Eyes of Western Europe
(Body, History and Anthropology II)

WATANABE Kozo July 14, 2009 Gensosha,454p.


『Eyes of Western Europe 』

WATANABE Kozo July 14, 2009 Eyes of Western Europe (Body, History and Anthropology II),Gensosha,454p. ISBN-10: 4862090303 ISBN-13: 978-4862090300 3,360 yen [amazon][kinokuniya]


Las Casas condemned the conqueror, Columbus and had been fighting using confessions as a weapon. In the American Revolution, people competed for free deprivations of native Americans’lands. The leader of the independence of Congo, Lumumba, was killed by ex-colonists. Although anthropology has been developed through eyes of Western Europe, how does the Western Europe objectify themselves? How can anthropology obtain imagination focusing on the 'present time' of human existence? This book reviews the history of anthropology and focuses on anthropology of 'the modern world.'

■Table of Contents

0. Anthropology of Marcel Mauss ―― Refound Father
1. Nationalism, Multinational and Multiculturalism ―― Historical Contexts of Multiculturalism
2. From the Collapse of Zaire to Democratic Republic of the Congo ―― Had the "Nation-state building" been pursued?
3. Patrice Lumumba ―― Birth and Disappearance of a 'Evolué'
4. Dismantlement of Ordeal ―― A Viewpoint of Historical Anthropology on Witchcraft Phenomenon in Africa
5. Issues of Historical Anthropology ―― Between Historia and Annales
6. Structure and History ―― Did Sahlins' history go beyond structure?
7. Questions on Ambiguous Western Europe and 'Modern age' ―― In the Margin of Louis Dumont’s Essays on Individualism
8. France as Civil Societies in 19th Century and Development of Anthropology ―― Republicanism and the Race
9. A Note to Inverse Perspective on Individuals ―― A. Berthillon and the Anthropology in "La fin du siècle"
10. Verifying Origins of American Anthropology ―― A Memo to Morgan and Native Americans’ 'Land Problems'
11. Ancient Literature and Anthropology ―― From Texts to Fields
12. Introduction of Didier Anzieu ―― Interpretation of Skins - Ego
13. Incest Taboos Between Fantasy and Reality ―― From Freud to Levi-Strauss
14. Marcel Mauss’ Reality and Surreality ―― Several Fragments of Anthropology Towards Surreality

UP: July 27, 2010 REV: August 11, 2010 / July 7, 2015
Translated by TAMURA Noriko
Proofread by KATAOKA Minoru
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