Disability Studies

Japanese Page

What's New

◆2010/09/21-24 Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes (20-24 September, 2010)

◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/11 "Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 1: Beginning" [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/12 Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 2: The People [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/17 3 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/19 4 "Notes on Direct Payments" [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/20 5 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/22 6 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/28 7 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/30 8 [Japanese][Korean]

Our Study Groups

Study Group on Disability Studies
Study Group on Supporting People with Disabilities in Life and Study

Table of contents

How are Disability studies explained in Japan
Theme-related Links in arsvi.com
Disability Studies in Japan
Literature on Disability Studies
Useful Links

How are Disability studies explained in Japan

◆ NAGASE Osamu(長瀬 修) 1999 in The invitation to disability studies: society, culture, and disability p.11

 Disability studies in Japan is a movement centered on discipline, conceptuality, and knowledge relevant to analysis of disability. It does not try to assess impairment or disabled people from the point of view of conventional medicine or social welfare. Disability studies try to break away from the framework of medical treatment of impairment, or of the social welfare which treat disabled people as passive users of welfare services. Disability Studies indicate ways original viewpoints of disabled people are or should be created and focus on disability as a culture and values inherent in the lives of disabled people.

◆  20031110  in Dictionary of modern welfare society, Yuhikaku Publishing, p.223

 Disability Studies pay attention to the social barrier society establishes between it and the disabled trying to highlight positive dimensions of experiences of disability which mainly been seen as negative. The discipline focuses on the unique values and cultures of disability, on disability as a type of community and a type of culture. In Japan, researchers headed by Osamu Nagase are leading the discussion.

◆SUGINO Akihiro(杉野 昭博) 2007 in Disability studies -- "theoretical formation and range"

 Disability Studies started by Irving Kenneth Zola in the United States in 1982 were later greatly developed also in Britain centering on the work of Michael Oliver. Disability Studies have been recognized internationally as a new scientific domain, with two core journals: Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ) in the U.S. and Disability and Society in Britain. In Japan, Jun Ishikawa and Osamu Nagase first published a book on the discipline "Invitation to Disability Studies" (Akashi Shoten) in 1999. Since then a large number of scientific work related to Disability Studies has been published in Japan.

TATEIWA Shin'ya立岩 真也) 2006 "Disabilities/ Disability Studies", Encyclopedia of Contemporary Ethics (Japanese) (Edited by Oba, Takeshi ; Inoue, Tatsuo ; Kawamoto, Takashi ; Kato, Hisatake ; Kanzaki, Shigeru ; Shionoya, Yuichi ; Narita, Kazunobu), Kobundo, 1100p. ASIN: 4335160402 21000yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

  [Disabilities are] conditions that arise between abnormalities in the body (broadly defined) and the current state of people/society. They usually appear as something negative and in most cases are attributed to the person in question. They have been divided into three categories, physical disabilities, cognitive disabilities, and mental illnesses, and have also been described using other terms such as "developmental disability". In 1980 the World Health Organization (WHO) created an international disability categorization scheme: impairment (lack of function) → disability (lack of ability) → handicap (social disadvantage). This approach was criticized for taking the body to be the cause of social disadvantage and was revised to place more emphasis on the interaction between environmental and individual factors. In the same context there have been assertions that since a disability is only one part of the individual in question they should be referred to as a "person with a disability", and that since "disablement" is created by society those given it should be referred to as "disabled". This kind of terminology can be seen, for example, in legislation entitled "The Americans with Disabilities Act" and "Disabled Peoples' International", an international organization of people with disabilities.
  Within this series of developments a movement called "disability studies" has emerged (in Japan its association was founded in 2003). This movement advocates a "social model" in which it is understood that disabilities arise within the context of society and should be dealt with through social reforms in place of the "individual model" in which the focus is on the body (and its deficiencies) and the burden of solving any related problems is placed on the person in question and the "treatment model" in which the individual in question is supported by medicine/welfare specialists who provide treatment/training. It also seeks to orient itself around the experience of the individual in question and places an emphasis on their contributions. It also discusses the difficulty of getting away from the body, raises doubts about the negative nature of disabilities and points to the distinctive cultures which they sometimes engender.
  There are many issues which need to be considered going forward. If everyone were equal in their degree of capability (disability), everyone could presumably receive equal benefits and have the same lifestyle if meritocracy/meritocratic principles are employed. In other words, if disability did not exist then the current state of affairs in society would be fine. There is, however, disparity within our society. There are physical differences between individuals. How are we to address this? It is a fundamental issue concerning social norms/structure. Furthermore, if the assertion that what an individual cannot do should be done for him or her by a machine or another person and support given by society is accepted, there still remain functions which cannot be replaced/compensated for in this way. In most cases differences in form/appearance do not disappear and remain with the individual in question, and the reaction of other people to these differences is connected to sensation/sensibility and is difficult to change. Do we thus have no alternative to adhering to the status quo? If we do not want to say this what can we say instead?


