disability levels for attendance to schools for the blind, schools for deaf-mutes and special education schools)*
19620400 Ministry of Health and Welfare starts a system of multipurpose local centers for the elderly and a home helper system for the elderly*
19620913 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues a directive for suspension of sales/callback of sleeping pill Isomin as a result of discovery of harmful effects of thalidomide *
19621018 Notice is issued on "Educational measures for children and pupils requiring special treatment during education"*
19620226 Polio Association holds a national meeting; (decides to demand from the state that it offers measures to deal with aftereffects of the disease, that the drug Galantamine is covered by health insurance, and that all costs are covered by the state)*
19621000 Inmates of the State-run Facility for Instruction and Rehabilitation of the Physically Disabled (National Rehabilitation Center for the Persons with Physical Disabilities) launch a strike opposing the policy of the authorities to cut back on operations*
19630114 Economic Deliberation Council issues guidelines on "Tasks of and measures regarding development of human abilities in economic development"*
19600425 First overpass in Japan is made in front of Osaka Station (on 0910 another overpass is made in front of Gotanda station)*
19630501 Tokyo Rehabilitation Academy is established*
19630701 Ministry of Health and Welfare conducts census on mental hygiene (estimating there are 1,240,000 mentally disabled persons, among which 570,000 persons have mental diseases, 400,000 persons have intellectual disabilities, and 270,000 people with other conditions)*
19630711 Act on Social Welfare Service for Elderly is promulgated*
* During this year, the number of people coming to the cities from rural areas to seek employment reaches its peak at 78,000.
19630400 National Association of Brothers and Sisters' of with People with Mental and Physical Disorders is established*
19630500 Writer Tsutomu Mizukami publishes "Letter to Prime Minister Ikeda --"(Chuo Koron June issue)*
19630617 Families of Thalidomide victims institute a lawsuit demanding compensations for damages against the state and drug companies*
19630801 National Association of Parents of Children with Speech Impediments is established*
19631231 National Association “Aoi Shiba no Kai” is established *
* Tetsudo Kosaikai establishes an aftercare center (that becomes the model for the subsequent commuters' dormitories) *
19640213 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes a study group to address problems with grades of disability*
19640311 Urawa District Court sentences Kazuo Ishikawa to death penalty for murder (the case is known as the “Sayama Incident”)*
19640313 "Standards for establishment and management of buildings for children with severe mental disabilities" are issued (requiring that children being admitted are temporarily or completely exempt from enrollment at schools)*
19640324 Reischauer Incident*
19640402 Minister of Health and Welfare consults the Mental Hygiene Council regarding measures to be devised for mentally disabled persons (on 0428, National Police Agency submits a report to the Minister of Health and Welfare with its opinion on revision of the related legal matters)*
19640530 National Pension Act and Child Rearing Act are revised (expanding the eligibility criteria for disability pension)*
19640701 Act on Maternal and Child Welfare is promulgated (on 810611, it is renamed into Act on Welfare of Mothers with Dependents and Widows)*
19640702 Act on Allowance for Families with Children with Severe Mental Disabilities is promulgated (in 66, it is revised and renamed into Act on Special Child Rearing Allowance)*
19640912 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues "Standards for establishment and management of “severe disability wards” in facilities for physically disabled children*
* Vocational aid center for people with severe disabilities is established*
19640100 Kankyosan Colony is established (by Akira Osaragi; it is later renamed into Maharaba Village and functions until the autumn of 69)*
* Denmark enacts Welfare Act on Recipients of Benefits for the Elderly and Severely Disabled (stipulating that all of the self-governing bodies are to adopt the system of home help for the elderly and the disabled by 63)*
19640400 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology opposes revision of the Mental Hygiene Act issuing statement entitled "Mental Health Act amendment bill may result in human rights violations"*
19640613 Nationwide Association for Severely Retarded Children is established*
19640913 Indignation meeting of residents of Numazu opposing the establishment of a petrochemical complex in the area is held*
19640929 Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons is established (the Society starts two magazines in Japanese, namely, Welfare for People with Disabilities, and Rehabilitation Research)*
19641108-14 Tokyo Paralympics are held*
19650114 Mental Hygiene Council issues guidelines (regarding doctors conducting mental competency evaluations for legal purposes, systems of emergency hospital admission/protective custody of mentally disabled persons)*
19650531 National Pension Act is revised (expanding the eligibility criteria for welfare annuity for mentally and physically disabled persons and rising the amount of the pension)*
19650601 Ministry of Health and Welfare transfers jurisdiction over measures regarding mentally disabled persons to the Children and Families Bureau (as a part of integration of child-related measures)*
19650629 Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists Act is promulgated*
19650600 Social Development Board issues guidelines on "Colonies of mentally deficient persons*
19650630 Revised Mental Hygiene Act is promulgated (stipulating that half of outpatients' costs is to be borne by the state, abolishing court-ordered confinement of mentally disabled at own houses, and stipulating rules for establishment of mental health centers, etc.)*
19650818 Maternal and Child Health Act is promulgated (and enacted on 660401)*
19651222 Mentally and Physically Disabled Persons' Colony Board submits a written opinion regarding plan for comprehensive facilities for people with severe mental or physical disables to the Minister of Health and Welfare*
* Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act is established in the U.S. (guaranteeing availability of services at the place of residence)*
19650301 Koyukai, an association of graduates of National Rehabilitation Center for the Physically Disabled Persons, stages a sit-in in front of the Center*
19650409 "White Paper on the National Lifestyle" is issued, pointing out that Japan is lagging far behind the West in terms of housing and living environment*
19650508 "Thank You for My Birthday Movement" starts in Kobe*
19650612 Agano River Mercury Poisoning Incident (26 sick and 5 dead in the river basin from August of the year)
The disease is identified as being the same as Minamata disease*
* Government of Tokyo Prefecture purchases from Tokyo Helen Keller Association a special issue covering the election with information on background and political views of the candidates and distributes it to people with visual impairments*
19650904 Joint Association of Families of Mentally Disabled Persons is established*
19651100 Class action is launched by Thalidomide victims*
* Condominiums with helpers' office offering necessary modifications to accommodate people with disabilities are spreading in Sweden*
◆1966 U.N. adopts International Covenants on Human Rights (1216)
19660326 Decision is made to establish Takasaki National Colony*
19660401 Special Education Studies becomes available for graduate students to major in at the Tokyo University of Education*
19660701 Standards for management of special nursing care homes for the aged and other similar facilities are established*
19660715 Act on Special Child Rearing Allowance is promulgated*
19660728 Board for Promotion of Establishment of Colonies for Children (and Adults) with Mental and Physical Disorders is established*
19660905 Administrative Management Agency issues “Recommendations on improvements to social welfare work”*
* In the same year, number of traffic fatalities reaches the mark of 13,904 worst in history; a new word is coined to describe the situation, "traffic war"*
19660700 Association for Children with Cerebral Palsy is established
19661017 Nationwide Council of Sufferers of Hansen's Disease stages a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Health and Welfare demanding measures to improve living conditions and treatment at facilities*
-> Hansen's Disease
19661216 United Nations adopts "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", and "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" (Japan ratifies it on 790804)*
1966 "Association of Tokyo Residents for Medical Services, Living Conditions, and Education of Disabled Children (Adults)" is held
19670213 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues General Instructions for Visiting Children (Adults) with Severe Mental and Physical Disorders *
19670405 "Itai-itai disease of Toyama Prefecture is caused by sewage water coming from Kamioka mining station of the Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd." (Professor Jun Kobayashi of Okayama University, Dr. Hagiwara).
19670729 National Pension Act is revised (rising pension amount)*
19670801 Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons is revised (the aim of the revision is "to increase stability of living conditions of physically disabled persons"; in concrete terms, the following changes are made: 1) Heart and breathing disorders are included in the category of "internal disabilities, 2) Home helper system for physically disabled is established, 3) Day care system for physically disabled is established, 4) Minimum age for admission is reduced to 15*
19670226 Preparatory Committee of Parents of Autistic Children is established (predecessor of Autism Society)*
19670300 Nationwide Hemophilia Association is established*
19670500 National Association of Visually Impaired Persons is established*
19670612 Victims of mercury poisoning in the Agano River basin institute a lawsuit at the Niigata District Court demanding solatium from Kanose Plant of Showa Denko K.K.*
19670801 Japanese Association on Disability and Difficulty is established*
(Tezuka [1997:221])
19671100 Association for Children Affected by Thalidomide is established*
19671200 National Conference to Support the Life and Rights of Disabled Persons is established*
(Tezuka [1997:221])
19680400 Tokyo Municipal Fuchu Rehabilitation Center is established*
19680510 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues "Standards for Rehabilitation and Support Facilities for Mentally Deficient Persons"*
19680627 A colony is established in Kasugai-shi, Aichi Prefecture*
19680703 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues General Instructions for buildings for children with severe mental disabilities*
19680926 State recognizes organic mercury poisoning in the basins of Minamata and Agano rivers as pollution-related illnesses that the respective enterprises have to take responsibility for*
* System of training for sign language interpreters is established*
19681200 Legal System Investigation Commission proposes as a crime prevention measure that mentally disabled persons are institutionalized*
* Sweden adopts its 1968' laws (promoting normalization)*
1968, spring Hiroshi Yokota leaves Maharaba Village Colony (in autumn of 1969, Ryuji Yada and Koichi Yokozuka also come down from the mountain and Maharaba Village movement ends)*
19680309 Patients with itai-itai disease from the Jintsu River basin institute a lawsuit against Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. demanding solatium*
19680926 International Congress of the League of Societies for Mentally Disabled adopts "Declaration of Rights of Mentally Disabled Persons" (Jerusalem Declaration)*
* National Council of Parents of Autistic Children is established (renamed to Autism Society Japan on 891006)*
* In Sweden, national conference of mentally disabled persons is held*
19690401 Ministry of Health and Welfare starts a medical benefits program for people with four types of congenital metabolic disorders and hemophilia*
19690500 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues “General instructions for management of home helper enterprises for the elderly” (stipulating provision of state aid for such businesses)*
19690527 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes system of provision of tools required for daily life to people with severe disabilities*
19690625 "Welfare Council for Mentally Deficient Persons" is discontinued (with its functions absorbed by "Central Child Welfare Council".) The change is made as a part of integration of children and adults with mental deficiencies*
19690828 Day care facilities for children with physical disabilities are established*
19691201 Tokyo Prefecture announces free medical expenditures for people aged 70 and over*
* Architectural Barriers Act is established in the U.S.*
