Levi-Strauss who Fights

WATANABE Kozo November 13, 2009 Heibonsha,302p.
[Japanese] / [Korean]


『Levi-Strauss who Fights』

WATANABE Kozo November 13, 2009 Levi-Strauss who Fights,Heibonsha,302p. ISBN-10: 4582854982 ISBN-13: 978-4582854985 840yen [amazon][kinokuniya]

■Contents(Excerpt from "BOOK" Data Base)

Although the noble philosophy of Levi-Strauss rejects easy and graphic understanding, this book enthusiastically approaches the core of the philosopher's work by focusing on his unique "attitudes towards the world," which leads to his "view of structuralism" at the base. Throughout his life of over 100 years, against what had he been fighting? This book discusses the morality of living and the alternative abundance for the modern world.

■Information about the Author


■Table of Contents (From Bibliography of Heibonsha)

UP: May 25, 2010 REV:May 27, 2010/July 9, 2015
Translated by TAMURA Noriko
Proofread by KATAOKA Minoru
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