Comparison between the Current Organ Transplantation Law and Four Revised Plans

Comparison between the Current Organ Transplantation Law and Four Revised Plans

On Brain Death
Determination of Brain Death
Age Ristriction
Current Law
Determination of brain death is based on the involved person's indication of intention and his/her family's agreement. Only when the involved person is regarded as brain death, he/she is regarded as human death.
6 items such as cessation of natural breathing
(Takeuchi Criteria)
15 or over
Plan A
*Brain death means human death.
*Only agreement of the involved person's
family is necessary.
*The involved person and his/her family can
reject determination of brain death.
Same as the current law
The involved person's kinship can
have donation on a priority basis.
Plan B
Same as the current law
Same as the current law
12 or over
The involved person's kinship can
have donation on a priority basis.
Plan C
Same as the current law
Tightening such as confirmation of disappearance of brain blood flow
Same as the current law
Live organ transplant and donation of tissues are regulated.
Plan D
Add new rules for persons under 15 years old to the current law
Same as the current law
*15 or over: Same as the current law
*Under 15: Agreement of the involved person's family is necessary. In addtion, the third-party organization will examine the case.

This is the English translation of Kyoto Shimbun on June 14, 2009 (Morning Edition:3)

UP:July 23, 2009 REV:July 28, 2009
Preparer & Translator:Minoru Kataoka
*Organ Transplantation/Brain Death
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