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アフリカ Africa 2012年2月


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ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya 大統領選挙と騒乱
アルジェリア民主人民共和国アンゴラ共和国ウガンダ共和国エジプト・アラブ共和国エチオピア連邦民主共和国エリトリア国ガーナ共和国カーボヴェルデ共和国ガボン共和国カメルーン共和国ガンビア共和国ギニア共和国ギニアビサウ共和国ケニア共和国コートジボワール共和国コモロ連合コンゴ共和国コンゴ民主共和国サハラ・アラブ民主共和国サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国ザンビア共和国シエラレオネ共和国ジンバブエ共和国スーダン共和国スペイン領カナリア諸島スワジランド王国セーシェル共和国赤道ギニア共和国セネガル共和国ソマリア民主共和国タンザニア連合共和国チャド共和国チュニジア共和国中央アフリカ共和国トーゴ共和国ナイジェリア連邦共和国ナミビア共和国ニジェール共和国ブルキナファソブルンジ共和国ベナン共和国ボツワナ共和国マダガスカル共和国マラウイ共和国マリ共和国南アフリカ共和国南スーダン共和国モーリシャス共和国モーリタニア・イスラム共和国モザンビーク共和国モロッコ王国リビア(旧 大リビア・アラブ社会主義人民ジャマーヒリーヤ国)リベリア共和国ルワンダ共和国レソト王国


