無効 選管集計に問題…最高裁が説明

2017年9月21日 20時53分(最終更新 9月21日 20時53分)


ケニア 大統領選無効 選管集計に問題…最高裁が説明


ケニア大統領、「最高裁がクーデター」 再選無効の判断を非難

2017.09.22 Fri posted at 17:09 JST

ケニア・ナイロビ(CNN) ケニアのケニヤッタ大統領は21日、先月8日の大統領選を無効とした最高裁の判断を「クーデター」だと非難した。









ケニア大統領、「最高裁がクーデター」 再選無効の判断を非難



2017年9月24日 東京朝刊























ケニアの自然保護区で発見! 色白すぎるキリンの親子が現れた!


な、なんじゃこりゃ? ケニア東部で世にも珍しい白いキリンの親子が撮影された。これまで目撃例は極めて少なく、その白く凜(りん)とした姿は神々しいと話題に。だけどいったいナゼこの色に?







(写真/Hirola Conservation/Caters News/アフロ)

ケニアの自然保護区で発見! 色白すぎるキリンの親子が現れた!



2017/10/11 10:23




ケニア大統領の再選挙、野党候補が不出馬表明 「公正な選挙」望めず


ケニア大統領選 野党候補が不参加表明、収拾困難に

2017年10月11日 11時59分(最終更新 10月11日 11時59分)




ケニア大統領選 野党候補が不参加表明、収拾困難に


African debt worries intensify as levels near tipping point
Concerns grow that some African nations have taken to private debt markets too eagerly

The Financial Times
OCTOBER 20, 2017 by David Pilling in London

A “secular increase” in African public debt has brought several governments towards a debt-servicing threshold beyond which they should not borrow, said Patrick Njoroge, governor of the central bank of Kenya.

While Mr Njoroge said that while debt levels, including in Kenya, were sustainable, he feared “shocks that could push us over”. Taking on debt was a “temporary manoeuvre”, he said in an interview with the Financial Times. “We cannot continue with this financing model.”

Citing what he said was an extremely risky international environment ― including threats to market access to post-Brexit Britain and Donald Trump’s America as well as currency and interest-rate movements ― the governor said African governments should look for alternative sources of financing. He mentioned public-private partnerships and build-operate-transfer deals as preferable to continued borrowing.

Mr Njoroge’s warning reflects steadily building concerns that some African governments ― beneficiaries of big debt write-offs at the start of the century ― have taken to private debt markets too eagerly, leaving them with heavy repayment schedules at a time of lower commodity prices. In some cases, debt-service worries have been exacerbated by weakening currencies, increasing payments in dollar-denominated loans.

Between 2010 and 2015, countries including Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia raised commercial debt totalling more than $20bn, economists said. Back then, said Mr Njoroge, with commodity prices soaring and foreign money available for “zilch”, the consensus was to load up on commercial debt.

Until recently, the IMF has played down African debt concerns, pointing to better management of public resources and greater transparency. But its confidence has faltered as debt continues to inch up. It may also have been shaken by Mozambique’s default on more than $2bn of secret loans used to purchase a non-existent tuna-fishing fleet, raising fears of hidden debt in other African countries with opaque decision-making processes.

Last week, during the annual IMF meetings in Washington, Abebe Selassie, director for Africa, warned that the median level of debt in sub-Saharan Africa had risen sharply from 34 per cent of gross domestic product in 2013 to 48 per cent. Most of the “pronounced increase” in debt had happened in oil-exporting counties following a deterioration in their economic conditions, he said.

Several countries, including Ethiopia, Ghana and Zambia, have debt levels at or above 50 per cent of GDP. Although that is fairly low by international standards, analysts said debt burdens were heavier than they appeared because of most African countries’ low tax base.

“The real thing to look for is debt to revenue, or debt-service as a percentage of government spending,” said John Ashbourne, Africa Economist at Capital Economics. In several countries, he said, debt payments were above 20 per cent of government revenue. “Although that’s affordable, it’s crowding out spending,” he said, referring to public investment.

Ghana, which in 2007 became one of the first African countries to raise international money, saw its debt rise to 73 per cent of GDP last year. In an interview in Washington, Ken Ofori-Atta, the finance minister, said this had now come down to 68 per cent thanks to fast growth in the first half. Mr Ofori-Atta said the new government, elected last December, had been faced with a worse public finance position than it had expected, although he thought prudent management and higher oil production meant it could avoid a “debt crunch”.

Nigeria, where non-oil state revenue is minimal, has a very low debt-to-GDP ratio of below 15 per cent, but has seen debt-service payments soar to nearly 40 per cent of federal government revenue this year. “That’s a truly awful number,” said Mr Ashbourne, although he thought that Abuja would avoid a crisis.

Nigeria has been seeking to cut its debt-service bill by converting mainly local debt into cheaper foreign borrowing. This year it has tapped international markets for $1.5bn ― paying below 8 per cent for 15-year debt ― and is seeking to borrow as much as $5.5bn more in the rest of the year.

Paul Collier, professor of economics at Oxford university, said it was important to distinguish between governments that had borrowed to fund capital investment and those that had gone into debt to plug recurring expenditure. Although he did not name particular countries, analysts say Ghana and Zambia borrowed to fund civil servants’ pay while Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda raised debt to pay for infrastructure of varying quality.

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