* The Eleventh RI World Congress (Dublin) adopts international emblem of Rehabilitation International*
* Movement to Expand Living Space starts in Sendai (subsequently developing into a city planning movement)*
19690400 Yutaka Community Workshop is established (Nagoya)*
19690614 Kumamoto-Minamata-disease patients institute a lawsuit against Chisso demanding 600 million yen*
19690900 Morinaga accusation movement starts*
* Joint Association of Aoi Shiba no Kai Kanagawa is established (Chairman Atsushi Yamakita, Vice-Chairman Koichi Yokozuka, and Chief Editor Hiroshi Yokota)*
19691126 First National Convention of Pollution Victims is held*
19691130 Association for Morinaga Arsenic Milk-Poisoned Children is established*
19700401 State allocates budget to create facilities for social rehabilitation of people recuperating from mental disorders*
19700400 Nursing homes for atomic bomb victims are established in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Mutsumien in Hiroshima, and Meguminooka in Nagasaki)*
19700521 Basic Act for Persons with Mental and Physical Disabilities is promulgated and enacted*
* Osaka Kongo Colony is established*
19700806 Prof. Tadao Tsubaki of Niigata University proposes SMON=chinoform theory*
19700810 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues “General instructions for management of home helper enterprises for children with mental and physical disorders”*
19700817 Central Council for Measures regarding Mentally and Physically Disabled Persons is established*
19701000 5-year plan of emergency development of social welfare facilities is formulated*
19701225 14 pollution-related acts are promulgated*
19701200 Tokyo Municipal Fuchu Rehabilitation Center announces its intention to move people with severe disabilities as well as mentally disabled adults and children to a new facility*
19700400 Koichi Yagishita (Saitama), although being over school attending age, succeeds in entering an elementary school *
19700529 Mother of two disabled children living in Yokohama strangles younger child with an apron. Movement pleading to reduce her sentence starts and gains momentum centering on people living in the neighborhood*
19700627 Behcet's Disease Patients' Circle is established*
19700700 Aoi Shiba no Kai Kanagawa demands strict and impartial justice for the mother who killed her disabled child (on 711008, the first hearing sentences the mother to penal servitude of two years with suspension of three years)*
19700700 Horiki Lawsuit (during the first hearing in 72, Kobe District rules in favor of the plaintiff; second and third hearing in 75 and 78 rule against her)*
19701116 Victims of Yusho disease caused by rice bran oil produced by Kanemi Company institute a lawsuit against the state and municipal authorities of Kitakyushu demanding compensation for damages*
19701100 Isao Nitta and other inmates of the Fuchu Rehabilitation Center (total of four people) go on a hunger strike protesting against personnel changes*
(Wakabayashi [1986:66ff])
U.N. adopts "Declaration of Rights of Mentally Disabled Persons" (1220)*
19710401 Ministry of Health and Welfare launches implementation of " 5-year plan of emergency development of social welfare facilities" (aiming to increasing total capacity of the facilities to 39,150 by the end of 75)*
19710401 People with over 10 years of service start receiving pension under the contributory national pension system*
19710401 Takasaki National Colony and Nozominoen are established*
19710520 Orthoptists Act is promulgated*
19710527 Child Allowance Act is promulgated (and enacted on 720100)*
19710815 U.S. President Nixon announces temporary suspension of the dollar's convertibility into gold and other economic measures (dollar shock ensues)*
19711001 National Institute for Special Education is established*
19711018 Decision is made to establish welfare plants to employ people with severe disabilities (Shizuoka, Hiroshima, Oita)*
19711214 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues “General instructions for management of commuters' dormitories for mentally disabled persons”*
19711231 Road Traffic Act is revised (treating wheelchair users as pedestrians)*
19710200 "A group of people with cerebral palsy" is broadcast on NHK's program "Images of Today"*
->Aoi Shiba no Kai
19710528 Over 4000 patients with SMON disease institute lawsuits against drug companies and the state demanding compensation for damages at over twenty district courts around the country*
19710600 Association for Publication of Periodicals of Organizations of Physically Disabled Persons is established*
19710600 Japan Teachers Union’s Education System Exploratory Committee issues a brochure entitled "What kind of education does Japan need?"*
* Welfare Town Management Citizens' Association is established in Sendai*
* Movie "Good-bye, CP" is created*
* (Nagoya) Wappa Commune is established*
19711220 U.N. adopts "Declaration of Rights of Mentally Disabled Persons"*
19711220 "Declaration of Rights of Mentally Deficient Persons"
19711008 19700529 -> Mother who killed her disabled child is sentenced by the Yokohama District Court to penal servitude of two years with suspension of three years
19720526 Draft revision of the Eugenic Protection Act is submitted to the government (prohibiting abortion for economic reasons). After being shelved for two years, it is finally rejected*
19720701 Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons is revised (stipulating establishment of rehabilitation facilities for physically disabled persons, and including failure of kidney-function in the category of "internal disabilities")*
19720703 Board of Dealing with Specified Diseases includes into specified incurable diseases a total of eight diseases including SMON disease, Behcet's disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus*
19720714 Britain National convention of mentally disabled persons is held (-16, London)*
19720815 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues General Instructions for system of provision of tools (bathtubs, toilet bowls, kana-typewriters, etc.) required for daily life to children (and adults) with severe disabilities*
19720920 Verdict is pronounced in the Horiki Lawsuit (Kobe District Court rules prohibition of receiving disability pension and child allowance at the same time unconstitutional)*
19721117 "We are not dolls - Memoirs of Kinuko Nitta" is published in Asahi Journal, 1972.11.17.
19721127 Taking the Horiki Lawsuit as a cue, the Ministry of Health and Welfare decides to allow receiving disability pension or old-age pension and child allowance at the same time starting from October, 73.*
* Welfare plants and welfare centers for physically disabled persons are established*
* Second postwar baby boom starts*
* In Machida City, a request is submitted to the National Railways for installation of an elevator, but the authorities refuse stating financial difficulties as the reason*
1972 Screening campaign for the movie "Good-bye, CP" starts
1972 Child Allowance Act is established
19720223 An independent group among the officially acknowledged victims of Minamata disease hold the first round of talks with representatives of Chisso's head office at the Environment Agency trying to negotiate their terms*
19720200 Screening campaign for the movie "Good-bye, CP" starts in Kanto (and in Kansai from July)*
19720400 National Liaison Council for Incurable Disease Organizations is established*
* Aoi Shiba no Kai starts a movement protesting against a revision of the Eugenic Protection Act*
19720700 Group of Independent People with Disabilities “Ribbon” is established (Himeji)*
19720918 Protesters against relocation of the Fuchu Rehabilitation Center set up a camp in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office (struggle continues for one year and nine months)*
19721109 Society for Wheelchair-friendly Town Management conducts a survey of Kyoto in wheelchairs*
* As a result of activities of Kansai committee of the "Good-bye, CP" screening campaign, Ribbon Group, a group of independently living people with disabilities, and Gorilla Group, a "group of friends" are established*
19721225 (Yamagata) Kido Circle submits a request for improvements demanding installation of a slope, a toilet, etc. in a civic hall under construction*
* First center for independent living (CIL) is established in Berkeley, U.S.*
19730101 Medical expenditures for people aged 70 and over become free*
19730109 Ministry of Health and Welfare determines diagnostic criteria for eight incurable diseases including SMON disease*
19730115 Government decides on the draft budget for fiscal 73 (with general account budget at 14,280 billion yen and unprecedented rate of advance at 24.6%, allocating for the first time as much as 2 trillion yen for welfare needs. The year is often called "the first year for welfare society")*
19730320 Verdict is pronounced in the Kumamoto Minamata disease lawsuit (Kumamoto District Court rules in favor of the plaintiff recognizing negligence liability of Chisso)*
19730424 Council of the Public Corporations and Government Workers Unions mounts a work-to-rule protest to recapture workers' right to strike resulting in complete stoppage of National Railways in the whole metropolitan area*
19731017 OPEC oil strategy is set in motion (the first oil shock. Toilet paper riots start in Tokyo, Osaka, and other cities)*
19731222 Act on Emergency Measures for Stabilization of National Life, and Petroleum Supply and Demand Optimization Act are promulgated*
* Rehabilitation Act is revised in the U.S. (Article 504 prohibits discrimination of people with disabilities including those with severe disabilities. President Nixon refuses to sign the Act twice stating that it is abuse of rights and the costs are too large)*
19730321 Mass meeting of citizens is held opposing discontinuance of a pedestrian crossing in front of Yamagata Station following creating of an underpass; the meeting demands for an elevator to be installed instead (demonstration with 150 people in wheelchairs participating is held. Is organized by Circle Kido)*
19730324 (Kyoto) "Movement for subway that can be used by anyone" launches signature-collecting campaign aiming to collect 200,000 signatures*
19730429 Inaugural meeting of Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka is held (Representative: Eiichi Takahashi)*
19730500 Joint Association of the Group of Independent People with Disabilities Ribbon is established (Himeji, Osaka, and Kobe)*
19730920 (Sendai) "Wheelchair Travel Tour and Exchange Meeting" is held (from the 2nd time on, it is conducted under a new name of "National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs")*
19730927 Group of people concerned with the problem of relocation of the Fuchu Rehabilitation Center hold negotiations with the Governor of Tokyo (confirming that "plans for compulsory relocation have been abandoned")*
19730900 National Confederation of Aoi Shiba no Kai is established*
19731100 Center for Data on Problems of Disabled Persons is established by Ribbon Co., Ltd.*
19740100 Medical expenditures for people aged 65 and over become free in Osaka Prefecture*
19740226 Cabinet meeting allows supplying welfare annuity recipients with immediate living funds (limit for one-person is 2500 yen; limit for lump-sum special payment for households receiving welfare benefits is 2000 yen)*
19740319 First national spring labor offensive strike is held with various demands for "aid for the weak"*
19740319 Two kindergartners die in a septic tank at Kabutoyama Gakuen (Nishinomiya) , a facility for mentally retarded children (Kabutoyama case).
* Kindergarten teacher Sawazaki (Yamada) is arrested and falsely accused
19740401 Tokyo Prefecture launches "System Guaranteeing Education for All Disabled Children Applying"*
19740807 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues a notice regarding coverage of medical treatment and training related to use of prostheses by disabled children*
* Guide helper enterprise for the blind is established*
* Enterprise offering subsidies for costs of remodeling of automobiles for physically disabled persons is established*
* In the Public Offices Election Act, home balloting system for severely disabled persons is reestablished*
* In Tokyo Prefecture, helpers' dispatch program for people with severe cerebral palsy is established*
* In Hyogo Prefecture, as a result of a protest movement, "Movement against giving birth to unhappy children" is renamed into "Movement for giving birth to good children and raising them healthily"*
* In Machida City, “Instructions on welfare-conscious environmental management of buildings, etc.” are issued (first such initiative in the whole country)*
19740204 46 organizations representing the aged, the physically disabled, and the recipients of public benefits hold a meeting demanding "Inflation allowance of 30,000 yen or more"*
19740200 In Hyogo Prefecture, Aoi Shiba no Kai makes protest against "Movement against giving birth to unhappy children"*
19740301 A number of executive committees for actions by disabled persons (organizations of disabled persons, joint struggle committee for spring labor offensive, etc.) embark on united action demanding welfare improvements (A joint struggle involving organizations of disabled persons starts in the national spring labor offensive.
