Euthanasia / Death with Dignity



■■Japanese Pages in this Site

PWD and Euthanasia
Discourses on Euthanasia
 ◆1970'  ◆1980'  ◆1990'  ◆1997  ◆2000'
Bibliography  ◆Organ Donation Euthanasia(ODE)

International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force
Not Dead Yet

USA  ◆Karen Ann Quinlan(1975〜1985)  ◆Oregon (USA) ◆Not Dead Yet  ◆Hemlock Society  ◆Terri Schiavo(〜2005)
UK ◆Diane Pretty (2002) ◆Leslie Burke Trial(2003-)
 ◆Joffe Bill:Guardian・Observer(2005)/◆Joffe Bill:Guardian・Observer(2006)
Italia 2009
Dignitas in Switzerland: 2006〜2008/◆Dignitas in Switzerland: 2009

相模原事件2004- (2005地裁判決)
北海道立羽幌病院事件・書類送検 (2004- 2005書類送検)
Terri Schiavo(2005死去・米国)
4月集会「尊厳死っ、てなに?」 2005/04/16
「安楽死・尊厳死法制化を阻止する会」発足集会 2005/06/25
Joffe Bill関連新聞記事:Guardian・Observer(2005)
Joffe Bill関連新聞記事:Guardian・Observer(2006)

 cf.◆Aging(English)/◆死生学 /◆新生児/障害新生児の治療停止/選択的治療停止 /◆prolonged coma / (prolonged vegetable state)

■■Academic Achievements

◆HAMANO Kenzo "Should Euthanasia be Lega}ized in Japan? : The Importance of the Attitude Towards Life"


By Members of Our Center
NOZAKI Yasunobu March 15, 2015 Exceeding the Society People Fall Togther: Toward Unconditional Life Affirmation!,Chikuma Shobo, 240p. ISBN-10: 448001618X ISBN-13: 978-4480016188 1500+ [amazon][kinokuniya]


◆Van der Heide, A., Legemate, J., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. et al., 2012 Tweede evaluatie Wet toetsing levensbeëindiging op verzoek en hulp bij zelfdoding
(English version summary pp.19-25)

By Members of Our Center
TATEIWA Shin'ya & ARIMA Hitoshi October 31, 2012 Narratives and Deeds on Life and Death I: Death with Dignity Bill, Resistance, and Bioethics, Seikatsu Shoin, 241p. ISBN-10:4865000003 ISBN-13: 978-4865000009 2000 + tax [amazon][kinokuniya]


◆Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) 2011 "The role of the physician in the voluntary termination of life, KNMG position paper


By Members of Our Center
OTANI Izumi November 2010 "'Good Manner of Dying' as a Normative Concept: 'Autocide,' 'Granny Dumping' and Discussions on Euthanasia/Death with Dignity in Japan," International Journal of Japanese Sociology 19(1): 49-63 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1475-6781.2010.01136.x/full

OTANI Izumi April 9, 2010 "Do not Commend the Self-Sacrificial Death: The Paradox in "Death and Life Education"
Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition:6

OTANI Izumi March 4, 2010 " Roots of Thoughts of 'Euthanasia'," pp.207-233 KOMATSU Yoshihiko & KAGAWA Chiaki (Eds.) Toward Construction of Meta-bioethics: Redefining Bioethics,NTT Publishing, ISBN-10: 4757160496 ISBN-13: 978-4757160491 3360 yen [amazon][kinokuniya]


◆Boudewijn E Chabot & Arnold Goedhart 2009 "A survey of self-directed dying attended by proxies in the Dutch population", Social Science & Medicine 68: 1745-1751

◆KAI Katsunori March 2009 "Euthanasia and Death with Dignity in Japanese Law", Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law 27: 1-13

By Members of Our Center
ABE Akira November 16, 2009 "Approaches to the Issues of Euthanasia / Death with Dignity with the View of Ars Vivendi" Contributing to this Website

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 2, 2009 "What Is Lost Instead of Death: Supplement to the Description of Trends in Japan", International Seminar on Euthanasia, Diet Members' Building, Seoul

◆September 6, 2009 Symposium on Life & Death / Death & Life
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Host: Global COE Program: Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University / Global COE Program: Development and Systematization of Death and Life Studies at Tokyo University http://l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/shiseigaku/en_index.html

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 10, 2009 Decision of Ventilator?, Yumiko Kawaguchi & Momoe Konagaya eds. Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan

