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反安楽死国際機動部隊(International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force)


 「安楽死に反対する人たちは外国にはいないのかといえば、そんなことはない。そして反対者はカトリックなどの宗教的生命尊重主義者たちに限られるかと言えばそんなこともない。例えば米国には『まだ死んでない(Not Dead Yet)』(http://acils.com/NotDeadYet/)というホームページがあり、次のようなことが書いてある。《障害をもつアメリカ人は、あなた方の憐れみもいらないし、私たちを死に追いやる慈悲もいらない。私たちが欲しいのは自由だ。私たちが欲しいのは「生」だ。》。また探してみると、「反安楽死国際機動部隊(International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force)」(http://www.iaetf.org/)などという組織もあるらしい(私のホームページですこし紹介している)。

 International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force
 P.O. Box 760
 Steubenville, OH 43952

Euthanasia, assisted suicide, advance directives, assisted suicide proposals, "right-to-die" cases, euthanasia practices in the Netherlands, disability rights, pain control and much, much more.
This site was last updated on February 12, 2001.

◆Dying for the Cause
 Funding for the "right-to-die" movement (Philanthropy Today current issue)
 "More often than not, major shifts in public attitudes and public policy come not from grassroots clamor but rather from the hard work of a committed few - activists with the ideas and the donors who fund them...."
 A bill to legalize both euthanasia and assisted suicide has been introduced in the Hawaiian Senate.
◆Letter from attorney for Robert Wendland's mother and sister
 For more information on the Wendland case, see Food and Fluids.
◆Latest IAETF Update:
Dutch Parliament votes to legalize euthanasia; Details behind the rejection of Maine's "Death with Dignity" referendum; Research in Review; Developments in Australia, Belgium,Great Britain and Switzerland ; Research in review; and more. (12/27/00) Search past issues (through 9/99) of the IAETF Update

◆Assisted Suicide in Oregon: The First Two Years
 Documented fact sheet about the first two years of assisted suicide in Oregon.
 Documented fact sheet about the problems associated with assisted suicide
◆Detailed Site Index
 Site Search The site search below will take you to the article or the IAETF Update issue that includes your search terms. After you get to the article or Update issue, use "control F" to find the exact word you're seeking within the document.
◆IAETF Site Search

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◆Food and Fluids
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◆About the IAETF(↓)






◆About the IAETF

The International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force (IAETF) is an international leader in the ever-increasing debate over assisted suicide and euthanasia. The IAETF concentrates solely on the issues surrounding assisted suicide and euthanasia and addresses these issues from a public policy perspective.

IAETF spokespersons are often seen on conference rosters and news programs. The IAETF also works behind-the-scenes with policy makers and journalists around the world to influence the court of public opinion and the courts of law.

The goal of the IAETF is to influence the assisted suicide and euthanasia debate -- which will affect public policy, medical practice and the lives of everyone -- so that a patient's right to receive care and compassion will not be replaced by a doctor's right to prescribe poison or administer lethal injections.

To achieve this goal, the IAETF has identified the following major areas of concentration:

Educational Research & Materials Production
Careful up-to-date research and impeccable documentation are hallmarks of the information and material available from and through the IAETF. The IAETF maintains the most extensive and up-to-date library in the world devoted solely to the issues surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide.

The IAETF prepares and documents information in clear, concise terms so that it can be used by individuals and groups in disseminating information to their constituencies. Further, the IAETF publishes the IAETF Update which is used as a resource by thousands of individuals and groups for the latest, accurate and documented information related to assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Media Relations
The IAETF maintains an excellent relationship with professionals in the print and electronic media. Because of this relationship, the IAETF is often in the position of providing initial leads and information for feature stories and investigative reports.

Moreover, journalists frequently contact the IAETF for comment and analysis (both for attribution and for background) regarding new or ongoing developments in the areas of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Center for Law and Bioethics
Analysis of the legal and bioethical implications of policies and laws will continue to be a major role of the IAETF.

The IAETF frequently provides assistance to attorneys and those involved in the field of bioethics. To enhance this work, the IAETF has commenced development of a network of attorneys willing to devote time to the legal aspects of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Attorneys will be assisted in preparing for the ever increasing debates regarding these issues at the level of state and local bar associations. Furthermore, the IAETF will offer assistance to lawyers in the skills necessary to deal with the media as it pertains to cases involving vulnerable people and their families.

