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◆Achille-Delmas, F, 1932, Psychopathologie du suicide, Paris: Felix Alcan.
◆Aisbett, B, 2000, Taming the Black Dog: A Guide to Overcoming Depression, New South Wales: Harper Collins. ISBN-10: 0732268699 ISBN-13: 978-0732268695 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20010928,入江真佐子訳『うつをなおそう!――犬から学ぶ,人生が楽しくなる方法』PHP研究所. ISBN-10: 456961874X ISBN-13: 978-4569618746 \1365 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Alpert, H, [1939]1993, Emile Durkheim & His Sociology, new ed., Aldershot: Gregg Revivals. ISBN-10: 0751201294 ISBN-13: 978-0751201291 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Alvarez, A, [1971]2002, The Savage God: A Study of Suicide, new ed. , London: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN-10: 0747559058 ISBN-13: 978-0747559054 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=197402,早乙女忠訳『自殺の研究』新潮社(新潮選書). ISBN-10: 4106001594 ISBN-13: 978-4106001598; ASIN: B000J9P5XY \1155 ※原著初版の訳 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆American Psychiatric Association, 2005, Let's Talk Facts about Teen Suicide: Healthy Minds Healthy Lives, Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing. ISBN-10: 0890423717 ISBN-13: 978-0890423714 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Améry, J, 1976, Hand an sich legen: Diskurs uber den Freitod, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett. ISBN-10: 3129007806 ISBN-13: 978-3129007808 [kinokuniya]
(=19870415,大河内了義訳『自らに手をくだし――自死について』法政大学出版局.ISBN-10: 4588002074 ISBN-13: 978-4588002076 \1995 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Anderson, O, 1987, Suicide in Victorian & Edwardian England, New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 019820101X ISBN-13: 978-0198201014 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Anderson, R J, J A Hughes & W W Sharrock eds., 1987, Classic Disputes in Sociology, London: George Allen & Unwin. ISBN-10: 0043012442 ISBN-13: 978-0043012444 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Atkinson, J M, 1978, Discovering Suicide: Studies in the Social Organization of Sudden Death, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN-10: 0822911302; 0333219155(Macmillan版:内容は同じ) ISBN-13: 978-0822911302; 978-0333219157(Macmillan版) [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Ayer, E, 1993, Teen Suicide: Is It too Painful to Grow Up?, Breckenridge: Twenty-First Century Books. ISBN-10: 0805025731 ISBN-13: 978-0805025736 [amazon][kinokuniya]



◆Baechler, J, [1975]1994, Les suicides, Paris: Calmann-levy. ISBN-10: 270210066X ISBN-13: 978-2702100660 [kinokuniya]
(=1979, translated by B Cooper, Suicides, New York: Basic Books. ISBN-10: 0465083358 ISBN-13: 978-0465083350 [amazon][kinokuniya])
◆Bailey, V, 1988, "This Rash Act": Suicide across the Life Cycle in the Victorian City, Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN-10: 0804731241 ISBN-13: 978-0804731249 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Banres, H E ed., [1948]1966, An Introduction to the History of Sociology, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN-10: 0226037258 ISBN-13: 978-0226037257 [amazon]
◆Barraclough, B & J Hughes, 1987, Suicide: Clinical & Epidemiological Studies, London: Croom Helm. ISBN-10: 0709950098 ISBN-13: 978-0709950097 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Barry, R L, [1994]1996, Breaking the Thread of Life: On Rational Suicide, new ed., New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. ISBN-10: 1560009233 ISBN-13: 978-1560009238 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Bayet, A, 1922, Le suicide et la morale, Paris: Felix Alcan.