Theme-related Links in arsvi.com

Center for Independent Living
Disability and Work
Discourses on Disability
Discourses on Prenatal Diagnosis
Inclusive Education / Special Education
People with Disabilities and Higher Education
Personal Assistance
Prenatal Diagnosis

Disability Studies in Japan

Japan Society for Disability Studies (in Japanese only)

◆ Fall 2006 International Section Diability Studies in Japan

◆ Disability World

◆ Disability Studies in Japan

Disability Studies at Ritsumeikan University

◆ September 21st - 24th 2010 Intensive Course 2010 by Colin Barnes

◆ July 14, 2009 Points on Direct Payments: Asking Dr.Simon Prideaux

Study Group on Disability Studies


◆ ABE Yasushi(あべ やすし)
  http://www.geocities.jp/hituzinosanpo/ (Japanese)
◆ ASAHI Yoichiro(旭 洋一郎
BARNES Colinコリン・バーンズ
ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka市野川 容孝
◆ DEGUCHI Yasunobu(出口 泰靖
◆ FUKUSHIMA Satoshi(福島 智
◆ HANADA Minoru(花田 実
◆ HANADA Shuncho(花田 春兆
◆ HOSHIKA Ryoji(星加 良司
◆ ISHII Masayuki(石井 政之
◆ ISHIKAWA Jun(石川 准
◆ KANAZAWA Takayuki(金澤 貴之
◆ KIMURA Harumi(木村 晴美)
◆ KITANO Seiichi(北野 誠一
◆ KOSE Satoshi(古瀬 敏)
  http://homepage2.nifty.com/skose/KoseHPE.htm (English)
  http://homepage2.nifty.com/skose/KoseHPJ.htm (Japanese)
◆ KUNO Kenji(久野 研二
◆ KURAMOTO Tomoaki(倉本 智明
◆ MASHIKO Hidenori(ましこ ひでのり
◆ MATSUMOTO Manabu(松本 学
◆ MATSUNAMI Megumi(松波 めぐみ
◆ MIMURA Hiroaki(三村 洋明
◆ MINAMIYAMA Koji(南山 浩二
◆ MISHIMA Akiko(三島 亜紀子
◆ MORI Soya(森 壮也
◆ NAGASE Osamu(長瀬 修
◆ NAGAWA Masaru(名川 勝
◆ NAKAMURA Karen(中村 かれん)
  http://www.deaflibrary.org/nakamura/ (English)
◆ NAKANE Naruhisa(中根 成寿
◆ NIKI Lingko(ニキ リンコ
NOZAKI Yasunobu野崎 泰伸
◆ SAITO Ryoichiro(斉藤 龍一郎
  http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~LS9R-SITU/indexe.html (English)
◆ SEYAMA Noriko(瀬山 紀子
◆ SHAKESPEARE Tom(トム・シェイクスピア
SHELDON Alisonアリソン・シェルドン
◆ SUGINO Akihiro(杉野 昭博
◆ SUGIYAMA Hiroaki(杉山 博昭
◆ TAGAKI Masakuni(田垣 正晋
◆ TAMAI Kunio(玉井 邦夫
◆ TAMAI Mariko(玉井 真理子
◆ TANAKA Kunio(田中 邦夫
TATEIWA Shin'ya立岩 真也
◆ TERAMOTO Akihisa(寺本 晃久
◆ TOYAMA Masayo(遠山 真世
TSUCHIYA Takashi土屋 貴志
◆ TSUCHIYA Yo(土屋 葉
◆ TSUDA EIJI(津田 英二
◆ YAMADA Tomiaki(山田 富秋
◆ YAMASHITA Sachiko(山下 幸子
◆ YOKOSUKA Shunji(横須賀 俊司
◆ YOSHII Hiroaki(好井 裕明

