"In the situation described in Section 2, opportunities for improvement of each individual appeared embedded within structures of self control. But this is only one part of a larger whole composed of various kinds of intervention regarding the individual. Since the 16th century there have been social conditions and movements, connected both systematically and non-systematically, that have worked to change the mentality of individuals. But traits like idleness, for example, were presumed to be characteristics of a particular kind of person, and this presumption usually conformed to the hierarchical arrangement already present in society. At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, a new approach, supported by new knowledge and technology, was developed. What emerged during this period was the individual as a source of production, the grouping together of these individuals as general "populations"◆17, and a focus on the production of society as a whole. What was carried out in practice during this period was the investigation of behavior, the study of the history of the person or people in question, the examination of the social environment, and the measurement of both the external form and internal aspects of the body. An empirical science of human behavior and the various factors that regulate it was born. This science sought to explain the differences between individuals and between groups of individuals in terms of factors that at the same time both underlie and exist within each individual; rather than address individual actions separately, this approach focused its attention on the core from which all of an individual's actions derive◆18."
Chap.6 n.17
"Malthus' well-known claims regarding population control (Malthus [1798]) lie on the border between the 18th and 19th centuries. He asserted that since growth in population was geometric while growth in food production was arithmetic shortages would be inevitable unless action was taken, and as a result it was necessary to restrict population growth. But with the development of imperialism in the latter half of the 19th century, the growth of colonies overseas caused the domestic population to shrink; there were in fact attempts to increase the population in order to further colonial expansion, and the problem of population growth temporarily receded in imperialist nations. From a eugenic perspective the neo-Malthusian approach of preventing food shortages by limiting population growth was to be criticized along with Sangerism for not doing anything to improve the quality of the population (see the discussion of the mission statement of the Japanese eugenics association (1930) in Takagi [1991:164])."
◆1859Mill, John Stewart 出典:Mill, John Stuart 1859 On Liberty=1967 早坂忠訳,「自由論」 関嘉彦編[1967:211-348]=19711016 塩尻公明・木村健康訳,『自由論』,岩波文庫
◆1972 Callahan, Daniel "Ethics and Population Limitation", Science,175(Feburauary 4):487-494→1991Schrader-Frechetteed.[1991]
=1993 平石隆敏訳,「倫理と人口制限」,Schrader-Frechette ed.[1991=1993:471-502]
◆Kotlikoff, Laurence J.; Burns, Scott 2004 The Coming Generatuional Storm; What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future,MIT Press=20050722 中川 治子 『破産する未来――少子高齢化と米国経済』,日本経済新聞社,384p. ISBN-10:4532351588 ISBN-13:978-4532351588 \2625 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] ※ e05 p02