◆Bell, L, 2003, Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self-destructive Habits: A Self-help Manual, Hove: Brunner-Routledge. ISBN-10: 1583919155 ISBN-13: 978-1583919156 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=200601**,伊沢功一朗・松岡律訳『自傷行為とつらい感情に悩む人のために――ボーダーライン・パーソナリティ障害(BPD)のためのセルフヘルプ・マニュアル』誠信書房. ISBN-10: 4414414172 ISBN-13: 978-4414414172 \2940 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Bertini, K, 2009, Understanding & Preventing Suicide: The Development of Self-Destructive Patterns & Ways to Alter Them, Westport: Praeger Publishers. ISBN-10: 0313355304 ISBN-13: 978-0313355301 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Besnard, Ph, 1987, L'anomie: ses usages et ses fonctions dans la discipline sociologique depuis Durkheim, Paris: Presses universitaires de France. ISBN-10: 2130399231 ISBN-13: 978-2130399230 [kinokuniya]
◆Best, J, 2004, More Damned Lies & Statistics: How Numbers Confuse Public Issues, Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN-10: 0520238303 ISBN13: 978-0520238305 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20071031,林大訳『統計という名のウソ――数字の正体,データのたくらみ』白揚社. ISBN-10: 4826901399 ISBN-13: 978-4826901390 \2730 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Bhugra, D, 2004, Culture & Self-Harm: Attempted Suicide in South Asians in London, Hove: Psychology Press. ISBN-10: 1841695211 ISBN-13: 978-1841695211 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Bohannan, P ed., [1960]1972, African Homicide & Suicide, New York: Holiday House. ISBN-10: 0689700180 ISBN-13: 978-0689700187
◆Bornstein, K, 20060605, Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, Freaks and Other Outlaws, New York: Seven Stories Press. ISBN-10: 1583227202 ISBN-13: 978-1583227206 [amazon]
◆Borlandi, M & M Cherkaoui, 2000, Le suicide: un siecle apres Durkheim, Paris: Presses universitaires de France. ISBN-10: 2130506992 ISBN-13: 978-2130506997 [kinokuniya]
◆Brody, B A ed., 1999, Suicide & Euthanasia: Historical & Contemporary Themes, Dordrecht & Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN-10: 0792301072 ISBN-13: 978-0792301073 [amazon][kinokuniya]



◆Cain, A C, 1972, Survivors of Suicide, Springfield: Charles C Thomas. ISBN-10: 0398022526 ISBN-13: 978-0398022525 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆de Catanzaro, D, 1981, Suicide & Self-Damaging Behavior: A Sociobiological Perspective, New York: Academic Press. ISBN-10: 0121638804 ISBN-13: 978-0121638801 [amazon]
◆Cavan, R S, 1929, Suicide, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
◆Chiles, J A, 1986, Teenage Depression & Suicide: The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs, New York: Chelsea House. ISBN10: 0877547718 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Chiles, J A & K D Strosahl, 2004, Clinical Manual for Assessment & Treatment of Suicidal Patients, Washington D. C: Amer Psychiatric Publishing. ISBN-10: 1585621404 ISBN-13: 978-1585621408 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=200809**,高橋祥友訳『自殺予防臨床マニュアル』星和書店. ISBN-10: 4791106806 ISBN-13: 978-4791106806 \4095 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆ГРИГОРИЙ ЧХАРТИШВИЛИ(Chkhartishvili, G), 2001, ПИСАТЕЛЬ И САМОУБИЙСТВО(Pisatel'i samoubiistvo).
