Researching Social Gerontology Volume 1: Ageing and Places

Cutchin, Malcom P.; Kemp, Candece L.; Marshall, Victor W. eds. 2013 Sage,408p.

last update: 20190826


■Cutchin, Malcom P.; Kemp, Candece L.; Marshall, Victor W. eds. 2013 Researching Social Gerontology Researching Social Gerontology Volume 1: Ageing and Places,Sage,408p. ISBN-10: 144624976X ISBN-13: 978-1446249765 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※  a06



  Through a careful selection of key articles published over the past few decades, this major work addresses how social gerontologists research ageing. Social gerontology draws upon a wide base of disciplines such as sociology, geography, anthropology, psychology and more. The complexity of ageing from a social gerontology perspective demands a broad range of methodological approaches. Thus, the overarching theme of this collection is methodological-exemplifying the different ways of conducting investigations about the most important issues in ageing studies.

  Under the expert guidance of a team of respected editors, this four-volume set brings together key contributions to the social scientific study of the ageing process and the places, relationships, and institutions that shape that process. Broken down into thematic chapters, it offers works that take on the most significant challenges of research about ageing.

  Volume 1: Ageing and Places
  Volume 2: Social Relationships and Ageing
  Volume 3: Social Institutions, the Life Course, and Ageing
  Volume 4: Cross-cutting Epistemological Issues


  1. The Home Enviroment of Older People: A Description of the Psychosocial Processes Linking Person to Place
    Robert L. Rubinstein
  2. Situateing ‘Home’ at the Nexus of the Public and Private Spheres: Ageing, Gender and Home Support Work in Canada
    Anne Martin - Matthews
  3. The Home as a Site for Long - Term Care; Meanings and Managemant of Bodies and Spaces
    Israel Dyck, et al
  4. Relationships between Housing and Healthy Aging in Very Old Age
    Frank Oswald, et al
  5. The Outcomes of Rehousing Older Homeless People: A Longitudinal Study
    Maureen Crane & Anthony M. Warnes

PART TWO: Neighborhoods
  6. The Surveillance Zone as Meaningful Space for the Aged
    Graham D. Rowels
  7. The Contributions of Races, Individual Socioeconomic Status, and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Context on the Self-Rated Health Trajectories and Morality of Older Adults
    Li Yao & Stephanie A. Robert
  8. Neighborhood-Level Cohesion and Disorder: Measurement and Validation in Two Older Adult Urban Populations
    Kathleen A. Cagney, et al
  9. The Relationship of Built Enviroment to Perceived Social Support and Psychological Distress in Hispanic Elders: The Role of "Eyes on the Street"
    Scott C. Brown. et al
  10. Natural Neighborhood Newworks - Important Social Networks in the Lives of Older Adults Aging in Place
    Paula J. Gardner

PART THREE: Communities
  11. Becoming "at Home" in Assisted Living Residence: Exploring Place Integration Processes
    Malcom P. Cutchin, et al
  12. Managing Decline in Assisted Living: The Key to Aging in Place
    Mary M. Ball, et al
  13. A City within a City: A "Snapshot" of Aging in a HUD 202 in Detroit, Michigan
    Mary E Byrnes
  14. These White Walls: The Dialectic of Retirement Communities
    Kevin E. McHugh & Elizabeth M. larson-Keagy
  15. "This is Where We Buried Our Sons": People of Advanced Old Age Coping with the Impact of the AIDS Epidemic in a Resource-Poor Setting in Rural Uganda
    Janat Seeley, et al

PART FOUR: Migration
  16. Predictors of Non-Local Moves among Older Adults: A Prospective Study
    Chales E. Longino, et al
  17. There's No Place Like Home: A hazard Model Analysis of Aging in Place among Older Homeowners in the PSID
    Joseph J. Sabia
  18. Contribution of Residence Relocation and Lifestyle to the Sturucture of Health Trajectories
    Song-Iee Hong & Li-Mei Chen
  19. How Left behind Are Rulal Partners of Migrant Children? Evidence from Thailand
    John Knobel, et al




*作成:岩ア 弘泰
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