◆2012/02/01 AFP BB News ジンバブエの国境検問所で大暴れ、旅行者を恐怖に陥れるギャングたち
◆2012/02/01 SOCCER KING 長友所属のインテル、モッタとムンタリの放出を発表
◆2012/02/01 アフリカビジネスニュース 2011年、経済成長TOPはアフリカ
◆2012/02/01 cri 国連、アフリカにエネルギー政策樹立を呼びかけ
◆2012/02/01 TSP SPORTS ガボン 3連勝で首位通過
◆2012/02/01 AFP BB News ガボンが3連勝でグループC首位突破
◆2012/02/01 goal.com シティの現状が歯がゆいY・トゥーレ
◆2012/02/01 Nigerian Tribune Subsidy: People with disability to get 74,000 jobs -FG
◆2012/02/01 AFP BB News ベドウィンが中国人技術者25人を拉致、エジプト
◆2012/02/01 nikkei.com エジプトで中国人労働者20人余り拉致 武装勢力か
◆2012/02/01 nikkei.com 拉致された中国人、25人が解放 エジプト
◆2012/02/01 New Vision He is an ear to Ntinda's deaf children
◆2012/02/01 nikkei.com リビアの外貨資産7兆5000億円 戦後復興に活用
◆2012/02/01 nikkei.com 仏軍艦艇がリビア首都に入港 掃海訓練、再軍備も支援
◆2012/02/01 nikkei.com アフリカで中国人労働者拉致相次ぐ
◆2012/02/01 外務省 大統領選挙を前にしたセネガル情勢について(外務報道官談話)
◆2012/02/01 毎日新聞 セネガル:各地で衝突 歌手の大統領選出馬却下で
◆2012/02/02 jp.reuters.com エジプトのサッカー場で73人死亡、サポーターらが衝突
◆2012/02/02 SOCCER KING エジプトサッカー史上最悪の惨事…試合後にサポーターが衝突、70名以上が死亡
◆2012/02/02 yomiuri.co.jp これは戦争だ…サッカー試合で暴動、74人死亡
◆2012/02/02 asahi.com サッカーの試合後に暴動、74人死亡 エジプト
◆2012/02/02 nikkei.com サッカー場暴動で73人死亡 エジプト、最悪の惨事に
◆2012/02/02 nikkei.com エジプトのサッカー場暴動、死者74人に
◆2012/02/02 nikkei.com エジプトの実業家が訪朝
◆2012/02/02 cnn.co.jp サッカー試合の暴動で74人死亡、負傷者は千人に エジプト
◆2012/02/02 毎日新聞 エジプト:サッカーファン暴動、74人死亡
◆2012/02/02 AFP BB News アフリカ初のタブレット型端末、海外展開も コンゴ共和国
◆2012/02/02 SOCCER KING 無敗のガーナとマリが決勝トーナメント進出/アフリカ杯
◆2012/02/02 AllAfrica.com Ghana: Energy Ministry Presents Solar Scooters to Persons With Disability
◆2012/02/02 Emirates 247 Woman, 45, raped mentally and physically disabled boy, 13
◆2012/02/02 Morningstar <EMeye>南アフリカ、「アフリカ一のツイッター大国」に輝く
◆2012/02/02 外務省 山根外務副大臣のアルジェリア訪問(概要)
◆2012/02/02 nikkei.com 中国、リビアに官民視察団 復興への関与めざす
◆2012/02/03 InfoComニューズレター アフリカでソーシャルメディアはどのくらい普及しているのか
◆2012/02/03 外務省 モザンビークにおけるサイクロン及び洪水被害に対する緊急援助
◆2012/02/03 JICA モザンビーク共和国におけるサイクロン被害及び洪水被害に対する国際緊急援助(物資供与)
◆2012/02/03 外務省 ブルキナファソに対する無償資金協力(食糧援助)に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/03 カナロコ タンザニア大使が林市長を訪問、TICADを機に交流推進/横浜
◆2012/02/03 cnn.co.jp サッカー場暴動の死者79人に、首都でも衝突で900人負傷 エジプト
◆2012/02/03 asahi.com エジプト反軍政デモで3人死亡 早期退陣要求強まる
◆2012/02/04 Nigerian Observer 18 Visually Impaired Persons Get Succour
◆2012/02/04 Gigazine ケニアでAndroid搭載スマートフォン「IDEOS」を約6150円で手に入れました
◆2012/02/04 cnn.co.jp エジプトで反軍政デモが激化、負傷者は2000人以上
◆2012/02/04 asahi.com エジプト反軍政デモの死者5人に 負傷者1600人以上
◆2012/02/04 asahi.com エジプト反軍政デモ全土に 武装集団の警察襲撃相次ぐ
◆2012/02/04 毎日新聞 エジプト:各地でデモ、4人死亡 サッカー場で死者、警備に批判
◆2012/02/04 asahi.com スーダン大統領、南スーダンとの戦争「ありうる」
◆2012/02/05 SOCCER KING コートジボワールが赤道ギニアを下し準決勝進出/アフリカ杯
◆2012/02/05 New Vision Man United initiative raises sh20m for charity
◆2012/02/05 Vibe Ghana Disabled students want LI to enforce Disability ACT
◆2012/02/05 Business Intelligence Middle East Connecting Africa: The next 10 years of mobile growth
◆2012/02/05 asahi.com エジプト、デモ弾圧強化 治安部隊が発砲、負傷者が急増
◆2012/02/05 asahi.com エジプト、治安部隊と衝突 デモ主導者が重傷
◆2012/02/05 asahi.com 南スーダンで無差別発砲、37人死亡 PKO要員もけが
◆2012/02/05 毎日新聞 NEWS25時:ソマリア 飢饉の終息を宣言
◆2012/02/06 SOCCER KING ガーナとマリが熱戦を制してベスト4に進出/アフリカ杯
◆2012/02/06 AllAfrica.com Eritrea: Endeavors to Ensure Equal Opportunity for Hearing-Impaired Nationals Register Encouraging Outcome
◆2012/02/06 Angola Press Lwini Fund official happy with show put up by Chinese disabled artists
◆2012/02/06 all Africa Namibia: Education Should Embrace ICT
◆2012/02/06 Total telecom African mobile market threatened by uncertain investment environment
◆2012/02/06 nikkei.com 丸紅、アンゴラで製糖・バイオ燃料工場受注
◆2012/02/06 cnn.co.jp カダフィ大佐の次男、近く裁判開廷へ リビア内相
◆2012/02/06 毎日新聞 クローズアップ2012:対シリア決議案否決 中露、欧米に不信 リビア「後遺症」重く
◆2012/02/06 yomiuri.co.jp 米高官の息子も訴追…エジプト、違法資金受領で
◆2012/02/06 nikkei.com エジプト前大統領、刑務所病院へ デモ沈静化狙う
◆2012/02/06 nikkei.com 米国人NGO関係者ら43人訴追 エジプト、違法資金受領で
◆2012/02/06 nikkei.com デモ隊と衝突、民主化指導者が重傷 エジプト
◆2012/02/06 nikkei.com セネガル、大統領選めぐり衝突相次ぐ
◆2012/02/06 毎日新聞 チュニジア:シリア大使を追放
◆2012/02/07 South Africa.info Oscar wins Laureus Disability Award
◆2012/02/07 National Geographic Talking with Texts: How Cellphones Empower Deaf Children in Uganda
◆2012/02/07 Capital FM News Uproar as TJRC hearings abort in Nairobi
◆2012/02/07 Telecompaper NEPAD gets grant for ICT infrastructure project
