■WATANABE Kozo November 13, 2009 Levi-Strauss who Fights,Heibonsha,302p. ISBN-10: 4582854982 ISBN-13: 978-4582854985 840yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] ※
■Contents(Excerpt from "BOOK" Data Base)
Although the noble philosophy of Levi-Strauss rejects easy and graphic understanding, this book enthusiastically approaches the core of the philosopher's work by focusing on his unique "attitudes towards the world," which leads to his "view of structuralism" at the base. Throughout his life of over 100 years, against what had he been fighting? This book discusses the morality of living and the alternative abundance for the modern world.
■Table of Contents (From Bibliography of Heibonsha)
Introduction ―― Attitudes Towards Differences
Introductory Chapter A Long and Abundant Life
A Researcher who Became 100 Years Old/Sustained Speed and Concentration/Questions
beyond Fields/Living Abundantly in Paradoxes/Paradoxes of Structures and Histories/
Ages and a Life/"I have never been bored"/The Structure of this Book
Chapter 1. Levi-Strauss as a Student Activist ―― Pursuing Morality of Socialism
1 Executive Officer of "Student Socialist Group"
Portrait at the Age of 18 Years Old/From Gracchus Babeuf and Communism to Socialist
Student/1927 - 1930 ―― Debut of a Student Activist/1931 (1) ―― Visions of Socialism
2 Going Outside of Western Europe
1931 (2) ―― Aden Arabia/ 1932 (1) ―― Military Obligation and "Constructive
Revolution"/1932 (2) ―― Psychoanalysis and Politics/1933 ―― The Descent of
Chapter 2. The Birth of Critical Anthropology ―― The Period of Practice
1 To Brazil
Trans Atlantic Nomad/Stance to Politics/The Age of International Civil Conflicts/Brazil ――
To Unknown World/Primordial Human Being/Caricature of Civilized World/Intimacy with
Wild Nature
2 In New York
Exploring The Elementary Structures of Kinship/Transition from Nature to Culture by "The
Elementary Structures of Kinship"/Rules and Freedom of Exchanges/Outlines of The
Elementary Structures of Kinship/Deployment from The Elementary Structures of Kinship
Chapter 3. Towards the Savage Mind ―― The Period of Exploring
1 Running to Mythology Study
Structures and Fantasy/Family Systems, Linguistic Systems and Mythology Systems/
Criticism to Linguistic Relativitism/The Second Revelation of Phonology and Myth Structures/
Mythology and Conditions for Living/Cultures as Systems of Structured Sensitivity
2 UNESCO and the Savage Mind
Levi-Strauss who Is the Director-General of UNESCO/Race and History/Problems of
'Cultural Discontinuity'/Main Theme of Life Diversity/The Savage Mind 1 ―― Living in Wild
Nature/The Savage Mind 2 ―― Societies in the Nature and Histories/From a Medium of
Species Manipulation to the Other Creatures
Chapter 4. Conception on Alternative Abundance ―― Forest of Mythology
1 Reconnaissance of New World of Mythology
Route Map for Exploration/Transition from Nature to Culture by Mythology/Journey for
Mythology Study/Transformation Networks/The Raw and the Cooked and From Honey to
Ashes/The Origin of Table Manners/The Naked Man and The Jealous Potter
2 Impossibilities of Being Twins
500 Years of 'Discovery'/The Story of Lynx/Lynx and Coyote/Divarications and Networks/
Resonance of North and South America ―― Brothers as Twins/Impossible Twins
Epilogue ―― Nature, History, Art
Brief Biographical Note of Levi-Strauss
Literary Work and Dissertation List of Levi-Strauss
List of References
UP: May 25, 2010 REV:May 27, 2010/July 9, 2015
Translated by TAMURA Noriko
Proofread by KATAOKA Minoru