(=20010830,越野剛・清水道子・中村唯史・望月哲男訳『自殺の文学史』作品社. ISBN-10: 4878934298 ISBN-13: 978-4878934292 \3990 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Clarke, A, 1999, Self-mutilation: A Helping Book for Teens who Hurt Themselves, New York: Rosen Publishing Group. ISBN-10: 0823925595 ISBN-13: 978-0823925599 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20050617,上田勢子訳『なぜ自分を傷つけるの?――リストカット症候群(10代のセルフケア 1)』大月書店. ISBN-10: 4272405411 ISBN-13: 978-4272405411 \1365 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Clarke, R V G & D Lester, 1989, Suicide: Closing the Exit, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. ISBN-10: 0387970045 ISBN-13: 978-0387970042 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Cockerham, W C, 2007, Social Causes of Health & Disease, Cambridge: Polity Press. ISBN-10: 0745635881 ISBN-13: 978-0745635880 [amazon][kinokuniya] ◆Conrad, P & J W Schneider, [1980]1992, Deviance & Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness, Expanded Edition, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN-10: 0877229996 ISBN-13: 978-0877229995 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20031110,進藤雄三監訳/杉田聡・近藤正英訳『逸脱と医療化――悪から病へ』ミネルヴァ書房. ISBN-10: 4623038106 ISBN-13: 978-4623038107 \7350 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※)
◆Coulter, J, 1979, The Social Construction of Mind: Studies in Ethnomethodology & Linguistic Philosophy, London: Macmillan. ISBN-10: 0333437721 ISBN-13: 978-0333238820 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=西阪仰訳,19980225,『心の社会的構成――ヴィトゲンシュタイン派エスノメソドロジーの視点』新曜社. ISBN-10: 4788506319 ISBN-13: 978-4788506312 \3045 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※)
◆Crook, M, 1988, Teenagers Talk about Suicide, Toronto: NC Press. ISBN-10: 1550210130 ISBN-13: 978-1550210132 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Crook, M, 1992, Please, Listen to Me!: Your Guide to Understanding Teenagers and Suicide, Bellingham: Self Counsel Press. ISBN-10: 0889085447 ISBN-13: 978-0889085442 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Crook, M, 1997, Suicide: Teens Talk to Teens, North Vancouver: Self-Counsel Press. ISBN-10: 1551801086 ISBN-13: 978-1551801087 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Crook, M, 2004, Out of the Darkness: Teens Talk about Suicide, Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press. ISBN-10: 1551521415 ISBN-13: 978-1551521411 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Culling, K S, 2010, Screaming in Silence: Suicide, Attempted Suicide & Self-Harm Recovery, London: Chipmunkapublishing. ISBN-10: 1849913692 ISBN-13: 978-1849913690 [amazon][kinokuniya]



◆Dawson, A. & A. Tylee, 2001, Depression: Social and Economic Timebomb, London: BMJ Books. ISBN-10: 0727915738 ISBN-13: 978-0727915733 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20031215,島悟・小林和佳子監訳『うつ病という時限爆弾』日本評論社. ISBN-10: 4535981949 ISBN-13: 978-4535981942 \2940 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Delury, G. E., 1997, But What if She Wants to Die?: A Husband's Diary, New York: Birch Lane Press. ISBN-10: 1559724110 ISBN-13: 978-1559724111 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=19980630,渡会和子訳『大切な人が自殺を望んだら』翔泳社. ISBN-10: 4881356267 ISBN-13: 978-4881356265 \2310 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Douglas, J. D., 1967, The Social Meanings of Suicide, Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN-10: 0691028125 ISBN-13: 978-0691028125 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Douglas, J. D. ed., 1970, Deviance & Respectability: The Social Construction of Moral Meanings, New York & London: Basic Books. ISBN-10: 0465016383 ISBN-13: 978-0465016389 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Dubitscher, F., 1957, Der Suicid: unter besonderer Berucksichtigung versorgungsalrztlicher Gesichtspunkte, Stuttgart: Georg Thieme.
◆Dublin, L. I. & B. Bunzel, 1933, To Be or not to Be: A Study of Suicide, New York: H. Smith and R. Haas.
