◆Hakim, Catherine 2000 Work-lifestyle choices in the 21st century : preference theory, Oxford University Press. 340p. [amazon]
This book proposes a new theory for explaining and predicting current and future patterns of women's choices between family work and market work, a theory that is historically-informed, empirically-based, multidisciplinary, prospective rather than retrospective in orientation, and applicable in all rich modern societies.
◆Hakim, Catherine 2003 Models Of The Family In Modern Societies: Ideals And Realities, Ashgate Pub Ltd. 282p. [amazon]
Affluent modern societies offer people a widening choice of lifestyle.
◆Williams, Joan 2000 Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do About It, Oxford University Press. 338p. [amazon]
▽From Publishers Weekly
In this theoretically sophisticated and thoroughly accessible treatise on gender, work and domesticity, Williams offers a new vision of "family-friendly" feminism that would support women in all the various roles on the worker-caregiver continuum. With special attention to the diversity of women's experience in terms of race and social class, this book challenges common assumptions about gender roles and women's choices concerning work, family and career. Arguing that the liberal feminist ideal of full equality in the workforce and the anti-feminist call to full-time domesticity do not represent a satisfactory range of options, Williams, who is the co-director of the Gender, Work and Family Project at the American University Law School, says that the time is ripe to acknowledge the "norm of parental care," and work to develop flexible employment policies that will mitigate the stresses of the work/family dilemma. The title of the book refers to the way in which our social and domestic patterns have proven more resistant to alteration than feminists had hoped, largely due to the powerful social forces that support conventional gender roles, particularly common expectations about mothers and caregiving. Williams proposes a major shift in feminist strategy, focusing on the needs of diverse families, broad recognition of the value of domestic work and an expansion of the limited scheduling options available to women and men in the workplace. Of interest to feminists, working women and caregivers as well as policy makers, this groundbreaking study presents an important new perspective on this evolving discourse. (Nov.)
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
◆Tomlinson, Jennifer 200608 "Women's work-life balance trajectories in the UK: reformulating choice and constraint in transitions through part-time work across the life-course", British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 34(3):365-382 [Cambridge]
◆Lewis, Suzan; Lewis, Jeremy ed. 199709 The Work-Family Challenge: Rethinking Employment, Sage Pubns 192p. ISBN: 0803974698 [amazon]
[Book Description]
In The Work-Family Challenge contributors from the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States explore the possibilities of challenging traditional employment structures to take account of contemporary work and family realities. They take a critical look at the notion of `family-friendly' employment, and explore ways in which the rapidly changing needs of both organizations and the workforce can be met.
The volume argues that real progress requires moving the focus from specific policies and practices towards more systemic organizational change. It examines the contexts and opportunities - global, international, national, sociopolitical, legal and economic - for this change. The book concludes that positive solutions are attainable but will require a rethinking of employment, with constructive partnerships at many different levels, and with work and family as a core strategic business issue.
This will be stimulating reading for students, academics and professionals in human resource management, industrial relations, organizational behaviour, social policy, family studies and women's studies.
◆Lewis, Suzan; Cooper, Cary L. 20050114 Work-Life Integration: Case Studies of Organisational Change, John Wiley & Sons Inc 188p. ISBN: 0470853433 [amazon]
◆Gambles, Richenda; Lewis, Suzan; Rapoport, Rhona 20060428 The Myth of Work-Life Balance: The Challenge of Our Time for Men, Women and Societies, John Wiley & Sons Inc 134p. ISBN: 0470094613 [amazon]