Joint struggle during the spring labor offensive makes a compromise agreement with terms being a wage increase of 30,000 yen, and a lump-sum payment of 2000 yen for the disabled persons, and is criticized for not being harsher)*
19740306 (Kyoto) "Movement for subway that can be used by anyone" submits 110,000 signatures on the last day of the municipal assembly (the movement succeeds in collecting 209,102 signatures)*
19740824 The first nationwide permanent committee meeting with expanded membership of Aoi Shiba no Kai decides to pursue the course against making special education schools compulsory*
19741100 Joint Association of Aoi Shiba no Kai Kansai is established (uniting Osaka, Hyogo, Wakayama, Nara organizing committee, and Kyoto organizing committee; Representative: Masayo Kamatani (Furui))*
* National Liaison Council for SMON Disease is established*
* (Osaka) "Citizens' association for education and life of disabled children" is established*
* "Every child to the local school" movement is launched at the Hachioji Special Education School
* In Tokyo Kita-ku, "Society for reclaiming right of movement of disabled persons" starts excoriating Toden Streetcars for discontinuance of conductor services and refusal to take disabled persons as passengers*
* Movement is launched demanding improvement of Odakyu Umegaoka Station building*
* Movie "Crabs walk sideways" is made
1974 In Tokyo Prefecture, helpers' dispatch program for people with severe cerebral palsy starts operating
1974 Act on Special Child Rearing Allowance is revised (special disability benefit)
1974 Special session of the Finance System Council is held introducing "beneficiary charge"
1974 System of subsidies for costs of remodeling of automobiles for physically disabled persons is established
◆1975 The International Women's Year; the U.N. adopts "Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons" (1209)
19750200 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces its view regarding special standards for care allowances to people on public assistance, etc., saying that "people requiring more than 4 hours of care a day should enter facilities" (the statement is criticized from a number of organizations of disabled persons)*
19750228 Number of persons in actual unemployment exceeds 1 million*
19750310 San'yo Shinkansen opens service from Okayama to Hakata (seats and toilets that can be used by people on wheelchairs are installed in Hikari trains)*
19750410 Akita District Court rules different wages for men and women unconstitutional*
19750619-0702 World Conference of the International Women's Year is held (Mexico City)*
19750710 Ministry of Health and Welfare recognizes 190 children as having abnormalities caused by thalidomide*
19751126 Federation of Public Corporation and Government Enterprise Workers' Unions go on a strike for "right to strike" (record-breaking 192-hour stoppage of service at National Railways Corporation continuing until 1204)*
19751201 Advisory Council on Social Security presents a proposal on "Social security required in a rapidly aging society"*
19750517 "Society for cervical vertebrae" changes its name into "Liaison committee for people with cervical vertebrae disabilities." First plenary session of the society is held*
19750610 Aoi Shiba no Kai Kanagawa holds negotiations with the Governor of Nagasu regarding fetal checks (on 760427, prefectural government promises to stop the checks)*
19750926 Second National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Kyoto)*
1975, autumn Liaison Committee for Demands on Livelihood Protection for Disabled Persons is established*
19751200 (Kodaira) Society for Improvement of Ogawa Station is established*
* (Fukuoka) Society for Standing up and Taking Action launches movement demanding access for disabled persons to Nishi-Nippon Railroad*
* Liaison Council for labor problems of visually impaired persons is established*
19751209 U.N. issues "Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons" (December 9, 1975), the 3447th resolution of the General Assembly of United Nations (30th session)
1975 Two persons in Tokyo Prefecture begin receiving "additional social aid under special standard for non-family care-givers"
1975 Struggle against implementation of survey of physically disabled persons is launched (making it impossible to conduct the survey in 40% of municipalities)
1975 Society for access to Kyoto Subway is launched
1975 Minobe is reelected for the third term; Kuroda is reelected also
1975 Act on Special Child Rearing Allowance is revised (newly establishing disability allowance for people with severe disabilities, and expanding the eligibility criteria to children with moderate disabilities)
19760128 Due to a substantial shortage of tax revenues, the government for the first time since the war states plans to issue deficit-covering bonds in the initial budget (dependency rate on government bond issue: 29.9%)*
19760100 System of reduced postal rates for organizations of disabled persons is adopted treating mail sent by such organizations as "third class mail"*
19760331 In the U.S., court allows parents of Karen Ann Quinlan to disconnect the respirator that keeps her alive thus allowing “death with dignity” (0609) (respirator is disconnected on 850611, and Karen dies)*
19760504 Kiichi Yoshioka, former President of Chisso is charged with bodily injury through negligent conduct in breach of duty of care leading to death*
19760500 Disabled Person's Employment Promotion Act is revised*
19760700 In the U.S., Natural Death Act is passed by the California Senate*
19761216 The United Nations General Assembly decides to make 1981 the International Year of Disabled Persons*
19760116 Protesting against restrictive treatment at the Wakayama Prefectural Welfare Center for the Physically Disabled Persons, Fujita (29), an inmate of the Center, commits suicide jumping in front of a JNR Kisei Line train.
19760126-27 Aoi Shiba no Kai Kansai, protesting against the circumstances that led to Fujita's death, occupy Wakayama Prefectural Welfare Center for the Physically Disabled Persons*
19760400 National Liaison Council for Non-disabled (a group of supporters of independent people with disabilities) is established*
19760400 Minoru Murata, a disabled person using wheelchair living in Higashi-Kurume-shi, Tokyo Prefecture, demands to be admitted to elementary school*
19760700 Ohara, who fell (in 73) from a platform of Fukushima Station of the Osaka Loop Line, JNR and lost both legs as a result, institutes a lawsuit claiming liability of JNR*
19760808-0810 Inaugural meeting of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements is held (National Chairman: Koichi Yokozuka, Director of Secretariat: Toshio Kusunoki)*
* In Hiroshima, "Society for reclaiming right of movement of disabled persons "demands improvements from Hiroshima Electric Railway*
* Sapporo Ichigo Society is established*
19760900 (Osaka) "Society for subway that can be used by anyone" is established*
19770120 The government budget draft for the 77 fiscal year is decided on at extraordinary cabinet meeting (allocating 5,658,100 million yen for social security payments with a 17.7% increase compared with the year before)*
19770110 Kobe City enacts "Ordinance for protection of Kobe residents' welfare"*
19770315 Hiring of male nursery teachers is launched (as a result of a revision made to the enforcement ordinance of the Child Welfare Act)*
19770300 Association for Disabled Persons' Employment Promotion is established*
19770400 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues "Instructions on support of day care support facilities for mentally deficient persons"*
19770428 In the U.S., Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Califano signs enforcement regulations for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (prohibiting discrimination against disabled persons in employment, means-of-transportation, public buildings, etc. at all establishments of the federation)*
19770608 Society for Joint Struggle of National Traffic and Transportation Trade Council/Central Busses issues "Written opinion on availability of public transportation for people in wheelchairs"*
19770710 First member of the Diet using wheelchair is elected (Eita Yashiro)*
19770712 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes a checking system for inborn errors of metabolism (phenylketonuria, etc.)*
19771005 Verdict is pronounced in the case of sufferers of the Kanemi rice oil disease ruling 100% in favor of the victims (Fukuoka District Court)*
19771028 First amicable settlement in Japan is reached for the SMON disease lawsuit in Tokyo*
19770107 Aoi Shiba no Kai Kawasaki launches talks with the municipal traffic bureau regarding refusal of city buses to accept people in wheelchairs as passengers*
19770300 Aoi Shiba no Kai Fukuoka is established (Kayoko Nagasawa (Iribe) is dispatched from Osaka to serve as the Director of Secretariat)*
19770405 Disabled persons in the United States go on a strike fighting for promulgation of enforcement regulations for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act*
19770412 Protesting against refusal to accept passengers in wheelchairs in Kawasaki, 100 disabled persons in wheelchairs get on busses and refuse to leave ("bus hijacking").
Protest movement against refusal to accept passengers in wheelchairs is also launched in Amagasaki city, Hyogo Prefecture.
19770425 (Fukushima) After the accident at JNR Taira Station, protesters storm the stationmaster's office and refuse to leave*
19770806 National Liaison Committee of Workshops is established*
19770829 Yasuharu Kanai enrolled at the Tokyo Johoku Special Education School and his parents voice their wish to be transferred to the Hanahata-Higashi Elementary School located in Adachi Ward, and are refused*
19770800 Second National Conference of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements is held deciding on two courses of action for the national unified struggle: 1. Making a shift from excoriating urban transport to negotiations with the Ministry of Transport; 2. Launching negotiations with the Ministry of Health and Welfare to ensure independent living*
19770930 Third National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Nagoya)*
* Aoi Shiba no Kai Kansai issues "urgent appeal" due to differences of opinion regarding the direction of the future movement (confusion persists until 79)*
19780100 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces the results of census on muscle contracture (number of patients: 9657)*
19780220 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces qualification and requirements for heads of social welfare facilities (a series of lectures to acquire qualifications are launched by social welfare training center of Japan National Council of Social Welfare)*
19780300 Ministry of Transport issues notice "On boarding buses by wheelchair users" (stipulating that wheelchair users must be accompanied by a care-giver, that wheelchair must be fastened with a belt, etc. A movement demanding retraction of the notice is launched)*
19780600 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice on accepting disabled children at nursery schools*
19780803 In Tokyo SMON disease lawsuit, Tokyo District Court rules that the disease is caused by chinoform. The court orders the state and three pharmaceutical companies to pay compensation for damages totaling 3,251 million yen*
19780902 Ministerial Council on Economic Measures decides on six comprehensive economic measures including stimulation of domestic demand, measures to combat the recession, etc.*
19780300 Chairman of Aoi Shiba no Kai Kansai Masayo Kamatani dissolves Gorilla Kansai (Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka opposes the decision)*
19780400 Yasuharu Kanai wishing to be transferred to Hanahata-Higashi Elementary School starts attending school without permission*
19780500 Aoi Shiba no Kai Kansai is dissolved*
19780623-0624 National Liaison Committee of Workshops holds first national conference (Tokyo)*
19780720 Koichi Yokozuka, Chairman of National Network of Disability Liberation Movements, dies*
19780922 Association of Citizens for the Life and Rights of Disabled Children (Osaka) signs written confirmation with the boards of education of seven areas in Kawachi stipulating that "division of school districts will serve as the basic rule but parents' wishes will also be respected" regarding education of disabled children; (by 0926, 5 cities and 1 town of Senshu region sign the same document)*
Autumn Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka launches "consultations on living conditions" (a large number of people calling ask advice on finding work) *
19781200 Inaugural meeting of the National Liaison Council for Organizations of Physically Disabled Persons is held*
19781200 Association of Supporters of Disabled Women Giving Birth Suffering from Discrimination is established*
International Year of the Child
19790111 The government budget draft for the 79 fiscal year is decided on at extraordinary cabinet meeting (allocating 7,626,600 million yen for social security payments with a 12.5% increase compared with the year before)*
19790117 Second Oil Shock*
19790300 Tokyo District Court rules that accident involving Takashi Ueno, a blind person who fell from the platform at Takadanobaba Station of the National Railways, is the responsibility of JNR.