◆2012/02/07 Oye! Times South Sudan, India Signs Pan African E-Network Project MoU
◆2012/02/07 マイナビニュース 子供1人1台にコンピュータを - タブレットも開発するOLPCプロジェクト
◆2012/02/07 South Africa.info Oscar wins Laureus Disability Award
◆2012/02/07 nikkei.com 中国人労働者、遺体で発見 スーダンで1月末に拉致
◆2012/02/08 AFP BB News ナイジェリア北部の鉛汚染は近現代で最悪、死者400人 人権団体
◆2012/02/08 WirelessWire News 2012年末にアフリカの携帯契約数は735百万に
◆2012/02/08 National Geographic News 最古の動物か? ナミビアで化石発見
◆2012/02/08 Daily Nation Kenya: My Journey Back Home After 10 Years As a Missing Child
◆2012/02/08 itweb 80 African schools to get digital hubs
◆2012/02/08 Sierra Express Media Computer jackpot for Sierra Leone
◆2012/02/08 毎日新聞 マリ:遊牧民が独立闘争 アルカイダ系支援、リビア元民兵合流
◆2012/02/09 外務省 山根外務副大臣会見記録(アフリカ・中東訪問,米国防授権法に関する第2回日米実務者協議)
◆2012/02/09 外務省 セズィベラ東アフリカ共同体(EAC)事務局長による山根副大臣表敬
◆2012/02/09 MSN産経ニュース 数百万人に飢餓の恐れ 南スーダンで国連調査
◆2012/02/09 SOCCER KING 決勝はコートジボワール対ザンビア…W杯8強のガーナは敗退/アフリカ杯
◆2012/02/09 AFP BB News コートジボワールとザンビアが決勝へ、アフリカネイションズカップ
◆2012/02/09 InfoComニューズレター ガーナ:新産業として注目されるICTとBPO〜世界銀行の取組み
◆2012/02/09 アフリカビジネスニュース アフリカの鉱山資源と日本の知的資源のwin-win活用
◆2012/02/09 AllAfrica.com ガンビアの盲学校の自分も盲の教員、経験を語る
◆2012/02/09 goal.com ケイタ、リヴァプール移籍を希望?
◆2012/02/09 cri エジプト NGOメンバーの違法資金受領を主張
◆2012/02/09 外務省 第8回日本・チュニジア合同委員会の開催
◆2012/02/09 神戸経済新聞 神戸で「探究実践演習」−アフリカ8カ国の政府高官ら受け入れ
◆2012/02/09 情報通信総合研究所 「アフリカの奇跡」ルワンダ:IT立国を目指して〜世界銀行の「eRwanda」プロジェクト
◆2012/02/09 NNA.ASIA 携帯バルティ、10〜12月期は2割減益[IT]
◆2012/02/09 Women in Technology Tech firm supports ICT hub in Africa
◆2012/02/09 nikkei.com 日本とトルコ、中東・アフリカ援助で連携
◆2012/02/09 毎日新聞 ケニア:マータイさん祖国、進む森林破壊 先住民の村被害、10万ヘクタール消失 伐採・開発、水源枯渇懸念も
◆2012/02/10 AFP BB News ザンビア代表、19年前の飛行機事故の犠牲者を追悼
◆2012/02/10 Medical Tribune 小児の重症肺炎への亜鉛補充で死亡が減少
◆2012/02/10 goal.com ジェルビーニョのアフリカ制覇を願うヴェンゲル
◆2012/02/10 市ケ谷経済新聞 アフリカの恋愛事情とは?−神楽坂のアフリカ料理店でチャリティーイベント
◆2012/02/10 外務省 タンザニアにおけるカナダ政府主催民軍協力コースへの講師派遣
◆2012/02/10 all Africa South Africa: ICT Skills Development Gets Private Sector Boost
◆2012/02/10 cnn.co.jp 南アに新天地を求めるギリシャの人々
◆2012/02/10 yomiuri.co.jp 南スーダン事業、丸紅受注
◆2012/02/11 時事ドットコム 前政権崩壊1年でゼネスト=世論分裂、不参加目立つ−エジプト
◆2012/02/11 asahi.com エジプト・シナイ半島で観光客の拉致相次ぐ
◆2012/02/11 読売新聞 若者グループが不服従運動…エジプト
◆2012/02/11 nikkei.com エジプト、軍なお実権 ムバラク政権崩壊1年
◆2012/02/11 AFP BB News スーダンと南スーダンが不可侵条約締結
◆2012/02/11 GIGAZINE マラウイはブラックマーケット、ガソリン不足、インフレーションと経済が混乱中でジンバブエ化の気配も
◆2012/02/11 Record China 高収入・安定した職を求めて…中国の農村から大量の労働者が海外に−仏メディア
◆2012/02/11 nikkei.com プラチナ、3カ月ぶり高値 南ア鉱山ストで供給不安
◆2012/02/13 nikkei.com 南ア、紙幣にマンデラ氏の肖像 年内に導入
◆2012/02/12 時事ドットコム 拉致の韓国人ら解放=エジプト
◆2012/02/12 AFP BB News マリが3位決定戦でガーナ下す、アフリカネイションズカップ
◆2012/02/12 SOCCER KING マリがガーナに完封勝ち…アフリカ・ネイションズカップ3位に輝く
◆2012/02/12 Goal.com セネガル代表監督に興味を示すメツ
◆2012/02/12 アフリカビジネスニュース 牛丼のすき家がミルクで東アフリカ援助
◆2012/02/12 cnn.co.jp 過激派「シャバブ」がアルカイダへの合流宣言 ソマリア
◆2012/02/13 時事ドットコム ザンビアが初優勝=コートジボワール破る−サッカー・アフリカ選手権
◆2012/02/13 AFP BB News ザンビアがPK戦制し初優勝、アフリカネイションズカップ
◆2012/02/13 Tennis-Navi 16歳のダニエル可奈、予選決勝で敗退/モロッコ2万5千ドル大会
◆2012/02/13 ベライゾン ビジネス ベライゾン、アフリカおよび中東でグローバルなエンタープライズ向けネットワークプラットフォームを拡大
◆2012/02/13 The New Times Rwanda: Disabled Ex-Combatants Get Artificial Limbs
◆2012/02/13 Nigerian Tribune Enugu approves N195m for renovation of schools
◆2012/02/13 AFP BB News シリア反体制派全面支援、国連との合同平和維持部隊編成で合意、アラブ連盟
◆2012/02/13 外務省 アリ・モザンビーク共和国首相の来日
◆2012/02/13 外務省 ギニアビサウ共和国に対する無償資金協力「ビサウ市小学校建設計画」に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/13 外務省 エジプトに対するノン・プロジェクト無償資金協力に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/14 Travel Vision ケニア航空、燃油サーチャージを5ドル値上げ−2月15日から
◆2012/02/14 アフリカビジネスニュース  ガーナ女性の収入増に貢献した作物とは?
◆2012/02/14 jp.wsj.com フランステレコム、エジプト合弁の株式大半を取得へ
◆2012/02/14 毎日新聞 エジプト:ムバラク政権崩壊1年 景気低迷、安定は遠く
◆2012/02/14 Ezega.com Public Still Unhappy About Poor, Expensive ICT Services
◆2012/02/14 all Africa East Africa Seeks to Curb Cybercrime in Financial Sector
◆2012/02/14 Vanguard Where are we with NEPAD’s e-schools?
◆2012/02/14 Leadership Why ICT Companies Should Invest In Human Capital Devt
◆2012/02/15 Vibe Ghana Visually impaired must register to vote
◆2012/02/15 Travel Vision エティハド航空、ナイジェリアのラゴスに就航へ、A330で週6便
◆2012/02/15 アフリカビジネスニュース アフリカのバレンタインデーの過ごし方
◆2012/02/15 LNEWS 郵船ロジスティクス/北アフリカ向け混載サービス発売
◆2012/02/15 外務省 第8回日本・チュニジア合同委員会(概要)