Literature on Disability Studies

[Articles in Japanese]

By TATEIWA Shin'ya
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/11 "Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 1: Beginning" [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/12 Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 2: The People [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/17 3 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/19 4 "Notes on Direct Payments" [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/20 5 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/22 6 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/28 7 [Japanese][Korean]
◆Tateiwa, Shin'ya 2010/08/30 8 [Japanese][Korean]

[Books in Japanese]

By TATEIWA Shin'ya
TATEIWA Shin'ya August 16, 2010 The Human Condition: There is no such thing『人間の条件――そんなものない』) Tokyo, Rironsha, 394p. ISBN-10: 4652078552 ISBN-13: 978-4652078556 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
TATEIWA Shin'ya January 2004 Equality of Freedom: An Another Simple World『自由の平等』)Iwanami Shoten 390p ISBN-10: 4000233874 ISBN-13: 978-4000233873 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
ASAKA Junko, OKAHARA Masayuki, ONAKA Fumiya & TATEIWA Shin'ya May 15, 1995 Ars Vivendi: Sociology of Diabled People Who Left Home and Institution (Enlarged and Revised Edition) (『生の技法』), Tokyo, Fujiwara-Shoten, 366p. ISBN-10: 489434016X ISBN-13: 978-4894340169 3045yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
ASAKA Junko, OKAHARA Masayuki, ONAKA Fumiya & TATEIWA Shin'ya October 25, 1990 Ars Vivendi: Sociology of Diabled People Who Left Home and Institution (First Edition) (『生の技法』), Fujiwara Shoten, 320p. ISBN-10: 4938661136 ISBN-13: 978-4938661137 2500yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

By our Program Members
TAJIMA Akiko June 25, 2009 Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diabilities: from "Acceptance of Disabilities" to "Freedom with Disabilities", Miwa Shoten, 212p. ISBN-10: 4895903389 ISBN-13: 978-4895903387 1890 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

By Others
◆ Editorial Committee of Research on Disability Studies June 30, 2009 Research on Disability Studies Vol.5『障害学研究』5 )Akashi Shoten 257p ISBN-10: 4750330140 ISBN-13: 978-4750330143 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ Editorial Committee of Research on Disability Studies October 23, 2008 Research on Disability Studies Vol.4『障害学研究』4 )Akashi Shoten 228p ISBN-10: 4750328707 ISBN-13: 978-4750328706 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ JOHNSTONE David April 1998 An Introduction to Disability Studies David Fulton Pub 172p ISBN-10: 1853464937 ISBN-13: 978-1853464935=Translation by OGAWA Yoshimichi, OIHO Mari, SONEHARA Jun & TAKAHASHI Maria, Miyako September 30, 2008 (『障害学入門』)Akashi Shoten 270p ISBN-10: 4750328545 ISBN-13: 978-4750328546 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ Editorial Committee of Research on Disability Studies May 27, 2008 Research on Disability Studies Vol.3『障害学研究』3 )Akashi Shoten 209p ISBN-10: 4750327980 ISBN-13: 978-4750327983 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ SUGINO Akihiro June 2007 Disability Studies:Theory Formation and Range『障害学――理論形成と射程』) University of Tokyo Press 294p ISBN-10: 4130511270 ISBN-13: 978-4130511278 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ HOSHIKA Ryoji March 2007 What is Disability?: Toward Social Theory of Disability『障害とは何か――ディスアビリティの社会理論に向けて』) Seikatsu Shoin 353p ISBN-10: 4903690040 ISBN-13: 978-4903690049 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ Editorial Committee of Research on Disability Studies December 15, 2006 Research on Disability Studies Vol.2『障害学研究』2 )Akashi Shoten 300p ISBN-10: 4750324655 ISBN-13: 978-4750324654 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ Editorial Committee of Research on Disability Studies August 8, 2005 Research on Disability Studies Vol.1『障害学研究』1 )Akashi Shoten 296p ISBN-10: 4750321567 ISBN-13: 978-4750321561 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ BARNES Colin, SHAKESPEARE Tom & MERCER Geof August 10, 1999 Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction Polity 288p. ISBN-10: 0745614787 ISBN-10: 0745614787=Translation by SUGINO Akihiro, MATSUNAMI Megumi & YAMASHITA Sachiko April 2004 (『ディスアビリティ・スタディーズ――イギリス障害学概論』) Akashi Shoten 349p ISBN-10: 4750318825 ISBN-13: 978-4750318820 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ ISHIKAWA Jun January 2004 What cannot Be Seen and What can Be Seen『見えないものと見えるもの――社交とアシストの障害学』)Igaku Shoin 265p ISBN-10: 4260333135 ISBN-13: 978-4260333139 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