19790401 System making special education schools compulsory starts being implemented*
19790621 International Covenants on Human Rights are ratified (and are officially announced in Japan on 8.4)*
19790701 National Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities (Tokorozawa) is established*
19790711 System of welfare homes for intellectually disabled persons is established*
19790830 During an extraordinary Diet session, Prime Minister Ohira stresses that there is a need for a tax increase to deal with the deficit expected in the 84 fiscal year*
19790915 National Liaison Council for SMON Disease signs a settlement with the Ministry of Health and Welfare and three pharmaceutical companies*
19790926 Prime Minister Ohira makes a statement that plans to introduce general consumption tax in the 80 fiscal year have been abandoned*
19791218 Corneal and Kidney Transplantation Act is promulgated*
19791229 The government budget draft for the 80 fiscal year is decided on at an extraordinary cabinet meeting (allocating 8,135,700 million yen for social security payments)*
19790122 National Network of Disability Liberation Movements and Joint Struggle Association against Making Special Education Schools Compulsory in 22 Areas stage a week-long sit-in in front of the Ministry of Education*
19790200 Osaka Center of Support for Active People with Disabilities is established*
19790300 National Confederation of Aoi Shiba no Kai announces that it leaves National Network of Disability Liberation Movements*
19790302 (Nara) People from all over Kansai rally to support Shoji Umetani, who wants to enter Tomio Elementary School in his school district (sit-in continues for ten days)*
19790400 A group of people with disabilities "Polygon" conducts a signature-collecting campaign, negotiates with the authorities opposing the plan of rebuilding JNR Konosu Station on the Takasaki Line on a bridge (in 82.6, a new station building is completed but demands of people with disabilities are not reflected)*
19790400 (Shimizu) Struggle regarding education of Shigeo Ishikawa is launched*
19790600 Struggle regarding education of Yasuharu Kanai spreads to all parts of the country*
19790600 Negotiations between the Ministry of Health and Welfare and organizations of disabled persons regarding survey of physically disabled persons start (National Network of Disability Liberation Movements and Liaison Committee for Demands on Livelihood Protection for Disabled Persons are against implementation; Aoi Shiba no Kai and the other 7 groups are for it. During the negotiations, the opinion of the Ministry of Health and Welfare that "people requiring more than 4 hours of care a day should enter facilities" is retracted*
19790921 Forth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Tokyo)*
19790900 Ribbon Co., Ltd. publishes first issues of magazine Into the Streets like Gentle Breeze*
19791200 National Network of Disability Liberation Movements holds nationwide debates on daily life problems (setting forth daily life-related demands)*
19800100 Sentence is pronounced in lawsuit regarding abolition of home balloting system ruling it unconstitutional (but although home balloting is recognized as a right, demands for compensation for damages are not met)*
19800222 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice on accepting disabled children at nursery schools*
19800325 Japanese Government establishes Head Office for Promotion of Measures related to the International Year of Disabled Persons*
19800400 Japan Council for International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP Council Japan) is established*
19800600 Discounts for people with disabilities are introduced for plane passengers*
19800801 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces results of the census of physically disabled persons implemented in February (people with physical disabilities aged 18 and over: 1,977,000 people (percentage of people with physical disabilities among the population: 2.4%; an increase by 50.5% from the census conducted in 70)*
19800819 Head Office for Promotion of Measures related to the International Year of Disabled Persons decides on "Policy of Measures related to the International Year of Disabled Persons" (establishing a day of the disabled, etc.)*
19800926 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes day services for people with disabilities living at homes*
19801208 Head Office for Promotion of Measures related to the International Year of Disabled Persons holds Pre-National Assembly (-12.9)*
19801200 In Musashino, a fee-based home care service starts*
19800120 (Kyoto) Association of Families with Senile Elderly is established (a similar organization is established in 80.9 in Tokyo)*
19800200 Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka launches struggle protesting against implementation of a survey of physically disabled persons*
19800200 (Nishinomiya) Subaru is established*
19800300 "Study Group on Problems of People with Cerebral-palsy and other Severe Disabilities", a joint study group of "Association for Devising Measures for Income Security of People with Disabilities from Childhood" and the Ministry of Health and Welfare is established*
19800303 (Nara) As a result of a struggle regarding education of Shoji Umetani, he is finally admitted to school from the third year of junior high school*
19800307 As struggle surrounding education of Yasuharu Kanai escalates, members of the Board of Education of Adachi Ward create a two-meter high barricade around the ward office (in March, the struggle escalates further and a sit-in continues for nine days)*
* Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka confirms the opinion of its members that instead of leading the fight against the survey of physically disabled persons it is better to conduct a survey by people with disabilities themselves*
19800600 AZ Workshop (Toyonaka) is established*
19800815 Saitama Study Group on Social Welfare visits Sweden (Representative: Koichi Yagishita) and exchanges experiences with people with disabilities living in the country*
19801100 National Liaison Committee for Income Security is established*
* Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka launches “General survey for daily life-related demands*
International Year of Disabled Persons*
19810100 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes Head Office for Promotion of Measures related to the International Year of Disabled Persons*
19810200 Ministry of Construction formulates "Design manual for building and repairs of government buildings enabling use by people with physical disabilities"*
19810300 Answering a question raised at a Diet session regarding transfer of Kanai to a local school, Prime Minister Suzuki says that "in selection of a school to attend, opinion of the parents should be respected"*
* Estimated national medical expenditures for the 81 fiscal year in total exceed 12,870,900 million or 5% of the GNP*
19810525 Act on Terms related to Disabilities is promulgated (prohibiting use of a number of terms as discriminatory)*
19810611 Act on Welfare of Mothers with Dependents and Widows is promulgated (and enacted in 82.4)*
19811128 December 9 is designated by the Government as "Disabled Persons' Day"*
* Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice regarding adjustments made to the public assistance system, giving the reason for the adjustments as fraudulent receipts by organized groups of gangsters (Public Assistance Act, Act No. 123)*
19811128 IYDP Council Japan holds "National Assembly" (on 11.29, it announces its "Long-term action program")*
* (U.S.) “Testimony of people with hearing impairments will only be allowed when interpreted by an interpreter."
19810000 * Duskin, also known for operating a U.S.-owned company “Mister Donut”, launches training program in the U.S. for disabled staff members working as team-leaders*
19810100 Elevator is installed in Machida Station of the JNR *
19810500 National Liaison Committee for Income Security carries out "Central Action demanding Guaranteed Income Security for People with Disabilities from Childhood"*
19810700 Tokyo Hachioji Independent Living Home is established*
19810900 National Liaison Committee for Sending Disabled Children to Regular Schools is established*
19811000 Leader of the U.S. independent living movement Ed Roberts visits Japan*
19811009 Fifth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Osaka)*
19811100 Rock concert "Let's rock the International Year of Disabled Persons! 81!" is held (Osaka)*
19811125 Members of RBU, a Swedish organization of disabled persons, visit Japan and exchange experiences with Japanese organizations of disabled persons in Sapporo, Tokyo, and Saitama*
19820323 Government announces "Long-term plan of measures supporting disabled persons"*
* Ministry of Construction formulates "Principles of architectural design enabling use of buildings by people with physical disabilities"*
19820400 Housing Corporation announces rental housing available for tenants using wheelchairs*
19820707 Supreme Court dismisses the final appeal regarding the Horiki Lawsuit (ruling against the judgment of 72 that prohibition of receiving disability pension and child allowance at the same time is unconstitutional)*
19820716 "Act on Terms related to Disabilities" is proclaimed (abolishing such terms as "malformation", "idiocy", etc.)*
19820700 Enforcement ordinance of the Road Traffic Act is revised (changing disqualification clauses for the driver's license related to physical disabilities thus substantially improving restrictions on driver’s license acquisition by people with disabilities)*
19821001 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice on home help for the aged and disabled (abolishing income limitations, introducing system of collection of expenses from the care-takers, and increasing the number of home helpers by 3928)*
19820112 Punishment of a staff member of Shimada Ryoiku Center who helped a girl-inmate "escape" from the facility ignites a labor dispute*
19820113 (Matsuyama) Masakiseiryuuen, a rehabilitation facility for physically disabled persons, abolishes system of permissions that have been required for inmates to go out (and spend nights out), making it sufficient to simply submit a notification*
19820601 (Kodaira) Elevator is installed at Ogawa Station and begins to be used*
19820900 Discriminatory documents made by Toyama Prefecture's administration are found resulting in a scandal*
19821000 Aoi Shiba no Kai Saitama is established*
19821000 First seminar on independent living of disabled persons is held (Tokyo)*
19821103 Meetings protesting against the 82' revision of the Eugenic Protection Act are held in various places (Sapporo, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka)*
19821200 (Nagasaki) Lawsuit demanding admission of Yumiko Mine to a regular school starts*
U.N. starts its "International Decade of Disabled Persons" initiative*
19830300 Ministry of Transport formulates "Guideline for facilities for the disabled to be installed in public traffic terminals"*
19830405 Ministry of Labor establishes offices for promotion of employment of disabled persons*
19830500 Ministry of Labor launches program of employment of severely disabled persons by the third sector*
19830500 Akabori Case is sent back for retrial to the Shizuoka District Court
19830606 Cumulative national debt exceeds 100 trillion yen for the first time*
19830926 A suspended sentence is given to a 86 year old husband who strangled his dementia-suffering wife when strain of caring for her became too much (Yokohama District Court)*
19831014 First test-tube baby is born in Japan (at the Tokyo University Hospital)*
* Installation of textured paving blocks becomes compulsory at stations of the JNR*
19830327 Japan-U.S. training seminars on independent living of disabled people are held (to 3.27) (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Osaka, Kyoto, Kitakyushu)*
19830300 Struggle surrounding education of Yasuharu Kanai finally ends after over 2000 days as the board of education of the ward approves his entrance into Hanahata-Kita junior high school*
19830729-0731 At the eight national conference of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements, "First draft of the outline of basic demands for liberation of the disabled persons" is announced*
19830929 Sixth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Yamagata)*
19831200 Mental hygiene survey is practically cancelled as a result of opposition movement*
19840313 Information becomes known of two patients dying from disciplinary beatings in Utsunomiya Hospital located in Utsunomiya city*
19840600 Disabled Person's Employment Promotion Act is revised (including mentally disabled persons into figure for calculation of the actual employment rate.
Legal employment rate: 1.5% -> 1.6%)*
19840807 Act for the Welfare of People with Physical Disabilities is revised (making a number of changes including a shift from "efforts for rehabilitation" to "efforts for independence")*
19840814 Social Welfare and Medical Service Act is promulgated*
19840826 Prime Minister's Office announces that according to Public Opinion Survey on Living Conditions, 90% of respondents consider themselves to be "middle class".
19841200 (Tokyo) National Center for Persons with Disabilities “Toyama Sunrise” is established*
19840200 National Liaison Committee for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities is established*
19840200 Eiichi Takahashi, first chairman of Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka, dies*
19840428 Study Group on Normalization is established*
* National Union of Communities Fighting Discrimination is established*
19841028 (Osaka) Grass-roots Board of Deaf and Mute is established*
International Youth Year*
19850322 Ministry of Health and Welfare recognizes first case of AIDS among Japanese people (sufferer is a resident of the U.S.)*
19850326 Utsunomiya District Court gives an unsuspended sentence of imprisonment for one year to the director of Utsunomiya Hospital*
19850501 Revised National Pension Act is promulgated (stipulating details of basic disability pension and special allowance for disabled children and adults; is enforced on 86.4.1)*
19850505-16 First investigating commission comprised of members of the International Commission of Jurists and the Japanese Fund for Mental Health and Human rights visit and conduct an investigation in Japan in connection with the Utsunomiya Hospital incident*
19850625 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women is ratified (and promulgated on 7.1)*
19850800 Ministry of Construction issues notice on installation of textured paving blocks for visually impaired persons (prescribing the form and the installation methods of textured paving blocks)*
19851019 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues operational guideline for communication with mental hospital inpatients, prescribing regulations for communication by post, telephone, and meeting in person*
* JNR recognizes "offering help to persons using wheelchairs on station stairs as its regular duty"*
* In Kanagawa Prefecture, “Shalom”, housing offering care services to its tenants, is opened; Yokohama city launches program of group homes for mentally disabled persons.