◆2012/02/15 TECHZiM  The ICT for Education Summit presentations
◆2012/02/15 AllAfrica  Africa: Social Media Updates
◆2012/02/15 nikkei.com [FT]ナイジェリア、好調な経済に治安悪化で暗雲
◆2012/02/15 nikkei.com スーダン軍、南スーダンの国境付近空爆か
◆2012/02/15 nikkei.com エジプト大統領選、5月下旬に
◆2012/02/15 毎日新聞 南アフリカ:マンデラ氏、紙幣に
◆2012/02/16 Sudan Vision Sudanese National Association for `the Blind and SNRCB Workshop:
◆2012/02/16 National Geographic News 絶滅の危機、新種ミニカメレオン
◆2012/02/16 National Geographic News 世界最小の爬虫類、新種ミニカメレオン
◆2012/02/16 時事ドットコム モザンビークと資源で協力=経産省
◆2012/02/16 産経新聞 モザンビークと資源開発協力で覚書き
◆2012/02/16 nikkei.com モザンビークと資源開発協力 両国が覚書調印
◆2012/02/16 usfl.com 刑務所襲撃、118人脱走 ナイジェリアで武装集団
◆2012/02/16 アフリカビジネスニュース ケニアに観光リゾート地の建設計画
◆2012/02/16 Market Hack 中国のエネルギー戦略の要となっているアンゴラ
◆2012/02/16 外務省 浜田外務大臣政務官とベン・アベス・チュニジア共和国外務大臣付国務長官との会談
◆2012/02/16 情報通信総合研究所 エスニックMVNOの市場規模
◆2012/02/16 Aol Music. 50セント、飢餓に苦しむソマリアとケニアを支援
◆2012/02/16 毎日新聞 リビア:騒乱1年 新体制移行、進まず 治安に懸念、南部で衝突も
◆2012/02/17 SOCCER KING ザンビアが初のアフリカ王者に輝く…コートジボワールとのPK戦を制す
◆2012/02/17 AFP BB News 武装集団が刑務所襲撃、119人脱走 ナイジェリア
◆2012/02/17 nikkei.com ナイジェリアで武装集団が刑務所襲撃 118人脱走
◆2012/02/17 asahi.com 旅客機に「下着爆弾」、被告に終身刑 米連邦地裁
◆2012/02/17 読売新聞 米機テロ未遂、ナイジェリア人の男に終身刑
◆2012/02/17 日経ビジネスオンライン 批准はわずか2カ国、名古屋議定書は発効するか
◆2012/02/17 AFP BB News アラスカの超軽量渡り鳥、アフリカまで往復飛行していた カナダ大研究
◆2012/02/17 塾ニュース 子供1人にコンピュータ1台を。次はタブレット
◆2012/02/17 AllAfrica.com Ghana: Electoral Commission Ready to Register Disabled With Biometric Machines
◆2012/02/17 外務省 ギニアビサウにおける大統領選挙に対する緊急無償資金協力
◆2012/02/17 FlyTeam ニュース ケニア航空、スカイチーム特別塗装機を就航-「5Y-KQH」
◆2012/02/17 yomiuri.co.jp 飢餓救う食事管理アプリ
◆2012/02/17 New Vision School of deaf top girl wants to be a lawyer
◆2012/02/17 Nairobi Star Kenya: Disabled Council Boss Nyagudi Wants Fresh Census for Members
◆2012/02/17 楽天woman パク・シネ、アラブ圏からのバースデーメッセージに感動
◆2012/02/17 毎日新聞 マータイさんの日:3月3日、環境保護意識を アフリカ連合が制定、「賞」も創設
◆2012/02/17 毎日新聞 MOTTAINAI:ケニア山麓、ゾウの食害絶えず 「深い森」再生へ始動 マータイさんの知恵生かして
◆2012/02/18 AJF 熊谷晋一郎著『リハビリの夜』を近くの図書館に入れよう!
◆2012/02/18 asahi.com 「外国人への敵意ない」南スーダンPKO派遣の陸自1佐
◆2012/02/18 毎日新聞 米旅客機テロ未遂:爆破未遂、被告に終身刑−−連邦地裁判決
◆2012/02/19 cnn.co.jp イラン軍艦、スエズ運河を通過し地中海へ 革命以来2度目
◆2012/02/20 AFP BB News ウガンダの子供たちを襲う謎の奇病「うなずき病」、原因も治療法も不明
◆2012/02/20 AllAfrica.com Ghana: Deaf Condemn Exclusion From State of the Nation Address
◆2012/02/20 外務省 トーゴに対する環境・気候変動対策無償資金協力「マリタイム及びサバネス地域村落給水計画」に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/20 BIZCOMMUNITY.COM Mobile in Africa: Insights from Research ICT
◆2012/02/20 アフリカビジネスニュース  Orange全ての携帯からFacebookへ接続可能に。アフリカ
◆2012/02/20 New Vision Deaf and dumb girl abandoned in hospital
◆2012/02/20 産経新聞 南スーダンで蠢くチャイナマネー
◆2012/02/20 nikkei.com 陸自主力部隊、南スーダン首都に到着
◆2012/02/20 asahi.com PKO主力部隊、南スーダン到着 宿営地建設を本格化
◆2012/02/20 毎日新聞 南スーダンPKO:陸自先遣隊、敵は気温40度 「ちゃぶ台返し」で発散
◆2012/02/20 毎日新聞 南スーダンPKO:陸自主力隊きょう現地入り 「国造り」を支援 JICA・NGOと連携、現地に調整所
◆2012/02/20 AJF カメルーン北部でゾウの大量殺害 少なくとも200頭が犠牲に
◆2012/02/20 nikkei.com エジプトも駐シリア大使召還
◆2012/02/20 asahi.com イラン海軍艦艇、スエズ運河通過 シリアに入港
◆2012/02/20 毎日新聞 エジプト:駐シリア大使を召還
◆2012/02/20 毎日新聞 イラン:軍艦、スエズ再通過 シリア入港 アサド政権支持、明示
◆2012/02/20 毎日新聞 セネガル:反大統領デモ拡大 治安部隊と衝突
◆2012/02/21 SOCCER KING 初優勝のザンビアからFWカトンゴがMVPに選出/アフリカ杯
◆2012/02/21 外務省 日・モザンビーク首脳会談
◆2012/02/21 外務省 玄葉外務大臣主催アリ・モザンビーク首相歓迎夕食会
◆2012/02/21 外務省 モザンビークに対する無償資金協力「マプト魚市場建設計画」に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/21 AJF食料安全保障研究会セミナー ジェンダー視点からみた食料安全保障〜南アフリカの農村のケース〜@環境パートナーシッププラザ 東京
◆2012/02/21 mybroadband Cheap broadband for everyone (promises, promises…)
◆2012/02/21 PC ADVISOR West Africa faces increase in e-waste, UN says
◆2012/02/21 Nairobi Star Kenya: Thika Man Lynched for Killing His Wife
◆2012/02/21 asahi.com 国連派遣団の隊員52人拘束 スーダンの反体制派
◆2012/02/21 nikkei.com 銃撃戦で武装勢力8人殺害 ナイジェリア
◆2012/02/21 nikkei.com リビアで初の自由選挙 西部で市議会選
◆2012/02/21 cnn.co.jp 1カ月でゾウ300頭犠牲、象牙密輸で武器調達 カメルーン
◆2012/02/21 asahi.com 南スーダンPKO指揮官を電話で激励 田中防衛相
◆2012/02/22 AllAfrica.com Sierra Leone: Disabled Urged to Quit Violence
◆2012/02/22 外務省 山根外務副大臣の英国主催ソマリア首脳級会合出席について
◆2012/02/22 Techinsight 【アフリカ発!Breaking News】フェイスブックで女性を中傷した少年、有罪で鞭打ち2回の刑。(ジンバブエ)
◆2012/02/22 Angola Press Family minister concerned about disabled, beggar women
◆2012/02/22 nikkei.com [FT]南スーダンが試す中国外交の原則(社説)
