Liberal Feminism


◆江原 由美子 編 20011015 『フェミニズムとリベラリズム――フェミニズムの主張・5』,勁草書房,255+14p.ISBN:4-326-65256-X 2835 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ f03 l03

◆野崎 綾子 20030825 『正義・家族・法の構造転換――リベラル・フェミニズムの再定位』,勁草書房,274p. ISBN-10: 4326652845 ISBN-13: 9784326652846 4000 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ f03. l03. lf.

◆立岩 真也 1997/09/05 『私的所有論』,勁草書房,445+66p. ISBN-10: 4326601175 ISBN-13: 978-4326601172 6300 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
◆立岩 真也 2013/05/20 『私的所有論 第2版』,生活書院・文庫版,973p. ISBN-10: 4865000062 ISBN-13: 978-4865000061 1800+ [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
Tateiwa, Shinya(立岩 真也) 2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books

 chap.4 note 27
 "Liberal feminism does not necessarily oppose a system of surrogate motherhood. There is a tendency towards taking the view that if informed consent is secured and a contract is entered into based on the free will of the woman in question, then to the extent that the women involved retain control over their own bodies throughout every stage of the process surrogate motherhood contracts must be upheld, and to the extent the woman in question is behaving rationally her aims and intentions are simply a question of "taste" or personal preference and are outside of the scope of analysis by others...The famous liberal feminist lawyer Lori Andrews, for example, viewed Mrs. Whitehead's change of heart in not adhering to the surrogate motherhood contract after giving birth in the baby M case as a threat. She thought that if the argument that hormonal changes during pregnancy can invalidate a previously agreed legal determination were upheld it would be used as an excuse to say that the decisions of women cannot be trusted. She therefore asserted that having agreed to a contract a surrogate mother should not be given the opportunity to change her mind when it is time to hand over the baby." (Gojo [1991:49]; cf. Andrews [1984] [1989] [1990] and Mahowald [1994])
 Libertarians argue for the freedom of markets (A+) and the freedom to make use of skills/technology (B+) from the perspective of liberty. Conservatives argue for the freedom of markets (A+) and regulation of things like expression (B-) from the perspective of tradition/morality. Liberals seek distribution (A-) and on the other hand argue for self-determination (B+) from the perspective of self-determination. This is a broad outline of the positions taken. Libertarians side with conservatives and in opposition to liberals regarding distribution (A) and its being carried out by the government. Regarding assertions related to issues like bioethics (B), on the other hand, there are some liberals who are "pro choice," and in opposing regulation agree with the laissez-faire stance of libertarianism, while religious conservatives desire government regulation and control (for a description of assertions of this kind made in America see Sasaki [1984]).
 There are questions about what exactly the "liberal" position is. Looking at the discourse surrounding reproductive technologies in America, I do not think we can ignore the fact that, at least in some cases, those who advocate rights and choice (who may perhaps be called liberals) are also those who stand to benefit from these rights and choices, or, in other words, are those who possess the abilities (particularly intellectual abilities) that they think ought to be required, and thus are themselves in the category of people to whom they would ascribe the "qualifications" necessary to take advantage of the system of rights and choices they seek to implement. At the same time there is a certain kind of conservatism that manifests itself as xenophobia and discrimination but stems from a dissatisfaction on the part of its proponents with their own social standing in relation to those who have been more successful. The perspective explored in this book occupies a different position from that of the "pro-life" movement, in which religious conservatism has played a leading role, and does not side with a conservatism that takes a very simple (and political) approach to the questions of what is traditional and what is moral, but at the same time it is not a perspective that accepts without hesitation the vagueness and convenience to those who espouse it of the so-called "liberal" position. It was my intention in writing this book to clarify as much as possible what if any value these positions may have, but the task of laying out and examining the assertions of liberalism and conservatism and clarifying the ways in which they agree and disagree is one that remains to be carried out."

◆27 「リベラル・フェミニズムは必ずしも代理母制度に反対しない。すなわち、インフォームド・コンセントが十分になされた上で、本人が自由意志に基づいて契約を交わし、彼女たちが妊娠の全てのプロセスを通じて自分の身体のコントロールを維持する限り、代理母契約は維持されるべきだ、本人が理性的に行動している限り、彼女の目的は他人の分析の範囲外にあり、その個人的選択は単なる嗜好の問題であると考える傾向がみられる。/例えば、リベラル・フェミニストの有名な弁護士Lori Andrewsは、ベビー・M事件の際に、赤ん坊の誕生時に契約上の決定に従わなかった代理母のWhitehead 夫人の心の変化を脅威とみなした。妊娠中のホルモンの変化があらかじめ取り交わされた法的決定を無効にするという議論が成り立つのなら、それは女性の決定は信用できないという口実に使われるというのが彼女の考えである。そこで彼女は代理母契約に際して、赤ん坊を譲渡する時に代理母が気持ちを変える機会を与えるべきではないと主張した。」(五条しおり[1991:49]、cf.Andrews[1984][1989][1990]、Mahowald[1994=1996:108ff])
 リバタリアンは、自由の立場から市場における自由(A+)と技術利用の自由(B+)を主張する。保守主義は、伝統・道徳の立場から、市場における自由(A+)と表現等の規制(B−)を主張する(彼らにとって市場での自由主義は伝統的で道徳的なのである)。リベラルは、配分を求める(A−)一方、自己決定の立場から自己決定を主張する(B+)。【右に文献をあげたロリー・アンドリュースの「病院開示法案」の全文がInlander et al.[1988=1997]にあり、連載の「「消費者主義」の本」と題する回(立岩[2001-2009(2)])▽298 で紹介した。】おおまかに言ってこのような構図になっている。A分配に関する政府の役割を巡って、リバタリアンは保守主義として現われ、リベラルと対立する。他方、B生命倫理等に関わる主題については、規制に反対するリベラル派があり「プロ・チョイス」の主張に同調し、リバタリアンは自由放任を一貫させるだろうが、宗教的保守派は政府による規制を求める(米国における主張の布置について佐々木毅[1984]等)。

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