Takeuchi Criteria

[What is Takeuchi Criteria?]
"Study group on brain death" of the Ministry of Welfare (Group leader: Takeuchi, Kazuo (Professor of Kyorin University) set decision criteria on brain death in December 1985. The name of the criteria comes from the group leader's family name, Takeuchi and therefore called "Takeuchi Criteria". There are six criteria for this.

1) Profound coma
It is in an unconscious state. Even if his/her face is provided with a stimulus, it is unresponsive.

2) Cessation of natural breathing (Test of function of brain stem)

3) Dilation of the pupil(Test of function of brain stem)

4) Loss of seven brain stem reflexes(Test of function of brain stem)

5) Isoelectric electroencephalogram
It shows that electrical activity of telencephalon is getting weaker and weaker.

6) Time course
It is to reconfirm, after six hours of the first diagnosis, that the diagnosis made is not wrong.

References: http://www.pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/brain/brain/102/discus_4.html (Japanese)

UP:July 28, 2009
Preparer & Translator:Minoru Kataoka
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