19850726 Tenth National Commemoration Meeting of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements is held in Osaka (participants engage in lively debates regarding creation of a network of living spaces)*
19850800 First Japan-U.S. Conference of People with Disabilities is held*
* Movement opposing revision of the Child Rearing Allowance Act starts (organizations of disabled persons start a campaign opposing the plan of the Ministry of Health and Welfare to cut off payments of nursery allowance to parents of children with disabilities following the establishment of basic pension)*
19850900 (Tokyo) As Yasuharu Kanai and Yusuke Sano face problems with advancing to high schools, Liaison Council Supporting High School Education of Disabled Children and Adults is established. Henceforth, steps to break the selection barrier preventing people with disabilities from entering high schools are made in all parts of the country*
19851100 During the Sixth National Convention of Aoi Shiba no Kai (Tokyo), Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka demands the executives to make a shift to more realistic policies, but the demands are rejected and Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka announces that it leaves the National Confederation*
19851100 Seventh National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Okinawa)*
19851100 Osaka Mental Health and Human Rights Center is established (Tokyo Mental Health and Human Rights Center is established in the same year)*
19851200 Osaka Information Center of Disabled Persons is established (starts an informational magazine Communities)*
19860114 Joint Subcommittee of Three Welfare Commissions is established*
19860200 Helpers' dispatch program for people with severe disabilities is launched in Osaka*
19860508 Act on Temporary Special Provisions for State Subsidies, etc. is promulgated (stipulating that government-funded portion of the expenses incurred in establishment of social welfare facilities is to be the half of the total; same of the social aid and medical services covered by public expense to be 7/10; temporary steps related to the Act are made from '86 to '88)*
19860700 System of collection of expenses from the care-takers is established for facilities for disabled persons*
19860827 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes headquarters for measures regarding demented elderly*
19861001 National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry is established*
19861226 Measures to readjust and rationalize functions of entrusting organizations with functions of the state are implemented (assigning authority to issue permits for establishment of social welfare corporations to prefectural governments)*
19860300 Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International is established*
19860300 and henceforth Movement protesting against introduction of a system of collection of expenses from the care-takers spreads across the country*
19860601 Hachioji Human Care Association is established*
19860630-0701 Actions of protest against introduction of a system of collection of expenses from the care-takers are conducted in all parts of the country; 500 people with disabilities in wheelchairs gather around the Ministry of Health and Welfare (in 88, range of support obligators is limited to spouses and children of the care-takers)*
19860800 TRY'86 initiative starts (Representative: Shunji Kadota); 600 kilometers between Osaka and Tokyo are covered in 20 days by activists on wheelchairs, demanding improvements of JR stations in various places along the line.
19870117 First person with AIDS is found in Japan
19870330 In the third action of victims of Minamata disease, Kumamoto District Court rules that state and prefecture level governments have to take responsibility also.
19870526 Certified Social Workers and Certified Care Workers Act are promulgated*
19870601 Disabled Person's Employment Promotion Act is revised (name is changed into "Act on Employment Promotion etc. of Persons with Disabilities", scope of application is expanded to include mentally disabled persons, who are included in the figures for calculation of the legal employment rate)*
19870602 Prosthetists Act is promulgated*
19870625 Headquarters for Measures regarding Disabled Persons formulates important measures for the second-half of the long-range plan of measures regarding disabled persons*
19870926 Mental Health Act, revised and renamed into Mental Hygiene Act, is promulgated*
19870400 Sendai "The Way We Are" Home (a welfare home for physically disabled persons) is opened*
19870604 Union of Acupuncturists and Masseurs (a disabled persons' union) is established (Tokyo)*
19870800 U.N. holds global meeting of experts in Stockholm, Sweden, and evaluates the progress made with the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons across the world*
19870900 (Fukuoka) "Association of disabled persons who will ride trains no matter what!" is established*
19871000 Eighth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (Shizuoka)*
19871100 Mid-year Events of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons are held*
40th anniversary of the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights*
19880217 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues "General Instructions for management of social rehabilitation facilities for mentally disabled persons" to all prefectures*
19880229 In criminal trial on Minamata disease, Supreme Court recognizes death of embryo as manslaughter, dismisses the final appeal of the former president of Chisso, Ken-ichi Yoshioka and others and pronounces them guilty*
19880400 Second investigating commission of the International Commission of Jurists visits Japan and conducts an investigation (advising a reform of mental health services)*
19880729 General Council of Trade Unions of Japan holds a regular convention, where by an absolute majority it is decided to dissolve the Council in the autumn of 89*
19880800 Incident of discrimination against a mentally disabled person happens in a municipal swimming pool of Takaoka-shi, Toyama Prefecture.
19880905-0909 16th World Congress of Rehabilitation International (RI) is held (Tokyo)*
19881117 In Kawasaki Steel pollution suit, Chiba District Court rules that deterioration of health resulted from air polluted by the company and pronounces the company guilty*
* In the U.S., Fair Housing Amendments Act is promulgated*
* Tokyo Community Welfare Promotion Fund accumulates 20 billion yen (appropriating the sum to enrich home care services)*
* Ministry of Construction establishes enterprise for promotion of measures to create buildings usable by physically disabled persons*
* In Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture, guide helper service for intellectually disabled persons is launched*
19880411 (Fukuoka) "Association of disabled who will ride trains no matter what!" holds a demonstration in wheelchairs*
19880508 14th Convention of Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka is held commemorating the 15th anniversary of the association*
19880701 Aoi Shiba no Kai Osaka together with Disabled Persons Welfare Division of the Osaka Public Welfare Bureau hold the first study meeting on "home-with-care" housing*
19880800 (Kyoto) Study group on local systems of support for improvements of housing for the elderly and disabled is established*
19880800 Global meeting of experts (Sweden) for the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons is held, evaluates the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and reconfirms the need for continued efforts*
19880905 - 09 Following the World Congress of the Rehabilitation International, an action committee of people with disabilities is established, holds international meetings, demonstrations demanding accessible transportation, and negotiations with the Ministry of Transport*
19880915 National Union Demanding Public Nursing Care is established*
* International Self-Advocacy Conference is held (London)*
The U.N. adopts "Convention on the Rights of the Child" (11.20) *
19890107 The Emperor dies; name of the era is changed to "Heisei."
19890100 In Tokyo, program of subsidies for purchase of land in the metropolitan area for building social welfare facilities is established*
19890401 Consumption tax (with rate of taxation of 3%) is introduced*
19890400 System of group homes for intellectually disabled persons (supporting life in communities) is established*
19890500 Sign language interpreters system is established*
19890700 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces management guidelines for social welfare facilities (service check list)*
19891221 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces “Ten-year strategy to promote health care and welfare for the elderly” (the so-called gold plan)*
19890312 "Central action demanding pensions for the disabled persons" is carried out*
19890900 First National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held (Tokyo)*
19891000 During the 38th National Conference of the National Mentally Disabled Association Ikuseikai, for the first time in the history of the association, a sectional meeting is held with mentally disabled themselves participating*
* Going Outside Network of the Institutionalized Disabled (Osaka) launches activities to support inmates of facilities wishing to go outside (predecessor of the "Life Network")*
19900200 (Kobe) All of the stations of the Rokko Liner train service are equipped with elevators*
19900418 Central Social Welfare Council issues guidelines regarding "Revision of the Social Welfare Services Act, etc." (formulating a unified structure offering in-home and facility-based welfare in cities, towns and villages)*
19900600 (Osaka) Osaka-Monorail goes into operation. All of the stations are equipped with elevators*
* Traffic bureaus of Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe announce launch of cooperation on development of regular route busses with wheelchair lifts*
19900622 Eight Acts related to social welfare are revised*
19900701 Ministry of International Trade and Industry formulates accessibility guidelines for information management systems*
* Kanagawa Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture revise ordinances of construction standards (introducing welfare-related measures)*
19900726 U.S. adopts Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)*
19900928 Nakano Ward, Tokyo launches welfare-ombudsman system
* Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice that it abolishes restrictions on home helper dispatch hours*
* Edogawa Ward, Tokyo launches a system of subsidies covering all costs of remodeling for housing and a system of rent subsidies*
* Ministry of Construction establishes a model welfare town planning enterprise*
* Ministry of Health and Welfare revises criteria for subsidies of rehabilitation facilities (allowing private rooms for up to twenty percent of the prescribed number of inmates)*
19900800 Inclusion International invites members of Inclusion Japan to participate in the tenth world conference of the association (Paris)* Five people participate*
19901103-04 Second National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held (Osaka)*
19901113 (Yamagata, Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya) Symposiums are held under the slogan of "Association for Perfect Bus Services" (in addition to Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe, Tokyo and Yokohama also announce plans to introduce busses with wheelchair lifts)*
19910205 In the case of retroactive payment of child allowance (Nagai Lawsuit), Kyoto District Court rules in favor of the plaintiff stating that "public administration has a duty to ensure that the social security systems are well known to the people"*
19910300 Ministry of Construction formulates principles of design in building and repairs of government buildings enabling convenient use of such buildings by people with physical disabilities*
19910401 National pension program is revised (all people aged 20 and over including students are required to contribute to the government pension plan)*
19910401 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes a system of group homes for intellectually disabled persons*
19910802 Headquarters for Measures regarding Disabled Persons formulates "Important measures for the second-half of the long-range plan of measures regarding disabled persons"*
19910920 Department of Transportation authorizes discounts on passenger fares on JR and airlines for the intellectually disabled persons*
* In Osaka Prefecture, welfare city planning committee is established*
19911101 In Tokyo Prefecture, Center for protection of rights of intellectually disabled persons and demented elderly "Step" is established*
19911200 United Nations General Assembly adopts "The Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care" resolution*
* Busses equipped with wheelchair lifts start services in Osaka and Kobe*
* Osaka City launches subsidiaries for installation of vertical transportation facilities in railroad station buildings*
* Ministry of Health and Welfare launches service supporting independent living of persons with physical disabilities (the service is implemented for units comprised of five or more households of people with disabilities living at homes)*
19910400 National Confederation for Abolition of Nationality Clause from the National Pension Program is established*
19910601-0800 Symposiums entitled "Present state of normalization - progress made abroad" are held (in Tokyo and Osaka), becoming first exchange meeting between Capitol People First (California, U.S.) and Japanese mentally disabled persons*
19910619 (Amagasaki) Masato Tamaki, a disabled with muscular dystrophy, institutes a lawsuit demanding annulment of a school's decision that he failed to pass the examination; (on 92.3.13) Kobe District Court rules in favor of the plaintiff stating that the school's decision was against the law*
19910900 For the first time in the history of the organization, during national convention of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements, a sectional meeting is held with mentally disabled themselves participating*
19911122 Japan Council on Independent Living Centers (JIL) is established*
19911100 Third Meeting of the National Research Association on Problems of Independent Living is held (Tokyo)*
* (Osaka) Organization of Mentally Disabled Persons (Nakamakai) is established*
◆ 1992*
19920109 Tokyo Prefecture Social Welfare Council issues guidelines regarding renting system of apartments for people with disabilities*
19920205 Katsushika-ku, Tokyo decides to launch system of special benefits for foreigners with disabilities not receiving pensions (with monthly amount of 30,000 yen) (the system is already being implemented in Kobe, Kochi, and Takatsuki city)*
19920300 In Metropolitan Tokyo, busses equipped with wheelchair lifts start services*
* Busses equipped with wheelchair lifts start services in Yokohama*
19920401 Day service system for intellectually disabled persons is launched*
19920400 In Osaka city, system of benefits for foreigners with disabilities not receiving pensions is institutionalized (the same system is institutionalized in Yao and Ikeda cities and later spreads across the country)*
19920400 Third investigating commission of the International Commission of Jurists visits Japan (gives advice regarding the upcoming revision of the Mental Health Act in 93)*
19920500 Road Traffic Act is revised (clarifying the definition of a wheelchair for persons with physical disabilities. System of authorization of types of electric wheelchairs is also established)*
19920600 Disabled Person's Employment Promotion Act is revised* (basic policy of employment measures is formulated here stipulating that persons with severe mental disabilities are to be counted as two people, etc.)
