

◆立岩 真也 1997/09/05 『私的所有論』,勁草書房,445+66p. ISBN-10: 4326601175 ISBN-13: 978-4326601172 6300 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
◆立岩 真也 2013/05/20 『私的所有論 第2版』,生活書院・文庫版,973p. ISBN-10: 4865000062 ISBN-13: 978-4865000061 1800+ [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
Tateiwa, Shinya(立岩 真也) 2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books

Subjectification employs the schema of an internal faculty of self control described above while embedding this system of self control within the individual in question. Person A assigns value both to thing 'a,' which they produce, and to thing 'b,' which they receive in exchange. If people think in this way and try to attach value to people, to themselves, then Person A will likely come to desire an increase in 'a' and consequently in 'b.'

Assignment of responsibility to the individual exists within both market relationships and the law. Each individual is treated as a subject of this ascription who must take responsibility for how they view themselves and the results of their own actions in regard to contracts and based on the law. The concept of ascription/assignment of responsibilityto individuals covers every aspect of society, even if it is not divided amongst all of its members. But when the concept of ascription/assignment of responsibilityis understood and given credence by all members of society, not only is ascription/assignment of responsibilityto individuals given support as something solid and justifiable in principle, but in practice, too, there is a channel opened to the individual actions of each member of society (without the intercession of (expectations of) external sanctions), and these individuals come to see both themselves and others as beings whose internal subject is expressed through their external behavior and qualities.

The establishment of this concept could perhaps be seen as corresponding to the spread of market economics and modern jurisprudence. The fact that mechanisms of assignment of responsibility have become increasingly universal can itself be seen as an acknowledgment and validation of this concept. The law brings out assignment of responsibility and calls to individuals. When labor is sold/exchanged within the market, the individual appears as an individual possessing a given level of the abilities in question. In a world in which labor abilities are commercialized, the individual can only appear as a being that labors, and this then results in the equation of a person with their ability to work. Through the persistence of this encouragement/regulation, individual people become the kind of subject they are expected to be. This is the kind of claim that is made, but it is not necessarily correct; when labor abilities in regard to the market are not considered the only question to be addressed, then something more, the appearance of the "person," is required11. In such cases the market is seen as a "cold" or "unfeeling" market. In order for the market to be something more, other mechanisms or apparatuses must be attached to it.

6.2.2 Double Predestination

"To work only as much as is necessary" - one means of breaking down this kind of rationale has, as is well known, already been implemented through the odd doctrine of "double predestination" found in the protestant movement known as Calvinism 12.


 ◇11 Here the term "Subject(ivization)" is used in a narrower sense than in texts such as Althusseur [1970].

6.2.3 Public Education


 2 主体化


 働く必要がある限度において働く。このような合理性を破る契機は、周知のように、▽381 プロテスタントの一宗派、カルヴィニズムにおいて、二重予定説という奇妙な信仰によって既に獲得されていたものではあった。◆12

 「◆11 ここで「主体(化)」という語はAlthusser[1970=1993:76ff]等で用いられているより狭い意味で使われている。」


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