◆2012/02/23 AllAfrica.com South Sudan: 'Economic Empowerment for War Disabled Is Our Target', Deng Dau
◆2012/02/23 AllAfrica.com Namibia: Emotions Simmer at Disability Council
◆2012/02/23 外務省 ナイジェリアに対する環境・気候変動対策無償資金協力「地方給水改善計画」に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/23 THE NATION]  ICT park to save Nigeria $5billion
◆2012/02/23 毎日新聞 ナイジェリア:テロ激化 イスラム過激派、キリスト教狙う
◆2012/02/23 外務省 ウガンダに対する紛争予防・平和構築無償「ウガンダ北部アチョリ地域国内避難民帰還・再定住促進のためのコミュニティ再建計画」に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/23 cnn.co.jp ホテルで捨てられる石けんを途上国の子どもたちに
◆2012/02/23 Sokwanele (Zimbabwe) The plight of the disabled vendor
◆2012/02/23 nikkei.com エジプト前大統領、6月に判決
◆2012/02/23 nikkei.com 中国の吉利汽車、エジプトで小型セダン生産
◆2012/02/23 asahi.com カイロの地下鉄、日本製車両導入 自動運転装置を装備
◆2012/02/23 asahi.com ムバラク前大統領公判、判決は6月2日に エジプト
◆2012/02/23 cnn.co.jp シリアで米仏記者死亡、有志国がチュニジアで対応協議へ
◆2012/02/24 外務省 コートジボワールに対するノン・プロジェクト無償資金協力に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/24 外務省 サントメ・プリンシペに対する無償資金協力(食糧援助)に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/24 uefa.com サンバ、ヒディンク監督のアンジへ移籍
◆2012/02/24 Business Ghana Microsoft commends Ghana’s effort in promoting ICT
◆2012/02/24 THE AFRICA REPORT Ethiopia launches ICT Park, after Kenya
◆2012/02/24 NEW FRA The essence of global higher education in transitional and developing countries
◆2012/02/24 Africa Will Social Media influence Senegal’s presidential election?
◆2012/02/24 The Star Kenya team get direct ticket to Deaf Olympics in Budapest
◆2012/02/24 JICA 緒方理事長がモザンビークのアリ首相と会談
◆2012/02/24 nikkei.com EU、北アフリカ向け債権放棄検討 エジプト支援念頭に
◆2012/02/24 yomiuri.co.jp エジプト大統領選候補、武装集団に襲われ重傷
◆2012/02/24 nikkei.com 海賊・テロ対策でソマリア支援強化 ロンドンで国際会議閉幕
◆2012/02/24 cnn.co.jp ソマリア問題で国際会議、世界の安全脅かす事態に警鐘
◆2012/02/24 毎日新聞 ソマリア:支援強化合意 統一政府の必要性確認−−安定化会議
◆2012/02/24 nikkei.com モザンビーク、日本向けLNG輸出 18年にも500万トン
◆2012/02/24 毎日新聞 アリ・モザンビーク首相:埋蔵天然ガスは「更に見つかる」
◆2012/02/25 AFP BB News 赤十字がシリア・ホムスの負傷者救出へ
◆2012/02/25 GIGAZINE モザンビークで中国人が誤解される理由「カンフー映画」、きっと日本人ですら誤解します
◆2012/02/25 nikkei.com マンデラ・南ア元大統領が入院 腹部治療で
◆2012/02/25 asahi.com マンデラ元大統領が入院 慢性的な腹部の治療
◆2012/02/26 MSN産経ニュース 衝突続発、民主化の岐路 セネガルで大統領選
◆2012/02/26 nikkei.com セネガルで大統領選、衝突続発 デモ隊と治安部隊
◆2012/02/26 AFP BB News 男子はキピエゴ、女子はベスエが優勝 東京マラソン
◆2012/02/26 FlyTeam ニュース KLMとケニア航空がサファリコネクションを共同運航-747に特別塗装
◆2012/02/26 アフリカビジネスニュース アフリカで2番目の経済成長率
◆2012/02/26 cnn.co.jp 南アのマンデラ元大統領がヘルニア手術 経過は良好
◆2012/02/26 yomiuri.co.jp マンデラ元大統領、27日までに退院の見通し
◆2012/02/26 yomiuri.co.jp 93歳マンデラ元大統領、入院翌日に退院
◆2012/02/27 外務省 ヘガーズィー・エジプト外務省アジア担当外務次官による浜田外務大臣政務官への表敬
◆2012/02/27 外務省 イサーム・シーハ・エジプト「ワフド党」最高委員会委員による浜田外務大臣政務官表敬
◆2012/02/27 外務省 英国主催ソマリア首脳級会合について(概要)
◆2012/02/27 FlyTeam ニュース スカイチーム、ケニア航空利用のGo Africaパスを設定-45都市周遊
◆2012/02/27 CNN  How mobile broadband can transform Africa
◆2012/02/27 情報通信総合研究所 Orange:アフリカにおけるFacebookをトリガーにした顧客開拓
◆2012/02/27 nikkei.com エジプト諮問評議会選、イスラム系が圧勝
◆2012/02/27 asahi.com イスラム政党、上院選は圧勝 エジプト
◆2012/02/27 asahi.com 米NGO職員らの裁判、カイロで開始 民主化妨害批判も
◆2012/02/27 AllAfrica.com Zimbabwe: Housing Scheme for the Disabled Noble
◆2012/02/27 nikkei.com 南ア財務相「新興国、発言権拡大が条件」 IMF資金拠出
◆2012/02/27 yomiuri.co.jp 子どもが1キロ以上歩いて水を運ぶ…南スーダン
◆2012/02/27 Jeune Afrique France : la face noire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
◆2012/02/28 The STAR  30,000 jobs targeted in new ICT focus
◆2012/02/28 Computerworld E-waste recycling center launched in Nairobi
◆2012/02/28 Web BUSINESS Women wanted for Kenya's ICT sector
◆2012/02/28 The Voice of Russia  東アフリカのインターネット 20%接続スピード落ちる
◆2012/02/28 日テレNEWS24  インターネットで国際交流授業
◆2012/02/28 Zimeye (Zimbabwe) Man raped a deaf woman
◆2012/02/28 Daily Nation Disabled cannot access courtrooms, judge told
◆2012/02/28 nikkei.com 中国副主席「スーダン情勢を憂慮」 スーダン外相と会談
◆2012/02/28 nikkei.com スーダン兵150人死亡 国境付近で武力衝突
◆2012/02/29 AFP BB news ルイボスティーが飲めなくなる?気候変動でルイボス消滅の危機 南ア
◆2012/02/29 外務省 ガーナに対する無償資金協力「貧困削減戦略支援無償資金協力(貧困削減支援及びセクター財政支援(保健))」に関する書簡の交換
◆2012/02/29 AJF・動く→動かす(GCAP Japan) 動け、動かせ TICAD V!=アフリカ、日本、そして地球の未来に向けて=@世界銀行東京開発ラーニングセンター 東京
◆2012/02/29 All Africa Kenya: Digital Divide Returns As High Speed Cable Severed
◆2012/02/29 アフリカビジネスニュース ケニアのテレコミュニケーションが絶好調
◆2012/02/29 cnn.co.jp シリア死者7500人超と国連 チュニジアが大統領受け入れ表明
◆2012/02/29 asahi.com スーダン兵150人殺害か 反政府勢力発表 軍は否定