19920700 Ministry of Health and Welfare newly establishes Social Welfare and War Victims' Relief Bureau*
19921000 Osaka and Hyogo prefectures enact "Welfare city planning ordinance"*
19920119 Inclusion Japan on an initiative of people with mental disabilities holds conference entitled "Assertion of the younger generation" (people, who assembled there later establish "Sakura Association")*
19920715 International Commission of Jurists submits its recommendations to the Japanese government regarding the upcoming revision of the Mental Health Act*
19920900 (Tokyo) Tama Rehabilitation Center adopts ombudsman system*
19921030 Persons with mental disabilities publish Let us also speak - a heartening book*
19921122 Sectional meeting of the national convention of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements announces first summarized results of the "Questionnaire survey on life and environment at facilities"*
19921128-29 Forth National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held (Nagoya)*
19921100 Events crowning the last year of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons are held (six guests from foreign countries give lectures and hold exchange meetings in 16 places across the country)*
The United Nations Asia-Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities is declared*
The United Nations adopt the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities*
19930201 In Osaka City, instructions for guide helper dispatch service for mentally disabled persons start to be implemented*
19930215 Ministry of Health and Welfare makes an exception for ordinance-designated cities regarding welfare officers engaged in services for mentally disabled persons*
19930322 Headquarters for Measures regarding Disabled Persons formulates new long-range plan of measures regarding disabled persons*
19930326 Prescribed number of inmates of vocational aid centers for mentally disabled persons is changed from 50 or more to 30 or more people*
19930401 Ministry of Health and Welfare transfers clerical duties related to admission to rehabilitation and support facilities for persons with physical disabilities from prefectural offices to municipalities*
19930401 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice instructing day care vocational aid centers for mentally disabled persons to accept persons with physical disabilities up to twenty percent of the prescribed number*
19930401 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice on promotion of shift of mentally disabled persons from facilities to the communities*
19930418 Act on Advancement of Facilitation Program for Disabled Persons' Use of Telecommunications and Broadcasting Services, with a View to Enhance Convenience of Disabled Persons is enacted*
19930423 Akita District Court rules 100% in favor of the plaintiff in the case regarding reduction of the public assistance to those with certain amount of deposits and savings*
19930523 Ministry of Health and Welfare creates criteria for evaluation of services at special nursing homes for the aged and health care facilities for the elderly*
19930523 Okayama City allows severely disabled couple requiring 24 hours of care to move into a council house*
19930611 Revision of the Mental Health Act is proclaimed*
19930805 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism formulates guidelines for installations of elevators at railroad stations*
19930822-27 World Federation for Mental Health holds its 1993 World Congress (Makuhari, Chiba)*
19931001 Act on the Promotion of Research, Development and Dissemination of Social Welfare Equipment is enacted*
19931203 Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities is proclaimed*
19931228 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces results of a survey on physically disabled children (and adults) (according to the survey, number of people with disabilities aged 18 and over living at home is 2,720,000)*
19930200 (Osaka) Mental Health and Human Rights Center starts dealing with an incident involving death of an inpatient of Yamatogawa Hospital, who was assaulted and left to die*
* National Organizing Committee for Network of and Research on QOL at Rehabilitation Facilities is established*
19930401 Japan Council on Disability (JD) is established*
19930401 (Hokkaido) At Kitanomorisha, a vocational aid center for mentally disabled persons, all rooms are made private*
* Study Group on Normalization (Osaka), Study Group on Decade of Persons with Disabilities create a revised counterproposal opposing planned revision of the Basic Act for Persons with Mental and Physical Disabilities. The two study groups launch activities demanding the counterproposal to be adopted from the government and parties*
19930412 Association for Complete Abolition of Nationality Clause from the National Pension Program holds negotiations with the Ministry of Health and Welfare*
19930400 (Aomori) Ombudsman committee is established at Uchigata Rehabilitation Center*
19930417 Japan Joint Association of Organizations of People with Mental Disabilities is established*
19930515 National exchange meeting of users of rehabilitation facilities is held (Hino Rehabilitation Center). Organizing Committee for Network of Inmates' Associations is established*
19930625 Third International People First Conference is held in Toronto, Canada (85 people participate from Japan)*
19930918 National Convention of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements (Tenri) announces results of a survey on life conditions at rehabilitation facilities*
19931002-03 Forth National Research Association on Problems of Independent Living is held (Sapporo)*
19931000 Actions demanding access to transportation conducted across the country*
19931100 Counsel for the Defense of Human Rights of Children and Adults with Disabilities is established*
19931111 First Symposium on Rehabilitation Institutions and Human-Rights is held*
19931128 Inaugural meeting for Network of General Information on People with Disabilities (BEGIN) is held (Tokyo)*
19931220 The United Nations adopts Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities*
◆ 1994*
19940203 Prime Minister Hosokawa announces plans to reduce taxes by 6 trillion yen, and replace them with a 7% national welfare tax (on 2.4, he announces a complete retraction of the plan, and on 4.4 his intention to resign)*
19940318 Ministry of Transport formulates "Guideline for installation and maintenance of facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities in public traffic terminals*
19940522 Convention on the Rights of the Child is ratified and comes into effect*
19940607 Osaka Prefectural Government announces that the term of "mental deficiency" is abolished and "mental disability" is to be used from now on*
19940610 UNESCO Conference adopts "Salamanca Statement" (based on the principle of inclusive education)*
19940629 Accessible and Usable Building Act is promulgated*
19940714 Committee on Future Course of Social Security of the Advisory Council on Social Security for the first time proposes to introduce a public nursing-care insurance system*
19940908 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces the New Gold Plan*
19941205 Prime Minister's Office announces the first white paper on people with disabilities*
19940400 Network for Human Rights of Children and Adults with Disabilities is established*
19940500 National Confederation for the Working Disabled under the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union approaches government and self-governing bodies demanding for quick formulation of "Basic plan for the disabled"*
19940610 Center for Assistance of Independent Living "Peer Osaka" is established*
(Facility for ?) adopts ombudsman system*
(Facility for ?) adopts ombudsman system*
19940700 Case of a helper in Setagaya is brought before the court (demanding the ward office to pay compensation for damages regarding embezzlement of savings by a dispatched helper)* '99.3.16 District court rules against the plaintiff. '00.6.14 High Court (appeal court) rules against the plaintiff*
19941000 National Exchange Meeting of Mentally Disabled Persons is held (Osaka)*
19941103-4 Sixth National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held (Tokyo)*
19940209 Japan Council on Disability (JD) announces "New long-range plan: measures supporting the Asia-Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities "*
19941210-11 Inaugural meeting/symposium for National Network of Associations of Inmates of Rehabilitation Facilities is held (Tokyo)*
◆ 1995*
Great Hanshin Earthquake*
19950117 Great Hanshin Earthquake (M7.2)*
19950214 Council on Health and Welfare for the Elderly starts examining public nursing-care insurance system*
199503-04 Number of people with disabilities winning regional general elections dramatically increases (introductions of 13 assembly members are carried in Joyfull BEGIN)
19950511 Prime Minister's Office formulates Guideline for plan of disabled-related measures to be implemented by cities, towns and villages*
19950520 Ministry of International Trade and Industry announces Guideline for accessibility of information management systems by people with disabilities, etc.*
19950500 Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International holds Emergency Forum on Living Conditions and Medical Treatment of People with Mental Disabilities*
19950500 Women Network of Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International submits a request for abolition of the illegal abortion from the Criminal Code and of the Eugenic Protection Act to the Health and Welfare Minister*
19950621 Ministry of Health and Welfare establishes around-the-clock system of traveling helpers*
19950627 Headquarters for Measures regarding Disabled Persons establishes "Week of disabled persons" (12.3-9)*
19950701 Mental Health and Welfare Act is promulgated*
19950800 Ministry of Health and Welfare launches "Promotion project of city planning accommodating needs of people with disabilities and the elderly"*
19950800 Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International together with BEGIN holds study session on public nursing-care insurance system*
19951000 (Mito) Abuse of mentally disabled employees at Akasu Cardboard Boxes comes to light*
19951218 Headquarters for Measures regarding Disabled Persons formulates Plan regarding persons with disabilities (normalization plan)*
19951223 The U.N. passes resolution proclaiming Decade for Human Rights Education*
19950117 "OZ Box" launches fax-sending campaign to confirm safety of people with disabilities living in the area stricken by disaster (sending 20 faxes by 1.20); similar campaign is launched by Brothers and Sisters Association Kobe*
19950119 National Network of Disability Liberation Movements (Osaka) sends its first emergency communication*
19950121 (Osaka) Disabled Persons' Relief Headquarter is established*
19950124 (Nishinomiya) Nishinomiya Relief Headquarter of the Hanshin Disabled Persons Liberation Center is established*
19950125 Relief Headquarter establishes relief-goods reception office in the Toyono Labor Center for People with Disabilities (Mino)*
19950126 Peer Osaka receives (a total of 14) people with disabilities affected by the earthquake from Kobe and Nishinomiya*
19950126 (Tokyo) Committee of Support of People with Disabilities Affected by the Earthquake is established*
19950128 (Nishinomiya) Subaru Welfare Association starts distributing 1,000 bowls of boiled rice (3 times per week)
19950202 (Kobe) Disaster Area Support Center for People with Disabilities is established (40 organizations participate from Hyogo prefecture)*
19950205 (Osaka) Relief Headquarter launches first campaign collecting contributions on the street.