Community and Professional Networking
Personal contact with individuals and organizational leaders is made to build strong relationships that are necessary to influence policy and coverage related to euthanasia and assisted suicide. As a component of this networking, the IAETF provides assistance and training in the most effective ways to address the topics of euthanasia and assisted suicide for particular audiences.

Individuals and groups who network with the Task Force share a common concern about the threat of euthanasia and assisted suicide, but may hold widely differing views on other public policy issues.

Web Site
Through its web site, the IAETF continuously provides accurate, credible and compelling information to people around the world. The site is used by journalists, policy makers, students, as well as by medical and legal professionals. Furthermore, on-line newspapers link to the IAETF site so that readers can immediately access the IAETF's web site.

Hundreds of magazines, universities and other organizations throughout the world similarly link to the IAETF site.

The IAETF's Internet presence provides those in need of information with immediate worldwide access to accurate, documented material, without the delays and expense that previously had been associated with mailing or faxing information.



Barbiturates are the most common substances used for assisted suicide in Oregon and in the Netherlands. Overdoses of barbiturates are known to cause distress:

Extreme gasping and muscle spasms can occur. While losing consciousness, a person can vomit and then inhale the vomit. Panic, feelings of terror and assaultive behavior take place from the drug-induced confusion. Other problems can include difficulty in taking the drugs, failure of the drugs to induce unconsciousness and a number of days elapsing before death occurs. [NEJM, 2/24/00 and Oregonian, 3/23/00]
Dr. Katrina Hedberg, a co-author of Oregon's two official reports on assisted suicide, denies that there have been complications in assisted suicide deaths in Oregon. "Those things have not materialized," she stated. [Oregonian, 2/24/00] But news reports from Oregon indicate otherwise:
A man experienced difficulty during his assisted suicide death and his brother-in-law had to help him die. "It doesn't go smoothly for everyone," the person who helped explained. "It would not have worked without help." [Oregonian, 1/17/99 and 3/11/99]

In another case, after a man took the drugs intended to induce death, his physical symptoms were so disturbing that his wife called 911. He was taken from his home to a hospital where he was revived. [Oregonian, 3/23/00]
In the Netherlands, the Royal Dutch Association of Pharmacy provides prescribing guidelines to prevent problems and increase the efficiency of assisted suicide. Yet there are still problems with reported physician-assisted suicides in the Netherlands:

Complications such as muscle spasms, extreme gasping and vomiting occurred in 7% of assisted suicide cases. [NEJM, 2/24/00, p. 551, 555]

In 18% of attempted assisted suicides, other problems occurred and doctors decided to administer euthanasia. [NEJM, 2/24/00, p. 551, 554]

Patients did not become unconscious, awoke, or lingered far longer than expected in 14% of assisted suicides. [NEJM. 2/24/00, p. 555]

Problems may be underreported since "it seems likely that the physicians whose patients experienced the worst complications would be most reluctant to answer questions about untoward events." [NEJM, 2/24/00, p.583]


Although the New England Journal of Medicine article (2/24/00) was the first time a major medical journal in the United States had recounted problems associated with assisted suicide in the Netherlands, there had been prior warnings:

In 1995, Dr. Pieter Admiraal, who has practiced euthanasia in the Netherlands for years, warned of the risk of failure associated with assisted suicide. After explaining the preparations that must be made for an assisted suicide death, he wrote:
"In spite of these measures, every doctor who decides to assist in suicide must be aware that something can go wrong, with the result being a failure of the suicide. For this reason, one should always be prepared to proceed to active euthanasia. In other words, the doctor should always have at hand thiopental and muscle relaxant" (to administer in the form of a lethal injection). [Admiraal, P.V., "Toepassing van euthanatica," Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 2/11/95, p. 267]


Dr. Sherwin Nuland of Yale University School of Medicine favors physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. He noted that the official Oregon reports lack any recorded complications whereas the Dutch reports indicate significant problems: "The Dutch findings seem more credible," he wrote. [NEJM, 2/24/00, p. 583-584.]

Nuland emphasized the importance of the report of assisted suicide complications:

"This is information that will come as a shock to the many members of the public - including legislators and even some physicians - who have never considered that the procedures involved in physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia might sometimes add to the suffering they are meant to alleviate and might also preclude the tranquil death being sought." [NEJM, 2/24/00, p. 583]

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International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force
P.O. Box 760
Steubenville, OH 43952
Copyright 2000 IAETF

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