NAKANISHI Shoji & UENO Chizuko October 21, 2003 The Sovereignty of the Involved Persons『当事者主権』) Iwanami Shoten, 216p. ISBN-10: 4004308607 ISBN-13: 978-4004308607 735yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ ISHIKAWA Jun & KURAMOTO Tomoaki (Eds.) October 10, 2002 Claim of Disability Studies『障害学の主張』 ) Akashi Shoten 294p ISBN-10: 4750316350 ISBN-13: 978-4750316352 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ KURAMOTO Tomoaki & NAGASE Osamu (Eds.) November 2000 Talking about Disability Studies『障害学を語る』) Empowerment Kenkyujo 189p ISBN-10: 4887203047 ISBN-13: 978-4887203044 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ ISHIKAWA Jun & NAGASE Osamu (Eds.) March 18, 1999 Invitation to Disability Studies『障害学への招待――社会、文化、ディスアビリティ』) Akashi Shoten 321p ISBN-10: 4750311383 ISBN-13: 978-4750311388 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

[Books in English]

◆ BARNES Colin June 2010 Exploring Disability Polity Pr. 288p ISBN-10: 0745634869 ISBN-13: 978-0745634869 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ SHAPIRO Arthur March 2010 Disability Studies and the Inclusive Classroom: Critical Practices for Creating Least Restrictive Attitudes Routledge 304p ISBN-10: 0415993725 ISBN-13: 978-0415993722 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ DAVIS Lennard J. (Ed.) February 20, 2010 Disability Studies Reader (3rd edition) Routledge 448p ISBN-10: 0415873762 ISBN-13: 978-0415873765 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ SAPEY Bob, MORGAN Hannah & & STEWART John December 30, 2009 Key Concepts in Disability Studies Sage Publications Ltd, 192p ISBN-10: 1412911265 ISBN-13: 978-1412911269 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ SIEBERS Tobin June 16, 2008 Disability Theory Univ of Michigan Pr 240p ISBN-10: 0472050397 ISBN-13: 978-0472050390 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ GREAVES Ian May 19, 2008 Disability Rights Handbook (33rd Revised edition) Disability Alliance Educational and Research Assoc 288p ISBN-10: 1903335442 ISBN-13: 978-1903335444 [amazon]

◆ Northern Ireland. Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister March 21, 2008 Disability Discrimination Act 1995: (As Modified by Schedule 8 Thereof for Application in Northern Ireland) Guidance on Matters to be Taken into Account in Determining Questions Relating to the Definition of Disability Stationery Office Books 67p ISBN-10: 0337090505 ISBN-13: 978-0337090509 [amazon]

◆ DOYLE Brian J. March 3, 2008 Disability Discrimination: Law and Practice (6th Edition) Jordan Publishing 591p ISBN-10: 1846610834 ISBN-13: 978-1846610837 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ THOMAS Carol June 26, 2007 Sociologies of Disability and Illness: Contested Ideas in Disability Studies and Medical Sociology Palgrave Macmillan, 224p ISBN-10: 1403936374 ISBN-13: 978-1403936370 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ SHAKESPEARE Tom October 16, 2006 Disability Rights And Wrongs Routledge, 240p ISBN-10: 041534719X ISBN-13: 978-0415347198 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ DAVIS Lennard J. (Ed.) August 30, 2006 Disability Studies Reader (2nd edition) Routledge 472p ISBN-10: 0415953340 ISBN-13: 978-0415953344 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ September 5, 2005 [Disability Discrimination Act 1995], Consultation Document, Guidance on Matters to Be Taken into Account in Determining Questions Relating to the Definition of Disability Stationery Office Books ISBN-10: 0117035580 ISBN-13: 978-0117035584 [amazon]

