Toward the Ethics of Life Affirmation:
From a Perspective of Disability Studies

NOZAKI Yasunobu June 30, 2011 Hakutakusha, 216p.
[Japanese] / [Korean]

Toward the Ethics of Life Affirmation: From a Perspective of Disability Studies

NOZAKI Yasunobu June 30, 2011 Toward the Ethics of Life Affirmation: From a Perspective of Disability Studies, Hakutakusha, 216p. ISBN-10: 4768479391 ISBN-13: 978-4768479391 2310 [amazon][kinokuniya]


Does the current ethics of Rawls and Singer affirm our lives? Isn't there any hidden border that separates people who are worth living from people who are not? This book examines the ethics from a perspective of disability studies and shapes the ethics of life affirmation. (From the publisher)

■Introduction of the Author / From the Editor

The author is an up-and-coming ethicist who has studied under Professor MORIOKA Masahiro(Osaka Prefecture University)and TATEIWA Shin'ya (Ritsumeikan University). While participating in disabled people's movements, as himself with physical disability, the author questions "the ethics of normal people" in the quest for a society where people with disability can live their lives in full.

■Table of Contents

 Introduction Possibility and Danger of Questioning Human Beings 5

 Chapter 1 Viewpoint of Disability Studies 15
  1 What Is Disability Studies?: Medical Model and Social Model of Disabilities 16
  2 History of Disabled People's Movements in Japan 32
  3 Eugenic Thoughts and Discrimination against Disabled People 50

 Chapter 2 Current Ethics and Distributive Justice 67
  1 Utilitarianism and Liberalism 68
  2 Thoughts of Amartya Sen  81
  3 Basic Income and Social Security 100

 Chapter 3 Pit of Bioethics: Criticism against Singer's Ethics 117
  1 Singer's Anilnal Liberation and Bioethics 118
  2 Singer's Ethics of Globalization: Ethics that Crosses the Border 138

 Chapter 4 Another Form of Ethics 153
  1 Ethics of Unmentionable 154
  2 Others and Ethics of Justice 170

 Final Chapter Toward the Ethics of Life Affirmation: Theory of Justice that Fights off the Justification of the Border 189

 Afterword 211

UP:September 28, 2011 REV:September 29, 2011
Translation by KATAOKA Minoru
Disability Studies  ◇Basic Income  ◇Bioethics 
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