Durkheim, É, [1893]1960, De la divsion du travail social: etude sur l'organisation des societes superieures, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN-10: 2130563295 ISBN-13: 978-2130563297 [kinokuniya]
(=19710201,田原音和訳『社会分業論』青木書店. ISBN-10: 4250205061 ISBN-13: 978-4250205064 \7875 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Durkheim, É., [1895]1960, Les règles de la méthode sociologique, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN-10: 2130563317 ISBN-13: 978-2130563310 [kinokuniya]
(=19780616,宮島喬訳『社会学的方法の規準』岩波書店(岩波文庫). ISBN-10: 4003421434 ISBN-13: 978-4003421437 \882 [amazon] ※)
◆Durkheim, É., [1897]1960, Le suicide: etude de sociologie, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN-10: 2130563309 ISBN-13: 978-2130563310 [kinokuniya]
(=19850910,宮島喬訳『自殺論』中央公論新社(中公文庫). ISBN-10: 4122012562 ISBN-13: 978-4122012561 \980 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※)
◆Durkheim, É., 1925, L' éducation morale, Paris: Felix Alcan. ISBN-10: 290716497X ISBN-13: 978-2907164979 [kinokuniya]
(=20100512,麻生誠・山村健訳『道徳教育論』講談社(講談社学術文庫).  ISBN-10: 4062919923 ISBN-13: 978-4062919920 \1418 [amazon][kinokuniya]



◆Eglin, P. & S. Hester, 2003, The Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis, Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. ISBN-10: 0889204225 ISBN-13: 978-0889204225 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Ellis, T. E. & C. F. Newman, 1996, Choosing to Live: How to Defeat Suicide through Cognitive Therapy, Oakland: New Harbinger Publication. ISBN-10: 1572240563 ISBN-13: 978-1572240568 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=200509,高橋祥友訳『自殺予防の認知療法――もう一度生きる力を取り戻してみよう』日本評論社.ISBN-10: 4535562245 ISBN-13: 978-4535562240 \2410 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Ellis, T. E. ed., 2006, Cognition & Suicide: Theory, Research, and Therapy, Washington DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN-10: 1591473578 ISBN-13: 978-1591473572 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Elwin, V., [1943]1991, Maria Murder & Suicide, 2nd ed., Delhi: Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0195628543 ISBN-13: 978-0195628548 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Eser, A. & K. Engisch, Hrsg., 1976, Suizid und Euthanasie als human- und sozialwissenschaftliches Problem, Stuttgart: F Enke. ISBN-10: 3432886810 ISBN-13: 978-3432886817 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Esherick, J., M. A. McDonnell & Bridgemohan, 2004,The Silent Cry: Teen Suicide & Self-Destructive Behaviors, Broomall: Mason Crest. ISBN-10: 1590848519 ISBN-13: 978-1590848517 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Eugenides, J., [1993]2002, The Virgin Suicides, London: Bloomsbury. ISBN-10: 0747560595 ISBN-13: 978-0747560593 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=[19940831]20010615,佐々田雅子訳『ヘビトンボの季節に自殺した五人姉妹』早川書房(ハヤカワepi文庫). ISBN-10: 415120007X ISBN-13: 978-4151200076 \735 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Evans, G. & N. L. Farberow, 2003, The Encyclopedia of Suicide, New York: Facts on File. ISBN-10: 0816045259 ISBN-13: 978-0816045259 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20060510,高橋祥友監修,小川真弓・徳永優子・吉田美樹訳,『自殺予防事典』明石書店. ISBN-10: 4750322903 ISBN-13: 978-0816045259 \7140 [amazon][kinokuniya]



◆Fei, W., 2009, Suicide & Justice: A Chinese Perspective, New York: Routledge. ISBN-10: 0415551714 ISBN-13: 978-0415551717 [amazon][kinokuniya] s01
◆Farber, M. L., 1968, Theory of Suicide, New York: Funk & Wagnalls. ISBN-10: 0405095643 ISBN-13: 978-0405095641 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=197707**,大原健士郎・勝俣暎史訳『自殺の理論――精神的打撃と自殺行動』岩崎学術出版社. ASIN: B000J8RKW4 \2100 [amazon]
◆Farberow, N. L. & E. S. Shneidman eds., [1961]1965, The Cry for Help, New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN-10: 0070199434 ISBN-13: 978-0070199439 [amazon]
(=1969****,大原健士郎・清水信訳『孤独な魂の叫び――現代の自殺論』誠信書房. ASIN: B000J9P6G0 [amazon]