◆ September 5, 2005 Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Re-writing the Guidance Book on the Law to Help Disabled People, an Easy Read Guide on How to Tell the Government What You Think Stationery Office Books ISBN-10: 0117035599 ISBN-13: 978-0117035591 [amazon]

◆ GRAHAM Kelly, PATSY Lam, ANDREW Thomas & & CAROLINE Turley August 31, 2005 Disability in the Work Place: Small Employers' Awareness and Responses to the Disability Discrimination Act Corporate Document Services 126p ISBN-10: 1841238724 ISBN-13: 978-1841238722 [amazon]

◆ SWAIN John, FRENCH Sally, BARNES Colin & & THOMAS Carol (Eds.) March 9, 2004 Disabling Barriers - Enabling Environments (2nd Edition) Sage Publications Ltd, 320p ISBN-10: 0761942653 ISBN-13: 978-0761942658 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ Stationery Office Books December 9, 2003 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Private Hire Vehicles) (Carriage of Guide Dogs, Etc.) (England and Wales) Regulations 2003: Statutory instruments 2003 3122 Stationery Office Books ISBN-10: 0110482565 ISBN-13: 978-0110482569 [amazon]

◆ The Stationery Office July 9, 2003 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 Stationery Office Books ISBN-10: 0110467264 ISBN-13: 978-0110467269 [amazon]

◆ The Stationery Office June 11, 2001 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 9) Order 2001 Stationery Office Books 8p ISBN-10: 0110295544 ISBN-13: 978-0110295541 [amazon]

◆ HICKS John October 9, 2000 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Access to Public Play Space: A Guide to Audit Warwickshire Rural Community Council, 20p ISBN-10: 0953561623 ISBN-13: 978-0953561629 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ NIGEL Meager November 4, 1999 Monitoring the Disability Discrimination Act (Dda) 1995 Department for Education and Employment 58p ISBN-10: 1841850209 ISBN-13: 978-1841850207 [amazon]

◆ BARNES Colin, Shakespeare, Tom & Mercer, Geof August 10, 1999 Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction Polity 288p. ISBN-10: 0745614787 ISBN-10: 0745614787 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ May 12, 1999 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 6) Order Stationery Office Books 8p ISBN-10: 0337934878 ISBN-13: 978-0337934872 [amazon]

◆ PATERSON Judith May 11, 1999 Disability Rights Handbook Disability Alliance Educational and Research Assoc 282p ISBN-10: 0946336946 ISBN-13: 978-0946336944 [amazon]

◆ May 6, 1999 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement Order No. 6) Order 1999 Stationery Office Books, 4p ISBN-10: 0110825349 ISBN-13: 978-0110825342 [amazon]

◆ THOMAS Andrew & Hedges, Alan March 1999 Making a Claim for Disability Benefits a Qualitative Study Amongst People Stationery Office 90p ISBN-10: 0117621625 ISBN-13: 978-0117621626 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain December 31, 1998 The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) - Implementing Section 21 Stationery Office Books ISBN-10: 0748079335 ISBN-13: 978-0748079339 [amazon]

◆ Stationery Office June 4, 1998 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No 5) Order 1998 (Statutory Instruments: 1998: 1282) Stationery Office Books ISBN-10: 0110790766 ISBN-13: 978-0110790763 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain May 29, 1998 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 5) Order (Northern Ireland) 1998 Stationery Office Books 4p ISBN-10: 033793133X ISBN-13: 978-0337931338 [amazon]

◆ JOHNSTONE David April 1998 An Introduction to Disability Studies David Fulton Pub 172p ISBN-10: 1853464937 ISBN-13: 978-1853464935 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ July 1997 Disability Discrimination Act 1995: Guidance for NVQ/SVQ Awarding Bodies Skill; National Bureau for Students with Disabilities 30p ISBN-10: 1869965523 ISBN-13: 978-1869965525 [amazon]

◆ GARETH Thomas April 17, 1997 Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 Sweet & Maxwell 228p ISBN-10: 0421578807 ISBN-13: 978-0421578807 [amazon]

