Beyond National Egoism

Nomura, Shohei 20080503 Mamizu-Shuppan; First edition ,197p.

last update:20191129


■Nomura, Shohei 20080503 Beyond National Egoism,Mamizu-Shuppan; First edition,197p. ISBN-10:4822808645 ISBN-13:978-4822808648 $20.86 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ s03



Today, we are directly facing many serious problems such as the crises of global scale environmental destruction, poverty and famine in developing countries, and wars and conflicts. Bringing to life the pacifist ideals of the Constitution of Japan, a new collaborative framework striving for the improvement of the global environment and society is presented. This book proposes to establish a national ideal for Japan and other countries of the world to become a non-egoistic nation , or specifically, a Nation for International Peace and the Environment .


T. The Constitutional Debate That Will Determine Japan's Future
Chapter1 Can We Protect the Peace Without Military Force?
Chapter2 Arguments for and against Constitutional Revision

U. Know the Present State of the Global Environment and Human Socity
Chapter1 Know the Present State of the Environmental Problems
Chapter2 Population, Food Supply, Water, Energy, and Nuclear Power Ploblems
Chapter3 Considering Conflicts and Wars of the 21st Century

V. How Can We Overcome This Crisisis?
Chapter1 What Is the Fundamental Cause of the Crisis Situation?
Chapter2 Considering the Future of This Nation
Chapter3 Overcoming National Egoism

Proposal for the Japanese People――Everyone, Let Us Raise an Ideal for the Nation
――Now, What Should I Do?
Proposal――For the People All Over the World
About the Author




*作成:今井 浩登
UP:20191129 REV:
国家/国境 身体×世界:関連書籍  ◇BOOK
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