◆Favazza, A. R., [1987]1996, Bodies under Siege: Self-mutilation & Body Modification in Culture & Psychiatry, 2nd ed., Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN-10: 0801853001 ISBN-13: 978-0801853005 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20090520,松本俊彦監訳『自傷の文化精神医学――包囲された身体』金剛出版. ISBN-10: 4772410724 ISBN-13: 978-4772410724 \7140 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Fine, C., 1996, No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of Loved One, New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc. ISBN-10: 0385480180 ISBN-13: 978-0385480185 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20000830,飛田野裕子訳『さよならも言わずに逝ったあなたへ――自殺が家族に残すもの』扶桑社. ISBN-10: 4594029590 ISBN-13: 978-4594029593 \1600 [amazon][kinokuniya]
Foucault, M., 1976, Historie de la sexualité 1: la volonté de savoir, Paris: Gallimard. ISBN-10: 2070295893 ISBN-13: 978-2070295890 [kinokuniya]
(=19860910, 渡辺守章訳『性の歴史I――知への意志』新潮社. ISBN-10: 4105067044 ISBN-13: 978-4105067045 \2520 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※)
◆Fox, C. & K. Hawton, 2004, Deliberate Self-Harm in Adolescence, London & Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley. ISBN-10: 1843102374 ISBN-13: 978-1843102373 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=20090611,東眞理子訳『ハンドブック 青年期における自傷行為――エビデンスに基づいた調査・研究・ケア』明石書店. ISBN-10: 4750329908 ISBN-13: 978-4750329901 \2520 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Frankel, B. & R. Kranz, 1997, Straight Talk about Teenage Suicide, New York: Facts on File Inc. ISBN-10: 0816037515 ISBN-13: 978-0816037513 [amazon]



◆Galas, J C, 1994, Teen Suicide, Farmington Hills: Gale. ISBN-10: 1560061480 ISBN-13: 978-1560061489 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Gardner, S L & G B Rosenberg, 1990, Teenage suicide, Englewood Cliffs: Julian Messner. ISBN-10: 0671702017 ISBN-13: 978-0671702014 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Garfinkel, H, [1967]1991, Studies in Ethnomethodology, Cambridge: Polity Press. ISBN-10: 0745600050 ISBN-13: 978-0745600055 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Gates, B, 1988, Victorian Suicide: Mad Crimes & Sad Histories, Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN-10: 0691094373 ISBN-13: 978-0691094373 [amazon][kinokuniya]
(=19991005,市川美香子・岡村真紀子・桂文子・福田雅子・福岡和子訳『世紀末自殺考――ヴィクトリア朝文化史』英宝社.ISBN-10: 4269810424 ISBN-13: 978-4269810426 \2940 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Gibbs, J P & W T, Martin, 1964, Status Integration & Suicide: A Sociological Study, Eugene: University of Oregon Press. ISBN-10: 0871141051 ISBN-13: 978-0871141057 [amazon][kinokuniya]
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(=19890920,友枝敏雄・今田高俊・森重雄訳『社会理論の最前線』ハーベスト社. ISBN-10: 4938551098 ISBN-13: 978-4938551094 \3150 [amazon][kinokuniya]
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(=198508,霜山徳爾・妙木浩之訳『自殺のシグナル――青年期前後の記録』産業図書. ISBN-10: 4782800029 ISBN-13: 978-4782800027 \2100 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Guillon, C, 2004, Le droit à la mort:"suicide, mode d'emploi," ses lecteurs et ses juges, Paris: Hors commerce. ISBN-10: 2915286345 ISBN-13: 978-2915286342 [kinokuniya]
◆Guillon, C & Y Le Bonniec, 1982, Suicide, mode d'emploi: histoire, technique, actualite, Paris: Alain Moreau. ISBN-10: 2852090007 [kinokuniya]
(=19830430,五十嵐邦夫訳『自殺――もっとも安楽に死ねる方法』徳間書店. ISBN-10: 4193426963 ISBN-13: 978-4193426960 \1575 [amazon][kinokuniya]
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◆Halbwachs, M, [1930]2002, Les causes du suicide, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN-10: 2130520901 ISBN-13: 978-2130520900 [kinokuniya]
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◆Hassan, R, 1995, Suicide Explained: The Australian Experience, Carlton South: Melbourne University Press. ISBN-10: 0522846777 ISBN-13: 978-0522846775 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆Hawton, K, K Rodham & E Evans, 2006, By Their Own Young Hand: Deliberate Self-Harm & Suicidal Ideas in Adolescents, London: Jessica Kingsley. ISBN-10: 1843102307 ISBN13: 978-1843102304 [amazon][kinokuniya]
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