◆ SHAKESPEARE Tom, GILLESPIE-SELLS Kath & DAVIS Dominic March 1997 The Sexual Politics of Disability Continuum Intl Pub Group, 218p ISBN-10: 0304333298 ISBN-13: 978-0304333295 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ OLIVER Michael March 1997 The Politics of Disablement Palgrave Macmillan, 152p ISBN-10: 0333432932 ISBN-13: 978-0333432938 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ GARDNER Jo February 28, 1997 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Spiro Press 112p ISBN-10: 1858354730 ISBN-13: 978-1858354736 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain December 31, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 4) Order 1996 Stationery Office Books 4p ISBN-10: 0110634489 ISBN-13: 978-0110634487 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain December 31, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 4) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996 Stationery Office Books 4p ISBN-10: 0337925208 ISBN-13: 978-0337925207 [amazon]

◆ CAMPBELL Jane & OLIVER Mike (Eds.) August 1996 Disability Politics: Understanding Our Past, Changing Our Future Routledge, 223p ISBN-10: 0415079993 ISBN-13: 978-0415079990 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ Great Britain August 15, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 3 and Saving and Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996: Disabled Persons Stationery Office Books 8p ISBN-10: 0337922403 ISBN-13: 978-0337922404 [amazon]

◆ Department for Education & Employment July 1996 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Stationery Office Books 20p ISBN-10: 0112709559 ISBN-13: 978-0112709558 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain July 20, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996: Disabled Persons Stationery Office Books 4p ISBN-10: 0337921792 ISBN-13: 978-0337921797 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain July 20, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 3 and Saving and Transitional Provisions) Order 1996 Stationery Office Books 6p ISBN-10: 0110359275 ISBN-13: 978-0110359274 [amazon]

◆ WENDELL Susan June 1996 The Rejected Body: Feminist Philosophical Reflections on Disability Routledge, 216p ISBN-10: 0415910471 ISBN-13: 978-0415910477 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ GOODING Caroline June 1996 Blackstone's Guide to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Wm Gaunt & Sons 138p ISBN-10: 1854314998 ISBN-13: 978-1854314994 [amazon]

◆ Great Britain June 13, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 2) Order 1996 Stationery Office Books 2p ISBN-10: 0110547756 ISBN-13: 978-0110547756 [amazon]

◆ BARTON Len (Ed.) April 1996 Disability & Society : Emerging Issues and Insights Longman Group United Kingdom, 268p ISBN-10: 0582291666 ISBN-13: 978-0582291669 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ HALES Gerald February 27, 1996 Beyond Disability: Towards an Enabling Society Sage Pubns Ltd, 199p ISBN-10: 0803979576 ISBN-13: 978-0803979574 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ February 20, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 1) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996: Disability Discrimination Stationery Office Books 2p ISBN-10: 0337915016 ISBN-13: 978-0337915017 [amazon]

◆ January 24, 1996 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Commencement No. 1) Order 1995 Stationery Office Books 2p ISBN-10: 0110538579 ISBN-13: 978-0110538570 [amazon]

◆ December 17, 1995 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Stationery Office Books 80p ISBN-10: 0105450952 ISBN-13: 978-0105450955 [amazon]

◆ OLIVER Michael November 15, 1995 Understanding Disability: From Theory to Practice Palgrave Macmillan 190p ISBN-10: 0312158033 ISBN-13: 978-0312158033 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ INGSTAD Benedicte & WHYTE Susan Reynolds (Eds.) February 1995 Disability and Culture University of California Press, 307p ISBN-10: 0520083628 ISBN-13: 978-0520083622 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ WRIGHT Ken, HAYCOXS Alan & LEEDHAM Ian June 1994 Evaluating Community Care: Services for People With Learning Difficulties Open Univ. Press, 192p ISBN-10: 0335094961 ISBN-13: 978-0335094967 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆ GOODING Caroline April 1, 1994 Disabling Laws, Enabling Acts : Disability Rithts in Britain and America Pluto Press, 224p ISBN-10: 0745307701 ISBN-13: 978-0745307701 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ BARTON Len (Ed.) November 1989 Disability and Dependency Falmer Pr, 145p ISBN-10: 1850006172 ISBN-13: 978-1850006176 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

◆ FRANCIS Leslie Pickering & SILVERS Anita (Eds.) Americans With Disabilities: Exploring Implications of the Law for Individuals and Institutions Routledge 432p ISBN-10: 0415923689 ISBN-13: 978-0415923682 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