【News Sites】
○allafrica.com http://allafrica.com/
○Jeune Afrique http://www.jeuneafrique.com
○Inter Press Service: Africa http://ipsnews.net/africa/index.asp

25年目の検証『飢え』『援助』『エイズ』 エチオピア・ケニア調査 http://www.arsvi.com/2000/1001ht.htm

○asahi.com:魅惑大陸アフリカ http://www.asahi.com/international/africa/

◇曽田 夏記 2008/03/01 「紛争後のルワンダにおける障害者の周辺化」 東京大学教養学部国際関係論分科卒業論文
◇原山 浩輔 2011/03/01 「途上国における手話言語集団としての生計獲得−−ケニアのろう者の事例に基づいて−−」 静岡県立大学 平成22年度 国際関係学部国際関係学科 卒業論文
◇田坂歩 飢餓人口削減に向けた活動における組織の連携のあり方―ケニアの事例を横浜国際フェスタの事例から考える―




グローバル研究グループ 佐藤 仁





・Twitterを利用している人は、Facebook(94%)、YouTube(69%)、Google+(46%)、LinkedIn(37%)、Foursquare(23%) も利用している。(括弧内は利用者の割合)


















African mobile market threatened by uncertain investment environment


Governments, regulators and operators all have a role to play to ensure future growth in African telecoms sector, according to Booz & Company study. Cooperation between governments and operators has driven significant growth in the African mobile industry over the past decade. However, there are no guarantees that this growth will continue and, according to a new report from Booz & Company, a number of issues must be addressed as the continent moves towards the next phase of mobile development.

"Seasoned investors are taking an increasingly hard look at further investments in Africa because of extreme pricing pressure, an increasingly unattractive investment environment, and continued regulatory risk," said Booz & Company in a report published on Monday.

The company warned that hesitancy on the part of investors could jeopardise the next wave of telecoms investment and growth in Africa, a key part of which will be mobile broadband services.

"Stakeholders, however, can act quickly and decisively to ensure the climate for investment is maintained, and that growth continues," the firm said, noting that all the players in the value chain have a part to play.

According to Booz & Company, it is up to governments to build investor confidence by implementing ICT-friendly policies and establishing open and independent regulatory regimes. It highlights the Kenya Open Data initiative, a project launched last year to make government data easily available online, as a benchmark for transparency of information and open policy setting.

The regulators themselves are also encouraged to define policy in a transparent fashion, and to treat telecoms operators "as the enablers of the economy, and not simply a source of tax-like revenues".

The operators too are charged with some key tasks, including sharing infrastructure to maximise efficiencies, and entering into dialogue with regulators and governments to push for technology-neutral spectrum licensing.

"If the relationship between operators and governments holds, the African telecommunications success story will drive forward," said David Tusa, partner with Booz & Company.

"If it fails, Africa will miss a critical opportunity for economic and social development as the telecommunications industry and its investors move on to more accommodating markets," he warned.


NEPAD gets grant for ICT infrastructure project


The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Agency has signed a Grant Facility Agreement (GFA) with the French Development Agency (AFD) towards the financing of broadband infrastructure in West, Central and North Africa. The project is part of Umojanet, a terrestrial network that will link every African country to its neighbours and will connect to Uhurunet, to realise the dream of the cross-border continental NEPAD network. The grant completes the initial funds of EUR 850,000 granted by the AFD to the NEPAD secretary to support the initiative.



2012年2月9日 20:00 


経済産業副大臣の松下忠洋氏が、アフリカの鉱物資源と日本の 知的資源を活用し、一緒に新しいグローバルなサプライチェーンを確立すべきであると述べたことを、8日のBusiness Liveにて発表された。






編集部 柴崎 翠











2012/2/9 12:37

















Mobile in Africa: Insights from Research ICT


There are many statistics, research documents and reports on the growth and opportunities in mobile communications and marketing on the African continent. While those papers look grand and promising, what is the status of mobile use and adaptation to new mobile technologies among actual users, both in rural and urban environments? Cape Town-based agency, the Research ICT Africa network (RIA) is spearheading on-the-ground research in 20 African countries to provide governments and private organisations with the information and analysis required to develop innovative and appropriate policies, effective implementation and successful operations that aim to bring about sustainable technological development.

I interviewed Dr Christoph Stork, senior researcher at RIA, to gain some key insights on Africa's mobile stance:

What is the correlation between economic growth in Africa and mobile phone penetration?

Dr Stork: Higher mobile phone penetration leads to more business opportunities and also to more efficient business processes, for distribution and procurement channels as well as for operations.

Both the formal and the informal economy benefit from affordable mobile telephony and wide coverage. Be it hair dressers, taxi drivers or labour lawyers, Africans across various businesses and industries profit from a boost in productivity through mobile technology.