HOTTA Yoshitaro, ABE Akira, MATOBA Kazuko & ARIMA Hitoshi May 9, 2009 "The Importance of Social Support in Decision Making regarding Terminal Care: What ALS Patients in Japan can Teach us", Poster Presentation at 11th Congress of the EAPC, Vienna, Austria

Sole LifeTATEIWA Shin'ya 2009 Sole Life , Tokyo, Chikuma Shobo, 418p. ISBN-10:4480867201 ISBN-13:978-4480867209 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

Chapter 1. Saying / Not Saying the Specialty of Human Life
Chapter 2. Recent Past and Now
Chapter 3. Withdrawing because Resource is Limited - What Happened in that Era
Chapter 4. Present
Chapter 5. About deciding to die
Chapter 6. More Painful Life, Painful Life, Easy Death
Chapter 7. 0n "Philosophy of Illness" > Yoshiyuki Koizumi

Book Review

生存学ARIMA Hitoshi February 25, 2009 "Freedom to Choose Euthanasia", Ars Vivendi 1:23-41
SAKAMOTO Norihito February 25, 2009 "Economic Analysis of Medical Care for the Elderly and End-of-life Care", Ars Vivendi 1:42-54
HOTTA Yoshitaro, ARIMA Hitoshi, ABE Akira & MATOBA Kazuko February 25, 2009 "Lessons of Lesley Burke Case in the UK: Second-Thoughts on the Principles of Biomedical Ethics", Ars Vivendi 1:131-164 cf.Leslie Burke Case (Japanese)


By Members of Our Center
OTANI Izumi February 2, 2008 Report "From Euthanasia to Death with Dignity?: Rereading Theories of Euthanasia and Death with Dignity", The Second Kyoto Seminar Held by Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics Campus Plaza Kyoto

Good Death (?)TATEIWA Shin'ya 2008 Good Death (?), Chikuma Shobo 374p. ISBN-10: 4480867198 ISBN-13: 978-4480867193 [amazon] /[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

Chapter 1. "My" Death
Chapter 2. Natural Death, and Life as Reception of Nature
section 7-1 Receiving the world
Chapter 3. Sacrifice and Shortage

Book Review


By Members of Our Center
HOTTA Yoshitaro & MATOBA Kazuko May 19, 2007 "Offense and Defense over the Bill of Death with Dignity in Britain No.3: Re-evaluation of Munby Judgment at Leslie Burke Trial (Japanese), The 33rd Annual Convention of the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology, Niigata University of Health and Welfare

MATOBA Kazuko, FUJIWARA Nobuyuki & HOTTA Yoshitaro May 19, 2007 "Offense and Defense over the Bill of Death with Dignity in Britain No.1: From 2003 to 2006" (Japanese), The 33rd Annual Convention of the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology, Niigata University of Health and Welfare


By Members of Our Center
OTANI Izumi March 24, 2006 "The Birth of the Discourses on "Death with Dignity"", (The Doctoral Dissertation) [abstract]

『病いの哲学』KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki 2006 Philosophy of Illness, Chikuma Shobo, 236p. ISBN:44800630063005


By Members of Our Center
OTANI Izumi March 25, 2005 "On Ohta Tenrei: Eutopia and Distopia of His Thoughts Concerning Euthanasia", Shiseigaku Kenkyu (Journal of Death and Life Studies, 5(Spring 2005 Issue): 99-125 [abstract]


By Members of Our Center
?w?`?k?r?\?\?s???フ身?フと・?????@?B?xTATEIWA Shin'ya November 2004 ALS: Immovable Body and Breathing Machine (ALS Fudo no Karada to Ikisuru Kikai), Tokyo, Igak-Shoin, 449p. ISBN: 4260333771 2940 [amazon]


◆TANIDA Norihitoshi 2003 "Implications of Japanese religious views toward life and death in medicine", Song Sang-yong, Koo Young-Mo, and Macer, Darryl R.J., (Eds.) Asian Bioethics in the 21st Century

◆HAMANO Kenzo 2003 "Should Euthanasia be Legalized in Japan? The Importance of the Attitude Towards Life", Song Sang-yong, Koo Young-Mo, and Macer, Darryl R.J., (Eds.) Asian Bioethics in the 21st Century


◆LONG Susan Orpett 2002 "Life is More than a Survey: Understanding Attitudes toward Euthanasia in Japan", Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23(4-5): 305-319