In Namba, contributions reach 1,140,000 yen (and exceed 100 million yen in one year)*
19950209 NHK Educational TV cancels sign-language broadcasting in Kinki district between 1.17-20; organizations of people with hearing impairments protest, and NHK makes an apology (Japanese Federation of the Deaf sends letters with demands to 128 broadcasting stations across the country)*
19950214 Osaka Confederation of Associations for Children (and Adults) with Disabilities announces results of a survey of damages to workshops of people with disabilities from the Great Hanshin Earthquake (among the total of 134 facilities [of which 95 are unlicensed] 15 persons with disabilities and two staff members are dead; 18 buildings [of which 16 are unlicensed] cannot be reopened in the near future due to complete or partial destruction*
19950622 Recovery Program Committee of Citizens with Disabilities Working in the Private Sector is established and holds a concert commemorating the establishment "Yumekaze Fund of 1 Billion Yen"*
19951209 First National Research Conference on Disability Policies is held (Tokyo)*
19951220-21 Seventh National Research Association on Independent Living is held (Kumamoto; name is changed with the word "problems" omitted.
Twelfth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held*
19951200 "People First Let's Talk Association" comprised of persons with mental disabilities is established*
◆ 1996
19960109 Hyogo Prefecture announces that 1,119 households have been added as targets for livelihood protection as a consequence of the Great Hanshin Earthquake.
19960118 Minister of Health and Welfare Kan recognizes mistakes made by the administration regarding Hansen's disease prevention methods and apologizes to representatives of the patients*
19960119 "Headquarter for Measures regarding Disabled Persons" is renamed into "Headquarter for Policies for Disabled Persons"*
19960123 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces to the National Association of Towns and Villages that elderly care insurance is hereby transferred under the jurisdiction of municipalities*
19960129 Ministry of Health and Welfare unofficially announces that persons with disabilities under 65 will no longer be able to use elderly care insurance, and that they will be accommodated with a special disability insurance plan *
19960209 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces that data on AIDS has been found in the Ministry's storehouse.
19960401 Leprosy Prevention Act is abolished*
19960401 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues notice on promotion of shift of mentally disabled persons from facilities to the communities *
19960515 Shigetaro Wada, president of Sun Group located in Gokasho, Shiga Prefecture, is arrested on charges of abuse of mentally disabled employees*
19960626 Eugenic Protection Act is revised (and renamed into Maternal Protection Act)*
19960600 Salamanca Statement is adopted (World Conference on Special Needs Education in Salamanca, Spain)
19960930 Tokyo High Court orders the Government to pay damages of 13 million yen in the Utsunomiya Hospital incident case*
19961000 Municipalities start assisted living projects for persons with disabilities (Human Care Association, Machida Human Network, CIL Tachikawa Trust)*
19961204 Okamitsu, Former Administrative Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, is arrested on suspicion of having taken bribes from the Aya Welfare Group*
19960214-16 Plaintiffs of the Tokyo and Osaka HIV lawsuits stage a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Health and Welfare demanding inquiries to be made to get at the truth and permanent measures to prevent reoccurrences*
19960225 Defense counsel of people with disabilities involved in the Mito incident hold meeting to find out the damages*
19960329 In lawsuits on AIDS, parties come to a settlement in Tokyo and Osaka*
19960907 Third Symposium on Rehabilitation Institutions and Human-Rights is held (Matsuyama)*
19961130-1201 Second National Research Conference on Disability Policies is held (Matsuyama)*
19961218 (Shiga) Victims in the Sun Group incident institute a lawsuit against Wada, President of the Sun Group, and the state/prefecture governments demanding compensation for damages*
19961220-21 Eight National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held*
◆ 1997
19970109 Tokyo Prefecture announces plans for the new fiscal year to establish local assisted living centers for people with mental disabilities and launches training courses for professional home helpers*
19970128 Tokyo Prefecture announces its plan to revise the support of management expenses of pioneering/experimental welfare activities with community welfare promotion fund*
19970129 Matsuyama District Court rules a former head of a facility for mentally disabled persons, who instructed the inmates to vote for a specific candidate for the House of Representatives elections of the previous year, guilty*
19970310 Regarding frequent occurrences of incidents of abuse at companies employing mentally disabled persons, Ministry of Health and Welfare issues instructions to closely cooperate with organizations concerned and promptly deal with problems as they occur*
19970317 Low-floor busses are adopted by municipal bus companies in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya*
19970328 Mito District Court sentences Masao Akasu, former president of Mito Package, to three years in prison, suspended for four years. Supporters of the victims protest against the ruling and are arrested for destruction of property (4.10)*
19970410 In Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, community-run welfare share taxi services "Kazaguruma" are launched*
19970606 At a plenary session of the House of Representatives, Act Concerning the Promotion of Specific Non-Profit Organization Activities is adopted (at the House of Councilors, according to the principle of non-continuance of the session, the bill is carried over to the next session)*
19970627 Tokyo Prefecture's Committee on Examination of Treatment of Inmates at Facilities for Mentally Disabled Children and Adults issues a report (confirming the fact that there is not little abuse in such facilities and suggesting methods of prevention)*
19970704 The United Nations open International Disability Centre in Ferney-Voltaire, a commune in Eastern France*
19970716 Organ Transplant Act is proclaimed (and enacted on 10.16)*
19970804 All patients registered at three hospitals of the Yasuda Hospital Group leave the hospitals (on 8.8, the hospitals loose their accreditation of a medical institution authorized to treat patients with health insurance coverage. On 10.1, the hospitals loose their accreditation of medical institutions)*
19970805 Prime Minister's Office announces the proportion of cities, towns, and villages, where disabled-related measures have been decided on (only 17.9% of the whole)*
19970826-30 A Swedish daily newspaper reports that since the sterilization act was adopted in 1935 and until its abolition in 1976, a total of 60,000 people were subjected to compulsory sterilization*
19971123 Welfare Municipal Unit is established by 28 mayors including the mayor of Takanosumachi in Akita Prefecture.
19971001 Guardianship and Support Center AiAi Net is established in Osaka*
19971020 Center for Protection of Rights is established in Saitama Prefecture*
19971000 Revised Broadcast Act is enacted (ensuring wider availability of subtitles)*
19971119 Tokyo Prefecture announces that no more facilities outside the capital will be built from now on*
19971120 Minato-ku, Tokyo announces that 15 residential buildings that can accommodate people with any kind of disability are being built and that tenant applications will be accepted starting January of the following year*
19971125 Ministry of Health and Welfare collects and publishes "Research on social welfare work, etc." and "Reform of basic structure (main points at issue)"*
19970224 After a case of incapacitated rape is dropped by Mito District Prosecutor's Office, defense counsel for and parents of the victims of the Mito incident sue the other party for assault*
19970226 Organizations of persons with disabilities, women, Ainu, and foreign residents in Japan as a part of International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism submit requests to the Ministry of Justice and assemblymen of political parties demanding measures implemented to protect human rights*
19970705 - 06 DPI Japan holds general assembly (Shizuoka)*
19970726 People First Let's Talk Association holds discussion with the Tokyo Prefectural government*
19970823-24 National Convention of the National Network of Disability Liberation Movements is held (Toyama)*
19970905 People with disabilities after 21 years finally reach a settlement with bottle-manufacturing factory in Okubo*
19970906-07 National Union of Communities Fighting Discrimination holds national conference (Saitama)*
19970927-29 National Civic Forum of People with Disabilities is held in Fukushima (organized by the Citizens in Wheelchairs together with the National Research Association on Independent Living) *.
19971118 People with disabilities of Japan and the U.S. hold a seminar on independent living (Osaka)*
19971118 DPI Japan holds first negotiations with the Ministry of Health and Welfare regarding problems with elderly care insurance*
19971121-22 Japan-USA Seminars on Independent Living are held*
19971206-07 Third National Research Conference on Disability Policies is held (Tokyo)*
◆ 1998
19980108 Hyogo Prefectural Police announces that in three years the number of solitary deaths among people living in temporary houses after the Great Hanshin Earthquake was 190*
19980123 Human Rights Bureau of the Ministry of Justice orders Director of the Shirakawa Rehabilitation Center to apologize to the victims of abuse*
19980226 Director of Shirakawa Rehabilitation Center, a facility for mentally disabled persons in Fukushima, is reported to the prosecutor for violation of the Medical Practitioners' Act*
19980312 Supreme Court rules in the case of a theft in Kyoto that the suspect (a person with severe visual impairment) has no litigation capacity, the court reverses the decision of the first appeal and orders the case sent back to the lower court*
19980319 Plenary session of the House of Representatives approves Act Concerning the Promotion of Specific Non-Profit Organization Activities*
19980324 In the Kabutoyama case, Kobe District Court (to which the case has been sent back from the higher court) rules Etsuko Yamada not-guilty (also acquitting Director Araki, who was accused of perjury)* False accusation.
