Cf. The Right to Live Article 25 of the Japanese Constitution
1. All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.
2. In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health.
◆OKA Keinosuke March 31, 2012 "Capability Approach as a Framework of Poverty Measurement: Some Suggestions about Procedures of Poverty Measurement" Core Ethics 8:75-85 [PDF]
◆MIYAMOTO Taro November 21, 2009 Life Security: Toward the Society that does not Eliminate (『生活保障――排除しない社会へ』)Iwanami Shoten, 234p. ISBN-10: 4004312167 ISBN-13: 978-4004312161 840yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆MICHINAKA Ryu November 10, 2009 Public Assistance and Japanese Style Working Poor (『生活保護と日本型ワーキングプア―貧困の固定化と世代間継承』)Minerva Shobo, 199p. ISBN-10: 462305277X ISBN-13: 978-4623052776 2310yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆HARADA Yutaka September 26, 2009 Why Are Many People Poor in Japan?: Economics of "Surprising Facts" (『日本はなぜ貧しい人が多いのか――「意外な事実」の経済学』) Shinchosha, 284p. ISBN-10: 4106036487 ISBN-13: 978-4106036484 1260yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆KOMAMURA Kohei January 25, 2009 Society with Huge Poverty (『大貧困社会』), Kadokawa SS Communications, 202p. ISBN-10: 4827550581 ISBN-13: 978-4827550580 819yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆AMAMIYA Karin & KAYANO Toshihito July 20, 2008 On "Difficulties of Living": Poverty, Identity and Nationalism (『「生きづらさ」について』), Kobunsha, 216p. ISBN-10: 4334034616 ISBN-13: 978-4334034610 798yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆NISHIKAWA Jun June 5, 2008 Databook Poverty (『データブック貧困』)Iwanami Shoten, 79p. ISBN-10: 4000094300 ISBN-13: 978-4000094306 504yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆OYAMA Norihiro January 16, 2008 Public Assistance vs Working Poor (『生活保護VSワーキングプア――若者に広がる貧困』)PHP Kenkyujyo, 251p. ISBN-10: 4569697135 ISBN-13: 978-4569697130 756yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆SUGIMURA Hiroshi October 24, 2007 Gap, Poverty and Public Assistance (『格差・貧困と生活保護』)Akashi Shoten, 230p. ISBN-10: 4750326593 ISBN-13: 978-4750326597 1890yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆IWATA Masami May 2007 Modern Poverty: Working Poor/Homeless/Public Assistance (『現代の貧困――ワーキングプア/ホームレス/生活保護』)Chikuma Shobo, 221p. ISBN-10: 4480063625 ISBN-13: 978-4480063625 735yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
◆OECD December 18, 2008 Jobs for Youth/Des Emplois pour les jeunes : JAPAN 2009 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 132p. ISBN-10: 9264055991 ISBN-13: 978-9264055995 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]