What has Research ICT identified as the primary barriers to mobile internet use in Africa?

Dr Stork: Mobile internet access and more affordable prepaid Internet allow less affluent people to gain access to the internet. They can recharge airtime to use the internet whenever they have money available and use a device for internet access with which they are already familiar. Mobile phones require less capital to purchase and considerably less skill to operate than computers.

There is a clear trend towards cheaper smartphones and this will have an impact on mobile broadband penetration rates. However, there is still substantial progress to be made in reducing barriers to prepaid mobile broadband, ranging from lowering cost for usage, reducing taxation in countries such as Uganda and improving access in forms of 3G or 4G coverage.

What challenges should be addressed to propel the continent to progress substantially to better mobile penetration?

Dr Stork: One of the key issues in Africa is to make suitable spectrum available for mobile data. This requires more efficient use of spectrum currently awarded to operators and re-farming some of it.

Spectrum needed for the next generation mobile phone networks may partly come from the digital dividend - the spectrum that becomes available through the digital migration from analogue to digital TV. In other instances, spectrum needs to be taken back by the regulator and made available again for different use (re-farming).

Mobile adoption enhances rural entrepreneurship since it lowers costs of starting a business and can substitute travel needs. Can you give some examples of how smartphones are subduing the effects of infrastructure failures on African business activities?

Dr Stork: The best example is the spread of mobile money such as M-Pesa. It came about as a result of wide mobile phone use and insufficient and expensive banking services. It allows mobile phone users without a bank account to send or receive airtime at a fraction of the cost of Western Union or Moneygram.

Transfers of airtime can at a later stage be used to build up transaction histories and provide formal financial services such as loans and micro insurance to the unbanked. Mobipay, the first such initiative, is allowing financial services to farmers with record-keeping and improved access to credit in rural Kenya.

How are mobile social media applications helping reduce today's digital divide between the technological haves and have-nots?

Dr Stork: A significant part of Internet use is to create content through, for example, Youtube, Flickr, blogs, Facebook pages etc. User created content may be in any language, using any alphabet. This user driven content is a key driver of the mobile Internet adoption we are witnessing in Africa at the moment.

What should policy and interventions focus on to attract a wider user base and promote wider adoption of ICT and related skills in developing African nations?

Dr Stork: The key to get wider and more affordable access is fair competition. Regulators across Africa still have to remove several severe competitive bottle necks. Cost based termination rates and facility leasing, spectrum availability and service and technological neutral licensing are just some of the issues that need to be addressed.

ICT access and e-skills curriculum for schools are other very important areas where progress has to be made parallel to infrastructure rollout to better capitalize as a nation on the opportunities that ICT may provide.





日本ではあまり馴染みがないが、世界有数の通信事会社、Orangeが、アフリカ全てのOrange携帯電話で、Facebookにアクセスできるという、革新的なサービスを開始したと、All Africa.com上で17日に発表された。








The essence of global higher education in transitional and developing countries


Keynote address by the Deputy Minister of Education, Dr David R. Namwandi, on 19 February 2012 at Murdoch University International Study Center, Duba

While there are numerous definitions of Education, I opt to believe that “Education is the remnants of what was learned when everything else learned is forgotten. It is believed that globalization has led to an interweaving of world economies and production of goods and services. This animal called globalization has subsequently exposed education to competition in all continents.

For higher education to be meaningful, it is imperative that nations develop a culture in higher education systems which appreciates and embraces creativity. Equally, only higher education systems which promote a teaching culture with a strong emphasis on inventive and innovative thinking can prosper.

It must be noted that higher education is and has been a major force that influences economic development in highly industrialized countries. Therefore, information technology is said to be crucial as it can greatly improve higher education in developing countries, I endorse any idea of a digital infrastructure that would link Asia, Arab and African universities to global knowledge.

Whoever imagined during the 19th century that the world will be one day be referred to as a village i.e. global village, certainly history will not forgive us if we don’t pay tribute to the sons and daughters of this global village who succeeded to bring us together. ICT has been a key contributor in making the world a global village.

Citizens of this global village should not confine themselves to boundaries of specific sovereignty, when it comes to acquisition of knowledge of skills. We must all consider ourselves as global citizens. Thus, education must be tailored towards this specific response of international citizen demands.

I have no doubt that deployment of ICT will have a positive impact on developing or less developed nations economies. It is my belief that the deployment will turn brain drain into brain gain in a short time. For higher education to be effective there ought to be a link or correlation between its achievements and country’s gross national income (GNI).

Funding of higher education

Both developed and developing nations are finding it difficult to fund public higher education due to rising costs. In countries such as America, Higher education institutions are facing funding crisis, the state support is declining thereby posing a threat to the disadvantaged section of the population to enter these institutions due to higher costs and lower affordability.

In view of this, alternative sources of funding other than state funding should be sought by public institutions to ease the burden of underfunding which consequently influences the increase in tuition fees in such institutions.

Quality of Higher Education

Earlier on I said, education is what is left when everything else learned is forgotten. What I meant in fact is that what is left should be something of value, or in plain language, something of quality. By its nature education may be “viewed as a set of processes and outcomes that are defined qualitatively”.

Quality education may only be possible if it is relevant at all times. Relevant to the needs of the recipients. I often say that no matter how well an education system articulates and aligns its various components, if it is not relevant, it remains poor, as it is not addressing the needs of the recipients. Good examination results which do not measure all of those ingredients shall never be indicative of quality education.

As I am moving towards the end of my address, allow me to share with my audience with what I think is the essence of relevant higher education especially to transitional and less developed nations. Education specifically designed to meet the needs of recipients, being the heartbeat of modern economies, shall inculcate a culture of innovation. It will develop qualified, efficient and competent industry - driven researchers ready to transform countries into industrialised nations.

I`m certain that being developed is not a matter of growing our GDPs and per capita income but changing mindsets a total paradigm shift and preparedness to join the “first world club of developed nations”. To maintain that very position, it is needless to say that the prerequisite of the “first world” mindset is nothing else but high performance culture enabling nations to compete with the best in the world. Quality educations plays a facilitating role as it directs nations development agenda. It breaks the norms as opposed to dogmatically accept traditional situations.