19980401 Child Welfare Act is revised and enacted*
19980401 Minimum Standards for Child Welfare Institutions are revised and enacted (aiming at prevention of abuse) *
19980410 Government of Tokyo Prefecture decides to adopt ombudsman system in all facilities for people with disabilities subsidized by the government*
19980414 Osaka District Court sentences Mototaka Yasuda, former director of the Yasuda hospital group, to three years in prison and fine of 1 million yen without a stay of execution (former director appeals the ruling)*
19980501 Ministry of Health and Welfare adds several incurable diseases increasing the list of specified diseases to 40 and changes the former system of total coverage of medical expenses by public funds to system whereby patients pay a part of medical expenses*
19980604 Tokyo Prefecture decides on criteria for evaluation of services at facilities for people with disabilities*
19980617 Subcommittee on Structural Reform of Social Welfare under Central Social Welfare Council announces " Basic Structural Reform of Social Welfare System (interim conclusions)"*
19980624 Tokyo District Court sentences Nobuharu Okamitsu, the former vice-minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, for two years in prison and a fine of 63,690,000 yen for corruption without a stay of execution (on 6.25, the accused appeals the ruling)*
19980731 Kumamoto District Court accepts a lawsuit for reparations (totaling 1,495 million yen) claimed by thirteen former sufferers of Hansen's disease from the government*
19980909 East Japan Railway announces that by 2001 the proportion of stations with escalators in the area within 50 km from Tokyo (approximately 260 stations) will be increased from 40 percent to 80 percent*
19980910 Plenary Session of the House of Representatives approves the bill changing the term of "mental deficiency" into "mental disability" (on 9.18, it is approved by the House of Councilors and enacted on 99.4.1)*
19981025 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces that from 1995 to 1997, the number of inquiries regarding child abuse made to consultation offices for children all over the country has been increasing yearly by 30 to 50 percent*
19981105 The U.N. Commission on Human Rights issues recommendation to Japan as regards the observance of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Japan*
19981201 The Cabinet Meeting acknowledges the 98' edition of White paper on people with disabilities (promoting barrier-free access to information)*
19980128 DPI Japan holds second negotiations with the Ministry of Health and Welfare regarding public nursing care insurance*
19980328-29 National Welfare-ombudsman Conference is held (Yokohama)*
19980418 Symposium on Human Rights of People with Disabilities is held by DPI Center for Protection of Human Rights of People with Disabilities, Tokyo Mental Health and Human Rights Center, and Japan Joint Association of Organizations of People with Mental Disabilities (Tokyo)*
19980423-25 Forth International People First Conference is held (in Anchorage, Alaska; 34 people participate from Japan)*
19980530 Plenary Meeting of Network for Human Rights of Children and Adults with Disabilities is held*
199807 (Hokkaido) Survey of polling stations for the House of Representatives elections shows that only 605 stations (18.5%) are accessible for people in wheelchairs*
19980905 Forth Symposium on Rehabilitation Institutions and Human-Rights is held (Tokyo)*
19980907 - 09 DPI Center for Protection of Human Rights of People with Disabilities establishes a hotline*
19981102-04 International Forum on Independent Living is held*
19981122-23 Fifth National Convention of Mentally Disabled Persons is held (Nara)*
199812 Forth National Research Conference on Disability Policies is held (Tokyo)*
◆ 1999
19990710 Ministry of Health and Welfare creates a manual for national mental hospitals and clinics across the country to prevent inappropriate isolation/confinement*
19990729 (Hyogo) Mukogawa Women's University launches open college program bearing mentally disabled persons, etc. in mind*
199907 Package Promoting Decentralization Act is promulgated (and fully enacted in 00.4)*
19990806 (Osaka) White Paper on human rights of people with disabilities is announced*
19990809 Government's Headquarter for Policies for Disabled Persons decides to revise the disqualification clauses concerning persons with disabilities*
19990813 National Flag and Anthem Act is proclaimed and enacted*
19990903 Judging the defendant as having no litigation capacity, Okayama District Court dismisses the appeal in the case of a hearing-impaired person suspected of theft that was send back from a higher court*
19990917 Governor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara after inspecting Fuchu Rehabilitation Center makes a statement denying personality of inmates with severe disabilities*
19990922 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces launch of system of mutual use of day care vocational aid centers by people with intellectual and mental disabilities*
19990929 In the Kabutoyama case, Osaka High Court, which is the second appeal court, rules the defendant Yamada not-guilty (on 10.22, former Director Araki suspected of perjury is also ruled not guilty. on 10. 8 and 11.4, prosecutors waive the right to appeal)* False accusation
19990930 Central Social Welfare Council issues statement approving the proposed amendments of the Social Welfare Services Act, etc.*
19991001 Reception of applications for care need assessment for the elderly care insurance is launched in all parts of the country*
19991022 Chairman of the Policy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party Kamei makes a statement that "It is a fine Japanese custom from the ancient times for children to take care of their parents" (later, Liberal Democratic Party implements several measures along those lines such as deciding to freeze insurance expenses for half a year)*
19991208 Revised Civil Code proclaimed adopting adult guardianship system (and enacted in 00.4) *
19991209 Ministry of Health and Welfare announces new policy on establishment of small-scale social welfare corporations (with a substantial relaxation of necessary conditions for establishment; the new policy starts being implemented in 00.4)*
19991210 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism abolishes its notice issued 21 years ago "On boarding buses by wheelchair users" (that stipulated that wheelchair users must be accompanied by a care-giver)*
19990227 Osamu Takahashi, Director of Japan Council on Independent Living Centers (and President of Tachikawa CIL) dies*
19990508 Inaugural meeting for Association against Disqualification Clauses concerning Persons with Disabilities is held (Tokyo)*
19990624 - 27 U.S. National Centre for Independent Living holds conference*
19990920 National Confederation of Aoi Shiba no Kai voices protest against Ishihara's statement and demands the statement retracted and an apology made*
19990921-26 First International Summit Conference on Independent Living is held*
19991008-10 Forum of People with Disabilities is held (Tottori)*
19991022 National Confederation of Organizations of Victims of Medical Harm is established (with approximately 4000 members of eight organizations including victims of thalidomide, SMON, and blood products-induced HIV participating)*
19991204-05 Sixth National Convention of Intellectually Disabled Persons is held (Takatsuki)*
19991211-12 Fifth National Research Conference on Disability Policies is held (Tokyo) "Decentralization of authority and participation in planning: directions for new policies for people with disabilities"*
19991214 Kanagawa Joint Association of Organizations of People with Mental Disabilities holds emergency session on the problem of corporal punishment of inmates. Makes an appeal to affiliated facilities*
◆ 2000
Basic Structural Reform of Social Welfare System
20000131 In Kanagawa Prefecture, internship program is launched to promote employment of intellectually disabled persons*
20000310 Plenary session of the House of Representatives approves the revision of the Act on Improvement of Employment Management and Other Matters for Care Workers (stipulating loan support of NPOs and other organizations hiring care-related workforce; is enacted on 0401)*
20000401 Public nursing care insurance system is introduced*
20000403 Simultaneous subtitles display system is introduced for TV news of the NHK*
20000427 Plenary Session of the House of Representatives adopts "Bill of revision of parts of the Copyright Act and Act on Special Provisions of the Copyright Act, Required as Consequence of the Enforcement of the Universal Copyright Convention"*
20000514 Ministry of Health and Welfare issues "Common criteria for evaluation of services at facilities for adults and children with disabilities" (also issuing "Concepts" and "Description" thereof)
200005 Accessible and Usable Transportation Act is proclaimed (and enacted on 1101)*
20000607 Revision of the Social Welfare Services Act, etc. is proclaimed and enacted (Social Welfare Act)*
20000614 Second appeal court rules against the plaintiff in the Setagaya-ku home helper incident*
20000112 Confederation of Residents of Tokyo for the Life and Rights of Families of People with Disabilities announces results of an investigation showing that after the revision of welfare measures made by Tokyo Prefectural Office, for 70 percent of households that have been receiving disability allowance for people with severe disabilities, it becomes impossible to receive it due to newly imposed income limitations*
20000603 DPI Japan holds annual conference (Kumamoto)*
20001118-19 Seventh National Convention of Intellectually Disabled Persons is held (Tokyo)*
20001204-07 Second International Summit Conference on Independent Living is held*
1958-61 Polio epidemic
1958 National Federation of Organizations for the Disabled Persons is established
1959 Disability pension and welfare annuity for mentally and physically disabled persons are incorporated in the National Pension Act
1960 Japan Rheumatism Patients' Circle is established
1960 Central Council for Protection of Children from Polio is established
1962 Thalidomide Case
1962 National Association of Parents of Children with Speech Disorders is established
1963 Japan Muscular Dystrophy Association Incorporation is established
1963 National Association for Protection of Children from Cardiac Diseases is established
1963 Association for Protection of Children from Cardiac Diseases is established
1963 Association for Protection of Children from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
1963 National Association of Brothers and Sisters of Disabled Children is established
1963 Led by Aoi Shiba no Kai, about 20 organizations establish Confederation of Organizations for the Disabled Persons
1963 Tsutomu Mizukami publishes "Letter to Prime Minister Ikeda (Chuo Koron, June issue)
1964 Struggle regarding health care problem occurs in the National Convalescent Home of Severely Disabled
(Futsukaichi [1986], Wakabayashi [1986:56-57])
1964 Association for Protection of Children (and Adults) with Severe Mental and Physical Disabilities is established
19730511 Proposal for amendment of the Eugenic Protection Act is submitted to the Diet by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
1973 First National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held
1973 System of Rehabilitation Certificates is established
1973 Old-Age Welfare Act is revised (making medical expenditures for the aged free of charge)
1976 National Network of Disability Liberation Movements is established
197604 National Association of the Non-disabled is established
1976 Movement for access to Osaka Subway is launched
1976 Disabled Person's Employment Promotion Act is revised (making employment of people with disabilities a duty)
1976 Prime Minister Tanaka announces his "Higher welfare, higher taxes" theory
197903 Aoi Shiba no Kai announces that it leaves National Network of Disability Liberation Movements
19790921 Forth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held (-23)
1979 Special education schools are made compulsory
198001 National Confederation for Income Security is established
1980 International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps is created
1980 Japan Council for International Year of Disabled Persons is established
1981 International Year of Disabled Persons
1981 Fifth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held
1981 Disabled People International (DPI) is established
1981 Second Administrative Examining Committee is established
1982 World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons is adopted by the United Nations
1982 Long-range plan of measures regarding disabled persons is formulated
1983-92 United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons
1983 Japan-U.S. Seminar on Independent Living
1983 Mitama Independent Living Center is established
1983 Sixth National Meeting of Citizens in Wheelchairs is held
1984 National Union of Communities Fighting Discrimination is established
1984 Act for the Welfare of People with Physical Disabilities is revised (shift from "efforts for rehabilitation" to "efforts for independence")*
1986 Human Care Association is established
19860330 DPI Japan is formally established
198605 DPI Female Disabled Network is established
1986 National Pension Act is revised (Disability Basic Pension)
1987 Certified Social Workers and Certified Care Workers Act
1987 Mental Health and Welfare Act
1987 Act Concerning Employment Promotion for Disabled Persons
1988 Support launched with Tokyo Community Welfare Promotion Fund
1988 National Union Demanding Public Nursing Care
1988 Actions demanding access to transportation
1989 During national convention of Inclusion Japan in Kanazawa, people with mental disabilities are given opportunity to voice own opinions for the first time
1989 First National Research Meeting on Independent Living
1989 Ten-Year Strategy to Promote Health Care and Welfare for the Elderly (Gold Plan) is formulated
1990 Second National Research Meeting on Independent Living
1991 System of governor's approval for additional social aid under special standard for non-family care-givers is introduced
1991 Tachikawa CIL is established
199111 Japan Council on Independent Living Centers is established
199111 Third National Research Meeting on Independent Living
1991 Center for protection of rights of intellectually disabled persons "Step" is established
1992 Forth National Research Meeting on Independent Living
1992 Movement of intellectually disabled persons themselves becomes more and more pronounced
1992 Day service system for mentally disabled persons is launched
1993 In Tokyo Prefecture, helpers' dispatch program for people with severe cerebral palsy starts operating and becomes available throughout the year
1993 Japan Joint Association of Organizations of People with Mental Disabilities is established
1993 Japan Council on Disability (JD) is established
1993 Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
1993 Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities
1993 "New long-range plan"
19931128 Network of General Information on People with Disabilities is established
1993 Fifth National Research Meeting on Independent Living
199410 National Network of Associations of Inmates of Rehabilitation Facilities is established
19941027 - 29 National Exchange Meeting for Intellectually Disabled People is held in Osaka
19941103 - 04 Sixth National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held in Tokyo
1994 Plan of welfare for people with disabilities based in cities, towns and villages
1994 Gold Plan revision
199505 In response to a resolution made by people with disabilities themselves, the National Association for Mentally Deficient Ikuseikai (Inclusion Japan) is renamed into All-Japan Holding Hands Association Ikuseikai
1995 Seventh National Research Meeting on Independent Living is held in Kumamoto
1995 Guideline for plan of disabled-related measures to be implemented in cities, towns and villages
1995 (First) National Research Conference on Disability Policies
1995 Insurance plan for people with disabilities
1995 Mental Health and Welfare Act
1995 Maternal Protection Act
1995 Medical insurance system is revised
1995 Child Welfare Act is revised
19980423-25 40 people participate in International People First Conference (Alaska)
199610 Assisted living project for persons with disabilities by municipalities
19990605 - 06 Eighth Plenary Session of Delegates of Japan Council on Independent Living Centers is held in Osaka
1999 OECD publishes Inclusive Education at Work
UP:November 19, 2012 REV:November 20, 2012/November 22, 2012/ November 29, 2012/December 3, 2012/December 4, 2012/March 14, 2013/March 19, 2013/March 25, 2013/April 3, 2013/April 4, 2013/April 8, 2013/April 10, 2013/July 30, 2013/August 1, 2013/October 10, 2013/October 2, 2014