Qualitative Study Starting from TEM:
Time and Process

SATO Tatsuya (Ed.) March 30, 2009 Seishin Shobo,222p.
Japanese Page

『Qualitative Study Starting from TEM: Time and Process』
SATO Tatsuya (Ed.) March 30, 2009 Qualitative Study Starting from TEM: Time and Process,Seishin Shobo,222p. ISBN-10:441430170X ISBN-13:978-4414301700 3,150yen [amazon][kinokuniya]

■Contents (From “MARC” Data Base)

Explanation of this Book
Research starting from TEM presents a new methodology of qualitative studies aiming at documenting individuals’lives within time. Its research is conducted based on data from fieldworks and/or interviews, instead of collecting massive data or figuring out its average. This methodology perceives human beings and the environment as a sort of a system and is the one for dealing with diversity or complexity of human beings which can be used for various matters that draw attention.
■Table of Contents

UP: August 26, 2010 REV:August 27, 2010
Translation by TAMURA Noriko
Proofread by KATAOKA Minoru
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