It is my conviction that global higher education is capable of creating efficient, result-driven implementation channels focusing on stimulated and strategic collaboration on empirical research and development in less developed nations of the world. It is important to note that the huge gap between poor and rich is brought about by innovation. It is thus safe to record that the root cause of division is failure to innovate. It is important to note that the world is divided into groups of countries, those that innovate and those that don`t. This trend ought to be reversed as nobody can claim to have the monopoly of intelligence.

nnovation and creative thinking is key to development. You recall that the Muslim world presented us with a gift that we as human race continue to use and appreciate to this day - soap. It is recorded that SOAP was manufactured in the Middle East long before the west knew about it.

From Africa - Egypt to be precise came the mysterious pyramids which to date beats scientists and engineers to the game. This feat cannot even be copied till this day. The Chinese were first to develop an earthquake sensor, 600 years ahead of the first Western Sensor from France. They also invented the first suspension bridge long before the West. Indians weaved and wore cotton attire 3,500 years before the West knew about it, the list is endless.

I have decided to list some of the achievements from the so-called transitional and developing countries to bring home the point that we are not inferior and that quality education can solidify our capability in invention, innovation and research and development. In the same vein I wanted to remind my audience that we only need to increase the speed and knowledge to continue with creativity and innovation, which the world admires. It must be noted that globally relevant education shall allow us to kiss goodbye to poverty and unemployment as the graduates from Institutions of higher learning will be sought out and shall certainly create work and wealth for others.

While at this point, it is my dream that one day when developing governments are drawing up their road maps aiming at raising quality of life, and human capital, private education rightfully so, deserves better recognition and support at all times.

It is my prayer that University leaders create education systems capable of nurturing and inspiring a passion of exploring and creativity and not only to pass examinations. These leaders must bring about a major shift in the minds of the people ranging from children to parents, from teachers to politicians, from farmers to corporate leaders, this chain must be complete and commitment should consistent.


How mobile broadband can transform Africa


Editor's note: Dr Hamadoun Toure is secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union -- the U.N.'s specialized agency for information and communication technologies.

(CNN) - In the next five years, there are likely to be as many mobile cellular subscriptions as there are people on this planet. By 2020, pundits predict more than 50 billion connected devices.

With seven billion people's needs to serve, information and communications technologies (ICTs) represent the single most powerful channel we have ever had to reach out to others, wherever they may live, whatever their circumstances. They also represent our best hope of accelerating progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the target date of 2015.

Can Africa reach its 2015 MDGs? If countries embrace the unique power of mobile broadband technology, I believe many have a good chance.

The eight MDGs cannot be separated. If you combat disease, you also reduce child mortality; if you give every child a primary education, you promote gender equality. It is because these goals are interlinked that broadband is so important.

If we classify the MDGs into three broad areas -- education, health, and the environment -- we see that mobile broadband has a key role to play in each.

It offers a solution for providing education in under-served areas. Around 90% of children in the developing world are enrolled in primary school, but in some regions -- notably sub-Saharan Africa -- up to 30% of children drop out before their final primary year. Broadband can better engage children, equipping them with valuable ICT skills and opening a window on the world's information resources, in a multitude of languages.

Technology can transform healthcare. From simple SMS reminders for vaccinations or anti-retroviral treatments, to grassroots information gathering on demographics and diseases, to mobile information repositories for personal health records, cellphones are becoming a key cornerstone of health programs in a growing number of African countries.

Every year, more than half a million women die as a result of complications in pregnancy and childbirth. The tragedy is that the majority of these deaths are preventable -- yet in Africa, fewer than half of all births are attended by a midwife or skilled health worker.

While there is no substitute for the physical presence of a healthcare professional, broadband is helping train community field workers, while providing expectant mothers and their extended families with simple advice that protects health -- and lives.

The MDG on ensuring environmental sustainability spans a wide range of targets, from the provision of safe drinking water and basic sanitation, to protecting biodiversity and improving the lives of slum-dwellers.

In many of these areas, broadband will be a vital link.

For example, so-called "smart" electricity grids make it easier for locally generated electricity (including from renewable sources) to be integrated, stored and shared as demand fluctuates.

Broadband can also help local farmers and fishermen by delivering weather forecasts directly to their mobile phones and providing information on sustainable farming techniques.

The way we work is also being changed by broadband. Innovative projects are improving the lives of slum-dwellers -- for example in Kenya -- through providing access to employment and training. Last year at ITU Telecom World 2011, the International Telecommunication Union awarded a prize to a young entrepreneur who developed an education platform for working children, enabling them to use smartphones to improve their literacy, numeracy and general knowledge while they travel to work on public transport vehicles equipped with low-cost WiFi repeaters.

Broadband gives small businesses the opportunity to broaden their customer base and reduce their overheads through e-commerce platforms. And it will support advanced financial services for consumers, building on the outstanding success of the mPesa mobile banking model, an excellent example of innovation coming directly out of Africa to solve African problems.

The eighth and final MDG is "developing a global partnership for development." It is, perhaps, the most fundamental of all the goals, because it enables progress towards all the other goals.

Developing such a partnership is a basic element of our work at ITU. Because we understand the incredible potential of broadband, we launched the Broadband Commission for Digital Development to help move broadband to the top of the political agenda.

This multi-stakeholder commission comprises over 50 top-level global leaders, and has defined a vision for accelerating the deployment of broadband networks worldwide. It has also established four critical targets that we believe all countries should to strive to attain by 2015:

Target 1: Making broadband policy universal. By 2015, all countries should have a national broadband plan or strategy or include broadband in their universal access/service definitions.

Target 2: Making broadband affordable. By 2015, entry-level broadband services should cost less than 5% of average monthly income.

Target 3: Connecting homes to broadband. By 2015, 40% of households in developing countries should have internet access.

Target 4: Getting people online. By 2015, internet user penetration should reach 60% worldwide, 50% in developing countries and 15% in least-developed countries.

We have only three years to go. But it is highly significant that among all the MDG targets the most advanced is the one involving ICTs. Let's capitalize on that and use Africa's near-ubiquitous mobile coverage to break old infrastructure bottlenecks and short-circuit the traditional development cycle.

Ubiquitous mobile broadband is a big idea whose time has come.

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