[Articles in English]

NOZAKI Yasunobu October 11, 2009 "Considering Disabilities Deeply and Widely" Contributing to this Website

GOTO Yoshihiko July 2008“Cultural Commentary: Critical Understanding of the Special Support Education in Social Contexts,” Disability Studies Quarterly Summer 2008, Volume 28, No.3, The Society for Disability Studies

GOTO Yoshihiko September 2004 “Bridging the Gap between Sociology of the Body and Disability Studies,” 2004, Center for Legal Dynamics of Advanced Market Societies Discussion Paper

◆ WHYTE Susan Reynolds 1995 "Disability between Discourse and Experience," Ingstad, Benedicte & Susan Reynolds Whyte (eds.) Disability and Culture, Berkeley, Los angeles and London: University of California Press

◆ ZOLA Irving Kenneth 1993 "Self, Identity and Naming Question: Reflections on the Language of Disability," Social Science and Medicine 36(2): 167-173

◆ TUCKER Bonnie 1993 "The Problem of Deafness", The Volta Review 95: 105-108

◆ WANG Caroline 1992 "Culture, Meaning and Disability: Injury Prevention Campaigns and the Production of Stigma," Social Science and Medicine 35(9): 1093-1102

◆ OLIVER Mike 1986 "Social Policy and Disability: Some Theoretical Issues," Disability, Handicap & Society, 1(1):5-17

◆ FINKELSTEIN Victor 1981 "To Deny or not Deny Disability", Brechin, A., (ed.) Handicap in a Social World, Sevenhoaks: Hodder and Stoughton in association with the Open University Press

[English Abstracts]

◆ KAWAGOE Toshiji & MATSUI Akihiko May 27, 2009 "Economics, Game Theory and Disability Studies: Toward a Fertile Dialogue"

Useful Links

◆ Canadian Centre on Disability Studies

◆ Centre for Developmental Disability Studies (The University of Sidney)

◆ Center for Disabilities, The University of South Dakota

◆ Centre for Disability Studies (University of Leeds)

◆ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Disability and Society

◆ Disability Awareness in Action UK

◆ Disability Information.Com Online

◆ Disability Research Institute (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

◆ Disability Rights Promotion International

◆ Disability Services for Students, The University of Montana

◆ Disability Studies (Links)

◆ Disability Studies (Wikipedia, English)

◆ Disability Studies Association

◆ Disability Studies in Education

◆ Disability Studies in Germany

◆ Disability Studies Italy

◆ Disability Studies Program at Syracuse University

◆ Disability Studies Program at The Ohio State University

Disability Studies Quarterly

◆ Goddard College Individualized MA with specialties in Dis/ability Studies

◆ Institute on Disabilities (Temple University)

◆ Institute on Disability (University of New Hampshire)

◆ Institute on Disability and Human Development (University of Illinois at Chicago)

◆ Institute on Disability Culture

◆ Interdisciplinary Disability Studies, University of Maine

◆ Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Disability Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago

◆ International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)

◆ International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH)

◆ International Research Unit Disability Studies (iDiS)

◆ Japan Society of Disability Studies (Japanese)

◆ NDA: The National Disability Authority

People with Disabilities and Higher Education

◆ Review of Disability Studies

◆ Society for Disability Studies

◆ Society for Disability Studies

◆ Texas Center for Disability Studies

◆ The Center for the Study of Religion and Disability (California Baptist University)

◆ The Disability Archive UK

◆ The Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research

◆ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

◆ The University of Montana Rural Institute

◆ UN Enable-Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

◆ UN Enable-The United Nations and Disabled Persons -The First Fifty Years

◆ University of Connecticut (Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities)

UP:July 3, 2009, Rev:July 8, 2009/July 16, 2009/July 21, 2009/July 24, 2009/July 27, 2009/August 27, 2009/September 7, 2009/September 14, 2009/September 17, 2009/September 18, 2009/September 25, 2009/October 5, 2009/October 16, 2009/October 22, 2009/October 23, 2009/October 28, 2009/December 26, 2009/May 10, 2010/May 11, 2010/July 7, 2010/August 6, 2010/ September 2, 2010

Preparer: KATAOKA Minoru, NOZAKI Yasunobu, AOKI Chihoko

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