◆HAYASHI Miki & KITAMURA Toshinori 2002 "Euthanasia trials in Japan: Implications for legal and medical practice", International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 25: 557-571


By Members of Our Center
『弱くある自由へ』TATEIWA Shin'ya 2000 Freedom to be Weak, Tokyo, Seidosha, 357+25p. ISBN:4791758528 2800yen [amazon]

Chapter 2: Convenient Death and Death by Humiliation: on Euthanasia
1. Inconvenient Self-Determination
2. Convenient Self-Determination
3. Death by Humiliation
4. On how to Question
Chapter 3: Saying "Don't Decide by Such Things": On Self-Determination and Substitutional Determination of Death
1. Things that Activate Euthanasia
2. Not for All and by Everyone's Favor
3. At least Doctors Are Not (Substitutional) Determiners

OTANI Izumi September 23-25, 2000 "One Attempt of Bioethics Education in Japanese High School", 5th World Congress of Bioethics(IAB),UK, London, Imperial Collage poster session


◆TANIDA Noritoshi 1998 "Japanese attitudes toward euthanasia in hypothetical clinical situations", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 8: 138-41


0n Private PropertyTATEIWA Shinya 1997 On Private Property(Shiteki-Shoyu Ron), Tokyo, Keiso Shobo

Chapter 4 "the other", Section 3 "Self Determination", 4 "Self determination does not make everything allowable" (translation by Robert Chapeskie)

"The same can be said about "self determination" regarding death. The doctrines we saw in chapter two support this, and there are further instances I describe in chapter six in which the decision to die is made in the midst of the application of force. In other words, I choose to die when I feel that I do not have enough value to others and as a result I see myself as something of insufficient value to go on existing. This is the origin of the misgivings that arise around instances of "self determination" regarding death such as euthanasia and "death with dignity". What is to be done if we reject the unconditional acceptance of these kinds of self determination? In practice one part of the efforts that are made in this regard involve trying to establish systems or processes which reduce the influence of people around the individual in question on their decision to live or die, and in the past many of the criticisms that have been put forward regarding euthanasia and "death with dignity" have focused on criticisms of these efforts and doubts about their effectiveness.

The problem is therefore not only "coercion". Something is not necessarily unproblematic simply because it is "uncoerced" and therefore an instance of "self determination" or because it is carried out with the "consent" of those involved. The range of cases in which certain kinds of transfers/transplants are unacceptable is larger than that of simply those in which consent is not given (i.e., in which coercion is applied). I have indeed stated above that in the end I may accept the decision of person A. But this is because I acknowledge that person A's desires might be different from my own, not simply because anything is acceptable so long as the parties involved give their consent. In other words, this condition leads to the acceptance of the transfer of certain things, which in the case of another person might be objected to, based on the desire of the individual in question to give up the thing in question. This is not to say that what is part of the individual or happens to be in their possession can or must be used as a means to an end, nor is it to accept that such a state of affairs must be permitted because of "self determination".


◆KIMURA Rihito 1996 "Death and Dying in Japan", Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6(4): 374-378


◆BECKER Carl B. 1990 "Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia", Philosophy East and West 40(4): 543-555

■■Theme-related Links

◆A General History of Euthanasia
◆Assisted Suicide Laws Around the World
◆Euthanasia: A Philosophical History (KANAMORI Osamu)
◆Euthanasia/Japan/Disability Movement (Advance Notice)
◆Guideline for palliative sedation (2009)
◆International Anti-Euthanasia Home Page
◆International Perspectives--Euthanasia
◆Legality of euthanasia
Organ Donation Euthanasia (ODE)
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2013
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2012
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2011
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2010
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2009
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2008
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2007
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2006
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2005
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2004
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2003
◆Regional Euthanasia Review Committees 2002
Swiss Suicide Clinic Dignitas
Swiss Suicide Clinic Dignitas: 2006-2008
The Washington Death with Dignity Act
 cf. Comments on the Washington Death with Dignity Act
◆World Articles (Euthanasia.com)

■■Newspaper Articles etc.

◆March 9, 2015 "How Canada, Oregon, Japan deal (differently) with euthanasia" (TOCS Canadian Review)
◆October 6, 2014 "Turkish hospital gives glimpse of horrors of Islamic State’s advance" (The Japan Times)
◆September 23, 2014 "Choosing death when loss of self is imminent" (The Japan Times)
◆September 17, 2014 "Belgium grants jailed rapist, murderer euthanasia" (The Japan Times)
◆July 18, 2014 "Why euthanasia should become a legal option" (The Japan Times)
◆February 27, 2014 "What we can learn from cats and dogs" (The Japan Times)
◆February 15, 2014 "Euthanasia: the dilemma of choice" (The Japan Times)
◆February 14, 2014 "Belgium gives ill children of any age right to die" (The Japan Times)
◆February 12, 2014 "Belgium to give kids right to die" (The Japan Times)
◆December 13, 2013 "Belgian upper house approves euthanasia for children" (The Japan Times)
◆December 11, 2013 "Doctor helps his grandma die to avoid feeding tube" (The Japan Times)
◆October 2, 2013 "Belgian elects to be euthanized after failed sex-change surgery" (The Japan Times)
◆September 19, 2013 "Festival brings old films out of storage" (The Japan Times)
◆May 26, 2013 "A pet is a lifelong commitment" (The Japan Times)
◆April 16, 2013 "Taiji dolphin cull inhumane: study" (The Japan Times)
◆February 22, 2013 "Abe eyes ‘death with dignity’ guidelines not tied to medical costs" (The Japan Times)
◆February 19, 2013 "Millions of dogs, cats coddled, 200,000 gassed each year in pet-mad Japan" (The Japan Times)
◆February 15, 2013 "Journalist’s legacy: shedding light on societal injustices" (The Japan Times)
◆February 13, 2013 "Reining in the evil that brushes up against us" (The Japan Times)
◆July 23, 2012 "Court judgment in Canada may set guidelines for physician-assisted death in terminal cases" (The Japan Times)
◆June 2, 2012 "Rescued canines trained to give disaster-zone therapy" (The Japan Times)
◆February 19, 2012 "Feeding tube politics an awkward subject" (The Japan Times)
◆September 16, 2011 "Events mean quality time for pets, owners" (The Japan Times)
◆July 8, 2011 "Polish film resonates with elderly widows" (The Japan Times)
◆March 25, 2011 "India’s Supreme Court allows euthanasia" (The Japan Times)
◆August 29, 2010 "No country for millions of Canada geese" (The Japan Times)
◆December 10, 2009 "Top court dismisses euthanasia appeal" (The Japan Times)
◆December 3, 2009 "Papal declaration on euthanasia" (The Japan Times)
◆September 30, 2009 "Irish voters weigh the Lisbon Treaty again" (The Japan Times)
◆April 4, 2009 "Animal shelters shun euthanasia to help pets find homes" (The Japan Times)
◆October 18, 2007 "Japan: Medical association approves euthanasia" (Catholic News Agency)
◆August 26, 2007 "Nippon Medical School drafts euthanasia guide" (The Japan Times)
◆March 8, 2007 "Realizing the potential of an aging society" (The Japan Times)
◆January 22, 2007 "Right-to-die issue need not be incoherent" (The Japan Times)
◆April 16, 2006 "Role for family urged in deciding euthanasia" (The Japan Times)
◆April 8, 2006 "Japan struggles with the right-to-die issue" (The Japan Times)
◆April 6, 2006 "Care of the terminally ill" (The Japan Times)
◆March 31, 2006 "Japanese doctor sparks euthanasia debate" (The World Today )
◆March 27, 2006 "Relative contradicts surgeon’s explanation" (The Japan Times)
◆April 6, 2005 "Dying in peace with dignity" (The Japan Times)
◆April 4, 2005 "The passing of a giant" (The Japan Times)
◆March 13, 2004 "How much do you want that puppy in the window?" (The Japan Times)
◆August 22, 2002 "Euthanasia doctor may face murder charge" (The Japan Times)
◆June 18, 2002 "Euthanasia doc wrongly reported brain death" (The Japan Times)
◆January 1, 2001 "Can peace be globalized in the 21st century?" (The Japan Times)
◆June 22, 1996 "Japan Forced To Discuss Euthanasia" (Chicago Tribune)

UP:June 24, 2009 REV:July 30, 2009/Aug 3, 2009/Aug 7, 2009/Aug 10, 2009/Aug 12, 2009/December 21, 2009/May 24, 2010/December 1, 2010/January 24, 2011/May 15, 2012/November 27, 2012/October 6, 2014/December 8, 2014/December 9, 2014/March 5, 2015/April 9, 2015/June 16, 2015
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